This has reached a level of sickness and unintentional pathos I honestly didn't think was possible. It has also caused me to reevaluate both specific people in my life and human beings generally. You bet Covid was a game changer.

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William, I think I'm in the same place. It's getting really difficult to put one foot in front of the other. I need to know people in real life who have integrity. I feel so alone these days.

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We are here bro. Just have to find a friend group that sees what we all see here. Super important. You start to feel real crazy if you don’t have support

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And we're a lot closer than you'd think. I couldn't believe how many people I have met from my (not so big) city.

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I'm in the Hamptons, NY. I am quite alone in my views but starting to see minds change. and my loved ones always loved me, while disagreeing with me

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Plus you have that adorable kitty that totally needs pets and treats!

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And she always agrees with me

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I’m so glad to have the companionship of our two cats over the past two years. They are happy with the simple things. Always a good reminder.

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you're very observant. 💕

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Asheville, anyone??? I feel like I live in the Twilight Zone.

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I'm only an hour away in Sylva with my like-minded cat, personally.

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Very cool! I'm kind of dumb with internet stuff. Is there a way for us to connect personally without putting personally-identifying info here?

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Medical Freedom, Health Choice Alliance

You'll find your local group if you get involved with the awful bills that pharma tries to pass every year in the state leg

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Thank you, April! I did an internet search but don't see anything. I don't do social media for about 8 million reasons. Is there another method you'd recommend for finding something like that?

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I'm not too far away--another NC'er here.

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Oohh Asheville would be a tough one! Blowing Rock likely no better.

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well, how many gato-fans in the south of Spain? Or anywhere in Spain for that matter?

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But how do you find them? It would be nice to have this kind of community, in person.

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I've just kept my eye out and noticed when people mentioned it. It wasn't even a coordinated effort, although perhaps something like that would be awesome. gato meetup support groups :D

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We can be “gato litter mates”!

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Evanston, Illinois (a blue, blue town with what seems like 99.9% vaxxed!)... anyone in the area to be here for each other?

I'm alone and isolated and shipwrecked amid irreparably broken friendships. Even when the great awakening happens, it also feels to me like the breaks will be impossible to mend.

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remember that there may be a fake great reopening. Remember the ones who proved they don't have your back and beware. I'm sorry but that's the way it is.

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Boots: Yeah, it makes me nauseated to think of what I'm gonna do with those who shun me now, once people come to their senses. How charitable will I be? I can't say, because they've hurt me a lot. My own dearest (vaxxd) sister made the charitable effort go on a walk with me around her neighborhood... when we were back at her house, I (unvaxxd) needed to use the bathroom. She looked stunned and a little horrified... then "let me" into their basement to use the toilet down there. I did, 'cause I had to. But I was, and remain, "stunned" myself. And so goddamn sad. That's what I mean by irreparable.

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There's lots of us hoohoo. You and all of us here ARE the majority. It just doesn't feel like it at times. Sometimes the best families are the ones we choose.

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Same. So alone! That’s why I check my substacks obsessively!

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<3 Thank goodness we have it - and the millions of good souls in the world that just might turn this miserable global takeover on it's head.

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When the vaxx pass came in where I live in Canada, I unfriended all of my friends who were in support. It was difficult and most of them were pretty ticked so I really needed to make some new friends. These Substacks have been a lifesaver!

Now that the vaxx pass is set to be lifted on March 1st, I have only heard from one friend trying to reconnect. In some ways, I don’t even want to try to mend those broken relationships as I’ve lost respect for them and they for me. I also wonder how we can move forward when our viewpoints are so far apart. It makes me very sad.

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I feel the same. I’m in BC and no end in sight for the pass (maybe June but they just mandated a shit ton more to get the shot!). Anyway I don’t know how/if I can be friends with certain people ever again. The wounds feel too deep.

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We're here.

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There are good people out there.

That e , it took me a while to find my tribe

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If you are near the route for The Peoples Convoy, consider coming to a marshaling site and even joining the convoy. You’ll meet like minded people of all stripes. It leaves 2/23 from Barstow CA, goes to Kingman AZ then heads to DC. The route and meeting sites will be published on their website.

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That's an idea. Just learned about the California protest this morning. I went to DC a few weeks ago for that one. I don't have the cash to travel that far and pay for lodging in LA, but your ideas may be within reach!

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It's just another world catastrophe - all engineered to do exactly what it's doing - to get through. They happen now and again. Of course, this one is probably the biggest ever.

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Actually, probably not. Around 40,000 years ago (I think) an ice age brought the human population down to around 10,000 (or so they say).

That would be the worst catastrophe for humans.

But, yeah, this is shaping up to be a top 5 event already. We'll see where it goes. (whistles past graveyard.)

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Hmmm, 10,000, eh?

That would be really bad, given gato recently surpassed 20K subscribers.

We need to work on that, as I'm not okay leaving half of our brethren out in the cold.

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The Great Flood reduced the population quite a bit more.

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Well, I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe my social circle is small but I still don't know anyone personally who has died in the past two years. Not from covid. Not from the vax. Not from anything.

Excess mortality for 2021 was about 15.4% above normal. I mean, that's bad - frankly a crime - but it's not an extinction level event. Are we ever gonna get a doubling (100% above normal)? A tripling (200% above normal)? We'd have to see drastic increases like that for this to get really bad.


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This is an excellent analysis by Denis Rancourt of the all cause mortality up to the rollout of the vaccines: https://www.corbettreport.com/mortality/

So proof of concept that isolation, negligent treatment, and terror tactics cause social animals to die? Also now other ways to kill? I don't think these events were by accident and I don't think someone tries these tactics without a goal of implementing them on a larger scale at some point.

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I know many people who have died, all from the vax IMHO. Haven't seen any good evidence that it wasn't the vax. I only know one who was already terminal who supposedly didn't have the vax, but I think he probably got it in one of the hospital stays, without him even being conscious of it.

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Totally depends on whether the 'conspiracy theorists' are correct I guess, ie that there actually is an intentional/unintentional depopulation happening via these v's. Many doctors now speaking up about the massive increase in diseases and conditions since the v program. Time will tell.

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I feel isolated too. I'm in a blue Karen community and I feel like I'm suffocating. Can't talk to people here about any of this. Thank God for online contacts like this one.

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Although, în my country, Romania, things are better than in the US, I feel many times that I am alone, cause there are nt too many people that I can openly talk about my feelings and I feel misunderstood and frustrated. Hard times we are living....let s hope our children are going to be ok.

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Just yesterday I had a phone call from my kiddo's friend's mom. She mentioned something about how autoimmunity is on the rise...what with long-covid, and I let slip something about how many of my patients developed autoimmunity after the 2nd or 3rd covid injections. It was like I'd knocked the wind out of her. My poor kid can't keep friends because I'm such a freak.

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You are not a freak, or at least, you are not the only one😄 hope I put a smile on your face 🤗

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I get you. If I didn't consciously 'plug into' the daily dose of cattitude and/or the many others that show the 'good humanity', as well as my small group of family and friends who 'see the light', I could barely go on. (Only real reason if for my kid's sake.)

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Remember we all feel this way together.

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You are not alone. There are many of us who think the same.

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Find your local Stand in the Park and find those people, start building connections.


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Graham, I love this!!! There is one about an hour away, but I think I'll start one here! I may not be the best person since I don't do social media, but I'll see if I can get someone else to start passing it around.

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Register your new Stand so that others can find it. You can put up posters / stickers saying something like "if you have questions and no one to talk to about them then find others like you at your local Stand in the Park", perhaps with a link to the website. Avoid specific issues in your "advertising" as everyone will have their own reasons for coming along - be open minded.

Avoid naming your own Stand on your posters to avoid being called an "organiser". Let people find you.

Remember that Stands are not protests and don't leaflet people not at the Stand. Just be visible to others who might want to join you or might listen in to the conversations. Be welcoming to new people passing by.

Don't be disheartened - it can take a while to get a Stand going - ours has been going for well over a year now and we've made some great new friends from all backgrounds and parts of the world who we see regularly outside of the Stand and we support each other.

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Love every bit of this

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I'm so thankful that we live in a Red state -- gives a sense of freedom.

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Hope.org my church.

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jaja, good luck with that one.

"I need to know people in real life who have integrity"

And you said it like you meant it too.

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Very few doctor friends left. If they are willing to discuss vaccine issues at all, it's only to propagate "just so stories": "Not possible that the CDC would not recognize a safety signal." "The vaccine was never meant to prevent Covid infection or spread, it just keeps you from getting really sick." "It has always been common for athletes to die on the field, we just never noticed it before". "Ivermectin and HDQ are not approved because the evidence is weak." "Studies show that myocarditis is much more common with Covid infection than with the vaccine." .....And the sign over the camp entrance says "'Arbeit macht frei' because the Jews are only in those camps to do work to help the war effort." Oh wait, excuse me, that was another time and place.

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I left my Primary care doctor when he asked me if I was vaxxed and I said NO! He went nuts and told me I was gonna die and be in the hospital on a vent. I asked him what his Covid protocol was and he said there was none...monoclonals and that's it...no medicines. I told him lots of docs don't see it that way and he got apoplectic.

End of that doc!

Good I found out!

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TommyV. Imagine the response I got from "specialists" who told me my advice would kill people (zero deaths to date) but were NEVER EVER willing to debate the evidence. My professional society actually put out a Continuing Medical Education program on mis- and disinformation. To get "credit" you had to be willing to report colleagues spreading misinformation and to acknowledge that you could lose your license and board certification for the crime of telling the truth. You could have replaced "spreading misinformation" with "spreading running dog lies about the Chinese Communist Party" without missing a beat. Sick. When the tribunal comes as I pray it will, we will need a list of doctors who refused to consent. That's where you can find your new doctor.

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"To get "credit" you had to be willing to report colleagues..." That's chilling.

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What’s so backward is , yes, we are going to and have seen high risk people die of covid. And guess what, we’ve had it shoved in our faces (like the high profile female lawyer in California, I can’t remember her name). They shout: oh another unvaxxed dead. More in the ICU. But when we point out the 6 year old (see Steve Kirsch today), Myocarditis after vaccine, in hospital, they say “oh it’s rare”, or Maddie de Garay, now 13, paralyzed and the warning ad that I think Steve also paid to produce was not allowed to air. The VAERS data unchallengeable, challenged by Fauci and Walensky with their stereo condescending laughs in Congress. I’ve been ridiculed on Twitter for VAERS data personally .

Ya know, we need to remind one another: THIS. WAS. NEVER. ABOUT. A. VIRUS.

It’s evil. It’s gaslighting.

It only gets combatted through Jesus.

We cannot fight evil on our own.

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Spot on. The reference you make about Fauci and "Dooooom" Walensky in congress, was that when they flat out lied and said that people who get vaccinated and a few minutes later get hit by a truck are included in VAERS? Such filthy liars.

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Lately I'm thinking we've gone back further in history than Hitler or Stalin or Mao. It seems more and more like belief and heresy, that this is a medical (faux) religion and heretics will be punished and informed on and will lose all, essentially be sent into internal exile. Except that the death and destruction is like Nazi Germany as no one is sent for re-education to starve or to the gulag, just to their death or disability through hospital therapeutic nihilism and the dangers of the "safe and effective" vaccines. It is hard not to think "drop it now" let's just give it to the dolphins and bonobos. Though the cognitive scientists say humans are promiscuous teleologists, meaning we will hyperactively try to find purpose in things, maybe the cosmos is teleological, and, hard as this knowledge is to carry for all of us,when so many seem like converts, maybe something teleological is actually afoot. It helps me to listen to Neil Oliver on GBS news and follow the FLCCC and to invite my right brain to comprehend the world for me by listening to lots of music. Or maybe we depopulate by inviting all the zombies and facultative sociopaths and greedy spineless sadists onto a flight to an asteroid, crash the ship and let them fight it out and hunt and eat each other. I am ambivalent. LOL.

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Maybe they will All Spontaneously Combust, hopefully, maybe. I still pray for them though.

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CME's to be a Tattle Tail. Nefarious Malfeceance and Nihilism, in my opinion.

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It is amazing how groupthink is being imposed from the top down through professional organizations. So much so that I suspect the people running this operation have spent a lot of time planning this.

Yesterday we were Zooming with our teacher for parent/teacher conferences, and we were complaining about the forced masking of our children, and the fact we haven't been in their school for two years, and that our child's field trip was cancelled so they can do a remote "field trip" to a zoo instead, etc., the teacher literally looked over her shoulder and told us she was not really free to express her opinion but that she shared our viewpoint but asked that we keep that private. You could see the pressure she felt to even express an opinion, even when that opinion is that the children are being severely harmed.

Another example, in my former nonprofit I and others like me were ostracized, privileges needlessly taken away, and eventually purged for having dissident views on Covid. Covid policy was not our mission yet that somehow became more important than our mission.

Another example, a professional organization (whose name escapes me at the moment), had proposed in Winter of 2020 to change the ways deaths were reported so Covid deaths would be over reported. It sailed through the government and became law. How did that happen so quickly?

Or look at how the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended investigational gene therapy transfections that don't stop transmission and for a disease which kids are in little danger from. Say what?

There has been a lot of attention paid to changing professional and corporate culture to support the Covid narrative.

This is the same model the Rockefeller Foundation used to control medicine almost 100 years ago. They explicitly planned on controlling medical boards and professional associations.

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I feel both sorry and grateful for the brave doctors that stood up and told the truth and tried to save every life they could.....these are my heroes...you are my heroes...took true balls to do that in the face of all the opposition and pressure to "go along to get along". Yet the oath to do no harm was their/your priority.

I'm 74 years old and I'm very careful on who I entrust my health to. I'm disappointed I trusted this particular physician for so manny years...my fault entirely. I listen to Drs Ryan Cole, Richard Urso and Peter McCollough I'm amazed at how much they sacrificed to do what's right. Thank God for these honorable and brave men...you included!

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I call these beautiful doctors "OUR HIPPOCRATIC OATH HERO'S". My list for NOBEL PEACE PRIZES keeps growing. That's a Very Good Sign.

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I ditched my national association for censoring debate on Covid treatment. Saved over $800/year. You aren’t alone, I’m an APRN, but will not bow to this, my loyalty is to patients, not professional associations. 😘 🍑

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Totally inhumane and uncivilised.

Perhaps Bonhoeffer had it figured out.


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I would like to be on that list. Not a doc or RN but I came real close to completing. Will finish RN if my state Senate SD approves exemptions for medical, religious, or natural immunity in up coming vote. Ivermectin prescribing also on the SD bill. Proponent for bill on the Senate. House already passed it by a lot of votes and against my states medical organizations recommendations. I think KS has something similar going on to. AG of NB wrote opinion piece 4 months ago to allow dr's to prescribe it but I think an opinion piece is just pussyfooting to stay in office.

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Brain washed, they are.

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I'm a nurse practitioner. Lost my job because I wouldn't disclose my vaccine status and now I'm self-employed. Remember how informed consent and health privacy used to be things? Science was a thing too. Turns out only extreme weirdos actually care about or believe in anything other than covering their own asses.

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You are my kind of NP. I have not been fired as I am at end of my career, work part time and my patients love me. My boss has same views as I do but doesn't express them and leaves me alone. I have many "refuseniks" in our Urgent Care practice - they are so happy to have a doc who supports them. We are currently strangers in a strange land but we will have our day. Courage.

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Thank you for standing up for your patients and doing your professional duty.

Regarding ethics. I watched a speech by Dr. Christine Grady to a group of nurses (maybe an annual association meeting) around 2017 (that I can't find now), and she was explicitly arguing for a change in our concept of ethics from an individual rights perspective, to one focusing on "communitarian" principles. So instead of informed consent she suggested we may have to sometimes coerce people to take a treatment against their will for the greater good.

This change of ethics has been seeping down from above. I recently had a run-in with our school nurse, who lives by me. My kids were at her house and saw her wearing a t-shirt that said "No Shot, No School." I told her this was terrible messaging and that I was upset my children saw this. It's shaming and punitive. She said she received the shirt from a professional organization or public health dept., or something like that, during the meningitis vaccine campaign after it was put on the childhood schedule a few years ago. She said she knew it was a divisive message in the Covid era and that's why she only wore it at home. I said I thought that was a terrible public health message by our local public health official (the school nurse), even if it was mandatory, because it used shame and punitive messaging. Didn't public health officials used to use positive messaging for campaigns like this?

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When people who value autonomy are excluded from schooling and professional classes, is it any wonder that almost everyone in the elite or aspirational classes is morally LAZY? Our society has been groomed for decades to accept mysterious injections and other seemingly arbitrary dictates, and we are ripe for a technocratic authoritarian taking.

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My school districts nurses have singled me out for speaking truth to power. I do not know if they know my name, but they know my voice when I ananymously call them and remind them of Liability. I have been told I will only be allowed to talk to the head school nurse. I have not called them back. I was calling about once a week for about a month around Christmas time. I also called the Dept of Health and gave the covid hotline factual info. I also talked to two college soc and psy profs. The soc prof called the popo on me. The popo were cool though and said they would take a look at Dr David Martins crimanl allegations documents. I didnt have a team or group so I did not submit, yet.

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I will not disclose either and I am telling everyone else not to as well. ICD codes you know.

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Yep. :/ Brainwashed soooooo strongly that their confirmation bias has to be upheld no matter the facts.

I think the Bonhoeffer Theory explains a lot.


“Against stupidity we have no defense. Neither protests nor force can touch it. Reasoning is of no use. Facts that contradict personal prejudices can simply be disbelieved — indeed, the fool can counter by criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be pushed aside as trivial exceptions. So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely self-satisfied. In fact, they can easily become dangerous, as it does not take much to make them aggressive. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Thank you.

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Thanks for the warning of the dangers that fools are to us.

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They are. A woman started up a conversation with me in a grocery store about covid. I told her everything will be okay. That she would be okay.

Her response was to come at me and follow me around the store screaming at me calling me Stupid.

I was stupid, for trying to reassure her, for feeling sorry for her.

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I listened to my heart and did not go to med school 4 years ago. I was a final semester RN 4.0 gpa until Dec 2021 and now I must start over, again. I hope to become a well paid Medicinal Practioner, A Caretaker for Mother Earth, or just a Happily Getting By Gardener.

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Jane, finish your RN. It's the best path forward. Very flexible and in justifiable demand. Many of my preceptor students got their RN, some NPs. All good. There are already too many bad doctors. No one wants to do primary care and the specialists are well...greedy and unpleasant human beings in too many cases.

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I will if I can get out of injections until I get the piece of paper ; ). In addition I wanted to share that I've actually already been administering meds for 20 years, IV port, end of life, you name it. Yet No license. My terminally ill child 8 years and Adults with Special Needs 5 years and nursing school. I'm really good at it and I don't make mistakes but if I did I would admit it and try to fix it. Additionally, I love learning pharm and biochem mech of action. Also naturopathy, my favorite.

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Jayne, I actually would NOT recommend you finish it. So many doctors and NPs are giving up their licenses now to instead practice as "health coaches". I have been considering doing this myself for the past 2 years. As a medical professional I can only practice in the states where I am licensed. As a health coach I could work with patients all over the world if I wanted, and there are also multiple big financial advantages to health coaching instead. Unlicensed, though, you don't have to take all their stinking injections all the time to prove the purity of your anti-nature bias. Unlicensed you don't have any professional board's boot on your throat threatening you if you don't practice according to the "standard of care". Look at all these hubristic health care professionals denying treatment to high-risk people with covid, and injecting people at no risk from covid with bizarre experimental medication every few months. You don't want to put yourself under the conditions that lead people to become like that.

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My thinking Exactly. I'm a naturopath, empath, herbalist, and master gardener already. Oh yeah, professional science and medical student, 32 years, lol! yeep 32. Thinkg about MS functional Medicine.

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Whatever you do, I can tell you'll rock it (probably already are)

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Oh thank you very much. God bless.

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They all have very clean minds- that is, totally brainwashed. Our son asked this afternoon if I would go back - "No, not now."

One of my former colleagues has a medical student this month. I am going to try to convince him to quiz her on Dr. Jessica Rose's description of Covid Immunology, which is a gem. I don't think we even knew about TLR's in our course in 1977. On her Substack from Dec.16, 2021.

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Dear Real ER Doc, I want your opinion on what you think is going to happen if or when medical personal wake up? Most are jabbed at this point. If AE's start occuring within this population, as well as within the general population, what do you honestly think is going to happen with the medical personal? Will their concious or subconious be able to draw conclusions or will cognative dissonance and denial rule them to the end?

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I believe regrettably that denial is stronger than truth. Doctors are no wiser than anyone else and subject to the same psychological traps (Richard Feynman said

“Never confuse education with intelligence, you can have a PhD and still be an idiot.”). I believe it is possible to rationalize almost anything. The only one I would trust to explain why this is so is Jordan Peterson. Most people with a lot to lose by demanding rigorous truth have sold out. If there are heroes among today's medical people, they are the nurses.

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Thank you. I agree. My thinking as well. I will look up Jordan Peterson also.

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What do they say about the CDC not recognizing natural immunity? I mean, that is after all like pilots not recognizing altitude. And if they won't recognize that, might they not also not recognize a safety signal?

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Whom do you think would "recognize" natural immunity at CDC and do anything about it? Most people there are shall we say comfortable - I know many. They are overpaid and the work is not demanding. Much of "the work" is going to meetings and conferences and for sure writing the next grant proposal to keep the gravy train on track. Even if you understood immunity, would you ask Rochelle, "Why are you deceiving the public?" I can tell you that some or many there are uncomfortable with what is in VAERs but the reasoning is something like this: Well if Dr. Su who is responsible for monitoring vaccine safety isn't saying anything, why should I? I have a great income and perks. Should I just throw all that away? Hey it's not my job. Don't make waves, get along, go along. That my friend is how evil maintains itself.

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Yeah, I get it. I just wonder how they can look at the way the CDC ignores the cornerstone, the historic gold standard of immunity and still maintain the blind faith in them.

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There are others like you! America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr Paul Thomas, My former OB in Miami had a handle on reality

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It's been a wake up call for sure. I never really understood how some of the atrocities of history occurred. How they were allowed to happen. Now I know.

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To Hornit and hoohoo, I feel precisely the same way. I tell my adult daughter who understands it completely, I cannot believe this is happening in my lifetime. It must be the Mass Formation psychosis (an idea I would have laughed at in the past). If you want an OMG moment, just read the Nuremberg code on human experimentation. There is no other word for what they have done to us except murder.

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You are correct. "The Manufactoring of a Mass Psychosis, Can Sanity Return to an Insane World" Academy of Ideas channel you tube ~ https://youtu.be/fdzW-S8MwbI . I can't belive It's still up. I've been sharing it for months. Dr Mattais Desmitt Psch PhD on Dr Chris Martinson's Peak Prosperity channel you tube ~ https://youtu.be/CRo-ieBEw-8 . also has this explaination of how it was done to the sheeples.

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It's so painful just WATCHING it happen. I need to do something!!! Why don't I live in Canada?!?

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It's actually worse in Canada. In the USA you have safety zones, maybe Texas, Florida, or Idaho. We have Karens and Justin, plus Chrystia Freeland, who looks to be twice as smart and four times as dangerous as AOC and Gretchen Whitmer combined, WEF graduate and acolyte. Our people have voted Justin 3 times, I don't think Mr. Biden could match that stupidity. On the other hand, NDP and CPC were noticeably useless as well.

We have 60 years of "Medicare", which if you think about it is good training for surrendering autonomy and personal responsibility to the "benevolent" and "caring" government.

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I feel some of that helplessness. It sucks. But Canada is actually worse. I'd actually like to be up there supporting the truckers but they won't let me in.

I try to follow the wisdom of knowing the difference between the things I can and can't change. I can't change the madness. I can change how my family and I live and operate in the world that is consumed by it, though. Adapt to this new reality. That's what I'm trying to focus on.

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You could walk across many places, or pretend you are Haitian.

Parlez-vous Francais?

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You said it...I feel the same way...I never realized the extent of evil that existed or how stupid and power hungry people are.....hardly any people left for me to like or .love.

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100% this.

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I hear you William. Stay Strong. Some of us have to be around to relentlessly express the truth and a lifestyle that's based upon it. So many challenges. But hang I there. Survive. Get to the next thing, whatever it is. Good Luck...

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I agree William, seeing what people are capable of, I really have decided I have no use for the human beast, generally speaking. Our species is the most vile on the planet.

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"CAN BE" the most vile, I believe most of us are not

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glad you still have faith Kevin, good for you. as for me, I will stick to my observation. "IS" all the way.

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Careful you don't become that which you hate. Our species is the only one capable of great good and great evil on the planet and we're the only species capable of knowing the difference.

Most people are generally good. Most people are not evil. But all people and species become dangerous and tend to behave irrationally when they're afraid.

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I must disagree that ours is the only species capable of great good. Horses for the handicapped, search and rescue dogs, emotional support animals of all kinds and yes, they all know the difference they are making and are just as sentient as we are.

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Horses for the handicapped must be first broken then trained by humans to do great good. Rescue dogs similarly must be trained to do great good. Support animals, the same.

Sorry, if you are assigning cognitive and emotional human qualities to horses and dogs and placing a higher value on them than human life, you are as crazy as....probably crazier than...the Branch Covidians.

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I’ve always been skeptical. Thoughtful but questioning and hard to convince. Most here probably share those qualities which separates us from the sheep. When the lies and contradictions became obvious we checked out and are shocked that others can’t see it. Mass formation psychosis?

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Mass formation psychosis, the madness of crowds, whatever you want to call it. The U.S. at one time was an outlier, but no longer. When the entire world has been "educated" by the state for a century or more to be little more than compliant tax livestock, taught what to think instead of how to think, a mass psychosis phenomenon becomes easily achievable.

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Yeah it's sick. In Canberra Aus recently they did a vaccine clinic and framed the event as for 'little superheroes' where the kids dress up:


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Your express my feelings to a T.

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Do they also have guinea pigs?

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No but I thought I saw a Fauci beagle in the back.

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Well, sign me up then! I've refused the vaccine until now, but if I get to cuddle an animal can I get 6?

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And rats too?

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Good one 😂. Unfortunately also true.

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This actually makes me very very sad.

Kind of like Temple Grandin designing a more calming entryway into the slaughterhouse.

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Eerie and extremely poignant.

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That was my feeling. Or petting your dear pet while you have it put down.

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Ewe'd have to be blind to not see a correlation...

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Oh tosh! That's a shear coincidence.

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Be a lamb and bring in the ewe so we can ram in the vax.

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Sheep get a bad rap. They at least follow a competent leader. Those parents on the other hand...

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Sheep don't vote for the sheepdogs

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Herding sheep is easy when you realize you just have to herd the ram and the rest will follow him.

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Reminds me of that story of the rat catcher of Hameln

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I would insist the vaccinators dressed like wolves

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No- Wolves fiercely protect their cubs... these people are sacrificing them.

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I thought the same thing when Oregon set up vaccination clinics in sheep and cow barns.

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How hygeinic

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No way! Really?! --- That's kinda disgusting. 💩

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Yep! It was in one of the OHA newsletters. Another example of reality outdoing satire.

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My mouth is hanging open. --- That's kinda bizarre.

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I didn't doubt it, I swear! I pictured people in lines with the animals in their stalls. I didn't expect people in their cars. My mouth is now closed. No more shock. Thank-you!

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The rainbow in the picture in Oregon. (In the article Margaret Anna Alice posted)

To those lined up in their cars getting jabbed? : the rainbow is leading you AWAY from the barn, not into it. Run for the hills.

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Haha, I wanted to confirm the details since I was going by memory, and the headline did not disappoint.

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Good lord. The stupidity. I wonder if there is an entire covid committee devoted to figuring out how far humans will go to debase themselves?

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Yeah we call them Satan worshippers

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Yeah I do know they get a kick out of it.

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The sheep must be grateful that they’re not the ones being forced into an experiment.

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Sadly animals are getting vaccinated for Covid.


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I'm so upset. Those sheep are UNMASKED!!!1!

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Where's "The Good Citizen" when we need him? (Another substacker.)

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Seems sanitary

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Remember this is all about public health

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Loling. 😂

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It goes beyond me that parents do this to their children. I don't even do that to my animals. I hope they did not jab the poor sheep !

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Or decide to "cull" them because they get covid....

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No that is what they are doing to that innocent sitting near the lamb.

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Demons love to mock people.

Premeditated Genocide by the Medical Drug Cartel


Scientists: It is Imperative That Worldwide Administration Of The mRNA Vaccinations Be Stopped Immediately

Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations


Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk


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"Demons love to mock people." --- Yes, they do.

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I just finished watching the FLCCC Weekly Zoom webinar and listening to Pierre Kory and Flavio C (Brazilian endocrinologist) talk about the collusion between medical journals and big pharma, their own rejected or retracted papers (Flavio's results were just too good to be accepted by the NEJM), the smears to destroy their reputations and research and the fabricated pharma trials that get published and sent out to all the physicians on the planet. I am done with anything the pharmaceutical industry wants me to put in my body. They are not trustworthy and never have been. See also "The Real Anthony Fauci" by RFK Jr. I will look instead for natural or nutraceutical solutions.

Dr. Zev Zelenko commented in an interview with JD Rucker this week that Covid is a disease that was never intended to be treated. Its purpose was to create so much fear and panic that people would run to get the jabs. Or as Dr. Peter McCullough says: all roads lead to the "vaccine." It's been a very effective psyop.

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Zelenko is also a strong proponent of the created-in-Wuhan-lab-as-intentional-bioweapon line of thought and follows that with the idea that Ivermectin was identified as an effective prophylaxis and intentionally denied to the proles; he specifically claims to have been informed that top Google executives are all regular Ivermectin users.

A brave man (and one currently battling serious cancer, by the way) - but I will stick for now to the all-a-PsyOp-from-the-start line of thought (just where did all those influenza cases go?)

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I thought he talked in the interview that it was HCQ that was IDed in a paper by Baric, of all people. I'd have to go back and re-listen. Zelenko is on my heroes list.

I believe there is a legitimate viral dynamic where the dominant virus suppresses or eliminates others which are less virulent. I'd like to read more about that.

JD Rucker did an earlier interview with Dr. Li-Meng Yan talking about the CCP's bioweapons program and what might be next. It's at his America First Substack.

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Utterly agree with the last paragraph! They also know who the difficult ones are.

Dr. Peter McCullough and a statistician (I think) wrote a paper on myocarditis in children who have been vaccinated. It was published in a well regarded journal then pulled from pressure from pharma. Pfizer was getting ready to roll out mass vax for kids. Couldn't let the grim facts get in the way of $

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"like lambs to the slaughter" is the motto i see here.

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The hottest recesses in hell are reserved for these monsters. And deservedly so too.

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The sheep are stand-ins for the parents. Oh wait...

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Comment of the day.

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First: No they're not good at recognizing allegories. Second: That little lamb is adorable! 🤗

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This makes me so damn angry! Child abuse.

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From fear of death man sows death, as a result of feeling a slave, he desires to dominate. Domination is always constrained to kill. The state is always subject to fear and therefor it is constrained to kill. It has no desire to wrestle against death.” Berdyaev, Slavery and Freedom, 251.

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Here's the story of a woman who admits that "Until November 5th [2021], I was a sheep." Sadly it took the tragic death of her vaxxed 34-year-old husband and the accompanying autopsy results to open her eyes.


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Wow. Speechless. For the 999,967th time in 2 years.

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They’re intentionally trolling

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This is Darwinian natural/artificial selection all combined. The smart parents' children will survive and breed, and hopefully the human race will survive and progress beyond these megalomaniac control freaks

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They are going to leave the very people they detest.

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Another sick joke by the Satanists

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baaaaad idea

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Ha, yes: ba-a-a-a-a ba-a-a-a-a sheeple

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Looks to me like all the sheep's names, except for Lashes, would be effective herbally in treating covid. Maybe Lashes is what you'd get if ypu don't take the shot.

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Or the contempt these people have for us is immeasurable...

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They are mocking us.

They hate us and laugh whilst we sacrifice our children.

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Lamb is thinking "please don't slip with that needle and hit my ear."

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So, not the Babylon Bee? At least it was not experimental monkeys.

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...they just "accidentally" release the monkeys...

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Joe Biden: You guys are just now figuring out the cute animal ploy?!

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Indians jabbing Indian kids in the UK. Their kids might be safer actually in India, where Ivermectin was embraced, not banished.

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When people start dropping so commonly the lying media no longer conceal the crime, there'll be justice!

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Sheep to calm the sheeple being leg to slaughter. How metaphorical and heart-breaking.

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When I see this, I imagine Dilbert saying to his pointed-hair boss: "A study shows that sheep have a soothing effect on children during vaccination process, shall we get some for the next round?"

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These people engage in self parody, but they don't have the self-awareness to realize it.

They're probably not even surprised at the degree of mass formation infesting the populace. It has a momentum all its own, so behavioral nudge units can dispense their psyops at any level of stupidity, and it always works like a charm.

It appears that we're on the cusp of an historic moment, the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The leftists' idealistic fantasy of perfect equality is about to be achieved. They just conveniently forgot to tell us a few minor details, such as the secret animal for the new age is the Sheep, as everyone gets dragged down to the least common denominator of consciousness, intelligence, material possessions, and individual liberty. And if for any reason you don't automatically go along with all that, then you'll be culled from the herd.

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This is the NHS that has a waiting list of 9 million sheep, expected to grow to 12 million because it doesn’t have enough staff, beds, money.

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Crimes against humanity worsen. Now it is the children, who were never at risk.

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This reminds me of a very good anecdote. A fench minister saw a herd of sheep and said: what a great electorate!

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So performing a (alleged) medical procedure among sheep is now good practice?

Remember that the next time health&safety-führers bark about it being unsanitary to bring your dog down the pub, or in the store.

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I saw not long ago a bit about how they use trained goats to calm and guide sheep to the slaughter. Sounds oddly similar. They might have said "Judas Goats" or I might have just thought that.

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They're in greater danger of being head butted to death by a lamb than dyeing from Covid.

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The med professionals and bureaucrats can't stop telling us what they think of us, and our children

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Do the kids who end up with vax injuries get to keep a free sheep to feel better about THAT?

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The obvious answer: It's time for another booster!

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Hopefully those kids learned to bleat and follow the herd at the same time as they received their magical Fauci Ouchie.

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Gato, Your pics, they are priceless. Thanks.

By the way, one of the most interesting studies I read a few months ago actually involved sheep, seriously. The study was from years ago, testing the toxicity of vaccine adjuvants, not the vaccines themselves, which were animal vaxes, not human.

The sheep died. Aluminum toxicity buildup.

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No. If more people were not totally rubbish at recognizing big picture patterns that require memory of longer than 1 day or so, this whole thing would long be over.

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Yes, it boggles my mind how myopic so many people remain. I have also been troubled to see that my efforts to teach my own university students to think critically about the political economy of medicine has failed.

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Oh my! That's for real?

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