Suddenly they are able to identify women?

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Identification parallax: obvious on the abortion table, impossible to discern in the bathroom. Must be the lighting.

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I dunno...apparently men can give birth....

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Birthing person - correct term.

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It's quantum physics. Wow, somehow they have been able to hack the very essence of reality. Take that Uncertainty Principle. Maaan... no wonder some of these people have a God complex.

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You mean paradox.

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Now, if they can be made to understand “human being”, “personhood” as applied to babies…

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Good point.

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That comment was so good I posted it to several people, including one prominent in State politics who is on our side. She’ll get a major kick out of that.

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"My body, my choice" only applies to infanticide.

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When it's obviously not even my body but somebody else's!

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It shouldn't.

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And that's somebody else's body they want to destroy!

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And whether or not to eat an entire spice cake. At least that is what Amy's credo states. Her body her choice. Unfortunately it makes men in her presence want ravens to peck out their eyes.

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Abortion isn't infanticide, it's a "health care decision".

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Your term here is as dishonest, I think, as those who insist on using "fetus" for a child not yet born.

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Saw a sign at the demonstration today that said "abortion has saved many lives". I can pretty much guarantee it has taken more lives than it has saved.

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I agree.

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May 4, 2022
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I was referring to infanticide.

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I'll bet they're upset they can't use "bodily autonomy" anymore without the deafening ring of hypocrisy shattering people's eardrums.

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I don’t think they even notice the hypocrisy.

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that's what I'm wondering. Critical thinking skills might be absent.

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“might” is the understatement of the decade.

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Underestimating them continues to come at great cost.

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ha! indeed.

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It's all the mask wearing. Low Oxygen.

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Thinking? I fear not.

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"Thinking skills might be absent" There - fixed it for you.

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Too many boosters… 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉

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"Bolshevik morality holds that whatever contributes to Bolshevik success is moral, whatever hinders it is immoral."


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Yeah, they do. Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame.

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True. That has been their modus operandi for years now.

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They notice everything; it's part of the attempt at neural rewiring.

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Some people do, some people are just that stupid.

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I think their stupidity is in other things, but in this they are quite purposeful.

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It depends on who is they. I think most ordinary people saying these things really don’t think twice about it.

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Likewise, I don't think the other side notices theirs

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Hypocrisy, like theft and deception, is a foundational pillar of all leftism.

"To tell the truth is a petty bourgeois habit, whereas for us to lie is justified by our objectives."

~ Vladimir Lenin

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That assumes a level of self-awareness I've seen no evidence for.

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IDK…since when did hypocracy matter to these morons? We’ve seen plenty in the past 2+ years

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There is plenty of hypocrisy on both sides

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I wish I agreed, but they don't think it's hypocritical. The mandates are about public health; abortion is private. Most of the folks who love the mandates and are pro-choice see no conflict.

I've tried so hard to figure this out. I know lots of interesting smart people who know about regulatory capture; they know about corruption and are skeptical of large corporations; they know how the media can manufacture consent; they're not actually thrilled with Biden; they think that pharma companies have too much influence on medical training. But they never question the vaccines. It's incredible. Mass formation, cult psychology and all that - but it's still hard to square.

I just got a note from the parent of a child who was out of school for Covid: "A mild case. Thank you, vaccines! thank you, science!" I felt like I was reading someone's religious dialogue (God is good! Praise be to god!")

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You nailed it, Jasmine. This is absolutely a religion, and that is why it is so impossible to penetrate the cult programming. There is nothing rational or scientific about their beliefs, so reason/logic are worthless against their all-consuming faith.

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Fear makes you do, and think, things that you would otherwise not consider. This is why I believe that people who use fear to coerce others should be punished most harshly.

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Thank god (and the Founders) that we have a Federal system! Otherwise we might have ended up like Australia or New Zealand, quixotically pursuing an impossible zero Covid policy as a country, regardless of the collateral damage.

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After the past 2 years + decades of shredding the Constitution, you think it couldn’t happen here? I never would’ve believed any of what has happened to us since 2020

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Bonus 'like' for outstanding use of the word "quixotically" :-) .p.s.: an awesomely entertaining and funny book(with the right translation). Well worth the long read. p.p.s.: just looked at your avatar - I bet you've read it!

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It’s the sovereignty of the states - de facto quasi-autonomous Countries, guaranteed in the Constitution that is important. Australia has a federal system

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I think Australia has a federal system. If they didn't, it would be worse if you can believe that.

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As I recall, Victoria had the strictest policies, but Australia as a whole went nuts over Covid.

It is a geographically isolated country with a small population. The US is huge and heterogeneous with large borders with its neighbors.

Perhaps a federal system doesn’t guarantee that some parts of the country, at least, will remain free and somewhat rational, but it permits them to. Without Federalism, there would have been no escape from Faucism.

Thank God for FL, SD, TX, etc…

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Hypocrisy is a means to an end...

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That will certainly not stop them.

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Since when would they care about that?

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She got her language wrong.

Should’ve been “ between a birthing unit and her doctor.”

I truly do not like these people !

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Whoops! You slipped up and said "her" doctor. Should have been "their". Forget grammar, avoiding any vestige of biological reality is paramount.

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how about 'zir' or something similar, seeing that their is actually a meaningful word?

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Haha- so true!

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Yes, I believe the perverse vernacular is "birthing person". Though "unit" sounds humorously robotic and just as foolish.

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“Unit”. That is fascist! Some “units” believe they are two or more.

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Correction: non-aroborial caregiver #1.

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It would be their Dr not her or that is what I understand it to be. I could be wrong I try not to listen to their incoherent babbling.

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I don't know why people are freaking out about this, they can just get another booster and miscarry


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Yes... I was thinking that the "vax" is making people and/or their offspring sterile anyway...

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Devil's advocate. What to say when crazed libs like Amy say "your choice to not take a vaccine endangers everyone because a virus spreads, a woman not having a baby doesn't endanger the public". Obviously, I feel it does endanger society to kill babies because society slips into depravity and it spills over into all aspects of life. But barring my opinion on that, what else can we say?

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You can say: my not taking the vax may increase the chance of someone's death, say .01% (I'm being generous here). But an abortion is a sure fatality. The baby's. right?

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Good one

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May 3, 2022
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Depends on the person,but from hour 1 on... Naomi Wolf's volunteer teams are doing incredible work going over both the Pffffizer drops and VAERS reports.

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They seem to think this will make abortion impossible everywhere. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's simply taking it out of federal jurisdiction, where it shouldn't have been in the first place, and handing the decision back to the states, where it belongs. Most of the protesters I am seeing were not even born during Roe v Wade, and they are woefully ignorant of the particulars. Idiots. And Black babies lives matter, btw.

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Once the democrats get that they are allowing their future voters to be culled they might get a lot more, ahem, "moral".

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No worries, they are easily replaced - future voters are pouring in over the borders as we speak. And they won't make a fuss about anything (or so goes the thinking).

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They don't even need the voters, just the ballots.

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They don't even need control of the ballots, just the black boxes that count the votes, and court systems that won't allow an audit. See https://codered2014.com/computerized-election-theft-new-american-century/ for more. prepare to be depressed

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Some people believe this leak was about creating a crisis to distract people away from the doc "2000 Mules". Others think it's about creating severe pushback (i.e. rioting and similar "peaceful protests") to sway the judges to go back on their decision. And some feel certain that this is part of an elaborate and desperate plot to derail a red tidal wave at the midterms. Personally, I believe it's all three. And was not the work of one clerk acting alone (who will of course fall on his sword and disappear with his payoff). Did anyone else notice how quickly those barricades went up around the Court building? This was planned. I'll bet my tinfoil hat on it.

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Couldn't the US Congress pass a law applying to the whole US? The Constitution apprently gives the States the say on Health and Welfare, but I don't see this distinction being followed. At least the Congress could say, for example, "No Medicaid funds for states that don't allow/forbid abortion under these circumstances..."

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Yes, and that is what needs to be done. Now, why hasn't it been? Because too many will be forced show their hand.

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That sounds great actually. Every state should be made to be self-sustaining.

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Moral arguments should be irrelevant up to the point of viability. Some evils are indeed necessary for societies to tolerate because outlawing them is worse.

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Exactly. We don't argue for the legalization of drugs because drugs are good, we argue for the legalization of drugs because banning drugs leads to outcomes many times worse than the drugs themselves. And we know that users won't stop getting high no matter what the politicians say.

Edit: Much more about this here - https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/there-oughta-be-a-law

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If someone is going to mutilate themselves rather than have a baby, that’s their problem. But that doesn’t mean we have to make it easy for them to kill the baby.

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Exactly. They might have to throw themselves down the staircase multiple times to subvert your ban, but you'll feel good about any injuries she incurs because she's a dirty slut anyway, amirite?

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No one is forcing them to throw themselves down a staircase.

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No, you're just forcing a more dangerous decision onto something that isn't your business in the first place. You can't stop her but you want to punish her anyway.

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Agree. I find abortion a very difficult area because I don't think there's any good answer. But I remind myself that many mammals - and women throughout most of history - will turn to infanticide when they don't think they can protect their babies or when the new baby will somehow jeopardize the safety of other children. It's brutal - no question -but life is brutal sometimes.

I know for sure that I can never make that decision for another woman.

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The baby is harmed in an abortion.

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And the father may be emotionally harmed too.

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What do you mean what?

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I was responding to the comment about the harm to the baby. Before I sent it the reply regarding the father was posted. Re-read the comment in that context.

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I still don’t get what you’re trying to say.

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Given the fact that even some of the more brain dead vax zealots of my acquaintance have been forced to admit the vaunted miracle jabs don't stop infection or transmission, relegating it to a personal medical decision, I'd say the response is pretty clear.

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Well since it has been abundantly shown, and the CDC, WHO and the pharmaceutical companies themselves admit, that the jabs do not and never have prevented the spread, you can point out the premise is wrong. That was known from the beginning. Hence the insistence that the jabbed continue to mask up (which of course doesn't work either, but that's another absurdity for another day).

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That could be a point if the vaccines didn't harm anyone that took them (short or long term) and actually stopped the vaccinated individual from getting iinfected and infecting others. But they don't.

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And you could also tell them you are refusing the jab in true altruism, in order to avoid shedding those nasty mRNA nanoparticles on others. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/vaccine-shedding-finally-proven?r=10ai8&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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May 3, 2022
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No dark winter of death.

Phew. Lol.

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Buh buh buh, "vAcCiNeS" are differenttttttttt!!!

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Only when it's one of the "approved" health care decisions...

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2020: "Wear this mask over your face to protect me! You must do what I tell you to do!"

2020: " You cannot take this medicine which may work to save your life! We are banning it! You have zero access to this Safe, FDA approved drug!"

2021: "You must take this unproven emergency-use-only drug in order to keep your job, or to enter this store. If you do not take this drug you are fired! And we may not allow you a lifesaving medical procedure either unless you take this drug! You cannot cone back to school if you do not take this drug! Inject this into your body and show us proof you've done it!"

2022: My body my choice...Stay out of my healthcare....

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May I use this with credit to you?

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Share away, please! No credit necessary but thanks. My husband's company threatened to fire him back in October (after 25years) but he applied for and was granted a religious exemption. The fact that people are oblivious to the hypocrisy of this situation is amazing.

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I’m going to share as well! Thank you!

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I'm not surprised. They've been giving us women who refuse gyn exams/pap smears the same crap for years "I don't care about your bodily autonomy, you have to do it and if you won't someone should force you to!"

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How about the right of the baby to a consult with the doctor

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Idiots. Truly, idiots.

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A woman and “their” doctor? Is that woke grammar, or is Amy just functionally illiterate?

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‘their’ IS a standard form; used for centuries in the written word. I used it in the 60’s and 70’s at Stanford

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A woman and HER doctor makes more sense. It’s clearly both singular and gendered. There’s no ambiguity. You can generally say “they” if you mean a man or woman.

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‘Their’ IS singular if used to modify a singular subject: “ a person and their friends “ for ex

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The gender is ambiguous in the case above, so you can get away with “their” there, rather than the cumbersome “his or her,” though I would reword the whole thing. But it’s “a boy and his friends.” Using “their” (without any demands of wokeness) would sound strange. And “people and their friends,” and “a gaggle of geese is flying.”

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My life long, academically approved use of‘their’ goes back to the 1960’s

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Fine with me! What’s acceptable can vary from place to place. I’m a copyeditor who has seen a lot . . .

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A woman and her MD does ring better.

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I've never read or heard 'their' used like that.

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These people have no radar for irony

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I have to wonder what her foot to mouth size ratio is. just me.

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Amy... who?

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After 2 years of this shit, they expect us to buy the opposite

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