classic psychopath behaviour

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You mean classic political behavior but I'm just repeating you! :-D

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its almost like you could see the day he got paid

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6 of 1, a half dozen of the other.

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His 2017 warning of the pandemic/medical crisis to come in the "next administration", combined with Bill Gates pandemic preparedness and population reduction exercises in 2018 is proof that this whole outrageous debacle was planned and executed by a cabal - diverse! - of globalist fascists and communists. We were, and still are, under attack by totalitarians who clearly are willing to kill millions to become the Rulers of the Universe.

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Don't want to quibble too much, but it very much seems like sociopathy:


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Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023

there is much overlap, and i did think about this when i commented. sociopaths are more reactive, where a psychopath has a plan. this plan may unravel and they just bulldoze their way through with lies and deceit


a sociopath runs the prison yard, a psychopath runs the company

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And the narcissistic sociopaths we elect to office nominate psychopaths to senior bureaucratic positions.

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Fauci was appointed to NIH director by Jerry Ford, I think.

He was the highest paid bureaucrat in US history.

750,000 a year ... 2000 a day; EVERY day.

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By all means, lets have him run the prison yard

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And THAT is Fauci.

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You misspelled “country”.

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Good points

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It seems like sociopathic behavior is the order of the day for these folks.

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I prefer this link instead:



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What a machiavellian POS. No punishment is too harsh.

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This is what happens when you grant absolute immunity to bumbling bureaucrats under the PREP Act. Any wrongdoing requires proof of wrongful intent which can always be negated by pleading idiocy. Repeal the PREP Act now!

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There IS PROOF of wrongful intent as Dr. David Martin has shown and which leaves little doubt about the planning and implementation of the "scamdemic"; the fact that GOF research was being done both before and after the moratorium, including funding and sharing of research and against the LAW, shows that there was intention with full knowledge of the damage to be caused by releasing a respiratory pathogen.

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Good luck getting justice under the PREP Act. Any proof of willful misconduct must be "clear and convincing" (smoking gun standard), and can only be litigated in the (notoriously corrupt) DC District Court. It is an absolute defense if someone just shows they were acting under recommendations from Health and Human Services (HHS) which Fauci can say he was. And liability will ONLY be found if HHS seeks and obtains sanctions against someone, which will never happen under the current Regime or perhaps any other. This is a reckless statute that invited disaster and nothing will get better unless it is repealed. The solution is political, not legal. If you want more information about the statue that shafted America see https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10443

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Very accurate and insightful comment! When all of the evidence is looked at there really is "smoking gun standard"; But Congress won't have the "balls" to do the necessary and deep investigation as indicated by the bill that only requires the government to release documents related to Wuhan's involvement; as you point out, a "reckless statute" that allows cover for so many nefarious actors , not only in Pharma but government agencies of alll kinds; echos from the Nazi defendants at Nuremberg: "I was only following orders." Politics is at the root of the rot and controls any chance for legal redress or justice....unless there is something like a Nuremberg 2.0!

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There is another solution but no one wants to discuss it. When the ballot box is corrupted we then use the jury box to defend liberty. When that is corrupted, there is the third and final box.

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As my then-lawyer said, "Everyone lies," and she wasn't in the least perturbed about it. Far too few people ever are.

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Everyone lies but most of us recognized it as a lie; many feel guilty when they do. Not these semi humans.

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I see them as quite human, expressing the worst of our natures.

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Okay, I take your point. I could have been less glib. However, I am concerned by aspects of their humanity. A psychopath and or sociopath are human but lacking in or diminished in the capacity of human interactions; I’m not quite sure the right terms. Anyway, it really doesn’t much matter does it?

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It does matter, I think. These terms try to make them the alien other to the capacities of our normal selves. Plenty of absolutely normal people are wretched schmucks when they smell out their own advantage somewhere.

Fauci is your garden-variety bureaucratic opportunist who opportunized to the max. You ever had dealings with a co-op board or minor city council? They'd all be Neros if they could.

What's the essential factor? I'd love to be Empress of the Universe. I try to tame myself every day. Hard work; I don't enjoy it. It's the choices we make, every 15 minutes of every day. You master the worst of yourself or you don't. But let's not pretend we each ain't got the worst somewhere inside us, looking for an excuse to break out.

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The line between good and evil runs through the middle of every human heart.

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Yes, always, and we are required to choose in big and small ways all the way through our lives.

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Fauci is a mass murderer through the COVID AND the AIDS vaxces in the 70s/80s. Multiple millions of people world-wide are dead over using humans as lab-rats.

Read RFK Jr's book, The REAL Anthony Fauci. Unless you like mass-murderer, you will join me in calling that bastard out.

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Lock him up NOW

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He’s the bought and paid for mouthpiece for the big pharma grift and the globalist cabal. The only question I have left is: Was the pathogen released intentionally? I think it’s better than 50/50 that it was when you consider the lockstep draconian government reaction and it’s resulting effects.

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Yes, the vaxx was released intentionally.

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The real question is how many places was it released?

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It only takes one. That’s the nature of viruses.

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Especially if it’s was released at an international military game.

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I believe it was purposefully released.

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Wow that video is quite something! He wears two masks? Can he wear about 10 more? I also think he needs about 20 more boosters… I think that will just about take care of it 👍🏽 He just needs the boosters from the correct lot number batch… 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

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Modern denial of natural immunity never ceases to blow my mind (nor the mind of any unfortunate Science Believer who strays into my cross hairs)

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When do the tribunals start?

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Pretty Priceless montage of such an expensive un-civil servant. Thanks for your contribution to the (alternate?) history books. Is this flogging a dead horse, exposing a thief with his own self-damning confession, or just “the banality of evil” revealed for all its gory glory in the clear light of day? I don’t know whether to scream, laugh or cry, so I’ll take all 5 in exchange for future-proofing my sanity from the CoVert19 Borg.

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Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023

Strapped with his head in a cage, with his vocal cords cut, and left to the ravages of sand fleas, would be too kind a reward for that greasy weasel Fauci.

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As the chair or co-chair of two AIDS councils (one local; one regional) in West Michigan in the early 90s, I couldn't stand (I replaced the word "hated" with this phrase but...) this guy when he was screwing up the AIDS response.

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I'm still shocked that people never researched his "success" in producing an AIDS vaccine. Instead, they blindly submitted to be a subject for haphazard MRNA spike protein shot, hoping it would guarantee avoidance of future lockdowns.

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Snake. I volunteer to kick out the chair from underneath his feet.

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He's a prostitute without ethics.

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Yeah. A prostitute of the worst kind- spreading disease

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"A prostitute of the worst kind- knowingly spreading disease". Fixed it for you Glen.

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Hey AndyinBC. Is that like Vancouver BC, ( like me)?

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