kitten corner: the german school of economics
are there any adults left in any of these rooms?
we are on unit 3 of econ in kittengarten and we’ve been learning about “austrian economics!”
so, i guess “german economics” is pretty different, huh?

The German Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck:
'Bakeries, craft businesses, cleaning companies.... they can just stop producing this year, but they don't go insolvent. They don't work into the red.'
#Germany #EnergyPrices #Energy
i mean, “when life gives you lemons, stop making lemonade until maybe the lemons stop and then hopefully you’re not bankrupt” seems like kind of a weird basis for theory
it really confused me, so i asked clippy for another translation on the german.
honestly, that didn’t really help much either…
Hmm, sounds like he’s been taking double-think lessons from his Minister of Health counterpart Karl Lauterbach:
“No one will be vaccinated against their will; the vaccine mandate will simply lead people, ultimately, to accept voluntary vaccination.” (
Backpfeifengesicht: a punchable face