Numeracy was necessary for an industrial society that required technically competent factory workers, mechanics, and engineers. Numeracy is unnecessary to a hyperreal society in which the bulk of the populace lives in pods, eats bugs, and spends their days plugged into Oculus Rift. In fact, numeracy is a net negative in such a case. Can't have the plebs doing math, they might realize things don't add up.

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The "Gen C" , or whatever this generation of kids is eventually labeled, will be the most illogical and illiterate segment of the population ever.

I see two pathways.

The givernment (the newspeak spelling) will expand and become an even bigger nanny state.

Or, entrepreneurs will see the need, and with the support of smart, proactive and responsible parents, will build a new education system that hurdles past the Ministry of Miseducation (MOM).

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I like the acronym. Agreed, public education is becoming a joke and I’m inclined to repudiate the whole system in order to teach my kids real things.

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Or more and more will homeschool. I’ve heard homeschooling is up 60%

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You think we’ll eat bugs and have the sort of dwelling where we can have oculus rifts? Sounds too luxurious for what I think they have planned for us (oculus rifts)

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There's that numeracy kicking in. Doing the math and realizing that the bugman utopia requires a technically proficient population to maintain, and that liquidation is therefore more likely? That's like racist or something.

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yeah, not for us. The plan is that the bugs eat us, then they eat the bugs. Makes a change from eating children. Variety in the diet

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aka Soylent Green

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or "A Modest Proposal"

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Homeschool is the only answer at this point. I am a public school kid all the way, but we saw the writing on the wall four years ago and decided to homeschool our kids, including our special needs kiddo. SOO glad we did. They are thriving and doing well (we actually test with the other CA kids) and are in fact ahead in many areas. Public schools really only produce good little activists. We need kids with skills, not ideology grounded in insanity, mental disorders, and backwards ideology. So, Homeschool. its the only option at this point (and for those afraid, its NOT hard, I promise. Seriously. Curriculums are everywhere that can guide you step by step(the same teachers use in schools actually) and if you work, you can manage it. I've met at TON of two working parent households who do it. they just teach like the old days- early in the morning, or in the evening.

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I use the term "Innumerate" as an analogy to "Illiterate." ["Illiterate" looks really odd in my computer font!]

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Try looking at it across the table.

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I’m grateful for my son’s Zoom classes after lockdown. I witnessed with my eyes and ears how his “Science “ teacher was indoctrinating they/their students. They/Them or Mx. (not Ms.)let their students know that they reaffirmed their gender identity over the summer. That was the best “science” lesson for me. My son is homeschooled now and will not step foot inside the Woke school district again.

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That must have been so crazy to see that.

So glad you acted on it to protect your child. I hope most parents do.

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Thank you for the sacrifice you are making for the future of humanity. Home schooling is almost the only sane option anymore. If my kids were still in school there is no way in heck they would attend a public school even if we had to live in a tent to make ends meet.

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Low math scores? No worries. They can become politicians or public health officials still as long as they know how to use the word equity.

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As a parent of a child in California public schools, I will never forgive the Democrats for forcing schools to close for 1.5 years. Never. This is the logical result of those horrific decisions.

Nobody cares about public education, least of all educators and their political donation recipients. The quality of the US education system will remain low among developed - and some undeveloped - nations until quality education is framed as patriotic.

I, for one, cannot wait to live in a country where innumerate engineers design bridges and high-rise buildings and illiterate doctors and nurses make crucial medical decisions. What a time to be alive.

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The future looks an awful lot like c. 7000 BC.

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Who cares though, really? Math curriculum in this country is steeped in white supremacy and a western colonialist perspective. COVID-19 gave us a once-in-a-lifetime chance to Transform these antiquated pedagogical structures. That process is going to be painful for the privileged, including *checks notes* black and hispanic students. 🤔

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1619 Project is fiction at worst or opinion at best. There is good and bad in all people in all times. Focusing on only the bad within a selected group or time while ignoring the good is academically dishonest and of little value to others. Some people need a victim or oppressed class to save, even if there are none so they need to be created for that purpose.

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sarc, right?

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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022

I'm pretty sure... Thus the * checks notes* hint?

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yeah. hadn't had my decaf yet 🙃

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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022

Just one more way to dumb down the masses. The caste system works better when the slaves are stupider.

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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022

repeated over and over in history. The Brits made it illegal for the Catholic Irish to be schooled. Punishment, including branding, happened for the students and teachers. Catholics were not allowed to enroll in Trinity college until the late 20th century

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Very true. I can't recall the source (I think Plato) but even in what we consider a golden age, like ancient Greece, it was not unknown for despotic rulers to kill off the brighter or more clever of his subjects, even if they'd done no crime. To the extent that it's deliberate, dumbing down the masses may be thought of as a diluted form of butchering one's real or potential rivals for power. It doesn't really matter whether it is Stalin's purges in the early Soviet Union or the numberless patricides, parricides and fratricides of earlier centuries. Killing off one's rivals is a "feature" of many species and alas humans are a member.

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Not just public school kids…Check out the NY state average NCLEX passing rates for BSN nurses…zoom nursing education didn’t fare well either! Don’t get sick! http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/nurse/nclexrn2018-2022.htm

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I dunno, almost like these elites want us to be subservient to them so we can’t have our own successful society without them 🧐

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Public schools are hellbent on not teaching children math. I just pulled my 8 year old son out because they refused to provide curriculum for him despite being in a so-called gifted program. He is about 5 years above grade level.

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Good on you advocating!

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"I'm so happy I'm a Delta, I wouldn't want to be an Alpha, they have to do so much work, and I could never be an Omega, they are so slow, no I'm happy I'm a Delta, because Delta is just right."

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I am working on a project to help the kiddos, https://dailyprogress.org should be finished in the next week or so.

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You are awesome! Sincerely grateful for what you are doing to help! 😸

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Low attendance makes it tough to prescribe tots hormone and attention juice and gender dysphoria classes.

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As a former math teacher, I cringe at what they have done to the discipline. Following, is an excellent article from Granite Grok ~ the video "Math Education: An Inconvenient Truth" is the piece de resistance!


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California doesn't appear to br in the list. We shut down for 1.5 years. I'm sure nothing has gone wrong.

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The poor coffee farmers used to get raw deals from the companies coming up to the mountains to buy their crop. One farmer, the wealthiest if them, comparatively speaking, had a wife who could do arithmetic.

I suspect the model is the old coffee farmer serf one.

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Most will be not at all shocked that there is government money allocated to catching kids up. They will, of course, not be using that money for that purpose. They need a year where all the fluff is cut, the summer session is done away with and the kids are brought back up to where they should be with math and English. Will that happen? No. People can pretend there is little consequence to that, but there is. Long term, real consequences for earning power and the health of our nation... such as it is.

And these kids were not all that well educated before the debacle of 2020-2021. I have tutored a few over the years. Shockingly poor rudimentary math skills. Not hyperbole.

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