Hmm, sounds like he’s been taking double-think lessons from his Minister of Health counterpart Karl Lauterbach:

“No one will be vaccinated against their will; the vaccine mandate will simply lead people, ultimately, to accept voluntary vaccination.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-german-bundestag)

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Backpfeifengesicht: a punchable face https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-speak-german

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The Eighth Amendment obviously prohibits the posting of this video, and I may be forced to pursue legal action over the damage you've caused to my brain by making me see it.

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I imagine the look on the lady interviewer's face was mirrored by my own. That guy sounds like he's been taking lessons from Karine Jean-Pierre, but I'd say he still needs a lot of work on his delivery.

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This imbecile is the German equivalent of Robert Reich, and it is precisely this sort of idiotic nonsense one would expect when people who have never run so much as a lemonade stand are elevated to "government economist".

"Cleaning companies", indeed. I can only imagine the last time one of these mountebanks cleaned anything themselves, particularly their own minds.

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Wow, that's spoken by a person who has probably never held a real job or managed an actual company before.

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Watched that clip twice. Could not make sense of that poor fellow's babbling. Perhaps he is in desperate need of psychiatric help. Kudos to the young lady doing the interview. She did not run screaming from the set.

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Insolvency: "you keep using that word...I do not think it means what you think it means". Inigo Montoya

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Good grief, what does he think causes bankruptcy. Stop selling and do what? What a buffoon and to think he gets paid to say this crap.

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Oh, goody. Petey ButtEdgeEdge has a soul mate.

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Omg! If we've come to the point where someone in power can talk such complete and utter meaningless, incomprehensible nonsense and not be literally (not figuratively) *thrown* out of office, I can only assume the German people's brains have been turned to pudding (and, sadly, not just theirs).

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Do you think the shots have made all government “leaders” utter incomprehensible nonsense?

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More Austrian Econ shoutouts please!

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honest commentary:

'it doesnt affect me!' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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It's easy comrade Gato. They will be offered interest free loans with no lien and no security and with no demand for mortgage or paying it off.

Until two years later, when all of a sudden all of that will be brought into effect, bankrupting everything but the major corporations.

The EU is after all the french fascist idea of synarchism made flesh.

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