Yes, the Prime Directive is to tar and feather all conservatives no matter what. Sweden may exist but if it does, it’s just a big place that makes furniture requiring flat packaging, which is proof that no humans ever touch the stuff during production.
Yeah, I don't trust any politician. They're professional liars, and most are also lawyers (but I repeat myself)
However, DeSantis is easily the best of a bad lot, and he seems to have learned a lot and changed his views in the correct direction throughout the scamdemic. As long as he continues to stand up against medical tyranny, he has my appreciation, if not my trust.
Google "Andrew Gillum." In 2018, this -- creature -- came within 0.4% of being the governor of the third-most populous State. Yes, DeSantis isn't perfect, but he's a damned sight better than many alternatives of either party.
For what it is worth, I got my ivermectin from Florida. Just speculation, but he might be avoiding the further restrictions that happened when Trump hyped it. A battle for another day.
It is certainly weird that DeSantis is not backing ivermectin and HCQ. However, there may be legal obstacles, as well as unwillingness of hospital systems to oppose federal government and media diktat. Monoclonal therapies may be something he can do.
If DeSantis backed ivermectin, but hospitals did not cooperate to show it's effective, it would end just like when Trump tried supporting HCQ. Trump is still widely painted as a dangerous buffoon for this, even though HCQ would (and does) work.
IVM and HCQ seem to be better as prophelactics, or in very early treatment. However, I will say I took mine during mid-to peak-Covid for me and it definitely did something positive.
I'm old enough to remember when "prophylactics" were something that was sold for 25 cents in an odd vending machine in men's rest rooms in truck stops and similar seedy locations 🧐
Totally agree, Denis. My 83 yr old sister and 77 yr old brother-in-law got covid in early Nov. He took HCQ and she took Ivermectin. They both followed the protocols from AFLDS (America's Frontline Doctors). So they also took additional vit D, zinc, C and a nasal inhaler. They were a little nervous as she has many comorbidities. They made an appt to get monoclonal antibodies, which they got on the 5th day of the illness. In all it took about 10 days to full recovery. I asked my sister to rate how bad it was on a scale of 1-10. She gave it a 7. BTW....neither one was vaxxed! And now they have the very best immunity available.
I took IVM and HCQ during my 2 and a half weeks with Covid and either it was a massive placebo or it got me off the cliff inn about 24 hours. Enough so that I was able to rest up for three days (stiill on both drugs, plus another one I cant pronounce), and then go to urgent care for a lung x ray. By that point I aws already in much better shape. So they must have done something... Then I was put on amoxycillin to deal with the pneumonia. Never spent 1 second in a hospital or an ICU bed watching the dancing nurses of TikTok.
Kenneth, did you get a rapid test or did you get a nasal swab when tested for Covid? And did you bother getting the antibody test afterward? No prob if you dont care to answer.
I am in Stockholm right now and I can report that everything is open, seemingly 100% unregulated, and everyone seems happy and cheerful -- no difference from what the experience of 2019. I've only been in six countries in the last year, but based on that limited experience I can say that Sweden offers the best (the most free) tourism experience in 2021.
I live in Sweden. We have seen in the light of what happens in other countries quite a good existence. Recommendations exist but no hysteria - yet.
Signs are now that the noose will be tightened here too with Covid passports being implemented everywhere. Everything is happening at a different slower pace here. We have a distinctly consensus culture and few people have understood what is happening outside our borders. We are now like the frog in the pot where the water is heating up. Eventually it boils, and few have understood how it happened.
Do not use Sweden as some kind of reference on how to manage a so-called pandemic. You, and we, will be thoroughly fooled. By the way, there is no over or under mortality in our country whatsoever but the media is screaming just like in every other country. Fear , created fear , is the basic concept in creating our new future.
You are welcome in Utah. No masks or distancing. Well, some dopes mask, but you don't have to. Of course we are mobbed with Californians escaping their self made misery. There is always a catch Boots.
A good suggestion. I read it back in the 80's when I decided maybe I was libertarian. Someone(s) will always try to impose their will, ya know for the greater good. Because they know what the best right is. I did appreciate his honest look at things and would recommend it as well. Nothing is perfect. Sigh. You might enjoy a book called "Pure Political Philosophy". If you are poking around amazon or your local, flip thru it.
Sweden is a terrible place, and this is the first thing they did correct in over ten years. Don't be fooled, Sweden is as good as lost to immigration and socialism and are only an example on how to ruin a nice country.
They might have gotten this right but they are still going along with the vaccine passports, so ultimately they got this wrong as well.
Everyone who is anyone knows that the stringent lock-down policies in the UK, Austria, and Oz served as protection for Sweden. Ipso Facto! (When Sweden inevitably becomes a killing field of COVID misery, it will, no doubt, be due to some heinous act of FL governor Ron DeSantis.) Again, obvious!
Remember the admonishment, "JUST WAIT TWO WEEKS!" as saner places moved away from the useless restrictions? Interesting how we don't hear that anymore.
Pretty funny the epidemiologist's map... I wonder how long it will be before other countries start disappearing from the face of the earth. After all, the "science" has to be maintained at all costs, and what's a few countries... we have so many of them anyway.
Nahas' tweet from a month or so ago is spot on. If you look at All Cause Mortality from 2019 onward (as opposed to 2020), you can see clearly that Sweden had more dry tinder going into 2020. So the Deaths Per Million rankings that people use to submarine Sweden are not fair since they are just 2020 to present.
"For 500 Euro, my friend, I know people that will get you any answer you wish." 😎 [Please forgive my stereotyping, but many of us have "Boris and Natasha" memories of the cold war years.]
Rates among purebloods were back up to normal in two to three months. Will that also be true of the jabbed? I won't be holding my breath for such a study to publish.
As already mentioned in another comment of mine ( being Swedish) it has been enough to create fear to make the Swedes compete with each other to take the "vaccine". And the media here exists in strong symbiosis with the state. Tex , most major newspapers receive state support. Likewise, we have two state-owned major television channels that several million watch daily. Guess what the message has been for 2 years? And, opposition parties play devotedly into the game of "vaccines".
So, our government's approach is different but the end goal should be the same as in Germany, Austria, Holland and others.
The same goal, but in a slightly different way. We are about 20% who get it. The others will soon be boiling in the pot. Tragic.
Sweden is a myth. Has anyone actually seen the band ABBA? No. Think about it… a place with great people, great music and a rational medical establishment? Obviously FAKE.
Our new president, is a WEF puppet, so after 2 year of freedom as the world acted like crazy beta bitches, we are now soon likely to act as stupid as the rest of Europe. Who cares about facts after all.
I will report the good kitten to some fact-checker. They will probably find out that either Sweeden does not exist, or that the bar chart is upside-down.
This is because Sweden and its neighbors are already well on their way to a digital future, so they don't need to be terrorized or coerced or blackmailed or threatened, like the other countries do.
@gattobueno or @elgatomalo or everyone here - I have to ask: have you heard of Zach Bush MD? He did what I thought was an excellent video about 'what happened last year' where he discusses all cause mortality. He put it in a perspective I had not considered. I'm only a novice at all this, and thought this new viewpoint showed an overall trend that appears to fit with lots this team is saying. Hoping to hear back. Thanks! OH meant to add this link too
Of course this hurts the argument for excess mortality from the vax. Sweden is heavily vaxed. Eastern Europe, not so much and the excess mortality is very high there. If the vax were really as dangerous as claimed in these quarters, the all cause mortality should be very high in Sweden. Bulgaria, with the highest mortality rate, has the lowest vax rate in all of Europe.
Considering Sweden's vaccination rate, it does mean that vaccines aren't the only factor driving all cause mortality. Not sure how natural immunity may be muting that effect. Sad though that in spite of this they have gotten onto the "restricting access without vaccination" bandwagon. Different approach, same end point.
My question would be -- how vaccinated are they? My local hospital chain just said like 70% to 80% of those in ICU are all unvaccinated. So the vaccine must be doing what it says -- stopping hospitalizations. Maybe Sweden's vax rate is like 99% over age 18?
How trustworthy are those statistics, whether from a government, or from your local hospital? Who verifies the claims? No one. What political, business, policy or other motives do these entities have to put out distorted or false information? Lots of them. Beware.
Sweden is over about 72% vaccinated, but as with other EU Countries its programme roll-out was delayed and slow.
Odd how many reports there are of ‘mostly’ unvaccinated people in hospital. It must be nigh impossible to find an unvaccinated person not in hospital! We get the same nonsense in UK with 90% + vaccinated. And we do know in terms of numbers, there are more deaths from CoVid among the vaccinated - presumable they bypassed ICU and critical care and were sent straight to the morgue to await death.
However: what is the profile of a typical hospitalised CoVid patient? Elderly, mostly over 80 with comorbidity, or younger patients with underlying medical conditions. Many of these people are immune compromised and not suitable candidates for vaccination.
The people most likely not be be vaccinated by choice are young, fit and healthy individuals in whom we have seen the virus has little untoward effect.
We are to believe that vaccination is making unvaccinated people sick?
Pretty much this yeah, it was a bit higher, 4.9% higher than the 5 previous year. But compared to previous years, you just have to go a few years back and you'll find that 2012 and all years previous to that was more deadly than 2020.
Has the U.S. "death count" ever reset? I thought I heard somewhere that the U.S. never even reset for the year and just kept adding to last year's numbers?
Sweden had the vaccination rate under 10 percent until last May so they encountered the first and second wave as unvaccinated and most likely achieved the herd immunity.
Here in Europe, for years there has been this idea the media tried to implant by force that Sweden was Heaven on earth, so modern, so cool, so socialist, so advanced...Without denying some great standard of living conquests they got, the whole thing was on the verge of straight parody.
Well, it comes as no surprise to me that now they´ve been the only Western country in the world that went their own way as a whole, didn´t use compulsory masks, and basically kept a high level of normality through the madness, they have DISSAPPEARED from the media. I swear that here in Spain never, not a single time in 18 months, has the word "Sweden" mentioned...
And to complete again. Sweden has a severe deficit of police and military personnel, which means that the government is constantly making "recommendations". To act forcefully against its citizens is not feasible. Moreover, the police are extremely well trained and can usually think for themselves. I don't think the Swedish police would stand for tough action against their citizens. However, if you extrapolate possible developments, you can imagine the state sticking a log up the ass of citizens via fines, and financial "measures".
As someone pointed out, we have well developed digital infrastructure. Here, it is highly conceivable that measures will be taken.
Indeed, our dependence on "others" is so complete at this point, self-sufficency so rare, and the net where we access those "others" we need to survive so digitalized that even the Swedish will have a weak point there.
Anyway, Anders Tegnell´s proud resistance to unprecedentedly high pressure is one of the most heroic acts of al time. As simple as that.
Hi. Anders Tegnell is probably well aware of the role he plays in the whole mess. In other words, he fucks up the entire Swedish people together with a number of so-called experts in the TV box. The whole thing is a farce. Sorry, don't share your opinion on AT.
Hi. Can you please tell me more about your take on this? I am referring to the role you assign to this man. Do you mean you think he is been given the the role of a kind of controlled resistance, while knowing that sooner or later the Swedish will have to comply?
Hi. As an epidemiologist, he is breaking every rule about how to handle a pandemic. Heavy rule: don't vaccinate during the pandemic, etc. etc. Sorry, I dont trust him. He is one ” of them”
Memba when the media bellowed with collective delight when Sweden "started to pay for their disregard for all things lockdown and mask". And lo here we have the proof Mr. Puddin. More cases, less death.
On the not too great side is Sweden is up to their old tag the sheep game again. For the convenience of any fool, he can have his vax passport info implanted into his arm. They always go there.
If these protesting Europeans cannot sstop no vax no job, no vax no school, no vax no life, but the Feb deadline, then the region has been taken over by the Party of Davos and the US blue states are next -- one by one they will fall. We shall see how that plays out. US is the last stand if theEuropeans cant convince their own government. Democracy is dead there, then. In two months, max, we will know the answer.
yup. as a Canadian, i’m hoping that enough in the US will move the tide to sway this country because no way in hell is turdo going to change course otherwise…
CLEARLY this is Ron DeSantis' fault. He invented "sweden" as a cover for his failing policies. #SwedenIsMisinformation
Yes, the Prime Directive is to tar and feather all conservatives no matter what. Sweden may exist but if it does, it’s just a big place that makes furniture requiring flat packaging, which is proof that no humans ever touch the stuff during production.
DeSatanis is not trustworthy either. He's pushing monoclonal and doesn't mention the safer and cheaper off-patent drugs like ivm and hcq.
He also signed anti-protest bills into law in 2019, IIRC.
He's a sneaky one, trying to get a shot in higher office.
Yeah, I don't trust any politician. They're professional liars, and most are also lawyers (but I repeat myself)
However, DeSantis is easily the best of a bad lot, and he seems to have learned a lot and changed his views in the correct direction throughout the scamdemic. As long as he continues to stand up against medical tyranny, he has my appreciation, if not my trust.
Google "Andrew Gillum." In 2018, this -- creature -- came within 0.4% of being the governor of the third-most populous State. Yes, DeSantis isn't perfect, but he's a damned sight better than many alternatives of either party.
Which is to say, they *almost* cheated enough to put Gillum over the top.
It's funny how all important elections are always *almost* 50/50, isn't it?
Funny that, how the division of the population is so *precise*. And for so many years!
For what it is worth, I got my ivermectin from Florida. Just speculation, but he might be avoiding the further restrictions that happened when Trump hyped it. A battle for another day.
Agreed. I got mine from Florida too. The compound version.
It is certainly weird that DeSantis is not backing ivermectin and HCQ. However, there may be legal obstacles, as well as unwillingness of hospital systems to oppose federal government and media diktat. Monoclonal therapies may be something he can do.
If DeSantis backed ivermectin, but hospitals did not cooperate to show it's effective, it would end just like when Trump tried supporting HCQ. Trump is still widely painted as a dangerous buffoon for this, even though HCQ would (and does) work.
IVM and HCQ seem to be better as prophelactics, or in very early treatment. However, I will say I took mine during mid-to peak-Covid for me and it definitely did something positive.
I'm old enough to remember when "prophylactics" were something that was sold for 25 cents in an odd vending machine in men's rest rooms in truck stops and similar seedy locations 🧐
Totally agree, Denis. My 83 yr old sister and 77 yr old brother-in-law got covid in early Nov. He took HCQ and she took Ivermectin. They both followed the protocols from AFLDS (America's Frontline Doctors). So they also took additional vit D, zinc, C and a nasal inhaler. They were a little nervous as she has many comorbidities. They made an appt to get monoclonal antibodies, which they got on the 5th day of the illness. In all it took about 10 days to full recovery. I asked my sister to rate how bad it was on a scale of 1-10. She gave it a 7. BTW....neither one was vaxxed! And now they have the very best immunity available.
Robert Rob: nobody is perfect. Whom would you prefer?
I'd prefer Jesus, but I imagine I am in the minority especially among the politicians and pharma employees.
I think even Jesus knows he'd make a terrible politician.
He won't have to be a politician. The government will be on His shoulders alone. Luckily He is perfect and just.
He will rule globally. For a millennium. He paid for this world and He’s going to claim it.
Maranatha Lawrence.
I took IVM and HCQ during my 2 and a half weeks with Covid and either it was a massive placebo or it got me off the cliff inn about 24 hours. Enough so that I was able to rest up for three days (stiill on both drugs, plus another one I cant pronounce), and then go to urgent care for a lung x ray. By that point I aws already in much better shape. So they must have done something... Then I was put on amoxycillin to deal with the pneumonia. Never spent 1 second in a hospital or an ICU bed watching the dancing nurses of TikTok.
Smart move. The hospital protocol is a death sentence.
Kenneth, Thank God. Glad you are here brother.
Kenneth, did you get a rapid test or did you get a nasal swab when tested for Covid? And did you bother getting the antibody test afterward? No prob if you dont care to answer.
The Republican Party is a big trough…. I mean tent.
I am in Stockholm right now and I can report that everything is open, seemingly 100% unregulated, and everyone seems happy and cheerful -- no difference from what the experience of 2019. I've only been in six countries in the last year, but based on that limited experience I can say that Sweden offers the best (the most free) tourism experience in 2021.
I live in Sweden. We have seen in the light of what happens in other countries quite a good existence. Recommendations exist but no hysteria - yet.
Signs are now that the noose will be tightened here too with Covid passports being implemented everywhere. Everything is happening at a different slower pace here. We have a distinctly consensus culture and few people have understood what is happening outside our borders. We are now like the frog in the pot where the water is heating up. Eventually it boils, and few have understood how it happened.
Do not use Sweden as some kind of reference on how to manage a so-called pandemic. You, and we, will be thoroughly fooled. By the way, there is no over or under mortality in our country whatsoever but the media is screaming just like in every other country. Fear , created fear , is the basic concept in creating our new future.
Would you recommend moving there, either to Stockholm or further north? Asking for a friend...
I’m hearing obligatory VaxPass in Sweden as in every European country including U.K.
That’s why I left U.K.
Once VaxPass is installed, I see no mechanism to remove it, only try to hold back its universality.
By far better to prevent it Ever starting.
Yes and no. Depends on reason. High living cost in STH.
crap!! well, that is truly shit disturbing.
By next year, you'll be chipped and your money will be digital. I'm guessing that won't be too much fun...
I am mildly shocked they haven't gone after paper money already. Oh the evil they could accomplish.
It's coming.
Well. That was a fine merry Christmas Vida.
It is what it is! These ghouls want to wreck any happiness we still have. So, I refused to let them.
Maybe, I guess most people everywhere will be forced to this. In all western countries.
Welcome to dystopia.
Except for the medical tyranny one must comply with to get there I suppose? No thanks.
QR coded vaxport entry to museums, restaurants, etc?
What I hear you saying is that you think you're in Sweden. (Cold, north...likely reporting in from Russia)
Are vax passes required to eat indoors,etc.?
Not yet. Its on the way.
Yep. That's why you're left alone for the most part. You've already given up your freedom to the vaxx pass/digital online monitoring, etc. agenda.
good question. I'd like to know if I can go inside and party in Sweden
But will you let New Yorker's like me in? Natural immunity and all?
You are welcome in Utah. No masks or distancing. Well, some dopes mask, but you don't have to. Of course we are mobbed with Californians escaping their self made misery. There is always a catch Boots.
and thank you for the idea.
Utah is beautiful! I was there for a visit once but it was a film fest. Would like to see it without all the Hollywood types sometime.
You are welcome, follow the rules.😍
Nah, Sweden can't exist because it means everything everyone else has/is done/doing is fruitless.
Proving that the best form of government, is no government at all.
Anarchy sounds good in theory. I think about it from time to time. Then horror vacui.
I suggest you read "The Machinery of Freedom" by David Friedman
A good suggestion. I read it back in the 80's when I decided maybe I was libertarian. Someone(s) will always try to impose their will, ya know for the greater good. Because they know what the best right is. I did appreciate his honest look at things and would recommend it as well. Nothing is perfect. Sigh. You might enjoy a book called "Pure Political Philosophy". If you are poking around amazon or your local, flip thru it.
Sweden is a terrible place, and this is the first thing they did correct in over ten years. Don't be fooled, Sweden is as good as lost to immigration and socialism and are only an example on how to ruin a nice country.
They might have gotten this right but they are still going along with the vaccine passports, so ultimately they got this wrong as well.
Where’s Florida?☘️
Oh that place doesn't exist either.
If Sweden doesn't exist then I have no idea where these delicious meatballs and minimalist furniture came from.
Denmark, of course!
Everyone who is anyone knows that the stringent lock-down policies in the UK, Austria, and Oz served as protection for Sweden. Ipso Facto! (When Sweden inevitably becomes a killing field of COVID misery, it will, no doubt, be due to some heinous act of FL governor Ron DeSantis.) Again, obvious!
Remember the admonishment, "JUST WAIT TWO WEEKS!" as saner places moved away from the useless restrictions? Interesting how we don't hear that anymore.
They have been killing us for our health.
Pretty funny the epidemiologist's map... I wonder how long it will be before other countries start disappearing from the face of the earth. After all, the "science" has to be maintained at all costs, and what's a few countries... we have so many of them anyway.
Uttar Pradesh is next!!!
Wait a second - weren't they using some of the same dangerous and destined to fail policies as Florida?
Nahas' tweet from a month or so ago is spot on. If you look at All Cause Mortality from 2019 onward (as opposed to 2020), you can see clearly that Sweden had more dry tinder going into 2020. So the Deaths Per Million rankings that people use to submarine Sweden are not fair since they are just 2020 to present.
Curious-any idea why Bulgaria is so high? Was it also high pre-vax? I suspect so. Is there a sector of population particularly susceptible to Covid?
same.. i know romania hospitals and protocols are sh.. but bg has legal ivermectin.. weird
"For 500 Euro, my friend, I know people that will get you any answer you wish." 😎 [Please forgive my stereotyping, but many of us have "Boris and Natasha" memories of the cold war years.]
What are their fertility rates like? Reduces fertility after Covid but also after the vaccine?
Rates among purebloods were back up to normal in two to three months. Will that also be true of the jabbed? I won't be holding my breath for such a study to publish.
I guess ignorance is not bliss…
"Ignorance is Strength"
Saith Mr. Orwell LOL.
Steve Kirsch sent this one out. I shouldn’t find this funny but I do. Should I be concerned? Naw.
I think it is too sick and twisted for most people but here on bad catitude? Meh. Enjoy.
As already mentioned in another comment of mine ( being Swedish) it has been enough to create fear to make the Swedes compete with each other to take the "vaccine". And the media here exists in strong symbiosis with the state. Tex , most major newspapers receive state support. Likewise, we have two state-owned major television channels that several million watch daily. Guess what the message has been for 2 years? And, opposition parties play devotedly into the game of "vaccines".
So, our government's approach is different but the end goal should be the same as in Germany, Austria, Holland and others.
The same goal, but in a slightly different way. We are about 20% who get it. The others will soon be boiling in the pot. Tragic.
Sweden is a myth. Has anyone actually seen the band ABBA? No. Think about it… a place with great people, great music and a rational medical establishment? Obviously FAKE.
Our new president, is a WEF puppet, so after 2 year of freedom as the world acted like crazy beta bitches, we are now soon likely to act as stupid as the rest of Europe. Who cares about facts after all.
Time to start a new age of exploration and find out whether Sweden is more than just a rumor.
I will report the good kitten to some fact-checker. They will probably find out that either Sweeden does not exist, or that the bar chart is upside-down.
Bulgaria probably stole it. What happened there??
This is because Sweden and its neighbors are already well on their way to a digital future, so they don't need to be terrorized or coerced or blackmailed or threatened, like the other countries do.
i think that’s a ver good observation! 😊
@gattobueno or @elgatomalo or everyone here - I have to ask: have you heard of Zach Bush MD? He did what I thought was an excellent video about 'what happened last year' where he discusses all cause mortality. He put it in a perspective I had not considered. I'm only a novice at all this, and thought this new viewpoint showed an overall trend that appears to fit with lots this team is saying. Hoping to hear back. Thanks! OH meant to add this link too
cant find that Map in the article
Either could I. Is it part of the joke, @elgatomalo ?
It's there. Do you use an image blocker? Try a different browser....
Good point! Yes, I use an ad blocker
As Pippi Longstocking says, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll always come out on top.”
Of course this hurts the argument for excess mortality from the vax. Sweden is heavily vaxed. Eastern Europe, not so much and the excess mortality is very high there. If the vax were really as dangerous as claimed in these quarters, the all cause mortality should be very high in Sweden. Bulgaria, with the highest mortality rate, has the lowest vax rate in all of Europe.
I don’t believe the huge lethality of vaccination will move the needle on all causes mortality (ACM)
I think 1:2500 approximately.
Obviously completely unacceptable.
But ACM is around 900 per 100,000 pa I think (0.9%, median age 80+ years).
If vaccines killed 0.1% that would be awful but still small vs normal ACM.
Not seeing a big signal on ACM does not mean “the ‘vaccines’ are okay”. Imo.
Possibly it may tie excess mortality more to the lockdowns since Sweden didn't have one.
You'd think the UK would be seeing all the excess deaths if you believed the hysterical rantings of the Twitter mob.
ro and bg .. the least vaxxed are not placed well.
Considering Sweden's vaccination rate, it does mean that vaccines aren't the only factor driving all cause mortality. Not sure how natural immunity may be muting that effect. Sad though that in spite of this they have gotten onto the "restricting access without vaccination" bandwagon. Different approach, same end point.
My question would be -- how vaccinated are they? My local hospital chain just said like 70% to 80% of those in ICU are all unvaccinated. So the vaccine must be doing what it says -- stopping hospitalizations. Maybe Sweden's vax rate is like 99% over age 18?
How trustworthy are those statistics, whether from a government, or from your local hospital? Who verifies the claims? No one. What political, business, policy or other motives do these entities have to put out distorted or false information? Lots of them. Beware.
Sweden is over about 72% vaccinated, but as with other EU Countries its programme roll-out was delayed and slow.
Odd how many reports there are of ‘mostly’ unvaccinated people in hospital. It must be nigh impossible to find an unvaccinated person not in hospital! We get the same nonsense in UK with 90% + vaccinated. And we do know in terms of numbers, there are more deaths from CoVid among the vaccinated - presumable they bypassed ICU and critical care and were sent straight to the morgue to await death.
However: what is the profile of a typical hospitalised CoVid patient? Elderly, mostly over 80 with comorbidity, or younger patients with underlying medical conditions. Many of these people are immune compromised and not suitable candidates for vaccination.
The people most likely not be be vaccinated by choice are young, fit and healthy individuals in whom we have seen the virus has little untoward effect.
We are to believe that vaccination is making unvaccinated people sick?
Sweden seems to have a 81.1% vaccination rate (*). Lower then Portugal with 89.1%.
(*) Source:
Probably because they all died from COVID in 2020. No?
In any analysis - you must always look at all cause mortality.
Maybe somebody super important and super smart changed the definition of Sweden?
That is because all the Swedes died of COVID in 2020, or so I was told.
looks more like it correlates with the quality of the health care system.
Could this be because the virus took out the weakest in 2020?
I think a stronger argument for the swedish strategy is combining all cause excess mortality from 2020 and 2021.
2020 all cause mortality is sweden per 100k was one of the lowest years in swedish history.
basically indistinguishable from 2015-18. only 2019 was meaningfully lower in the entire history of the country.
this has been a MASSIVE win for them and their policy choice.
I'm glad they did something different or we would really never know.
This is why the MSM no longer talks about Sweden or Florida - both demonstrate what the approach of Focused Protection (GBD recommended) results in.
Pretty much this yeah, it was a bit higher, 4.9% higher than the 5 previous year. But compared to previous years, you just have to go a few years back and you'll find that 2012 and all years previous to that was more deadly than 2020.
Has the U.S. "death count" ever reset? I thought I heard somewhere that the U.S. never even reset for the year and just kept adding to last year's numbers?
Agreed. Let's compare all cause mortality per 100,000 population (2020+2021) for all countries and see what is really going on.
Sweden had the vaccination rate under 10 percent until last May so they encountered the first and second wave as unvaccinated and most likely achieved the herd immunity.
Last time I visited Norway, I saw a landmass where you show water. Maybe there was dirt on my airplane windows.
Here in Europe, for years there has been this idea the media tried to implant by force that Sweden was Heaven on earth, so modern, so cool, so socialist, so advanced...Without denying some great standard of living conquests they got, the whole thing was on the verge of straight parody.
Well, it comes as no surprise to me that now they´ve been the only Western country in the world that went their own way as a whole, didn´t use compulsory masks, and basically kept a high level of normality through the madness, they have DISSAPPEARED from the media. I swear that here in Spain never, not a single time in 18 months, has the word "Sweden" mentioned...
And to complete again. Sweden has a severe deficit of police and military personnel, which means that the government is constantly making "recommendations". To act forcefully against its citizens is not feasible. Moreover, the police are extremely well trained and can usually think for themselves. I don't think the Swedish police would stand for tough action against their citizens. However, if you extrapolate possible developments, you can imagine the state sticking a log up the ass of citizens via fines, and financial "measures".
As someone pointed out, we have well developed digital infrastructure. Here, it is highly conceivable that measures will be taken.
That´s a good point, thanks.
Indeed, our dependence on "others" is so complete at this point, self-sufficency so rare, and the net where we access those "others" we need to survive so digitalized that even the Swedish will have a weak point there.
Anyway, Anders Tegnell´s proud resistance to unprecedentedly high pressure is one of the most heroic acts of al time. As simple as that.
Hi. Anders Tegnell is probably well aware of the role he plays in the whole mess. In other words, he fucks up the entire Swedish people together with a number of so-called experts in the TV box. The whole thing is a farce. Sorry, don't share your opinion on AT.
Hi. Can you please tell me more about your take on this? I am referring to the role you assign to this man. Do you mean you think he is been given the the role of a kind of controlled resistance, while knowing that sooner or later the Swedish will have to comply?
Hi. As an epidemiologist, he is breaking every rule about how to handle a pandemic. Heavy rule: don't vaccinate during the pandemic, etc. etc. Sorry, I dont trust him. He is one ” of them”
I see. Thanks for your take.
Gatito up to his tricks, diverting the herd...
Finland does not exist conspiracy just got an upgrade:
Sweden does not exist!
Ok, now I'm buying beachfront that suddenly became available! look at that, prime real estate!
They'll be back when everyone else in the world is chipped like them. They don't need a virus to get chipped for the technocratic world order.
I think it exists. I have hot chocolate here that says Swiss Miss. She must be from Sweden. Or is it Switzerland. Damn.
Pretty funny little kitty.
2 things:
Memba when the media bellowed with collective delight when Sweden "started to pay for their disregard for all things lockdown and mask". And lo here we have the proof Mr. Puddin. More cases, less death.
On the not too great side is Sweden is up to their old tag the sheep game again. For the convenience of any fool, he can have his vax passport info implanted into his arm. They always go there.
that map. :0)
There be dragons.
If these protesting Europeans cannot sstop no vax no job, no vax no school, no vax no life, but the Feb deadline, then the region has been taken over by the Party of Davos and the US blue states are next -- one by one they will fall. We shall see how that plays out. US is the last stand if theEuropeans cant convince their own government. Democracy is dead there, then. In two months, max, we will know the answer.
yup. as a Canadian, i’m hoping that enough in the US will move the tide to sway this country because no way in hell is turdo going to change course otherwise…