Man, if only somebody had seen this coming. 😟

I'm sure the "experts" will do better next time!

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He did see it, but he is suffering from the Leftist's Disease, Backwarditis. Up is down, back is forth, dark is light, and stupidity is mandatory. And BTW, I am still waiting for someone to tell us what perts are and why so many people have quit being them, i.e., ex-perts.

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Hmm...well in context, I'd say that a "pert" is somebody with a brain in their head. Therefore, somebody becomes "ex-pert" after they get their brain removed.

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So that’s what’s been happening in medical schools,......people are becoming ex-perts. 😳now it all makes sense. Don’t learn the 180 degree knowledge and you are A-0k👍

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OMG it has been a while since I laughed this hard.

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ROFL will have to wait an eternity for my porcupine style to do that LOLOL. Thank you so much. At least we know what perts are! They must have drunk that stuff!

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So this is why my 99 and a half year old daddy is so smart

He loves this shampoo

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And grafted to their rectum, Sim Com!

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backwarditis! what a great name. Hahaha perts ! you made my day Mickey!

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‘... to tell us what perts are...’. They are Xperts- X being the unknown quantity.

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So we should solve for “X”. I have a couple of solutions

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Rightful Freedom

Writes Rightful Freedom

just now

It's so true. I do not remember a single bubble or economic disaster that was not predicted and warned of long before it happened. From the tech bubble to the housing bubble to the inflation and shortages following the Lockdown.

But the media and government regulators always act as if no one could possibly have seen it coming.

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SC - Expert sarcasm. Mid 2018 someone called Germany and the EU out re: getting rid of their nuclear plants, their pipeline deal with, and energy dependence on Russia... https://youtu.be/nu57D9YcIk0

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Super, Cat.

H/t Mark Nelson.

P.S. you gotta see the RWE real-time generation map for Germany (by source). At times since April 15 nuke plants closing, their generation has been over 90% lignite, dirtiest form of coal that can be burned on earth. Even now with spring weather, at times it’s 55%+ lignite.

This from Europe’s finger-shaking green woke scold. (who is about to pay the piper…).

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I love it. It is POSSIBLY the only way these climate scam grifters may see the light.

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aint happening...utopian idealists have their eyes on some other world, not this one.

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It all makes sense when you learn that RWE owns coal mines.

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in Flanders (Belgium) it is now forbidden to make a wood fire. In Wallonia (Southern Belgium) it is promoted. Now you. That are indeed the ex-perts.

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"Wind farm in Germany is being dismantled to expand coal mine

A wind farm in Germany is being dismantled to expand the Garzweiler lignite mine. One of eight turbines installed at the location in 2001 has already been removed. Nevertheless, the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia said it would phase out coal by 2030, as did RWE, the company that owns the mine."


No comment!

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You literally can't make this shite up ! Pure gold.

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This should not be allowed. This is just like the railroad spill in Palestine, Ohio. THIS IS SO THEY CAN SAY HUMANS ARE RUINING THE EARTH. but we are not. Just like we did not kill native children in the schools, the government did. We did not have hatred issues between blacks and whites until they sent in the KKK. That was a paid global anarchy program. The governments are in fear because of all the crimes against humanity they have perpetrated. They know their time is coming. They DO NOT represent the people.

They should not be allowed to start up more coal mines.

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"We did not have hatred issues between blacks and whites until they sent in the KKK"

I suspect you'll find we did actually, and have done for some hundreds of years - at least.

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Yes for this paradigm which started around 1800 . But stories before that were clear no prejudice.

Slave trade started with East Indians brought or taken to South Africa. Then the slave trade started there. All Orchestrated by the false governments.

“While magi were understood to be wise men from the East, one magus becomes regarded as “black” as early as the 13th century. As art historian Paul Kaplan explored in his work to uncover Balthazar’s history, this depiction became much more common in European art in the next two centuries. This is not equivalent to our contemporary racialized notions of Blackness, but eventually, the black magus is linked to Ethiopia, Africa, and the East. He is used as an example of the breadth of Christianity’s reach. As early as the 8th century CE, an Irish text described Balthazar as fuscus, a Latin word meaning “dark” or “swarthy.” Yet, this may have been a description not of his skin color but only his hair and beard.”

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Explains their CO levels and NO2 for some reason is high all over Europe.

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What would we do without experts?

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Live a righteous life I’m thinking

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"Expert" derived from "ex" and "spurt" - a drip under pressure.

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Do you believe that Jennifer Granholm has any substantive knowledge of fundamental principles of energy production and maintaining an operational and reliable grid? Would know the difference between the first and second laws of thermodynamics? or has ever heard of them?

These are political appointees, similar to that affable fellow the regime administrators put forward as an appointee for the FAA chairman. He knew absolutely nothing about aviation.

Or, alternatively, observe the morbidly obese and deconditioned slob who is the Firearms and Tobacco head, a former federal prosecutor who was peter-principled to chair that administrative post, and similarly knows not a thing about firearms.

These are people you would not ask to perform any menial task about your home or business.

There are some manuals available that outline prepper essentials.

I cannot help but store as many basic provisions as possible that will not require refrigeration or heat to cook, basic medical supplies and antibiotics, and such . A few other things as well.

M.R. Weiss, MD

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Manuel – none of what has been happening makes any sense unless you consider the possibility that for at least 40 years, the CCP has been applying the principles stipulated by the philosopher Sun Tzu more than 2,000 years ago on how to obtain a bloodless victory over an adversary. By comparison with most Western politicians or government apparatchiks, the culture of China is wise beyond any measure. For over two millennia, Imperial China was able to dominate & control its local satraps by using its great wealth to simply buy the ruling classes of those states, and/or to destabilise them.

If you want to know who the puppet masters are that are enabling the fragmentation of U.S. society and the societies of most other significant Western nations, then you must keep asking: “Cui Bono?” – “To whose benefit?”. A more colloquial way of putting it would be: “Follow the money trail”. The Russian word ‘Kompromat’ also describes one of the tools of control.

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"Lord, what fools these mortals be!"

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What the Puck is Germany thinking?

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Every member of that delegation to the UN should be forced to view this repeatedly:


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I call it "Smirkenfreude"

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Oh yeah. Smirk is a way better description of their reaction than snicker.

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Schmïrkenfreude, perhaps?

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I love ümlauts!

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*fist bump*

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Right back atcha!

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To NotFromTexas: HOHOHO! THAT was GOOD!

It was very weird and uncomfortably laughable to see Germany laugh/snicker at those comments.

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forced to what like Alex in Clockwork Orange was forced to watch.

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That was a great movie. One of my favorite scenes (at least that did not involve enthusiastic activity with a female) was when Alex has been "cured" and he has a run-in with his former mates, who are now police and proceed to pummel Alex, who cannot defend himself. This alone is excellent social commentary and, in nebulous ways, quite prophetic about how governments devolve.

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it is actually a much deeper and sadder film than people realize, just bc of its insane beginning and all the crazy press (and bc it was banned in britain).

and yes that scene w his friends as cops was brilliant: the same vicious bullies having gone from enemies of the state ("villains") to defenders of the state ("heroes") w a simple wardrobe change.

kubrick is one of the great american artists of the 20th century.

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Trump: “OPEC nations ‘ripping off the world’ “

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Some appear arrogant.

Germany Reacts to Trump's UNGA Speech (Smug, Smirking, While Trump Warns Of Being Dependent On Russia For Gas)


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Yep, that is & always will be a classic regardless how you feel about Trump.

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Yep. "He don't know nothin'." 🤨😐🙄😏

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Cue the Spiderman pointing meme...

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Power density comparison. One would think. in order to be environmentally friendly (use less land), one would choose natural gas or nuclear.

Wind: 1 W/m2

Solar: 10 W/m2

Coal: 100 W/m2

Natural Gas: 500 W/m2

Nuclear: off-the-scale

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RWE must have coal - and this dude and Robert Habek will probably land a VP job with them after destroying nuke power

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Eugy has been raging on this for a while now.

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What idiots! Who voted for these miscreants?!?!? You get what you deserve.

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first they make you think the majority of people are going left, then they start slowing cheating in elections so people think the majority is going left, then it is outright blatant cheating EVERYWHERE so people ask: "Who voted for these miscreants?!?!?"

They steal elections VIA MACHINES worldwide. Get rid of the machines.

Same day voting; paper ballots; voter ID.

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Add indelible ink and thumbprints.

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apparatchiks of fabian society

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You really think that anyone's vote matters these days? It doesn't matter how one votes, there will always be some shenanigans to make sure one votes 'correctly'.

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Germany is just commiting suicide. The future of the States is just as grim.

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Germans are not stupid. Why do they choose the stupidest among them to be in the government. Oh wait... must be contagious seeing as who is in charge here. A deadly disease!

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Wow! Whoever thought “ Who is the stupidest country” could be such a fierce competition!!!!

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Things always have to get pretty bad before enough people care enough to make them get better.

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Hopefully there will be enough people around to fix things! Check Igor’s latest stack on increasing cognitive decline. 😳

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