Today in NYC there was a Medical Freedom-No Mandates march from Columbus Circle to Times Square. Along the route one of the chants was "Lets Go Brandon" kinda alternated with F*CK Biden and DeBlasio" Thanks to you I knew why!
So many of my putative wise friends are only just now thinking maybe something is rotten in Denmark. I guess when the tide goes out you really do know who’s naked.
Today in NYC there was a Medical Freedom-No Mandates march from Columbus Circle to Times Square. Along the route one of the chants was "Lets Go Brandon" kinda alternated with F*CK Biden and DeBlasio" Thanks to you I knew why!
we are fighting back and it wont stop there...bout time...
I’m lost. Who’s brandon?
Oh! Hahaha. I’m going to say that too now. Lol.
My "like" is NOT for AOC, but for the humor!
we got that!
I just spat up my coffee laughing so hard when I saw this pic....thanks alot bad cat!
So many of my putative wise friends are only just now thinking maybe something is rotten in Denmark. I guess when the tide goes out you really do know who’s naked.
You mean some of them are actually waking up??
Lots of eye crusties
Let's go Brandon is the greatest meme material of the year
That because he is so friendly himself and never imposes anything on anybody.
The ugly dress that inspired so many hilarious memes.
;>) Thanks for the laugh--good on ya, gatito bueno!!!
But who is on the picture?
I am no longer just a hero, or movement. I am becoming Divine. -Brandon
Too funny!