But, we can send 40B to Nazis....

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I've always thought of gift cards as the gift people give when they've run out of ideas.

And here's the evidence.

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Dear Brandon,


Also your shoes are untied.



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Death by a thousand chips

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Reminds me - I’ll never forget the Christmas card I got from this prick wishing me a holiday season full of death and disease.

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Hey, we got past the” let’s print more money” stage! Go us!

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Clown show

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Where is gas $4.03?

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Maybe if so many people didn't have a chip on their shoulder â€Ĥ

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

I don’t want a damned gift card. I want him to rescend his EOs killing the oil industry. Drill, you old moron.

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"Just make the gas itself more affordable? Listen Jack, that'll never work."

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I posted this comment at another substack yesterday:

The experts are wrong about a lot of stuff, and we can argue about it, but eventually reality will catch up.

Slowly, at first, then all at once.

You and I know that you shouldn't hike 75 bps into a weakening economy. It will cause a recession that will kill the economy.

You and I know that you shouldn't vaccinate into a pandemic with a jab that increases viral load and infectiousness. It will cause a variant that will kill the population.

Slowly, at first, then all at once.

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How about a check for gender reassignment surgery?

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So far there has been 97 food plants that have caught on fire. It’s all in the planâ€Ĥ..destroy the US from the inside. So that the WEF can start the Great Reset. Their motto, “you will own nothing and be happy”.

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maybe he can buy us each a bicycle with our taxes.

maybe we wont fall off

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I would LOVE to be paying 4.03 for gas!

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