I've been amused and appalled by the young and old hippies I'm surrounded by, who recoil from a slice of white glutenized bread as if it were arsenic, but who rushed to get the jab.
I watched Brandon today. Two minutes and I was yelling "liar" at the tele.
I had to turn it off because I was going to watch the public jab he supposedly was taking and wish him ill. I couldn't do that, even though he wished me ill a few times.
he probably got a saline jab, like the French government. I read a few weeks ago how a member of the French gov. had 3 heart surgeries following his jabs, and only then found out, that he is one of the only to take the jabs. Neither Macron nor any of his parliament got them. I suppose it is the same here.
Would some brilliant mememaking cat or other make a thing with one of those videos of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and write it would have been much worse if they hadn't been vaxxed on it, or has that g9ne around and I missed it?
Other than a loose connection to topic of death, may I recommend a humour interlude? Monty Python's "Ralph Mellish," available on youtube. It's well worth the 2:33 it takes to listen. Also, it's a good example of twisting a narrative to say something entirely different from what it sounds like, or making a mountain of a molehill. That's perfectly good for comedy, but it really has no place in what once was called journalism.
This is what the fact checkers would do. They would take something factually true, and then put the "fact check: lacking context or incomplete story" and then the fact checking would affirm the story, but also mention that additional commentary might be speculation.
now that is a way to look at things.... if you are dead you are at least not hospitalized. But it could have been worse, or not? You could have died suffering !
Some statistical notes: A quick google reveals that in USA, one's chances of dying in an auto are very close to 1% (of all causes). As such, it is far from the leading causes of death, which continue to be "natural" causes like heart disease or cancer.
Ingrid's comment is still valid, however. I'm no expert, but as with any determination of cause of death, a single factor is put on the death certificate. Yet it'd be remarkable if there weren't many contributing factors. For example, my father died in his 60s of lung cancer. I'd argue that it was lifelong smoking that did it. Now imagine if he'd died of a heart attack behind the wheel. The State would probably have said cause of death was a high speed impact etc. No it wasn't. It was a heart attack, exacerbated by a poor lifestyle choice.
Takeaway: there 's likely a lot hidden (unintentionally in most cases, I'd assume) in various statistics. Rarely are resources expended to (say) do an autopsy. Even if investigated, there are simply limits on what could be discovered. Was the cause of death a heart attack, a stroke, or did the driver simply fall asleep? Even if he was legally drunk, was that really a factor in the crash? As a counter argument: although alcohol/drugs impair driving, it's a fact that in the vast majority of cases the driver gets from point A to B without incident.
The real world is a lot messier and more complex than we'd like it to be.
read a booklet a while ago that said, you can make statistics say whatever you want. And it was very true! Life is not a straight line. It is a tree with branches.... and beware of the experts !!!!
Don't forget the FAA made all of our pilots get this crap. I get a little tingle everytime I hear a plane overhead, the Vax has made ordinary life so much more...well filled with random death
I am not usre if it is because I notice it more, but lately there have been so many plane 'mishaps'. Small planes emergency landing on streets, 3 small planes in the last 3 months that fell, big planes hitting each other on the tarmac, oversliding the ramp, having mechanical problems etc. I wonder if so many technicians have left, that maintenance is suffering. Not to talk about all the pilots that left to avoid the jabs, and all the rest suffering adverse reactions... no more flying here!
I was thinking it was a combination of jabs and more diverse flight crews. But there are so many incidents of various kinds, aircraft mishaps, the current 'weirdness' with aircraft tracking systems at DFW, the unmentionable destruction of huge pieces of our food supply chain, mysterious disappearance of the Alaskan crabs, and a thousand and one other things just unexplainably going wrong, that I have begun to suspect that we are in the middle of a full on war of sabotage with either the Russians or Chinese. When weird things happen and the authorities aren't curious they already know the answer or just don't care.
For what it's worth, financier Ed Dowd has been all over this for quite a while; he and his cohorts are predicting a really awful winter of death due to dead immune systems + "the flu."
Half the children of (I think a Virginia) school got sick a few days ago with a non covid respiratory illness. I suspect all with a damaged immune system... poor children, what will become of them ?
Two people I tend to follow are Dowd (finance) and a guy by the name of Clif High. Clif does something called "predictive linguistics" and is really... let's just say fringe. He's on telegram as scifi world0.
Right now, Dowd and High are saying some of the same things. There is no world in which former Blackrock guy and former Coast to Coast AM guest should agree on much of anything.
BTW.... High talks about the death of the dollar and the collapse of the system. He's been talking about that for at least a year and a half. Which is about a year more than Dowd.
theyre dropping like flies. All collapsing and dying suddenly. Nobody seems to care why. Just nice words from the family about how wonderful a person they where, and how heartbreaking it is. Cognitive dissonance.
Perhaps tangentially relevant: Malcolm Kendrick's book "Doctoring Data" describes many past medical treatments later proved useless or worse. In the early 20th century, it became dogma that after a man had a heart attack, he must be confined to bed rest for six weeks. Only later, much later, was it discovered this was about the worst that could have been recommended. Literally hundreds of thousands of men died over a period of several decades due to what was in retrospect the wrong treatment for their condition.
One of Kendrick's themes is that a half-assed idea often becomes medical dogma, even absent any firm evidence. Such was the above example. There was never a systematic study of the issues until the 1960s Apollo project. Volunteers were asked to be inactive/lay for long periods of time and lo and behold....
Now here's where I try to attach some relevance to the current topic: Long stints in bed cause all sorts of serious issues. Bed sores. Deep vein thromboses (DVT). Perhaps more.
Even the gym being closed is not, of itself, a disaster. While it's of course true that some exercise is essential to good health and for an athlete to remain in training, according to Kendrick at least, lack of exercise itself is not a risk factor for heart disease.
Really shitty seeing how one of the smartest people ever was Goebbels. These people who understood human nature perfectly.
It's too bad we're such small people that he can't be used in detailed lessons in HS to show kids how ridiculously easy it is to colonize the brains of the *educated* and get them to do anything you want them to.
Something I observe with pity for this generation of children is the omission from recommended reading lists the classic children's books that let kids think and make up their own minds about every issue in life. Now it's just telling them what to think about every issue. No actual stories that spur a love for language and the pleasures of reading.
It's true, a vein of propaganda can be found in much of classic literature. Shakespeare was one heck of a flack for the Tudors. But at least he had some other talents too.
Yes 👍. Little Red Riding Hood comes to mind immediately the wise story needs a messaging upgrade, the oh perfect Fauci wolf was/has been/is always been in bed with granny, sadly, and the wife comes to mind…...it feels like a classic blasphemy, but Big Bad Harma reality changes everything …
I wasn't thinking so much as warning fables but the whole canon of children's literature that really pulls you into a story and shows you that reading is magic.
Just finished all the Narnia books with my kids. Lewis was at least as sharp as Goebbels, but used his talent for good. Such good conversations were had. My major contribution to society. Who knew it was so easy? 📚
What I enjoy is when some progressive moron will scream about Huckleberry Finn being removed from the curriculum and not realize which side demanded that.
Seriously? I can't keep up. Cancelling Laura Ingalls Wilder was where I gave up following the logic. Proud to have read the whole set to my kids over the course of the corona years. The Long Winter was particularly sustaining as we endured our second winter of lockdown in an apartheid state. Imparted much needed spiritual fortitude.
I like what you are saying and agree totally. Perhaps this is a deliberate void? The many degrees of mental freedom from reading such wonderful children’s literature may be now ‘off label.’ The ‘magic’ of which you are speaking, perhaps now not approved ‘science’ for childhood or not ‘their science’. 🤔. The ‘canon’ of Sesame Street etc is clearly approved, jabbed with fully compliant messaging. Effective.
Sesame Street was just awful. I remember when they started doing shows in jive--just ensuring that the kids who needed exposure to standard language didn't have a hope in hell.
I was so lucky that the glorious Shari Lewis reduxxed when my kid was little and we got to enjoy her together, along with hilarious stuff like the Animaniacs.
Leanne, there is an interesting Simpson's episode addressing this theme. It contemplates why Game of Thrones and dragons are so popular of late--perhaps because we have completely removed magic from our thinking and in the process created the very void you speak of. My jaw dropped when watching it. I really don't know what to think of the Simpson's. There are some truly bizarre, but veiled truths hinted at over the years. Does anyone have any fun theories? Like certain creators are really time travellers?
Propaganda is a common theme treated in the long discourses of Plato. He tends to call them Rhetoric and Sophistry. It's amazing how relevant something written ~2500 years ago is even today, if one can look past the quite different culture of the time. For extra credit, read it in the original Greek. That's probably a vanished skill since few get a "classical" education any more. Allow me to amend that: if you are a product of public education system and can read it in English and grasp the gist, you are probably batting well above par (mixed metaphor, oops!)
Seriously worth the time! I went to private school, so I am lucky to have gotten a valuable smattering. My eldest has chosen to be schooled in the classics and has the aptitude. Not sure what she'll end up going on to do, but I endorse this wholeheartedly!
During the Gulf War and again during the Iraq War there were many posters placed around the various towns of my county in NorCal. They bore the famous Goebbels quote about how easy it is to lead the people to war. I have not seen them since that time.
It's far overdue honestly. I think the US adding these deathjabs to the list of childhood vaccines is going to push the education system over the abyss next school year.
I think mostly we've been overdue for a test of the true heart. I've had extremely dear friends whose strongly-held faith beliefs were entirely different from mine. That's fine. I have my own weirdnesses.
But people who think their kids are lifestyle accessories? Or who think the state has the *right* to assert ownership of what a woman might be gestating, at any stage?
Or who think the state has the right to impose vax mandates?
Or who think we should not value the heritage of liberty and individual rights derived from the Western Enlightenment?
I don't know what the fuck "whiteness" is supposed to be but I do know, through actual life experience, that people can be shits all over but some systems of human governance are far less flawed than others.
I don't know what the fuck value comes from forcing people to recite made-up holy words--either sectarian prayers or pledges of any sort of allegiance, and I don't trust people who demand any of us accede to any such performative demonstration of belief.
Find me people who really do honor the concepts so beautifully delineated in the Bill of Rights. Who can think "you're a fucking repugnant moron but you have the right to speak garbage."
Find me people mature enough to say Caitlyn Jenner is a *he.* (You can ask me to call you by any chosen name you want. Not to pretend you have a "gender" separate from your sex.)
Find me people who say "I believe with my whole heart [insert dogma here] and it's my personal truth but I can't claim it's Truth."
We get to this basic part first, maybe there's hope.
I'm going to be a bit of the devil's advocate here regarding kids/ vaccines/ school. There are people out there in the middle to lower income groups that simply can't home school. It's not that they don't love their kids, it's that they don't have the money to stay home and do that. Yes, many single mothers *could* quit their day jobs and find something working nights, but many won't have the same income working at a party store or gas station. As for moving to a different state... where does the money for that come from?
It's a hard situation, especially now. Inflation is crushing people and they might have to quit their jobs (no unemployment if you quit) to keep their kids from getting the deathjab. I guess in the poverty vs. life equation, life is preferable, but it's going to be very hard for a lot of people and I think we should keep that in mind.
That's not being Devil's Advocate. You are just making common sense observations and entirely too politely, I might add. Stand aside and allow me to show you some REAL Devil's Advocacy:
The hard truth is that a lot of (biological) parents are at best indifferent to their children. At worst, they are actively neglectful or harmful. In a just world, these people would never have been allowed to even be around children, much less to bear them. Perhaps it's expecting too much that human beings exercise a little more restraint than do the animals. But a lot of us don't A sperm donor (pardon me, a male) may claim that he tripped and fell into a vagina. It wasn't his fault that a child is now on the way. (Feel free to make up an equivalent jocular example for females, if you wish.)
Although it seems rather harsh by our modern societal standards, if one can be dispassionate for a moment, there are clear social survival values for those cultures where sexual relations are rigorously controlled, such as arranged marriage or brutal punishment for fornication ("honor killing" and such). Stoning to death a man or woman for illicit sex does sound rather barbaric, but you must admit it's a highly effective means to encourage conformity and most importantly, to eliminate the defective from the gene pool. I believe there are still such draconian cultures extant. You probably wouldn't want to live in one, but for damned sure they give a lot of thought to bringing up the next generation.
In modern democracies the trend has generally been at best "benign neglect" and in more recent times, to subsidize bad behavior (uncontrolled breeding by the least fit members of a society.)
In either event, it's the children that suffer. No baby asks to be born, and he or she has no control over the situation into which he/she arrives. Any large, poor area of an American, or many European city, will provide endless examples of the end result of such policy.
There's a delicate balance between the rights of the individual in a free society and the duty of the majority to regulate the behaviors of the errant. I don't claim to have any magical solutions. I'm just observing that 99% of the evils that befall human being can be laid directly at the feet of people. Stupidity, failure to plan ahead, pride, and so forth. An endless list of flaws that, if they could be kept on a short leash would probably make the world a much nicer place.
In those cultures you think have solved some of the problems, there's a saying that many sins can hide under a burqa, and that's based on pure fact.
And their gene pool is in pretty bad shape, given the extent of cousin marriage.
There are no perfect systems and there's no cure for human nature, we invented civilization as an attempt at that but pure animal instinct can't be bred out of us no matter how hard they try.
you would love Anne Barnhardt's blog, who finishes every post with an infographic which states "Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore, I consider that Islam must be destroyed"
Don't ask me about the considerable inconveniences I made for myself because of my severe bout of multicultural enthusiasm and the little name changes that grew. I blew up my right to refuse to call the guy Caitlyn.
She wants to destroy Islam? How about its Ma Judaism and its sister Christianity? Honestly, my people sure started a lot of trouble...
...and every cult is the same. There is, in my opinion which I'll defend to the death, no "true faith." There's whatever you want to believe, sure, just keep it out of my life in civil society.
It doesn't take mature people to see that Caitlyn is a he, just observant people.
The whole "living your truth" thing is ridiculous. I've often used the example of flying without apparatus. I can believe I can fly like Superman all day long, but once I jump, gravity takes over.
As a recent amputee I could think of myself as having two legs, but if I try to stand on one leg, it will become obvious that I am very unstable.
They should make pregnancy an Olympic sport and see how trans athletes faire in regards to that one. Sure, there are women who can't give birth, but technically they did have the capacity to at some point.
Reminds me of the movie "The Dream Team" where Peter Boyle asserted when someone was telling him things Jesus would and would not do to "stay out of his psychosis. Now are are encouraged to indulge it.
It may do more than that. If I were a parent, this would be the definite call to arms. Not that I would even consider placing my child in a public school.
I had a guy privately flip his biscuit to me on the Gutter over email last night before unsubscribing simply because I mentioned that Kissinger wrote an illuminating book.
I thought that post of yours was just extraordinarily good. It demanded that the reader think. It made me so curious about all your life experiences and your education and the jobs you've had, because all of that bore really fine fruit.
Someone incapable of recognizing that, well, he didn't need to be run through any washer, he shrunk himself just fine on his own.
It was strange and disappointing. He went on about the Rothschilds at great length and announced "I want nothing more to do with you."
To be clear, it was not my intention to express any liking or admiration for Kissinger. But it cannot be denied that he is vastly knowledgeable, powerful, and intelligent, and he's actually a very good writer in that all of his books completely omit personal politics or prescriptive policy (which is why I compared him to our old math teacher that never took an intellectual side).
I've read treatises on war by plenty of people who were undoubtedly bloodthirsty psychopaths, it doesn't mean I want them to be my roommates. You can learn from anyone who's good at what they do.
I actually originally wrote "it doesn't mean I want to sleep with them" but I would absolutely hook up with Oda Nobunaga or Genghis Khan once as long as we could keep it casual, just for bragging rights.
I remember remarking to my brother once (via email I think) that Pat Buchanan had made a good point about something and I felt strong vibrations of him thinking I'd gone right off the deep end.
Jeez. I miss the good old days of the McLaughlin Group. Now even Eleanor Clift has succumbed to brain rot. Why must they take so much from me?
haha, I was just thinking (again) of the good old days of the McLaughlin Group as well...though I'm not sure Eleanor Clift had that far to go with the brain rot (though the standards have certainly dropped)!
Personally I don't think much of Kissinger but I never knew him personally.
I dislkie him because of his immense interference in Cyprus which once again (like so often) was only an issue because the UK (and their were others that did similar) were obsessed with Empire in days gone by.
I see it as foolish to close my mind to the fact that I don't have all the information but your flipping-guy doesn't want to hear anything that changes his bias and his opinion.
That attitude sums up the root of many of today's issues and problems in the world.
The book I was specifically referencing in my article was "World Powers," which included a lengthy discussion of the Treaty of Westphalia.
I guarantee anyone reading that book will learn at least one thing about modern history they didn't know because it never occurred to them to even wonder about it.
Seriously though folks, although he's not making a health claim, allow me to belabor what should be obvious.
For argument's sake, let's pretend that smoking really did provide some protection against catching a virus such as SARS-CoV-2. This would be most difficult to establish even tentatively, much less to any level of scientific rigor. Even if it could be proven, isn't it likely, given what's known about tobacco/nicotine, that adverse effects would swamp the proven benefit? While my example is hypothetical, in real life this happens all the time. Many drugs, and probably the jabs, are at best of limited benefit that should be weighed against adverse effects both known and potential.
Smoking is on the whole a bad idea. You are, or should be, free to smoke or do other stupid shit if you wish (subject to not harming others, of course.) But no one should be under any illusions that it's healthy.
I’ve read this, too. Interesting that you actually did catch it only after stopping. I briefly considered adding Nicotene patches to my Covid supply box at one point, but didn’t bother…
Pobrecollie's reply notwithstanding, quitting smoking is one of those rare cases of health advice that [apparently] is based on firm research/science. In contrast, surprisingly, is the argument to lose weight, certain diets etc. Everybody knows that being overweight is "bad" for one's health, right? Well apparently the truth is a bit more complex. At least if the claim in Kendrick's book "Doctoring Data" are correct (pages 118-121) being slightly overweight or even obese has a LOWER mortality risk than "normal"! Counter-intuitive to the extreme. You have to be underweight or "Obese II" before the risk is higher than "normal."
Taking Kendrick's claims at face value then, medical advice should be: "Being 'overweight' is the sweet spot. It's OK to be 'normal' or even 'obese' as your death risk is only slightly higher. It turns out that the worst is to be grossly 'underweight' or morbidly obese, then your risk of death goes up dramatically."
So why didn’t they compare unvaccinated exercisers and non-exercisers as well? Oh, that’s right, we were all killed off in the winter of severe Illness and death 🙄
It’d be interesting to see just how many unvaccinated are getting Covid now that the boosted seem to be catching it right and left
I had a super mild case before jabs came out. Runny nose. I’m 74 now and not one sniffle since. Been around groups of folks that tested positive when they went home several times. Wasn’t from me. But other vaxxed. My unvaxxed relatives have never been reinfected after getting it a year ago. My vaxxed have.
that winter of severe illness and death is coming. Just not for the ones that were mentioned last winter. Shoot even the installed resident did a press conference today and stated "almost everyone who will die of covid this year will not be up to date on their shots, or they will not have taken paxlovid when they are sick". I mean it's good to no longer be the sole target of sickness and death this winter.
Well I think the shift in narrative from 'unvaccinated' to 'not fully vaccinated' had been in full swing by this time last year, but the basement dummy just didn't get the message for his tirade. Wonder how this years vitriol will play out with those who've had 1 or more shots but are not up to date!
And hey, either way, they're going to Uber and Door Dash us paxlovid, so no worries!
Old Uncle Joe said today that everyone dying of Covid this winter will be multi-jabbed and unhealthy, maybe over 85. Just kidding! He actually claims it will be those who won’t take the boosters or Paxlovid. He couldn’t be owned by Pfizer could he?
I remember when the first person I knew got it & I was so sad because she was going to die.... but she didn't & no one else did, either.. boy was I pissed that I had been so wracked with fear over a cold!!
That and the fact the people weren’t dying en masse. Even the probably mendacious government statistics showed that most deaths were 80+, a group that is on lots of meds as a whole. No one is in a care facility because they are in robust health. It was always a crock o’ shit.
remember the pictures of people in China dropping dead on the street? and that never happened here until after the vaxx for young adults started... then world class athletes dropping dead almost every day!
I think they showed the “Chinese people dropping dead in the street” clips for only a short time at the beginning to instill fear but it didn’t last long because we would start to notice it wasn’t happening in the US. But the subliminal fear remained for many. I recall thinking it was odd at the time. It’s all PsyOps being run on the populace.
I received a basic education in "How Pharma Fudges Figures 101" from places like Gato Malo but elsewhere. I'm currently reading Kendrick's "Doctoring Data" that treats this issue in depth. I'm not expert, but I'm enough of a "talented amateur" that I was able to download a copy of a Paxlovid study and dissect it. As with the jabs, they routinely make some claim like "80% effective in reducing hospitalization." Let's grant them the concession that all the numbers in a study were honestly obtained and no fraud has occurred. Even short of deliberate deceit, there is a whole forest of subjectivity. You'd think that a scientific study would be black and white but nothing could be further from the truth. How you define cases, thresholds, how you measure, error rate and so on can dramatically affect the numbers. As such you get not just fifty, but a near infinite shades of grey between black (lies or unknown) and white (blinding Ultimate Truth).
Pardon my verbosity; it's one of my faults. The core scam that Pharma uses is the concept of relative risk (or benefit) when absolute risk (or benefit) would be a more honest measure. It is standard form in Pharma (and other advertising) to claim a huge relative improvement, when the absolute improvement may be trivial or even "not statistically significant." You would be dismayed how many common medical products fall into that category: statins, Paxlovid, most vaccines. The advantages, if any, are often at best in the low single digits or even fractions of a percent over control/placebo/no treatment. Finally there is the ever-present issue of adverse effects. These are hard to quantify and even harder for Pharma to admit.
By the time we know about this winter it’s past election and Biden will be a little dirty dust bunny under the Oval Office desk. We own that BTW. And everything in there.
You bring up (sort of ) a curious point. The refusal to do rigorous studies, such as a randomized controlled trial of a new drug. Sometimes doing such a trial may be impossible, even if the will was there. But what I find more of concern are what I'd call ethical reasons to avoid them. I'm not advocating that harmful, evil experiments be tried. But Pharma has gone to the opposite extreme, effectively refusing to do rigorous testing based on some variation of the claim that "It would be unethical to continue the trial since benefit has been proven with the treatment." This has happened many times, such as with the "vaccine" trials. Returning to the general case, perhaps there really is a net benefit and it'd be pointless to hand out placebos. Think of penicillin and other early "miracle" drugs. Ah, but there is a downside. If you wanted to hide adverse events, what better way than to blind the control group? And what if the claimed benefit is at best tiny, or perhaps even illusory? Again, exhibit A is the Pfizer "vaccine."
None of the above was new to me. What is, again from reading Kendrick, is this: many widely used drugs, like the statin I'm on, no longer get rigorous trials (RCT) because now it's considered a breach of ethics to give a placebo because it would be denying treatment for a condition that "everybody knows" is beneficial. There are older trials that show the [lack of] efficacy of a particular statin against placebo. But new drugs? Not against placebo, they can trial against currently used similar drugs. Such trials may still have value. But what gobsmacked me is that in the current climate, it is considered unethical and even criminal malpractice, to test against placebo in some cases.. Whatever high sounding moral claims this may offer, need I point out that it makes difficult proofs of harm, or even overall efficacy? And that suits Pharma just fine.
Yes. All they need now is to round up some mice. We are the human trials. Considering Kendrick’s books and writings on the statin and cholesterol con, if you will, have you reconsidered taking them as NNT is 99 to give 1 patient less chance of CV event? I have read him. Another study shows maybe a 3 day longer life? Just curious. Cheers.
Didn't they try that last month? I remember hearing some Covidian-aligned media saying this, basically throwing it against the wall to see if it sticks. I don't think it worked!
How about a vaccine that actually contains the attenuated or deactivated version of the virus that its supposed to fight? It's like fighting polio with a modified herpes virus. No wonder Pfizer didn't bother to test the vaccine for transmission prevention.
"Greater crop yields when sacrificing virgins is coupled with use of fertilizer."
I mean, if you sacrifice the virgins on the fields... that's kindof fertilizer, amirite?
Modern problems require modern solutions... 😉
What happens if you sacrifice leftists?
Does it poison the earth and prevent anything useful growing?
Well yes, of course, but you want to make sure they were organic.
They're all jib-jabbed, boosted and full of poisons from #BigPharma
I've been amused and appalled by the young and old hippies I'm surrounded by, who recoil from a slice of white glutenized bread as if it were arsenic, but who rushed to get the jab.
Oh sheet! That's hilarious 😂
I've thrown my neck out from shaking my head.
Already garnering laughs and thoughts, and I posted it not 15 minutes ago. Ya done good!
John, can I steal this ? It's the purrrfect byline for this article .
Of course.
Much appreciated...know that you'll be an accessory to a few heads blowing up 😅
ala Kingsmen...
Sacrificed virgins - it's what plants crave. :P
That’s probably true, as long as you plant on top of the sacrificed virgin. I plant in top of buried food scraps all the time and it works great.
They've got electrolytes!
Compost your enemies, your crops will love it.
😀 😃 😁 😆 😂 🤣
The fertilizer improved the effectiveness of human sacrifice. That's the line.
Your comment: lmao 🤣 🤣
Replies thread: Support, succor, shared sentiments
Likes: hit a funny bone clearly
Geez o flip we are so far from Kansas.
"composting dead humans a better alternative than virgins experts say"
The exercise in question is just running away from the vaxx, the first in history with effectiveness improved by not taking it.
That is my main form of cardio these days.
Mine is hyperventilating over crazy stuff going on in our country.
World. I find ranting therapeutic. The folks around me sort of view me as a "Bobcat Goldthwait"
NOthing more therapeutic than a couple of good old cuss words. I am sure in the situation, God will forgive us.
❤️❤️❤️ I think I've cussed more using words I thought I'd never use in the last 2.5 years than in my entire life.
Haha ! Never thought I would need sthese words again ! In dire situations one needs dire words.
I've used the phrase clown world more than I've ever used before
I watched Brandon today. Two minutes and I was yelling "liar" at the tele.
I had to turn it off because I was going to watch the public jab he supposedly was taking and wish him ill. I couldn't do that, even though he wished me ill a few times.
he probably got a saline jab, like the French government. I read a few weeks ago how a member of the French gov. had 3 heart surgeries following his jabs, and only then found out, that he is one of the only to take the jabs. Neither Macron nor any of his parliament got them. I suppose it is the same here.
"...only what is good for building up someone in need..." That would be me.
I guess I AM getting cardio every day. Running from the jabs and screaming at the tele
All the screaming is terrific exercise for your lungs when you inevitably get the overblown cold. Or so I say...
Haha! That's right.
I got it early Feb 2020 (on tour in Europe) but we all know natural immunity doesn't work
I think it was worse then than the current version. Well done getting it out of the way.
I get a good workout every day holding my tongue.
aha. I must have misread the joke LOL
While in the real world sport seems to cause athletes to have cardiac issues after the vaccines.
See? When you drop dead on the field, you're less likely to be hospitalized.
I think you misspelled “$CIENCE”....
Who knew the Thomas Dolby song would be so prescient. I think it's about Walensky.
No no no- its spelled SEANCE.
Yes, and it would have been much worse if they hadn't been vaxxed!
she blinded me with science
Probably is "Airhead" would cover her better, although probably not appearance.
"She's an airhead. Tinted contacts, don't change the fact, that black is black.
She's an airhead. but I'm impressed by the size of that chest --
She's not an intellectual giant."
Would some brilliant mememaking cat or other make a thing with one of those videos of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and write it would have been much worse if they hadn't been vaxxed on it, or has that g9ne around and I missed it?
So the death would have been even more sudden?
Other than a loose connection to topic of death, may I recommend a humour interlude? Monty Python's "Ralph Mellish," available on youtube. It's well worth the 2:33 it takes to listen. Also, it's a good example of twisting a narrative to say something entirely different from what it sounds like, or making a mountain of a molehill. That's perfectly good for comedy, but it really has no place in what once was called journalism.
This is what the fact checkers would do. They would take something factually true, and then put the "fact check: lacking context or incomplete story" and then the fact checking would affirm the story, but also mention that additional commentary might be speculation.
No more deadly of course
Oh, probably. But I don't consider the jest outworn, it is destined to become a classic line, I'm afraid.
now that is a way to look at things.... if you are dead you are at least not hospitalized. But it could have been worse, or not? You could have died suffering !
Good one!
You are a devil!!
I feel guilty for laughing but I did and now I must repent.
In the words of Jimmy Buffett, if we couldn't laugh we would all go insane. The insanity deserves laughter.
har!!! so true!
Although sports may a good thing for you sometimes, be wary, sport can also cause cardiac arrest!!!
Well apparently so can gardening, global warming, and sleeping
lots of them while driving a car too
Some statistical notes: A quick google reveals that in USA, one's chances of dying in an auto are very close to 1% (of all causes). As such, it is far from the leading causes of death, which continue to be "natural" causes like heart disease or cancer.
Ingrid's comment is still valid, however. I'm no expert, but as with any determination of cause of death, a single factor is put on the death certificate. Yet it'd be remarkable if there weren't many contributing factors. For example, my father died in his 60s of lung cancer. I'd argue that it was lifelong smoking that did it. Now imagine if he'd died of a heart attack behind the wheel. The State would probably have said cause of death was a high speed impact etc. No it wasn't. It was a heart attack, exacerbated by a poor lifestyle choice.
Takeaway: there 's likely a lot hidden (unintentionally in most cases, I'd assume) in various statistics. Rarely are resources expended to (say) do an autopsy. Even if investigated, there are simply limits on what could be discovered. Was the cause of death a heart attack, a stroke, or did the driver simply fall asleep? Even if he was legally drunk, was that really a factor in the crash? As a counter argument: although alcohol/drugs impair driving, it's a fact that in the vast majority of cases the driver gets from point A to B without incident.
The real world is a lot messier and more complex than we'd like it to be.
read a booklet a while ago that said, you can make statistics say whatever you want. And it was very true! Life is not a straight line. It is a tree with branches.... and beware of the experts !!!!
Don't forget the FAA made all of our pilots get this crap. I get a little tingle everytime I hear a plane overhead, the Vax has made ordinary life so much more...well filled with random death
I am not usre if it is because I notice it more, but lately there have been so many plane 'mishaps'. Small planes emergency landing on streets, 3 small planes in the last 3 months that fell, big planes hitting each other on the tarmac, oversliding the ramp, having mechanical problems etc. I wonder if so many technicians have left, that maintenance is suffering. Not to talk about all the pilots that left to avoid the jabs, and all the rest suffering adverse reactions... no more flying here!
I was thinking it was a combination of jabs and more diverse flight crews. But there are so many incidents of various kinds, aircraft mishaps, the current 'weirdness' with aircraft tracking systems at DFW, the unmentionable destruction of huge pieces of our food supply chain, mysterious disappearance of the Alaskan crabs, and a thousand and one other things just unexplainably going wrong, that I have begun to suspect that we are in the middle of a full on war of sabotage with either the Russians or Chinese. When weird things happen and the authorities aren't curious they already know the answer or just don't care.
Like Leslie Jordan
Don't forget gardening. Gardening can cause sudden death too.
Another one this weekend.
Edit: Corrected link
I think there were several this last week. And several musicians, too. Check Mark Crispin Miller's post. Tomorrow I think.
For what it's worth, financier Ed Dowd has been all over this for quite a while; he and his cohorts are predicting a really awful winter of death due to dead immune systems + "the flu."
Half the children of (I think a Virginia) school got sick a few days ago with a non covid respiratory illness. I suspect all with a damaged immune system... poor children, what will become of them ?
Dowd was all over the Web at the beginning of this year, but he's vanished the last few months.
He's here:
For those interested, he did a really good presentation here:
Two people I tend to follow are Dowd (finance) and a guy by the name of Clif High. Clif does something called "predictive linguistics" and is really... let's just say fringe. He's on telegram as scifi world0.
Right now, Dowd and High are saying some of the same things. There is no world in which former Blackrock guy and former Coast to Coast AM guest should agree on much of anything.
BTW.... High talks about the death of the dollar and the collapse of the system. He's been talking about that for at least a year and a half. Which is about a year more than Dowd.
1000 athletes have died suddenly or suffered heart disease
theyre dropping like flies. All collapsing and dying suddenly. Nobody seems to care why. Just nice words from the family about how wonderful a person they where, and how heartbreaking it is. Cognitive dissonance.
It all makes sense! They had to keep the gyms closed until the shots came out.
Perhaps tangentially relevant: Malcolm Kendrick's book "Doctoring Data" describes many past medical treatments later proved useless or worse. In the early 20th century, it became dogma that after a man had a heart attack, he must be confined to bed rest for six weeks. Only later, much later, was it discovered this was about the worst that could have been recommended. Literally hundreds of thousands of men died over a period of several decades due to what was in retrospect the wrong treatment for their condition.
One of Kendrick's themes is that a half-assed idea often becomes medical dogma, even absent any firm evidence. Such was the above example. There was never a systematic study of the issues until the 1960s Apollo project. Volunteers were asked to be inactive/lay for long periods of time and lo and behold....
Now here's where I try to attach some relevance to the current topic: Long stints in bed cause all sorts of serious issues. Bed sores. Deep vein thromboses (DVT). Perhaps more.
Even the gym being closed is not, of itself, a disaster. While it's of course true that some exercise is essential to good health and for an athlete to remain in training, according to Kendrick at least, lack of exercise itself is not a risk factor for heart disease.
Isn't it curious how the medical community is always acting as if we have achieved The End of Medical Science?
Really shitty seeing how one of the smartest people ever was Goebbels. These people who understood human nature perfectly.
It's too bad we're such small people that he can't be used in detailed lessons in HS to show kids how ridiculously easy it is to colonize the brains of the *educated* and get them to do anything you want them to.
Would blow up public education, wouldn't it?
Only the educated, the rest would ask you why you're teaching them what common sense has already provided.
Something I observe with pity for this generation of children is the omission from recommended reading lists the classic children's books that let kids think and make up their own minds about every issue in life. Now it's just telling them what to think about every issue. No actual stories that spur a love for language and the pleasures of reading.
It's true, a vein of propaganda can be found in much of classic literature. Shakespeare was one heck of a flack for the Tudors. But at least he had some other talents too.
Yes 👍. Little Red Riding Hood comes to mind immediately the wise story needs a messaging upgrade, the oh perfect Fauci wolf was/has been/is always been in bed with granny, sadly, and the wife comes to mind…...it feels like a classic blasphemy, but Big Bad Harma reality changes everything …
I wasn't thinking so much as warning fables but the whole canon of children's literature that really pulls you into a story and shows you that reading is magic.
Just finished all the Narnia books with my kids. Lewis was at least as sharp as Goebbels, but used his talent for good. Such good conversations were had. My major contribution to society. Who knew it was so easy? 📚
Now imagine how all the Jewish kids felt, getting to the very last page and finding out that Aslan was Jesus.
Tragically, many of these are now banned. Shakespeare, too, is no longer taught in public schools. 'Cause racism.
What I enjoy is when some progressive moron will scream about Huckleberry Finn being removed from the curriculum and not realize which side demanded that.
Seriously? I can't keep up. Cancelling Laura Ingalls Wilder was where I gave up following the logic. Proud to have read the whole set to my kids over the course of the corona years. The Long Winter was particularly sustaining as we endured our second winter of lockdown in an apartheid state. Imparted much needed spiritual fortitude.
and to use one's wits!
I like what you are saying and agree totally. Perhaps this is a deliberate void? The many degrees of mental freedom from reading such wonderful children’s literature may be now ‘off label.’ The ‘magic’ of which you are speaking, perhaps now not approved ‘science’ for childhood or not ‘their science’. 🤔. The ‘canon’ of Sesame Street etc is clearly approved, jabbed with fully compliant messaging. Effective.
Sesame Street was just awful. I remember when they started doing shows in jive--just ensuring that the kids who needed exposure to standard language didn't have a hope in hell.
I was so lucky that the glorious Shari Lewis reduxxed when my kid was little and we got to enjoy her together, along with hilarious stuff like the Animaniacs.
Leanne, there is an interesting Simpson's episode addressing this theme. It contemplates why Game of Thrones and dragons are so popular of late--perhaps because we have completely removed magic from our thinking and in the process created the very void you speak of. My jaw dropped when watching it. I really don't know what to think of the Simpson's. There are some truly bizarre, but veiled truths hinted at over the years. Does anyone have any fun theories? Like certain creators are really time travellers?
Propaganda is a common theme treated in the long discourses of Plato. He tends to call them Rhetoric and Sophistry. It's amazing how relevant something written ~2500 years ago is even today, if one can look past the quite different culture of the time. For extra credit, read it in the original Greek. That's probably a vanished skill since few get a "classical" education any more. Allow me to amend that: if you are a product of public education system and can read it in English and grasp the gist, you are probably batting well above par (mixed metaphor, oops!)
Seriously worth the time! I went to private school, so I am lucky to have gotten a valuable smattering. My eldest has chosen to be schooled in the classics and has the aptitude. Not sure what she'll end up going on to do, but I endorse this wholeheartedly!
Ah, well. "Money is a good soldier, and will on."
During the Gulf War and again during the Iraq War there were many posters placed around the various towns of my county in NorCal. They bore the famous Goebbels quote about how easy it is to lead the people to war. I have not seen them since that time.
Funny thing, right?
Yeah, and come to think of it, where is Code Pink? Now, when we need them?
Wish I owned stock in Hypocrisy Inc.
We'd both be billionaires.
I'd be a good one fer shure. Would only force people to take their daily multivitamin and it won't have no bug juice in it.
It's far overdue honestly. I think the US adding these deathjabs to the list of childhood vaccines is going to push the education system over the abyss next school year.
I think mostly we've been overdue for a test of the true heart. I've had extremely dear friends whose strongly-held faith beliefs were entirely different from mine. That's fine. I have my own weirdnesses.
But people who think their kids are lifestyle accessories? Or who think the state has the *right* to assert ownership of what a woman might be gestating, at any stage?
Or who think the state has the right to impose vax mandates?
Or who think we should not value the heritage of liberty and individual rights derived from the Western Enlightenment?
I don't know what the fuck "whiteness" is supposed to be but I do know, through actual life experience, that people can be shits all over but some systems of human governance are far less flawed than others.
I don't know what the fuck value comes from forcing people to recite made-up holy words--either sectarian prayers or pledges of any sort of allegiance, and I don't trust people who demand any of us accede to any such performative demonstration of belief.
Find me people who really do honor the concepts so beautifully delineated in the Bill of Rights. Who can think "you're a fucking repugnant moron but you have the right to speak garbage."
Find me people mature enough to say Caitlyn Jenner is a *he.* (You can ask me to call you by any chosen name you want. Not to pretend you have a "gender" separate from your sex.)
Find me people who say "I believe with my whole heart [insert dogma here] and it's my personal truth but I can't claim it's Truth."
We get to this basic part first, maybe there's hope.
I'm going to be a bit of the devil's advocate here regarding kids/ vaccines/ school. There are people out there in the middle to lower income groups that simply can't home school. It's not that they don't love their kids, it's that they don't have the money to stay home and do that. Yes, many single mothers *could* quit their day jobs and find something working nights, but many won't have the same income working at a party store or gas station. As for moving to a different state... where does the money for that come from?
It's a hard situation, especially now. Inflation is crushing people and they might have to quit their jobs (no unemployment if you quit) to keep their kids from getting the deathjab. I guess in the poverty vs. life equation, life is preferable, but it's going to be very hard for a lot of people and I think we should keep that in mind.
That's not being Devil's Advocate. You are just making common sense observations and entirely too politely, I might add. Stand aside and allow me to show you some REAL Devil's Advocacy:
The hard truth is that a lot of (biological) parents are at best indifferent to their children. At worst, they are actively neglectful or harmful. In a just world, these people would never have been allowed to even be around children, much less to bear them. Perhaps it's expecting too much that human beings exercise a little more restraint than do the animals. But a lot of us don't A sperm donor (pardon me, a male) may claim that he tripped and fell into a vagina. It wasn't his fault that a child is now on the way. (Feel free to make up an equivalent jocular example for females, if you wish.)
Although it seems rather harsh by our modern societal standards, if one can be dispassionate for a moment, there are clear social survival values for those cultures where sexual relations are rigorously controlled, such as arranged marriage or brutal punishment for fornication ("honor killing" and such). Stoning to death a man or woman for illicit sex does sound rather barbaric, but you must admit it's a highly effective means to encourage conformity and most importantly, to eliminate the defective from the gene pool. I believe there are still such draconian cultures extant. You probably wouldn't want to live in one, but for damned sure they give a lot of thought to bringing up the next generation.
In modern democracies the trend has generally been at best "benign neglect" and in more recent times, to subsidize bad behavior (uncontrolled breeding by the least fit members of a society.)
In either event, it's the children that suffer. No baby asks to be born, and he or she has no control over the situation into which he/she arrives. Any large, poor area of an American, or many European city, will provide endless examples of the end result of such policy.
There's a delicate balance between the rights of the individual in a free society and the duty of the majority to regulate the behaviors of the errant. I don't claim to have any magical solutions. I'm just observing that 99% of the evils that befall human being can be laid directly at the feet of people. Stupidity, failure to plan ahead, pride, and so forth. An endless list of flaws that, if they could be kept on a short leash would probably make the world a much nicer place.
In those cultures you think have solved some of the problems, there's a saying that many sins can hide under a burqa, and that's based on pure fact.
And their gene pool is in pretty bad shape, given the extent of cousin marriage.
There are no perfect systems and there's no cure for human nature, we invented civilization as an attempt at that but pure animal instinct can't be bred out of us no matter how hard they try.
I think you've rather misperceived my point here.
if you want to do it, you'll find a way. if you don't, you'll find an excuse..
you would love Anne Barnhardt's blog, who finishes every post with an infographic which states "Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore, I consider that Islam must be destroyed"
HIGHLY recommend Ann Barnhardt; she is the one that turned me onto Vitamin I. She also has lots of information on dosing and such.
I don't think I would.
Don't ask me about the considerable inconveniences I made for myself because of my severe bout of multicultural enthusiasm and the little name changes that grew. I blew up my right to refuse to call the guy Caitlyn.
She wants to destroy Islam? How about its Ma Judaism and its sister Christianity? Honestly, my people sure started a lot of trouble...
...and every cult is the same. There is, in my opinion which I'll defend to the death, no "true faith." There's whatever you want to believe, sure, just keep it out of my life in civil society.
And damn do I miss a nice plate of zarda for Eid.
https://www.barnhardt.biz by the way
It doesn't take mature people to see that Caitlyn is a he, just observant people.
The whole "living your truth" thing is ridiculous. I've often used the example of flying without apparatus. I can believe I can fly like Superman all day long, but once I jump, gravity takes over.
As a recent amputee I could think of myself as having two legs, but if I try to stand on one leg, it will become obvious that I am very unstable.
They should make pregnancy an Olympic sport and see how trans athletes faire in regards to that one. Sure, there are women who can't give birth, but technically they did have the capacity to at some point.
Living your truth = forcing me to enable your mental illness
Reminds me of the movie "The Dream Team" where Peter Boyle asserted when someone was telling him things Jesus would and would not do to "stay out of his psychosis. Now are are encouraged to indulge it.
It may do more than that. If I were a parent, this would be the definite call to arms. Not that I would even consider placing my child in a public school.
especially the educated........
So much information these days - and so little knowledge, and even less wisdom.
Why oh why aren't kids taught to think for themselves these days.
You know why
I had a guy privately flip his biscuit to me on the Gutter over email last night before unsubscribing simply because I mentioned that Kissinger wrote an illuminating book.
I thought that post of yours was just extraordinarily good. It demanded that the reader think. It made me so curious about all your life experiences and your education and the jobs you've had, because all of that bore really fine fruit.
Someone incapable of recognizing that, well, he didn't need to be run through any washer, he shrunk himself just fine on his own.
It was strange and disappointing. He went on about the Rothschilds at great length and announced "I want nothing more to do with you."
To be clear, it was not my intention to express any liking or admiration for Kissinger. But it cannot be denied that he is vastly knowledgeable, powerful, and intelligent, and he's actually a very good writer in that all of his books completely omit personal politics or prescriptive policy (which is why I compared him to our old math teacher that never took an intellectual side).
I've read treatises on war by plenty of people who were undoubtedly bloodthirsty psychopaths, it doesn't mean I want them to be my roommates. You can learn from anyone who's good at what they do.
For folks playing at home, the article in question is:
"...it doesn't mean I want them to be my roommates" love it. good points
I actually originally wrote "it doesn't mean I want to sleep with them" but I would absolutely hook up with Oda Nobunaga or Genghis Khan once as long as we could keep it casual, just for bragging rights.
Good lord! Have we reached that stage in our acquaintanceship where we're going to start fighting over men?
Do we cast lots or just see who's left standing?
It was perfectly clear in your post.
I remember remarking to my brother once (via email I think) that Pat Buchanan had made a good point about something and I felt strong vibrations of him thinking I'd gone right off the deep end.
Jeez. I miss the good old days of the McLaughlin Group. Now even Eleanor Clift has succumbed to brain rot. Why must they take so much from me?
haha, I was just thinking (again) of the good old days of the McLaughlin Group as well...though I'm not sure Eleanor Clift had that far to go with the brain rot (though the standards have certainly dropped)!
Oh and coincidentally miss the SNL cast which spoofed the show...31 years ago...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYBpWAiwW34
Forever (or at least temporarily) in your debt.
What book was that, out of interest?
Personally I don't think much of Kissinger but I never knew him personally.
I dislkie him because of his immense interference in Cyprus which once again (like so often) was only an issue because the UK (and their were others that did similar) were obsessed with Empire in days gone by.
I see it as foolish to close my mind to the fact that I don't have all the information but your flipping-guy doesn't want to hear anything that changes his bias and his opinion.
That attitude sums up the root of many of today's issues and problems in the world.
The book I was specifically referencing in my article was "World Powers," which included a lengthy discussion of the Treaty of Westphalia.
I guarantee anyone reading that book will learn at least one thing about modern history they didn't know because it never occurred to them to even wonder about it.
Sounds interesting.
You can never have too much knowledge.
would that be World Order, by chance? I can't find world power as a book
Lol, my phone autocorrected it to power, for some reason.
Yes, it's World Order. Sorry for the confusion.
Less likely to be hospitalized due to Covid - more likely to be hospitalized due to getting the Covid jab.
public health dies in the sewer - going full circle on when it was actually useful and produced sewers for public health.
I'm a civil engineer, I've helped design sewer treatment plants and lift stations.
Where is my Virchow Prize for Global Health?
Reverse circling in Australia. Same result.
LOL!!! I hear quitting smoking and losing 40 lbs also helps with the vaccine effectiveness. 🤓
I caught covid when I stopped smoking. Nicotine competes for the ACE2 receptors as I understand it.
So did I, although the lag was about 29 years 🤣
Seriously though folks, although he's not making a health claim, allow me to belabor what should be obvious.
For argument's sake, let's pretend that smoking really did provide some protection against catching a virus such as SARS-CoV-2. This would be most difficult to establish even tentatively, much less to any level of scientific rigor. Even if it could be proven, isn't it likely, given what's known about tobacco/nicotine, that adverse effects would swamp the proven benefit? While my example is hypothetical, in real life this happens all the time. Many drugs, and probably the jabs, are at best of limited benefit that should be weighed against adverse effects both known and potential.
Smoking is on the whole a bad idea. You are, or should be, free to smoke or do other stupid shit if you wish (subject to not harming others, of course.) But no one should be under any illusions that it's healthy.
I’ve read this, too. Interesting that you actually did catch it only after stopping. I briefly considered adding Nicotene patches to my Covid supply box at one point, but didn’t bother…
Pobrecollie's reply notwithstanding, quitting smoking is one of those rare cases of health advice that [apparently] is based on firm research/science. In contrast, surprisingly, is the argument to lose weight, certain diets etc. Everybody knows that being overweight is "bad" for one's health, right? Well apparently the truth is a bit more complex. At least if the claim in Kendrick's book "Doctoring Data" are correct (pages 118-121) being slightly overweight or even obese has a LOWER mortality risk than "normal"! Counter-intuitive to the extreme. You have to be underweight or "Obese II" before the risk is higher than "normal."
Taking Kendrick's claims at face value then, medical advice should be: "Being 'overweight' is the sweet spot. It's OK to be 'normal' or even 'obese' as your death risk is only slightly higher. It turns out that the worst is to be grossly 'underweight' or morbidly obese, then your risk of death goes up dramatically."
no such thing as public health. health is a private matter. the state has no business there
winner winner chicken dinner!
There are too many adult-sized children who'll never understand the importance of such a concept.
So why didn’t they compare unvaccinated exercisers and non-exercisers as well? Oh, that’s right, we were all killed off in the winter of severe Illness and death 🙄
It’d be interesting to see just how many unvaccinated are getting Covid now that the boosted seem to be catching it right and left
I had a super mild case before jabs came out. Runny nose. I’m 74 now and not one sniffle since. Been around groups of folks that tested positive when they went home several times. Wasn’t from me. But other vaxxed. My unvaxxed relatives have never been reinfected after getting it a year ago. My vaxxed have.
I’m still a spike virgin!
I'm proudly quintuple unjabbed!
I’m proud of you!
I like that!
that winter of severe illness and death is coming. Just not for the ones that were mentioned last winter. Shoot even the installed resident did a press conference today and stated "almost everyone who will die of covid this year will not be up to date on their shots, or they will not have taken paxlovid when they are sick". I mean it's good to no longer be the sole target of sickness and death this winter.
That guy is so full of it
Well I think the shift in narrative from 'unvaccinated' to 'not fully vaccinated' had been in full swing by this time last year, but the basement dummy just didn't get the message for his tirade. Wonder how this years vitriol will play out with those who've had 1 or more shots but are not up to date!
And hey, either way, they're going to Uber and Door Dash us paxlovid, so no worries!
Why don’t they just email it on request like they did the unreliable virus tests? What good use of our tax dollars!
Old Uncle Joe said today that everyone dying of Covid this winter will be multi-jabbed and unhealthy, maybe over 85. Just kidding! He actually claims it will be those who won’t take the boosters or Paxlovid. He couldn’t be owned by Pfizer could he?
Since having had covid recently, I know some that are probably thinking, how are you still alive?
You are one of the fortunate 99.9%. How did you manage?
I remember when the first person I knew got it & I was so sad because she was going to die.... but she didn't & no one else did, either.. boy was I pissed that I had been so wracked with fear over a cold!!
There must be a lot of that.
I never trusted it. Pfizer especially.
They denied natural immunity to sell this thing and that stank with deceit.
That and the fact the people weren’t dying en masse. Even the probably mendacious government statistics showed that most deaths were 80+, a group that is on lots of meds as a whole. No one is in a care facility because they are in robust health. It was always a crock o’ shit.
the average age for death from Covid was above the average age of death. Right from the start.
remember the pictures of people in China dropping dead on the street? and that never happened here until after the vaxx for young adults started... then world class athletes dropping dead almost every day!
I have an alternative theory.
I think they were testing the vaxxes in China (yes, before the convid 'existed'
If you read Ginger and Peter Breggin's book "Covid19 and the Global Predators" you see that China has been an integral part of the whole operation.
Would explain those videos.
I think they showed the “Chinese people dropping dead in the street” clips for only a short time at the beginning to instill fear but it didn’t last long because we would start to notice it wasn’t happening in the US. But the subliminal fear remained for many. I recall thinking it was odd at the time. It’s all PsyOps being run on the populace.
I had the same experience! Fool us once...
They did but I suspect the figures were fudged in the study to show that the "vaccine" was beneficial
I received a basic education in "How Pharma Fudges Figures 101" from places like Gato Malo but elsewhere. I'm currently reading Kendrick's "Doctoring Data" that treats this issue in depth. I'm not expert, but I'm enough of a "talented amateur" that I was able to download a copy of a Paxlovid study and dissect it. As with the jabs, they routinely make some claim like "80% effective in reducing hospitalization." Let's grant them the concession that all the numbers in a study were honestly obtained and no fraud has occurred. Even short of deliberate deceit, there is a whole forest of subjectivity. You'd think that a scientific study would be black and white but nothing could be further from the truth. How you define cases, thresholds, how you measure, error rate and so on can dramatically affect the numbers. As such you get not just fifty, but a near infinite shades of grey between black (lies or unknown) and white (blinding Ultimate Truth).
Pardon my verbosity; it's one of my faults. The core scam that Pharma uses is the concept of relative risk (or benefit) when absolute risk (or benefit) would be a more honest measure. It is standard form in Pharma (and other advertising) to claim a huge relative improvement, when the absolute improvement may be trivial or even "not statistically significant." You would be dismayed how many common medical products fall into that category: statins, Paxlovid, most vaccines. The advantages, if any, are often at best in the low single digits or even fractions of a percent over control/placebo/no treatment. Finally there is the ever-present issue of adverse effects. These are hard to quantify and even harder for Pharma to admit.
By the time we know about this winter it’s past election and Biden will be a little dirty dust bunny under the Oval Office desk. We own that BTW. And everything in there.
You bring up (sort of ) a curious point. The refusal to do rigorous studies, such as a randomized controlled trial of a new drug. Sometimes doing such a trial may be impossible, even if the will was there. But what I find more of concern are what I'd call ethical reasons to avoid them. I'm not advocating that harmful, evil experiments be tried. But Pharma has gone to the opposite extreme, effectively refusing to do rigorous testing based on some variation of the claim that "It would be unethical to continue the trial since benefit has been proven with the treatment." This has happened many times, such as with the "vaccine" trials. Returning to the general case, perhaps there really is a net benefit and it'd be pointless to hand out placebos. Think of penicillin and other early "miracle" drugs. Ah, but there is a downside. If you wanted to hide adverse events, what better way than to blind the control group? And what if the claimed benefit is at best tiny, or perhaps even illusory? Again, exhibit A is the Pfizer "vaccine."
None of the above was new to me. What is, again from reading Kendrick, is this: many widely used drugs, like the statin I'm on, no longer get rigorous trials (RCT) because now it's considered a breach of ethics to give a placebo because it would be denying treatment for a condition that "everybody knows" is beneficial. There are older trials that show the [lack of] efficacy of a particular statin against placebo. But new drugs? Not against placebo, they can trial against currently used similar drugs. Such trials may still have value. But what gobsmacked me is that in the current climate, it is considered unethical and even criminal malpractice, to test against placebo in some cases.. Whatever high sounding moral claims this may offer, need I point out that it makes difficult proofs of harm, or even overall efficacy? And that suits Pharma just fine.
Yes. All they need now is to round up some mice. We are the human trials. Considering Kendrick’s books and writings on the statin and cholesterol con, if you will, have you reconsidered taking them as NNT is 99 to give 1 patient less chance of CV event? I have read him. Another study shows maybe a 3 day longer life? Just curious. Cheers.
understanding what you seem to understand, why are you on statins?
Just here for the comments 🍿😂
I come for the cat pictures....
Those too! 😹
Another "momcat" here in Texas, too! :-)
Me, too!
Is this really the best they could spin it? "If your vaccine doesn't work, it's YOUR fault for not exercising enough". Beyond ridiculous.
Oh I'm sure they'll spin it another way soon enough.
Didn't they try that last month? I remember hearing some Covidian-aligned media saying this, basically throwing it against the wall to see if it sticks. I don't think it worked!
that will be the end result
WTF? Take the clot shots that cause death when you exercise hard - so be sure to go exercise.
Just in case you avoided death with the first 2 clot shots.
Easy one: ivermectin improved the effect of vaccines and masks
LOL! Not getting the vaccine improves the effectiveness of the vaccine, too.
How about a vaccine that actually contains the attenuated or deactivated version of the virus that its supposed to fight? It's like fighting polio with a modified herpes virus. No wonder Pfizer didn't bother to test the vaccine for transmission prevention.
That does not guarantee anything. Vaccines like that have failed Many times.
Anyhow, a French company did it. No government interested…
Really? So it was never used? Do you remember what it was called?
Yes. Valbona or something similar. It was approved, not that it means anything these days.
The Spanish government said “we already have the other ones”.
I don’t trust any vax made in less than ten years, but without mRNA I am pretty sure it would have killed less people.
Probably a good story to follow. What happened?
It hasn't worked well on cattle for years...
I don't even have words.
Warning: Beware of SADS when exercising though.
That's caused by climate change. Or has it always been around, we just didn't notice? I'm not sure which it is today.
Oh gosh, that is just SO racist. 😉😆
But of course!
Wait till 10G finds ya. 🤯🤯