But, we can send 40B to Nazis....

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And Saudi, and Egypt, and Israel, and...

Do you ever wonder how much taxes could be dropped in your nation, if you stopped funding nations what doesn't need aid, just to help secure contracts to US businesses?

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If we didn't pay taxes, who would bomb the roads?

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It's okay if it's just drones doing the dirty work...

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Or when Noble Peace Prize winners shoot up hospitals with AC-130U gunships, blowing some 42 people to bits and dismembering and injuring some 30 others with Gatling guns and 40MM Bofors cannons.


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Report immediately for punishment to the Disobedience Governance Board.

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Makes me sick.

Just like all the Pulitzers for bald-face lies

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Road death in the US is 12 fatalities per 100 000 citizens in 2021, or 42 915.

Fatalities from guns was 38 390 of which 24 432 were suicides, in 2018 according to the CDC (why is the CDC tallying gun deaths?).

Using progressive logic, we can thus conclude that removing roads and/or private vehicle ownership saves lives. Because who /really/ needs to own a car, apart from very few people working for governement and big corporations?

You should e-mail that line to the White House, see if Team Biden picks it up for Novembah. <honk>

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Just what I need, to make it onto another list...

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Taxes are irrelevant when the government has a money printer.

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What happens if that money printer burns a rod?

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Hopefully the end of fiat currency and inflation.

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That is the nub of the problem. Don't forget Nixon, et al promised that the suspension of the fiat "fix" was only temporary

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that's no fun. then there wouldn't be so much unnecessary death in the world.

I thought you liked medieval shit?!

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Well.... I really shouldn't but since it's a morbid interest:

Iron Age is even more hard core. Here are a few examples:

Among the germanic tribes, rape was punished by pounding a blunt stake through the thorax of the offender and into the ground, in such a way as he died slowly.

Prisoners of war, if they were celts or southerners (romans and such) were often drugged with plants giving them hallucinations before being sacrificed; their genitals were cut away in such a manner as to leave a gaping whole into the abdomen through which the entrails were pulled out into a large cauldron. This was done with either flint or bronze knifes. Their screams and ramblings were said to be prophetic.

I usually bring this up when people go overboard re: freedom of worship...

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Freedom of worship ends where my junk begins.

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mic drop

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Oh no. I love it when you comment on this stuff.

On my side, I have a morbid fascination learning about a serial killers mindset.

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If it makes you feel any better that 40B will be worthless in about 60 days.

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someday, a percent of the weapons going to ukraine will be shot at us!

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Add the $80 bil in weapons we left in Afghanistan. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

Yet they'll call AR-15's a "weapon of war".

Really it's a war on our weapons, to disarm us, so they're free to go about warmongering and taking more of our rights - and expecting us to pay for it.

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Playing Devil's attorney-at-large, there are a couple of other perfectly logical reasons for leaving the equipment. (Logical, not good.)

It creates a need for replacements, meaning the brass gets new gear and kick-backs from the manufacturers.

It makes the incumbent look bad, which could easily be worth $80bn to general staff not best pleased with his controllers and owners.

And most insidious: it makes sure the taliban, the opium gangs and others are far too well armed for Russia, China, India, Pakistan or Iran to even consider making any moves.

It's the same reason many EU nations sends stuff to Ukraine:

It's surplus, the replacements are already ordered and in the pipeline, it looks good politically, it's a black eye to the russians, and also very important it gets them empirical data from real-life field testing (same reason Sweden's been in the PFP with the US for decades: our troops get actual combat experience, which is something no training can compensate for).

Cynical, mybe, but this is how the sausage is made.

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Oh no, cynicism is part of a critical thinking set for times like these. This seems logical to me.

Clearly the 100k/yr plus drug OD deaths are clearly not enough in the US. We need more product. Having an open border doesn't meet demand.

However, I submit to the court, with all due respect, that the aforementioned sausages, could just as well be credited to a dipshit commander in chief.

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Oh aye, that last sentence certainly is truth.

You can make the sausage the good way, or the bad way.

For instance, say the equipment had been brought home and the servicemen from Afhanistan been relocated to border patrol duties along the southern border and south/west coast. Same cost, or slightly lower, than keeping them in Afghanistan, but a lot more direct gain for the US as such.

Then again, that would deprive the Democrats of millions of new voters...

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You don't need my crystal ball for that. It has already happened many times in Ukraine against NATO forces.

US portable Stinger missiles captured by the Donbass forces from UkroNazis were used to shoot down 6 NATO helicopters that were sent to Mariupol to rescue NATO commanders trapped in AzovStal bunkers!!!

PS: The helicopters were all full of NATO commanders and were shut down after taking off.

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... but - fair enough - these are the "good" not-Zs :P....

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Not-Zs! Bloody brilliant! I am stealing that!

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In all candor, I got that from Gonzalo Lira, who got it from Moon of Alabama :)...

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it was brilliant Hubris. You're not gonna get enough credit for it

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The US sent $54 billion and the EU and Japan sent $10billion...

The publicized $40billion is just because it was tied to a congressional bill...

UKroNazis are very rich now!!!

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It's probably a money laundering operation. Biden likes those

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Absolutely true.

But that's nothing compared to the $5.9 Trillions printed out of thin by the Fed to support a PCR-Test plandemic!!!

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The penultimate linchpin to the masks

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Walls are immoral

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And raaacist too!

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What a convenient tool that is, eh?

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Yeah, but....that was cash, not a card. 😉😊😋

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I've always thought of gift cards as the gift people give when they've run out of ideas.

And here's the evidence.

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It's a scam like all gift cards. Nobody remembers what the balance is after the first use.

So we'll pay to get a gift card. Be taxed on it. It'll be added to nt'l debt.

And worst: whatever you forget to use, will be sent back to them!

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I give them for that reason. But I can guarantee you that my cheap ass friends and family use every cent of all of them within 24 hours. Me, not so much. Eek.

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Generally I think that’s true but we have some hunters who come and hunt our land every year. Very nice considerate people. They give us a substantial gift card to grocery store every year which is appreciated.

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"the gift people give when they've run out of ideas."

Biden's left it rather late, then?

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Dear Brandon,


Also your shoes are untied.



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I say "stop sending me other people's money".

As soon as they send me enough to cover the "taxes" they already stole from me, I'll stop cashing the checks.

I calculate that should occur right before the Sun goes nova.

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It’s a weird nonsensical game. Shaking my head trying to make sense out of something that has no substance or sense

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With you all the way. They are bankrupting this country. Stop the effing giveaways. The Repubs are just about as bad and I have noticed that they don't even pay lip service to the debt anymore. They used to at least say, "We'll piss your money away too. Just not as fast".

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Death by a thousand chips

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Reminds me - I’ll never forget the Christmas card I got from this prick wishing me a holiday season full of death and disease.

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PRICK. the most vile thing a POTUS has ever done.

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I can’t think of anything worse. And it didn’t get the attention it should have at the time.

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You're right. What awful people

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I didn't even get a cold. How was your disease season?

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Minor cold picked up from grandkids. Just to spite Brandon and Fauci, I didn’t die.

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Hey, we got past the” let’s print more money” stage! Go us!

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Perhaps we could start printing... gas :P?

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you're on fire. keep going

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Clown show

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I think we’ve progressed from clown show to goat rodeo. Just my thoughts.

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Where is gas $4.03?

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In Biden's memories....

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Our is $4.29. I am in North Georgia and have no idea why ours is a little less than the average. Our governor did halt the state tax but it was only .29

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I'm also in North ( East) Ga where our gas is usually cheaper than most of y'all...but ours is 4.36-4.44.

Moonshine engines aren't looking so crazy now,are they?

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LOL paid 6.55 today in CA, and that's @ a cheapo Kwik Stop type place...all the behemoth others are 6.98-7.48.

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I can't " like" that. Dayum

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🙌 --- I think this is an old pic. If it's not, I'm pissed. It's $5.11 (yesterday).

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Maybe if so many people didn't have a chip on their shoulder …

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I don’t want a damned gift card. I want him to rescend his EOs killing the oil industry. Drill, you old moron.

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You forgot f'ing

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"Just make the gas itself more affordable? Listen Jack, that'll never work."

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I posted this comment at another substack yesterday:

The experts are wrong about a lot of stuff, and we can argue about it, but eventually reality will catch up.

Slowly, at first, then all at once.

You and I know that you shouldn't hike 75 bps into a weakening economy. It will cause a recession that will kill the economy.

You and I know that you shouldn't vaccinate into a pandemic with a jab that increases viral load and infectiousness. It will cause a variant that will kill the population.

Slowly, at first, then all at once.

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Take a day off and post it on all the stacks

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How about a check for gender reassignment surgery?

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Rubber stamped

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Doctors & Psychotherapists: Butchers & Liars:


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So far there has been 97 food plants that have caught on fire. It’s all in the plan…..destroy the US from the inside. So that the WEF can start the Great Reset. Their motto, “you will own nothing and be happy”.

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"...97 food plants that have caught on fire" Unfortunate accidents, every one!

The obvious solution is to create a 'Department of Food Plant Fire Safety'. Staff it with thousands of properly credentialed bureaucrats, and wait for the fires to stop. Or not.

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Thank you Michele. Its worth noting, that in the thousands of news releases, about the hundreds of sub-agencies created by myriad three and four letter agencies - every year, there is never, *ever*, *any* info, of any kind, about the budget of those subsidiaries. Curious, huh?

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I may not be clear on the meaning of your note...

1st idea:

It is one of the reasons I am amazed that Peter Doocy still gets his questions answered at the White House Press Briefings. I think about it this way--a lot of the shite reporting we have is not just bc of propganda, but bc reporters do not want to make waves and alienate potential sources (of, ehrm, more propaganda?) by asking tough questions. Why hasn't he been just frozen out and glassed over for the more 'friendly to the admin' journalists? Is it just alleged leftist concern for the minority in the room, lol?

I like to believe a reporter has at least had these budget questions in their brain, but of course, as you put it, thousands of releases and no mention points to it being a convention of some kind to not tell (so don't bother asking). And being as how these are "biosecurity' and 'biodefense', prob their budgets are partially in that defense budget with its trillions of 'we can't talk about what that's for' monies.

2nd idea:

But now that I reread your question, are you implying that maybe these sub agencies are just for show and in name almost-only? That would not surprise me either, sadly, but with the looters in charge these days, I'm still guessing money enough to keep the do-nothing-useful 'experts' living high off the soon-to-be-verboten-to-raise hog....

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Essentially like pyromaniacs watching their own fires burn, with a firefighter helmet on.

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"the worse the better"

is what lenin did when he got back to russia in 1917.

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maybe he can buy us each a bicycle with our taxes.

maybe we wont fall off

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Whoa...Stay in your lane!

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I would LOVE to be paying 4.03 for gas!

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