Thank heaven someone caught them and put a stop to it! Can you imagine if someone had used questionable data to drive key policies and decisions for nearly two years?

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Unfortunately Trump didn't go far enough - he should have cut off the money spigot to Fauci immediately. Fauci and Birx were Trump's ultimate undoing.

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Based upon their lack of credibility I personally think their funding should be reduced substantially. The fact that they have failed to even study natural immunity makes me question anything and everything that they offer up.

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This is all "white noise" to obfuscate from Scott Atlas' new book, which throws serious shade on Birx, Fauci, Redfield & co.

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Is there a “Let’s Go Brandon!” equivalent for the CDC?

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This the height of hypocrisy...those people died because THEY CUT OFF EARLY TREATMENT THERAPEUTICS!!

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"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past."

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CNN ratings are absolutely dying without Trump to ridicule all day every day. They have to invent stories to fan the flames of Trump-hate in their base. I view it more as a deathrattle of a dying network. Also, so pathetic it's laughable.

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Oh my. These people are so unhinged. No one asks the question: if we were the most prepared nation in the world, how is it we have proportionally vastly more deaths than countries with smaller populations? Could it be that those countries, you know, the ones so ill-prepared, haven't been suppressing and lying about early treatment for more than a year, but instead been treating their citizens?

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It's sort of like asking what we got for all that cash that we spent to study BAT-ORIGIN CORONAVIRUSES. We dumped a whole lot of money at the 'problem' and for all our troubles we have an 'expert team' that can't even find one of their asses with all their hands put together.

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We were the most prepared, bullshit. CDC should have had dozens of warehouses of PPE just ready to go, and a world-class data collection apparatus ready for doctors to record the success/failure of treatments they are using. WTF did they do with the $6B/year of OUR MONEY that we gave them for half-a-f***ing century????

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I really wish bad cat good kitty could get onto Joe Rogan and others to gain a broader audience but I am just a pequeno Perro who barks into a void

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The left is scared to death that they will lose the House and Senate in 2022. They see clearly that Trump is eyeing another Presidential run. They have no viable opposition to him. If he were to win he’d have control of both Houses. Every one of their socialist dreams would be blown to smithereens. This is about undermining Trump.

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without early treatment many of those 750,000 died needlessly. why IS there no accountability???

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Molly Jong-Fast is a joke of a human being.

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stupid accusations. Wow. Words mean nothing anymore unless they are to destroy someone.

I got officially thrown off twitter yesterday. That place is a cesspool. I think I mentioned Trump and bleach in an extremely vague fashion that offended the stasi

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too bad nobody is shutting up molly jong fast and her daily moral outrages

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I sent Trump a bunch of messages. I told him he was being played. Birx and Fauci were playing him. I already knew about the bat research, gain of function, aerosol sprayers and crispr technologies. I told him to take them to GITMO

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It's not like the preparedness plans were locked in a secret vault somewhere. The governments could still use them. They chose not to.

Is this perhaps the start of a pivot? Are they seeing enough unraveling and now they figure they can stop digging themselves into deeper holes by blaming lockdowns/masks on Trump? Then they can call for doing what preparedness plans and Great Barrington Declaration called for? Or am I seeing connections that aren't there because I'm desperate for some good news somewhere?

Le sigh. Probably the latter.

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Don't worry Jong-Fast, the hearings and accountability are coming. There's just a little issue, that the global elite will be shown as absolute fools whose panicked reactions are responsible for damage on an incomprehensible scale to the health and livelihood of everyone on earth. The elites know this now, and eventually everyone else will too.

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Last year was an example of them being silent? Yikes

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Blaming Trump Again.....

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Redfield was in front of congress.... why doesn't Molly ask congress?

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It is ultimately dangerous to our survival to be caught up in this political fake news. Trump was responsible for Warp Speed. He is a vaxxer. He is a deep stater. He left office of his own volition for greater plans. It was the greatest double cross in history, with Q for Kushner. The trauma will bring down the entire nation and that's what DS wants.

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Dr. Pierre Kory has stated that the doctors who treated Trump while he was ill with Covid, gave him ivermectin, along with all the other cocktails of drugs he received. Why didn’t he say so publicly? This could have won him the hearts of a lot more Americans had he had the courage to say ivermectin made him get well quickly, like it has all the tens of patients I have helped treat with great success.

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that must have been before faux chi went 100% immitate red china.....

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Someone maybe can find the much touted Obama Pandemic Plan that isn't in his archives even in redacted form. The link gets to 404, not found. The CDC was silenced so well that they alone denied use of commercial virus tests because they knew better. The CDC are only prepared to be political players in the budget game.

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If they were silenced, why didn’t Fauci and Scarf Lady shut up?

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Every time I see her name, I am overwhelmed with grief for the loss of a real hero -- Molly Ivins -- and how some have created themselves in her anti-image on some other plane of the Multiverse.

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Federal officials believe their OPINIONS are science.

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It was never about the health of anyone.

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Who is Ian Bassin and why in the world would ANYONE just accept what he wrote as gospel .... unless one is already infected with TDS and has not yet recovered their senses, I guess.

It has been my long standing rule that I do not buy into someone's conspiracy theory without first validating it, whether it's about Trump or Pelosi or my neighbor down the street (especially my neighbor down the street). That policy has saved me a lot of embarrassment. All y'all might want to consider adopting that policy yourself.

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To a foreigner it is very noticeable how virulent the hatred for Trump is. And how patently nonsensical many of the accusations are. And how common it is for the accusers to be devoted to bad language, outright abuse.

To us, over a period of time, it has become definitive of these people. And we learn they are what you call, what they call themselves: 'democrats'.

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Almost half of those deaths have been under the Biden admin.....sooo.....

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Again, those quoted in gato's article are prime examples of the narcissistic delusions of depraved minds. These narcissists live in an alternate universe of their own creation.

It is because they have no true self (they do, but it ossified when they were children and ceased to mature). Their false "outward self" compels them to join the perceived "morally superior" group so they can regulate their emotions, and achieve "higher status".

They are the same people that clutched their pearls when trump shut down travel from china. They deemed it "racist" so they could join the a "morally superior" group and achieve high status. Now, when the circumstances have changed, they need to join ANOTHER "morally superior" group.

Narcissists specialize in hypocrisy. Their use of social media prevents effective cross-examination so they continue ad nauseum.

Logic and reason, to them, are relative.

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If only we could silence the CDC and NIH and eliminate them, forever. While prosecuting, convicting and sentencing to life at hard labor the corrupt bureaucrats running these parasitic organizations. If only!

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Other things the Orange Man caused;

Nancy Pelosi Visits San Francisco's Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Concerns https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/nancy-pelosi-visits-san-franciscos-chinatown/2240247/

City Officials Urge New Yorkers To Visit Chinatown, Ride Subways, Amid Coronavirus Outbreak https://newyork.cbslocal.com/video/4439388-city-officials-urge-new-yorkers-to-visit-chinatown-amid-coronavirus-outbreak/

De Blasio, NYC Officials Downplayed COVID-19 Threat After Trump Restricted Travel to China. Here Are 5 Examples. https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/03/30/de-blasio-nyc-officials-downplayed-covid-19-threat-after-trump-restricted-travel-to-china-here-are-5-examples/

(Xenophobic) 'My God!' Lyndsey Fifield's thread showing media reaction to Trump barring entry into the U.S. from China on 1/31 is IN-FREAKING-FURIATING


Dr. Fauci, 60 Minutes, Mask Not Effective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRa6t_e7dgI

FLASHBACK: Watch the Media Downplay the Coronavirus https://freebeacon.com/coronavirus/flashback-media-downplayed-coronavirus-called-it-less-serious-than-flu/

NPR: “Mounting Evidence” Suggests COVID Not As Deadly as Thought. Did the Experts Fail Again? https://fee.org/articles/npr-mounting-evidence-suggests-covid-not-as-deadly-as-thought-did-the-experts-fail-again/

Carl Bernstein says Bob Woodward's revelations about Trump are' graver than in Watergate' https://theweek.com/speedreads/936691/carl-bernREPORTING JOBS IN HISTORY' [VIDEO] (Trump/Russia Collusion) https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/24/carl-bernstein-defends-media/

Graver Than, Watergate?


Here's Biden telling people not to panic — on February 28th https://www.independentsentinel.com/heres-joe-telling-people-not-to-panic-on-february-28th/

Washington Post January 2020: POTUS "Hyping" COVID Panic – https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2020/09/09/washington-post-january-2020-potus-hyping-covid-panic-september-2020-potus-downplayed-covid-panic/

September 2020: POTUS "Downplayed" COVID Panic… https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/09/09/washington-post-january-2020-potus-hyping-covid-panic-september-2020-potus-downplayed-covid-panic/

What's mainstream media coverage without a shot at Fox?

How Fox’s Sean Hannity has downplayed the coronavirus pandemic in America "ttps://www.media"atters.org/sean-hannit"/how-fox"-sean"hannity-has-downplay"d-coronavirus-pandemic-america

WOW. Listen to pre lockdown Cuomo (Nominated For An EMMY) how PANIC was a bigger risk than the virus and how people had "irrational fears" that they would face "lockdown" and "mandatory quarantine" and travel restrictions.


Makes one's heart swell with pride in our leadership and their propaganda arm, the MSM.

What's funny is the left's vacillating between "Drumpf" the idiot and "Trump, the Evil Genius?"

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