I was in the ER yesterday. Small city, blue area, USA. There were six of us in an almost empty waiting room. I saw a lot of attendants standing around, ready, but with nothing to do.

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It's the ones like this who you can google to see they appear to be legit MDs. So, you have a large number of US MDs just completely lying on Twitter to pile on support for "the narrative"? They looking no better than "journalists" and media.

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Oh, wow, hombre, it's almost like a centralized messaging campaign run by an AI is sending out identical posts by fabricated authors trying to whip up fear porn based on fabricated and counter factual claims...but, nah, couldn't be that, could it? Meanwhile back at the farm, me y mi abuela were thinking about how ritualized elements of the Inquisition are being added into the Trotskyist ritualized elements of the rebranded Cultural Revolution. Here I am referring to the traveling vac teams to herd the hesitant and the military and fed employee mandates rolled out by Sleepy Joe "no vac mandates" Chenenko. You either accept the sacrament (vac) or you will be cut off from the work that, presumably, sustains your middle class existence.

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I'm curious if all of the pro-mask idiots are aware the new CDC guidance effectively calls for permanent mask wearing? I doubt it, but, at a minimum, the CDC guidance isn't going to change again until next April or May. I'd like to think the realization of that would change some minds, but then I always remember bot twitter accounts that posts lies like above exist to create fear and panic so bureaucrats can exert unlimited control.

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Well double vaxxed are super spreaders now…

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you can find actually "stress"... which is not. tweets of covidian gospel are never reviewed.

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And TWEEETER is okay with this?

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This make the rounds. Not a bot. A real US MD!

"I'm admitting young healthy people to the hospital with very serious COVID infections. One of the last things they do before they're intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I'm sorry, but it's too late. A few days later when I call time of death...."

What is going on here? It looks like MDs are widely supporting a completely false propaganda campaign.


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Who were "lucky" one percenters? Gee Whiz; I'd have posted 100% . Gee Whiz! what's a lousy 1%

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Cool! This is incredibly obvious, clumsy psyops. I'm simply outraged, I tell you, outraged!

Everyone who sees it will believe it (based on my survey of the above posts) and are already calling for a fresh round of Two Minutes' Hate against the unvaccinated.

What do we do about it?



I'll just sit here outraged while my society continues collapsing, reading reports that make me impotently angry by a handful of intelligent critical people before they themselves are silenced or one day make a post about how China is awesome and we should get on that train.

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Do these bots read the ads? Asking for a friend who wonders how they're posting ad revenue profits in such a seemingly small echo chamber. Many of the names do look like the auto-generated screen name I got when I signed up for Reddit.

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Sugma? Ligma? Those aren't Greek letters....

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what makes me think that this is a campaign to dilute the 'ER HORROR'. Those are gamer (fortnite) fake diseases which became memes ...

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ohhhhh interesting.....!

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I really enjoy your stuff Cat (and please keep it coming) but doesn't this look like a deliberate attempt by some of thoses twitter accounts to discredit this doctor by cut-and-pasting him (to make it look like there's a serious echo chamber attempt at c&p-ing him when there isn't)? I followed through to a few of them and they are definitely not COVID obsessives.

That said, the latest Johns Hopkins data - while showing a rise in Florida hospitalisations - isn't showing it as anything like as bad as it was in July/August last year or January this year, so unless his hospital is being weirdly hard hit he's exaggerating anyway.

And of course that doesn't take into account any jiggery pokery with the figures/tests etc

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it's a botnet. it grabs and amplified scare stories to spread a fear narrative.

they do it all the time, this is just one example of 1000's.

it's not about discrediting, it's about defrauding.

they are looking to shape public perception.

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Ovid's Echo and Narcissus metamorphosing humanity into Kafka's bug.

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This does not look legit.

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With all respect, it’s not clear that it’s legit. Just look at a couple of the actual accounts: one is someone selling stuff on Etsy, apparently.

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https://twitter.com/nickmmark/status/1420522984804999170 Plenty look legit, though some don't look it.

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Perhaps. I didn’t look at them all, just one at random - Tay Day (who appears to be an artist from the UK and seems bemused that someone would use her account). But, if the one I pick at random is fake, I’m willing to bet at least a few more are.

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