Mafia are far superior! They govern well in order to increase prosperity and civility, especially in times when the gov't is incompetent or impotent. Most importantly, they crave the respect of their subjects (sometimes through fear, unfortunately). Our leaders have nothing but contempt for their subjects. Turdeau and their ilk want us to suffer!
"Government is a gang, but not merely as meritorious as a private gang because it claims legal legitimacy. It pillages and uses violence but under the cover of law, and seeks legitimacy not through competition but through the myth of the social contract."
You and Ryan are both correct of course, the leaders of the very large institutions are the modern gang leaders. The age of mafia-type gangs being part of the neighborhood are past. (However, the Bikers still make good neighbors. They don't like trouble in their own neighborhood; and they're good friendly folks, as neighbors.)
Most importantly, the entire “two weeks to slow the spread” was based on the sales pitch that hospitals couldn’t cope with the patient load. And the hospital system is in far worse shape now than at the beginning of the pandemic. Lockdowns were based on a lie no matter how you spin it.
Indeed, I worked at 11 Australian Aged Care facilities as a Physiotherapist between 2020-2021. Not one of the hundreds of patients I treated had a diagnosis of COVID (undeniably they had a host of chronic conditions). Yet, Channel 9 and Channel 7 news fallaciously claimed that "COVID is RAMPANTly spreading across Aged care facilities in Australia."
Moreover, I thought it was abjectly cruel to deny them visitors (I.e. family and friends) rights for over a year, when a lot of the care staff was casual and thus, changed every week.
Complete hypocrisy which only exacerbated mental health conditions. Furthermore, many couldn't wait until visiting restrictions lifted because they passed away due to pre-existing conditions.
The amount of money these distorted media outlets were being paid to promulgate these Lies about the healthcare industry is flabbergasted.
Mary Ann many of these politicians were benefiting from solidifying " the belt road deal with China.' In particular, Dan Andrews, the premier of Victoria received incredible bonuses for diligently locking down Melbourne for a record of over 280 days.
He didn't seem phased about the detrimental effects these relentless lockdowns would have on the sports, music and arts industries that are so endemic to the city's culture.
Even the worst estimate of infection mortality from the virus Pfauci created in Wuhan was only 0.3%.
It was never an emergency at all, even by official statistics, and now it is known that the infection mortality rate is actually much lower, about 0.1%, which is the same as the seasonal flu.
Everyone who mandated the toxxine must be hanged. It is the worst global human rights violation in history.
Torturous human rights violations seem endemic to the depopulation agenda. The one-child policy of China is supposedly not effective enough, we need to achieve Zero Population growth to appease these heinous, fear-mongering tyrants.
“Thank you. Since we decided a few weeks ago to adopt the leaf as legal tender, we have, of course, all become immensely rich. [...]
"But we have also," continued the management consultant, "run into a small inflation problem on account of the high level of leaf availability, which means that, I gather, the current going rate has something like three deciduous forests buying on ship's peanut." [...]
"So in order to obviate this problem," he continued, "and effectively revalue the leaf, we are about to embark on a massive defoliation campaign,, burn down all the forests. I think you'll all agree that's a sensible move under the circumstances.”
- Chief Economist, Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B Earth Landing Party
Also apropos (correct usage?): “The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had — he has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud.”
― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
It basically means moving the middle class to dependent status.
"The siren song of redistribution of wealth by centralized government never ceases for those who seek irreversible and unusurpable control over the lives and liberties of private citizens"
"I think the honorable gentlemen knows that I have the same contempt for his Socialist policies as the people of East Europe who have experienced it [...]. I think I must have hit the right nail on the head when I pointed out that the logic of those policies are they’d rather have the poor poorer. Once they start to talk about the gap, they’d rather the gap be [indicates an everything lower gap]. Not up here [indicates an everybody higher gap]. But that [indicates an everything lower gap]
So long as the gap is smaller, they’d rather have the poor poorer. "
It's a great rebuttal. Brutal takedown, in fact. Should be required viewing for every voter.
The Office of the Inspector General is supposed to investigate "fraud, waste, and abuse". In this case, literally everything was based on fraud, they abused their power to subvert the will of the American people, and they wasted all of that money.
In Canada we have investigations all right: Trudeau just appointed his best buddy to investigate Chinese interference in our elections. Surely there will be justice right? Just asking for the J6 folks.
I feel sorry for my maple syrup friends. The way that Canada has slipped quickly into an authoritarian nation state is scary as hell. I pray for you all.
AS a Canadian citizen, who has lived in Australia for 14 years, Australia's enforcement of a "Zero COVID" policy strongly mirrored the totalitarianism of Canada.
I love maple syrup. It's one of the reasons I'm 'stuck' in Canada.
Sorry, I know that's bad.
As an aside, I just read a story this morning in our regular press that it's Canadian women who are most supportive of Justin Trudeau, especially those over 50. I'm a 50+ woman and most definitely not supportive of our commie admiring little leader.
what is 'regular press' in canada. I bet TURD-eau's real approval rating is Single Digits....from brain dead Zombies. I know at least a dozen Canadians in the usa, none like What's going on in the Cdn. Sweet sample size right?
I noticed the same thing long ago: we've spent all this money and have nothing to show for it. And the ridiculous part is that if you say this to a covaholic, they just give you a blank stare!
If they had built hospitals and med schools, they would only train liars and morons to staff those hospitals. Not much of a bright side, I know, but it’s all I got.
I had gone out on a first meeting "date" with a pharmacist before the coof. Something about gov't sanctioned drug dealers may have popped out... not all bad because the valley girl accent/updrawl was way over the top and insufferable!
Well, we can just add it to the list, right? Anyone around here old enough to remember govt. spending money wisely? (Trick question. If you can remember govt. spending money wisely you better get your screws tightened...)
Of course I "remember govt. spending money wisely". It was a Tuesday. I was watching the soothsayers examine chicken entrails, as I groomed my unicorn. The leprechaun dumped his pot of gold into the treasury - and our lord and master took out a coin and gave it to the Sargent at Arms and said, "Fix the f#@%ing bridge. So the troll will stop his bitching".
Your federal dollars did, on the other hand, pay for new HVAC systems at six schools in my old school district. Because "indoor air quality," or something. (I'm willing to bet that district is far from anomalous...)
Wow. There were rules for how and when school districts could spend ARRA money, and HVAC was within the rules (b/c of the air quality thing, although everybody knows that school HVAC systems are on a regular replacemrent cycle, so all that happened was that people in places that were doing OK, school budget-wise, subsidized places that weren't). It's hard to see how CRT--indeed, any curriculum purchase that wasn't tagged as "remediation for kids who can't read b/c we deprived them of school"--would be a qualifying use of the funds. Two things happened: The rules were ridiculous and amounted to a money grab, and nobody was watching the store, so government entities got away with breaking the already-ludicrously-lax rules.
But CRT is delivered to *all* children... Inequity! Honestly, it really does seem as if CA, etc., couldn't bring themselves to stay within the rules, which is ridiculous, because the rules were pretty loose, and money is fungible! so they could have shuffled funds around and essentially gotten the CRT for "free," anyway. It just shows how well they knew they'd never be called to account for their malfeasance. Just like everybody. We can have Senate hearings until the cows come home, but unless PFE pays Brianne Dressen's hospital bills, we're not even on the same planet as simple justice, let alone "winning."
Saw this after I posted the above. Still think there isn't a "wealth redistribution?" This was on el gato malo's post today, noting that not one hospital or medical center was built to take care of us with this much money.
Every “good crisis” is a money laundering opportunity
The mafia has the moral high ground over the thieving government.
ha. the el gato crowd are some super smart felines...... have an awesome day!
Mafia are far superior! They govern well in order to increase prosperity and civility, especially in times when the gov't is incompetent or impotent. Most importantly, they crave the respect of their subjects (sometimes through fear, unfortunately). Our leaders have nothing but contempt for their subjects. Turdeau and their ilk want us to suffer!
"Government is a gang, but not merely as meritorious as a private gang because it claims legal legitimacy. It pillages and uses violence but under the cover of law, and seeks legitimacy not through competition but through the myth of the social contract."
- Jeffrey Tucker
You and Ryan are both correct of course, the leaders of the very large institutions are the modern gang leaders. The age of mafia-type gangs being part of the neighborhood are past. (However, the Bikers still make good neighbors. They don't like trouble in their own neighborhood; and they're good friendly folks, as neighbors.)
You're damn straight. Private gangs only have a limited toolbox; extortion, intimidation and force, etc.
The government gets to use THE LAW and all of the above at will, and often with more pain inflicted.
It's also a "time" laundering opportunity. Which to a business owner is the most valuable asset.
And that is why we are in a state of perpetual crisis now, the biggest of them all being the Global Climate Change Crisis.
You got that right! Dealing with organized crime all around.
Exactly what I've come to realize. Every single one.
Such as the FTX <=> Ukraine money laundering scam, just to name a recent example.
Finally that gets mentioned
No one seems to be talking about it
Most importantly, the entire “two weeks to slow the spread” was based on the sales pitch that hospitals couldn’t cope with the patient load. And the hospital system is in far worse shape now than at the beginning of the pandemic. Lockdowns were based on a lie no matter how you spin it.
Indeed, I worked at 11 Australian Aged Care facilities as a Physiotherapist between 2020-2021. Not one of the hundreds of patients I treated had a diagnosis of COVID (undeniably they had a host of chronic conditions). Yet, Channel 9 and Channel 7 news fallaciously claimed that "COVID is RAMPANTly spreading across Aged care facilities in Australia."
Moreover, I thought it was abjectly cruel to deny them visitors (I.e. family and friends) rights for over a year, when a lot of the care staff was casual and thus, changed every week.
Complete hypocrisy which only exacerbated mental health conditions. Furthermore, many couldn't wait until visiting restrictions lifted because they passed away due to pre-existing conditions.
The amount of money these distorted media outlets were being paid to promulgate these Lies about the healthcare industry is flabbergasted.
What were the politicians paid??
Mary Ann many of these politicians were benefiting from solidifying " the belt road deal with China.' In particular, Dan Andrews, the premier of Victoria received incredible bonuses for diligently locking down Melbourne for a record of over 280 days.
He didn't seem phased about the detrimental effects these relentless lockdowns would have on the sports, music and arts industries that are so endemic to the city's culture.
Even the worst estimate of infection mortality from the virus Pfauci created in Wuhan was only 0.3%.
It was never an emergency at all, even by official statistics, and now it is known that the infection mortality rate is actually much lower, about 0.1%, which is the same as the seasonal flu.
Everyone who mandated the toxxine must be hanged. It is the worst global human rights violation in history.
Torturous human rights violations seem endemic to the depopulation agenda. The one-child policy of China is supposedly not effective enough, we need to achieve Zero Population growth to appease these heinous, fear-mongering tyrants.
10% loss of capacity here in WA, thanks to Inslee's stupid vax mandate. He wanted to mandate the booster, too, but the nurses pushed back too hard.
it was fear mongering bovine excrement from the get go. my experience was an EMPTY hospital for weeks
one result of the poanic demonic is deposits rose to 18 trillion bucks in banks who now can lend at 5% and pay out at .5%!
and they cannot stand it if the peeps decide to get better interest!
it is called modern monetary theory which says forget things and print money until something breaks....
and no the virus is not the cause!
Also, a little known fact, but all financial institutions were permitted to keep their deposits on reserve at 0% due to the plandemic.
If only the general public knew this....
What bank has enough in reserve to allow just 1% of depositors to withdrawl their money?
Bank money. It's almost as good as cash!
"print money until something breaks...."
“Thank you. Since we decided a few weeks ago to adopt the leaf as legal tender, we have, of course, all become immensely rich. [...]
"But we have also," continued the management consultant, "run into a small inflation problem on account of the high level of leaf availability, which means that, I gather, the current going rate has something like three deciduous forests buying on ship's peanut." [...]
"So in order to obviate this problem," he continued, "and effectively revalue the leaf, we are about to embark on a massive defoliation campaign,, burn down all the forests. I think you'll all agree that's a sensible move under the circumstances.”
- Chief Economist, Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B Earth Landing Party
Also apropos (correct usage?): “The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had — he has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud.”
― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Nicely done
"We'll meet the meat."
- Also Douglas Adams as voiced by Zaphod, Restaurant at the End of the Universe.
LOL - I forgot that image. Time to re-read them. I can't even remember the name of the Paranoid Android who waited for them there.
Covid Redistribution = Equal distribution of poverty.
Covid Redistribution = Equal distribution of poverty = Flattening the Middle Class
It basically means moving the middle class to dependent status.
"The siren song of redistribution of wealth by centralized government never ceases for those who seek irreversible and unusurpable control over the lives and liberties of private citizens"
- Josh Jones
"I think the honorable gentlemen knows that I have the same contempt for his Socialist policies as the people of East Europe who have experienced it [...]. I think I must have hit the right nail on the head when I pointed out that the logic of those policies are they’d rather have the poor poorer. Once they start to talk about the gap, they’d rather the gap be [indicates an everything lower gap]. Not up here [indicates an everybody higher gap]. But that [indicates an everything lower gap]
So long as the gap is smaller, they’d rather have the poor poorer. "
It's a great rebuttal. Brutal takedown, in fact. Should be required viewing for every voter.
Thatcher was spot on.
Yes, indeedy.
Ooh. Love it. Nice work!
Is that not the ultimate goal? Universal equality. We ALL starve to death. All of the great unwashed that is.
The Office of the Inspector General is supposed to investigate "fraud, waste, and abuse". In this case, literally everything was based on fraud, they abused their power to subvert the will of the American people, and they wasted all of that money.
Surely there will be investigations. Right? 🤣
In Canada we have investigations all right: Trudeau just appointed his best buddy to investigate Chinese interference in our elections. Surely there will be justice right? Just asking for the J6 folks.
I feel sorry for my maple syrup friends. The way that Canada has slipped quickly into an authoritarian nation state is scary as hell. I pray for you all.
Not much different in the good ole us of a I’m afraid. We live in a police surveillance state..freedom is a myth from days long ago.
AS a Canadian citizen, who has lived in Australia for 14 years, Australia's enforcement of a "Zero COVID" policy strongly mirrored the totalitarianism of Canada.
I love maple syrup. It's one of the reasons I'm 'stuck' in Canada.
Sorry, I know that's bad.
As an aside, I just read a story this morning in our regular press that it's Canadian women who are most supportive of Justin Trudeau, especially those over 50. I'm a 50+ woman and most definitely not supportive of our commie admiring little leader.
what is 'regular press' in canada. I bet TURD-eau's real approval rating is Single Digits....from brain dead Zombies. I know at least a dozen Canadians in the usa, none like What's going on in the Cdn. Sweet sample size right?
Just the WEF doing a little 'modeling'. Perfecting the process for deployment elsewhere, you know.
There will be. Justine always prevail!
I noticed the same thing long ago: we've spent all this money and have nothing to show for it. And the ridiculous part is that if you say this to a covaholic, they just give you a blank stare!
Just another crazy covid containment catastrophe.
Just like education funding. We keep paying more, students learn less.
It's an inverse relationship, like how the The Official Global Warming Numbers are inversely proportional to the Global Number of Pirates.
All government spending is theft. It’s a giant money laundering scam that lets the insiders stay rich off the backs of the working stiffs.
Sort of sums up the world today. Pay more - get less.
There’s no end to this madness 🤦🏻♂️
Taxpayer dollars siphoned through the government into pharmaceutical industrial complex heavyweight companies and their ancillary beneficiaries.
The US is a meme. The US dollar is memecoin.
Add a mimetic media just to accelerate the inevitable.
You guys need to watch John Talks on YT.
He's the kid who tried to guess how many marbles are in the jar by putting them all in his mouth.
He counts better juggling balls with his tongue.
He is a meme master. 1 min clips of the Clown World we are witnessing.
If they had built hospitals and med schools, they would only train liars and morons to staff those hospitals. Not much of a bright side, I know, but it’s all I got.
Hospitals are death camps. Medical students are simply future drug dealers, brought to you by Pfizer.
I had gone out on a first meeting "date" with a pharmacist before the coof. Something about gov't sanctioned drug dealers may have popped out... not all bad because the valley girl accent/updrawl was way over the top and insufferable!
While they were doing the Covid scam they let that aura fungus spread through the hospitals.
"Train"? I suspect that party loyalty and the requisite narcissistic sociopathy are primary criteria used in staffing most state institutions today.
but how many new millionaires did they make?
Now all those billionaires can " pay their fair share "
Right Right ??
They pay to play. There fair share is paid, then returned via cronyism. The myth that the rich pay no taxes is a democrat talking point lie.
Give that COVID response money to the vaccine injured! I’m okay with that for certain!!
I'm not really. Many of them wished you the worst of the worst.
Well, we can just add it to the list, right? Anyone around here old enough to remember govt. spending money wisely? (Trick question. If you can remember govt. spending money wisely you better get your screws tightened...)
Of course I "remember govt. spending money wisely". It was a Tuesday. I was watching the soothsayers examine chicken entrails, as I groomed my unicorn. The leprechaun dumped his pot of gold into the treasury - and our lord and master took out a coin and gave it to the Sargent at Arms and said, "Fix the f#@%ing bridge. So the troll will stop his bitching".
Pratchett fan? 🤣
Actually, the Brothers Grimm, and Hans Christian Anderson.
All grist to the mill for Mr Pratchett. Bravo.
More like Carlos Castaneda fan.
*leans over, hands ayahuasca tea bowl back to Andy*
"You want another snort of this?"
Nah, I'll stick to my pipe. Wanna toke?
Naw, man. You don't wanna cross the streams.
A transgender troll, I see.
A charter member of the LGBTQPOC+ troll community.
I’m guessing Democrat campaign funds and NGOs got much of it.
the lockdown dipshits (government) spent the covid money on (chek notes) tourism! gg go team
Your federal dollars did, on the other hand, pay for new HVAC systems at six schools in my old school district. Because "indoor air quality," or something. (I'm willing to bet that district is far from anomalous...)
Just as COVID funds were used for CRT:
California, New York, Illinois used COVID-19 relief funds to push CRT in schools
Wow. There were rules for how and when school districts could spend ARRA money, and HVAC was within the rules (b/c of the air quality thing, although everybody knows that school HVAC systems are on a regular replacemrent cycle, so all that happened was that people in places that were doing OK, school budget-wise, subsidized places that weren't). It's hard to see how CRT--indeed, any curriculum purchase that wasn't tagged as "remediation for kids who can't read b/c we deprived them of school"--would be a qualifying use of the funds. Two things happened: The rules were ridiculous and amounted to a money grab, and nobody was watching the store, so government entities got away with breaking the already-ludicrously-lax rules.
Covid disproportionately affected POC children you racist bigot, everyone knows that.
But CRT is delivered to *all* children... Inequity! Honestly, it really does seem as if CA, etc., couldn't bring themselves to stay within the rules, which is ridiculous, because the rules were pretty loose, and money is fungible! so they could have shuffled funds around and essentially gotten the CRT for "free," anyway. It just shows how well they knew they'd never be called to account for their malfeasance. Just like everybody. We can have Senate hearings until the cows come home, but unless PFE pays Brianne Dressen's hospital bills, we're not even on the same planet as simple justice, let alone "winning."
Wealth redistribution, ya know....gotta keep the WEF acolytes in power happy!
Saw this after I posted the above. Still think there isn't a "wealth redistribution?" This was on el gato malo's post today, noting that not one hospital or medical center was built to take care of us with this much money.