Now that Psaki has denied domestic food shortages I have never had greater concern that they will occur.

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Never believe anything until it's been officially denied.

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Officially? By a little red head girl? Please turn off msm. It serves no purpose.

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Two weeks to flatten _______ ________.

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Seems they encountered a few of us hitches in their plans.

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Some bumps in the mirror were larger than they appeared.

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Haha! Good one. I wish they didn't put on the spike tires.

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My abs??? 😂

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have we "crushed" it yet? How many times did they say if we wear our mask for two more weeks we can crush this virus? And how many times do the sheeple have to hear the same nonsense before it occurs to them that it was all made up. These "eXpeRtS" literally got everything wrong. Only bureaucrats can be wrong all the time and have not worries about their job security.

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My arse.

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That's the only one that came to my mind, too. LOL

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My stomach????🤣🤣🤣🤣

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your curves

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my stomach because of food shortages.

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Everything she denies becomes true.

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It’s only true if Babylon bee predicts it......

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I wasn’t concerned about the US until 2 planes hit food plants the same week. A sausage plant in the UK went up today. I know we have hundreds here, but like 18 have gone out this year alone. How long do they take to rebuild???

I sorta thought this whole Ukraine/ Russia strategy was a rather cruel plan aimed at starving North Africans to get them to start flooding Europe again by late summer, and since we have open borders compliments of Brandon, the globalist hacks running western governments might leave us alone. Now I wonder. And yes, I probably need a tin foil hat.

We’ll know it’s actually the plan that Covid failed to accomplish if food passports hit......

I still think it’s hard to take out the US food supply - too many preppers, hoarders, small farms, backyard chicken coups, and guns. Except of course if you’re poor in a big blue city, then like every other Dem initiated policy or theory, you and your kids are totally screwed........

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They're not going to feed thousands or millions of inner city people who have no space or forethought for a garden.

And while I have a garden, there's no way I can even feed our family with it.

Credit the Govt for a successful weight reduction program.

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Inner city people I think might have a lot of trouble. And riots. And violence. A majority voted for this, so my real sympathy is only for the people who didn’t. Brandon being a disaster was 100% predictable.

It is sad as all this is entirely created by our current administration.

A garden won’t feed your family, but it’s a little extra if food supply is tight. Through much of the US on the outskirts of almost every city and town there are small farms with creative owners who are planning as we type. Killing 30 million birds, as our govt has this year, will strain supply, but you can get incubators on Amazon and chickens hatch fairly quickly - as more get killed by our government, tens of thousands of people are adding birds to their farms and backyard flocks. Lots are looking for alternatives to soy feed.

I think the food shortages will risk actual riots and food passes and all the other insanity with about as much success as vaccine passports, and in largely the same locations. The same people whose kids were locked up for a year might have less than ideal food, particularly in NYC.

I think this is awful, but I think most of those of us who saw through Covid see through this. Just as we planned to not get jabs, we are planning to ensure our families and neighbors won’t be without food. We are also making people aware now, so they’ll be paying attention this fall and winter.

My husband’s parents own a farm services business. They’ve said planting is WAY down - both for human food and even more so animal feed. On the other side, they sold out of seed for personal farms and gardens quickly, and were able to get more in, which also sold out. They stopped taking orders for chickens after 2 hours this year, and 400% the number they would normally sell pre-Covid taking orders for a few weeks. That tells me a whole lot of people are doing a whole lot of planning. I’m an optimist, I think the predictions here are worse than what we will actually see. I think our system is pretty hard to knock down and keep down.

Parts of Africa on the other hand I fear are going to be awful, heartbreaking, devastating swaths of human suffering and starvation.

As with Covid, the worst part is a bunch of idiots setting policy entirely disconnecting from reality, and unconcerned with outcomes, are destroying lives with impunity. There is no natural cause of this and no actual threat, from Putin the climate or anything else, to justify it.

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There are not going to be food riots here. When things get sporty in the US, there will be another C0VID outbreak, and a HARD lockdown. Almost China-like.

You can't riot when you're not allowed outside.

And of course... it will be "for our health."

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I disagree. In some places maybe, but even in my blue city in a purple state there were tons of us that never really locked down. Even in April 2020 our lockdowns were “stay home unless you really want to leave.” Mostly they just bankrupted restaurants and some fitness studios and gyms here. We never went back to lockdowns and the actual police didn’t enforce much. Like most Dem run cities, the kids depending on public schools and public parks with parents in the service industry we’re screwed, but that’s it.

To lock people down you need enforcers. Enforcers often have families. We have a second amendment. It’s hard to have access”Hard” lockdown and starve people in their own homes when we those people have guns and the ones trying to keep we p them inside families. It’s a different dynamic.

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I hope you're right. However, there are still people that are afraid. I know people who are still voluntarily wearing masks. I have no doubt that would voluntarily lock down.

The fly in the ointment is 2A. I believe that is one of the most important things that the USA MUST preserve no matter what.

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Well as a proud member of the local Marxist BLM chapter, I'm happy to announce I'm exempt from future lockdowns. You can find all kinds of food when your encourage to riot.

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In the occupied cities, sure. But in the free cities the common people are armed. So I have some hope, at least.

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Haha. that's why I moved down to Florida. I'm as far away from the Marxist Commies as possible and have plenty of "armed" States between me and them. There will be no lockdowns for me and mine.

Never again folks

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He who controls the city controls a huge rabble. A rabble that can be made an army by skillful leadership and training.

It is, I fear, defeatist and foolish for Team Freedom to abandon our great cities.

The free people of Miami cry out: Liberate New York! Liberate Los Angeles! Liberate Chicago! Liberate all our great cities that groan beneath the iron boot of the Progressive Covid regime. We are not content with defeat. We will reclaim the centers of our great cities.

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Can we wait until they take their face diapers off before we do our reclaiming? Those duck bill ones freak me out. Poor souls

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You saw what happened when national hero Governor DeSantis made it illegal for companies to force their workers to wear the muzzle. In a matter of days the muzzle disappeared.

At this stage, the strength of the Covid regime is in coercion not in persuasion. Take away the the iron fist and it all crumbles.

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I'm getting very concerned about these plants. There's too many, in a short amount of time, making it appear awfully "convenient". Expect more manufactured fear. We will never understand the sCiEncE. Better stock up on toilet paper.

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I hope a lot of people will grasp how late we are to this party.

If you own dirt, grow something.

If you succeed in growing it, can it.


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Why does anyone watch msm news?

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It's always nice when Big Brother increases our chocolate ration from 30 grams to 25 grams per week.

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isn't chocolate poisonous for canines, mr dog?

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air dog is a good doggie. He goes shopping for his people.

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My sisters lab ate about 2 pounds of chocolate and fudge candy left on the table one Christmas evening when we all left the house. We lived in a very rural area and no vet was open. The dog got diarrhea, but seemed otherwise fine.

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That is because he was a big old lab. Little dogs don't fare as well. Not pretty. But if you have to go - death by chocolate!

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Our two Chihuahuas ate a bunch of chocolate chip cookies years ago that someone left out and they were fine. I just assumed it was because American chocolate is mostly wax anyway.

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Would be different if they were blocks of choc that wasn’t diluted by the cookie part

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Just like people, some dogs are more likely to be effected by something than others. Dark chocolate should be kept away from all dogs. Don't give your dog copious amounts of milk chocolate. Keep your dogs size in mind when giving chocolate. --- Why do you WANT to share your chocolate with anyone??!

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"Why do you WANT to share your chocolate with anyone??!" This is, of course, the central question.

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Gatito Malo Malo would disapprove of my statistical sample, since it consists of...Me. 😃

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I believe that I can authoritatively state that hounddogs love chocolate chip cookies!

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I prefer oatmeal raisin but to each their own

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I just made some killer ANZAC biscuits (I’m Australian). They have oatmeal and coconut in them. I recommend you try.

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I will. Thanks!

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It depends on who made the chocolate chip cookies, what recipe they used, and if they were bright enough to add nuts.

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That's what they have been telling him all these years.

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Reminds me of how the dread rona was such a savagely dangerous pandemic that the global population plummeted from 7.7 to 7.8 billion in just a single year.

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Mark - another great piece. How many stories have you heard about someone being denied a hospital bed due to C19? I don't recall any? But I do remember dozens of patients being turned away from life-saving surgeries due to their lack of whacksination.

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They continue to destroy most things they touch, at some point we have to figure it’s intentional, not merely incompetence.

---side note--

https://NoSearch.org is something I am working on for the pro-freedom movement, I would appreciate additional feedback and suggestions.

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You nailed it right on the head.


The laptop is real. Everybody knows it. It proves that Joe Biden is bought and paid for. Now it’s time to ask the hard questions: What would a bought president be doing? Cutting our energy independence? Hurting Americans by cutting off trade via sanctions? Pushing us into a war we can’t possibly win that would likely lead to the rise of China as the world’s superpower? Devaluing the dollar and gutting the middle class?

Maybe the better question is: If Biden’s goal was to wreck the economy and enable the rise of China, would he be doing anything at all differently?

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Kerry wants no more natural gas in ten years. Chevrolet is going all electric cars. Sounds like these folks are not in touch with reality of resources. No way will wind and solar generate the electricity we need without gutting our farmland.

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Good news: Vote for Biden and you will be allowed to increase the temperature in your home in the winter from 70 to 65! You will get an increased ration of fuel for your car from 20 gallons/week to 15! All is well, comrade!

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Every day is opposite day for these clowns.

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As someone else said...John Kerry has 6 homes, 12 cars, 2 yachts, a private jet ~ and he thinks we should take the bus and build solar panels.

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I wouldn't mind having some solar panels to decrease my electric bill or for backup power when the power goes out, but for full power? Nope.

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Thank-you for remembering that! I was just wondering if I had kept that post. I know I sent it off to some friends.

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Well my goodness CMCM, we will never understand how sophisticated they are.

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Comrade Kerry wants no more natural gas *for us* in ten years.

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Also it’s been shown Russia infiltrated enviro groups in Europe in order to get Europe dependent on Russian gas when wind failed.

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Has it? Do you remember your source for that?

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Thanks. Given Democrat’s obsession with going Green, I’m not sure we need a Russian boogeyman to blame for this, but of course at the same time it makes sense as a Russian goal and fits with the way they operate.

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electric vehicles: not enough lithium in the world!!! and other metals needed to construct the batteries!

estimate if all automotion were by ev in usa would need 20% more watts and at a higher amp load.

btw wind and solar are unsuitable due to reliability, availability and weather constraints. storage could help but that implies huge excess wind & solar equipment and increased stretch on battery resources.

unless some magic happens with hydrogen!

iow we do not have the infrastructure for large amount of ev's.

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I've owned a solar business for 20 years and I'd be the first to say the same thing.

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One way or another, the future will be nuclear…

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Good one. Hilarious and grim!

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biden, austin, blinken and zelinski might get us all nuked!

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Solar and wind components/infrastructure require huge amounts of oil in their manufacture and construction.


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No way we can build all that wind & solar without gutting oil supply & ecology digging for rare earth metals & making steel.

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either coking coal or electric arc for steel.......

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Not to mention kneecapping our military and first responders by mandating the poison Spikeshot to all enlisted personnel and firefighters and police. As well as gutting our healthcare system and education system of any but the most braindead propagandized order followers.

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The way our military personnel and children have been treated during the pLaNdemiC is a pock mark on our Nation. What civilization can survive if you harm the little ones AND weaken those who protect us. So many turned a blind eye.

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Where are the freaking Republicans, the 'oppo' party? Only they're not; they are right there with them. George Washington would have had heads rolling by now.

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Uniparty. Doesn’t matter much which one is President, or majority in Congress. Same shit happens either way, by my observation.

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"Where are the freaking Republicans..."

Most are in bed with the Dems ~ UniParty.

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Most Republicans are milk and cookie boys/girls. Drives me crazy. We need more "fighters" like Desantis, Ron Johnson and Jim Jordan.

Both parties (especially the senate) suckle from the teat of China.

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You forgot MTG!

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Well chat slap me next time i forget! ..;)

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Yep! They are nearly as bad! I wrote about that, too but don't wanna spam up the links any more than I already have 😛

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With you on the questions but my faith in Biden to form any complex thoughts is a ship that sailed a good time ago. *smirk*

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he was never that bright

but always corrupt

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Sounds like a motto

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Well, to be precise, Biden hasn't had an intelligent thought in something like 50 years. You would have to search far and wide to find a more intellectually unequipped person to vote on public policy. Always on the wrong side of every major decision. And that last observation came from Obama.

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His best "work product" in 50 years is Hunter. He dropped the mic with that. That's a high water mark for CorNpOp

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Just so. Thank heavens he is not really in charge.

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but I think the people who bought him are

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explains the china lockdowns imo

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They've been tearing up people's gardens in China - because covid. Uh-huh...

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Yeah I think it’s likely all actions to move the USA towards the Great Reset

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Can't Build Back Better if everything is Still Standing.

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And what if the Chinese citizens revolt? It's not out of the realm of possibility. I mean they are being sealed shut behind their doors. Between that and all the cargo ships waiting at port to dock, things could get a little dicey. Any civilization is 3 meals away from a revolution.

I wonder how a scenario like that would play out with everything else happening in the world.

I'm sure there's nothing to worry about with CornPop calling the shots...

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It’s so arrogant to try to control the virus. Don’t they see they are making it worse and that locking people up doesn’t work?

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When I remember I pray that authoritarian regime cracks like Humpty Dumpty.

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Simple reasoning, not requiring going to the "outside msm" sources and yet? I'm saying there must be something "in the water" to account for such big drop in ppl's cognitive function.

It's like many are not able to process plain cause and effect scenario, even if that directly affects their well being.

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Public schooling.

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Xi-Ping must have "pee tapes" of Biden dropping water in his Depends

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I figured that long ago.

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Oh Brian,. no figuring needed...we know...

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Sweet!!! Thanks for posting!

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Bookmarked, thanks.

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That looks awesome! I would suggest adding the substacks ‘Prometheus Shrugged’ and ‘Arkmedic’. The first one is definitely part of DRASTIC and I think Arkmedic is too.

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Oceana has always been at war with Eastasia.

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My very first thought ...

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She clearly has not been to the Wal-Mart to buy macaroni.

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Is it true the cheese powder in mac and cheese went from 1.3 ounces to 0.8 ounces? At the very least, the 'food shortage' is hidden inside the box.

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clever. that can happen in cold water as well.

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That may be true, but the pasta shelves have been empty.

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Yes, the pasta shelves and the crackers. Crackers?!?! What’s with that??

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Crackers are a thing to eat if there’s no gas, electric or water, like other foods May require

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I bet you can't eat two at once without water.

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Crackers and water. Well, maybe water.

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Parrots. They want them.

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I could not find Toasted brand crackers for 3 weeks. Freaked out. They have reappeared but at a higher price. Lots of crackers are wheat, and guess who exports lots of wheat.

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Same! They’re my fav & I can’t get them either, was assuming the wheat shortage

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They returned to my store about 3 weeks ago, and I try to buy a package each week. I fear none by mid to late summer.

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Oyster crackers. Huh?

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Nobody to run the equipment. Nobody to repair the equipment. No parts to repair the equipment. Ingredients are expensive.

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Humpty-Dumpty in pieces on the ground. Curious we didn't think about these things before shutting down the world.

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Funny story. Corp America knew this was coming. Manufacturing was given a heads up and planning for it for at leadt a year. I overheard a convo that was direct quote "we make the bags bigger so they think they get the same amount." We sit in an echo chamber chasing the same outrage every day. "Elon is buying twitter!!!!! So exciting!!!!" When the boots in the plants have been watching outside the distractions. I'll delete this account now because we've been saying this for months.

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Food scarcity seems to be the latest trick. Seemed to work well during those dark and foreboding days of the great TP shortages.

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Seriously? You think Psiaki has ever been inside a Walmart? With us, the unclean masses? Surely you jest, JS....

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Only dusty baren shelves remain, where once the the macaroni boxes stood tall and proud.

Take comfort; at Wally World you can still get your 5th booster administered, on demand, by any of our checkout clerks.

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The last two times I went to Walmart the only pasta they had was no boil lasagna noodles and fideo in the mexican section. Strange. The grocery stores have plenty, but not Walmart. Oh and the long term food in the barrels - gone. But I live in Mormonia.

Funny (to me) story from the beginning of pandemia - a lady I ride with bought 12 24pks of eggs and 4 things of TP from Costco. They already had like a half year's emergency buckets of food in their pantry. Ever since them I have wondered what weirdness has gone on in their house these past couple years. They also wore a hazmat suit to get mail and sprayed it with disinfectant.

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Walmart didn’t have eggs either but Dollar General had plenty. Walmart’s supply lines are obviously cracking.

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Losing weight is good for reducing COVID risk and carbon emissions. MSM/NYT ignored tens of millions of deaths during the Holodomor and Great Leap Forward, so this is par for the course.

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Walter Duranty of the NYT lied and covered up the Holodomor where Stalin & Co. starved some seven million souls to death.

He won a Pulitzer Prize for his service to socialism which is still held by the NYT, no doubt with pride.

Fake news then, fake news now.

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I knew they were doing this all for our own good Yuri!

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Okay, W-T-A-F? We are *already* seeing shortages, at places like Walmart, FFS. The real tragedy is not that we already see the shortages and will see more, although those are certainly tragedies. The real tragedy--and I am trying hard not to lose my shit--is that idiots will listen to Psaki and believe the line of acrid, eye-burning, corn-laced, benzene-infused crap that she spews forth. #WeAreSoScrewed

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A while back during some speech or another, Biden bragged that the shelves were 89% full. I couldn't believe we were even discussing it!

Found it:


Covid really screwed everything up, didn’t it? It totally wasn’t government overreaction, it was the virus! Honest! But it turns out we’re actually doing really well! Ignore those empty shelves you see on TV, shelves are 89% full! 100% at Nancy Pelosi’s house!

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Don't forget... "someone has a fever, we must close the entire factory/ processing plant/ etc for ten days or more to be safe!!!!!!"

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Let them eat cake!

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Oh c'mon, man....the shelves are full. You just need eyeglasses.

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Your reply, spot on. And I laughed because you are so correct. Love your description.👍

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These days getting the generic brand is a win! All of it so predictable. Wait until the sheople figure out that it was all for nothing...

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We are all in the movie. I have suspicions about the plot…

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Wait!, You still haven't entered the Vaxxinator Matrix, where all is safe and effective? Such a lovely place.

We are programmed to receive.

You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave

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Excellent news though, The Gates Foundation will happily supply Bug Ration Bars. You will be sh!tting crickets by Christmas.

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Soylent Gates Burgers. It's made out of people.

But that's OK, because eating liquified people is good for Mother Gaia!

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alkaline hydrolysis is not far off?

"Alkaline hydrolysis uses water, alkaline chemicals, heat, and sometimes pressure and agitation, to accelerate natural decomposition, leaving bone fragments and a neutral liquid called effluent. The decomposition that occurs in alkaline hydrolysis is the same as that which occurs during burial, just sped up dramatically by the chemicals. The effluent is sterile, and contains salts, sugars, amino acids and peptides. There is no tissue and no DNA left after the process completes. This effluent is discharged with all other wastewater, and is a welcome addition to the water systems...

In alkaline hydrolysis, the harmless compounds formed include salts and amino acids, and are released with the water. This effluent is far cleaner than most wastewater.

The sterile liquid is released via a drain to the local wastewater treatment authority in accordance with federal, state or provincial, and local laws. The pH of the water is brought up to at least 11 before it is discharged. Because of the contents of the effluent, water treatment authorities generally like having the water come into the system because it helps clean the water as it flows back to the treatment plant. In some cases, the water is diverted and used for fertilizer because of the potassium and sodium content."

They even have a map of states and provinces where it's already in use:

Cremation Association of North America


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Don’t forget:

A) These are structural food supply problems, out of our control.

B) Trump set the stage for these food shortages. Blame him.

C) It’s all really Putin’s fault. Blame him above all.

D) Get your “beyond meat”, practice intermittent fasting and shut up! Eating causes global warming. Starvation is good for the planet. We are overpopulated anyhow. Just ask Paul Ehrlich.

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Apr 26, 2022
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The problem with ideologues is that they are pretty much immune to contrary evidence. Progressives are among the worst in that regard. Just about everything they touch turns to shit, because their ideology is divorced from reality. Yet they persist, as confident and fanatical as ever, as the cities they run fall apart, and their federal policies cause disaster.

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Wait a second... What is Soylent green made of?

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It's a must see film.. 1973 sci-fi about NYC in 2022.. we're not there yet but are dystopian!


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Charlton Heston - one of the best ever

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Apr 26, 2022
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Oh god. There is no contingency plan.

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The *best* government programs are enacted without contingency. That's the secret sauce!

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"We burned the boats so we have no choice but to stay!"

"Weren't we going to use the wood from the boats to build our homes?"

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holy shit. that is a good point. So many more options, when there is no defined objective and you can move the post when expedient.

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...Harry Stamper : And this is the best that you c - that the-the government, the *U.S. government* can come up with? I mean, you-you're NASA for cryin' out loud, you put a man on the moon, you're geniuses! You-you're the guys that think this shit up! I'm sure you got a team of men sitting around somewhere right now just thinking shit up and somebody backing them up! You're telling me you don't have a backup plan....Armageddon.

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That's the spirit!! At any rate, it's only going to be two weeks....

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Ha HA!

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The fact that the govt is currently killing millions of chickens, turkeys and quail for fears of "bird flu" tells me your kitten sense is spot on

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I am certain that Psaki won't have food shortages "at home' -- 'at HER home,' that is. Nor will shortages be felt by the Bidens, the Clintons, or the Obamas, no, just us. How long have Democrats been cheating, anyway? How did we not know sooner about this Globalist agenda? Everyone who spoke of it was regarded as a nut and now 30 years later it looks like it's all true. And these six are some of the worst culprits.

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Wait, wait , wait. If her local trendy shop runs out of red hair dye, we are all fucked. there will be no "circling" back in the event that happens.

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We know Nancy will have plenty of gelato at any rate....

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I do need to lose weight though. 😅

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