When can we officially declare that this timeline is too stupid to continue? Because this timeline is too stupid to continue.

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Teach your children well is all I can say. Until they know that what happened was both WRONG and didn't work the stupidity will continue.

I don't think we avoid a repeat of another clampdown (in one form or another) until that's been accomplished.

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I'm expecting that there will be enough pushback this time around that COVID Lockdowns will have trouble getting traction once you're 15 miles or so from all Whole Foods.

Climate Lockdowns, on the other hand...


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And let’s don’t forget, the powers that be have been steadily importing a military age horde into our own borders, so there’s always the “terrorist lockdown” to look forward to or the “WW3 lockdown”, or the “it’s too dangerous to vote in person lockdown “. When the need arises, they’ll just manufacture the “reason”.

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Yeah, I think the Lockdown Experiment was a success - from their vantage point.

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Exactly Judy

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They have already manufactured 'the reason'.

They're just waiting until a little closer to the next election - to ensure that the "postponement" of the election is clearly seen as a "necessity".

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Rolling Climate Clampdowns are almost 100% going to happen in our lifetime imo.

As far as a pandemic lockdown...perhaps not for a generation. But what happens when the youngest generation, of today, has the children of tomorrow?

Just look at masks. My biggest fear has always been; what happens if people forget why they're wearing one? Same goes for plexiglass, circles, and one way arrows.

Don't forget the mean IQ is 100.

You ever had a prolonged conversation with a person carrying a 100 IQ?

What does 100 IQ "look" like when they're scared...or just scared of losing something...ya know like not being able to go to Costco.

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I have a mint vape pen and a KN95 mask (it's a pretty scarlet color; not sure where the mother-in-law found them) that I wear walking through the parking lot at Wegman's - kinda upscale grocery; think Diet Trader Joe's ergo mask usage is high - and suck the vapor in through the mask, exhale, and exclaim, "Dag, Honey. These masks don't do anything to prevent the transmission of aersolized particles!" as I demonstrate to East Coast Liberal Mamas and Their Tax Deductions that, well, masks just don't work.

* Pro Tip: If you need something just barely along Aisle 5 but the arrow is pointing toward you, and you don't want to make the Aisle 6-Aisle 5 Round Trip, just walk backwards pulling your cart with you so that you're facing The Arrow Way. *genuflects*

If anyone says anything, just lean in with your mask under your chin, wave your hands all https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/6db_3.jpg -like, and start babbling about identifying as a positron, Feyman Diagrams, and going backwards in time.

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Lol. You kill me dude.

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Careful! Don't give him any ideas.

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I identify as a salmon.

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*nods slowly at first, then more quickly*

Excellent. This also works.

*tips foil fedora Jimmyward*

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Atlantic or Pacific?

Asking for a friend.

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Just think, if IQ 100 is the mean, that means that half of the folks are rated at LESS than that. Perhaps that helps account for election results.

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It's not right that half of the population is below the median IQ.

There ought to be a law!

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What I don’t understand is why not just lower IQ standards so someone with an 80 becomes 100! Then all the 120s become geniuses. And so many more people can become productive. I mean it works that way with minimum wages, grade points in universities, currency values. It is a tried and true time tested way of raising society up.

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There most emphatically is - the law of diminishing returns. (Economics 101)

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That is what CNN planned to focus on next is climate. I'd like to think with Covid they overplayed their hand. I'd like to think that people are thinking "If they got Covid wrong, what else did they get wrong?"

I could very well be wrong, but I doubt that masks will become ubiquitous. but maybe we should comment on them. I know it bugs the mask faithful when we do. Don't be mean, don't be accusatory, just ask them why they continue the practice. If they say to stop the spread, ask them why they haven't bothered buying a moon suit and then go down the list of all the reasons why masks are inadequate for their "safety."

I don't think the IQ is as important as education. Talk to someone with limited schooling and they will say "well son, that just don't make no sense." But get an A student in the room and believe it or not they would be more prone to wear the mask than the "uneducated" farmer.

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You've opened up a whole new thread JG. Having spent most of my life amongst "uneducated farmers", I can categorically state that many, if not most, of these rural philosophers can work, think, reason, and talk circles around the pig-tailed bearded wonder PHD's dispatched by government agencies to tell us how to do the stuff our fathers taught us when we were kids.

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Having spent a lot of time among the mentally ill, retarded, and drug (ab)use on top, I can chime in here with this little tidbit re: intelligence and education:

The loonies, when they weren't engaging in their favourite thought-spiral, were more clear-sighted than normal people.

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hear, hear!

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That's the deal Jimmy it's really not about the masks; it was about controlling your time and space in society. The masks were just a diabolical tool.

You are right, these folks; "well son, that just don't make no sense.", are not what I would be concerned about. These guys/gals are actually some of the smartest people I've met.

It's the cool kid crowd that has too much to "lose" socially. Who determines what is acceptable and unacceptable in society? Who do you think determines what's proper "etiquette" in society? It ain't the 100 IQ crowed or the "well son, that just don't make no sense." crowd.

So how many in the cool club crowd would give up there Costco "privileges"?

Look, I'm very proud of what we've done here. When we started out it was less than 1% of people that resisted in any meaningful way. Now it's probably closer to 20%. If you think about it that's astounding. A handful, here and there, of rag-tag amateur's banded together over time and our voices became too strong to ignore.

So we would have a chance but it would take organization to fight back this time. That said, 20% is all it takes.

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Yes! It doesn't take much.

I've been "listening" to a lot of John Gatto and a couple things resonate with me. One of those things was that in order to determine if your policies are working, in this case schooling and conformity, you have to give out irrational orders from time to time to see that the schooling is working as intended.

Mask up! Vaccines are safe and effective! Stay Home/Stay Safe!

I think the cool kids would give up their Costco privileges to remain cool kids. They would sacrifice anything for the virtue signal. But even more, they are order takers. As long as they could encircle their face with a badge with "Costco sacrifcer/Masker/Stay Home • Stay Safe/ I was Vaccinated" they would be into it. By the way, I did take screen shots of those "badged people" to save for later.

I wonder how many of them took their badges down.

I don't know how much organization is needed. One of the things Gatto talks about is there was a place, I forget the name of it, where traffic was horrible. And the way they solved it was they removed all the signals, signs, and enforcement, and because of that, traffic improved greatly. It seems that without all the signage, people somehow look out for themselves and one another. Imagine that.

How much organization is needed? I don't know...but it could actually work against us.

I am sure you have had some great times in your life where things just suddenly were awesome. It was unplanned, unorganized, and it was just perfect. And then you tried to replicate it. You organized for it, and in so doing, it lost its magic.

The same could be said for fighting tyranny. There is probably a Monty Python skit in it.

"We are going to fight organization...with organization!"

I am not saying "no organization at all" anymore than I am against "any government." But yes, we need a place we can discuss things, and I would say we definitely need to get out and meet one another. To break bread and drink with likeminded independent thinkers. It would be great to sit and marinate in our mutual disagreement of certain aspects of another's thoughts, and god forbid, learn something.

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"I know it bugs the mask faithful when we do."

See my experiement in Civil Obedience aka "The Vape Pen and the KN95" gambit in another comment.

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And ask yourself, deep down inside:

How many people would be willing to give up, let's say, just 5% of their income in order to resist?

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it's the five monkeys experiment with people

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Nailed it

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Hey, now! I went to Costco throughout Covid.

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We went evrery place that would let us.

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: =]]

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Here's how they get you Pi (TO LIVE A LIE):

"Apart from the massacres, deaths and famines for which communism was responsible, the worst thing about the system was the official lying: that is to say the lying in which everyone was forced to take part, by repetition, assent or failure to contradict. I came to the conclusion that the purpose of propaganda in communist countries was not to persuade, much less to inform, but to humiliate and emasculate. In this sense, the less true it was, the less it corresponded in any way to reality, the better; the more it contradicted the experience of the persons to whom it was directed, the more docile, self-despising for their failure to protest, and impotent they became."

- Theodore Dalrymple

This is why totalitarianism uses absurdities and controlled chaos as a vehicles for social atomization. To "nudge" (eventually by force) people to voluntarily give up agency to exist as automatons - living in an entropic phantasmagoria and not being able to detect it...and therefore prevent it.

Is there any bigger beat-down you can imagine having to choose between living a lie or being isolated?....DAILY....

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"the lying in which everyone was forced to take part, by repetition, assent or failure to contradict."

"How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?"

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Do you mean, RG, that our only hope is to somehow protect our children from the massive indoctrination efforts, launched these many decades past, by our lords and masters?

Easier said than done.

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Yeah. Exactly. Lots of work.

I'm in it for the long haul. I have youngish children.

If i were 10 years older I might've already checked out and started reading all the books on my reading list.

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It really hasn't been unclamped. In certain sectors people still will test, quarantine in place, and stay on the merry go round until another bout of sickness hits.

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I got COVID about a month ago, very mild case.

I was done and back at work and was talking to a couple of neighbors walking past the house. I'm in the driveway, they're at least 20 feet away in the street, and I mentioned that I'd just been COVID+. One of the women, one we know has had All the Boosters, almost tripped backward trying to get away from me.

Outside, 20 feet apart, after I was already back at work.

But at least I agree that they won't have the same ability to pressure us anymore and hopefull we'll see more social sanity.

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There is a Covid+? Does it come with extra symptoms?

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It is from India, Sir. It is Double Plus Bad! (...I am shaking my head back and forth...).

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Covid+, now longer lasting and with more vague symptoms.

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It's like that old quote: "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

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We're getting a lot of mileage here lately out of the guy who had a Favorite Baby Seal and a Lead-filled Snowshoe:

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe."

- Frank Zappa

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Can we ctrl-alt-del and reboot?

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Probably better to just start deleting random DLLs.

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I can think of a lot of Damn Libtard Liars that I would like to delete.

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The human being has the unique ability to jump from one "timeline" to another without time travel to the fork. Pray this is about to happen with respect to the Holy Land.

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Oct 16, 2023
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Are we getting close?

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As with Peak Oil, Peak Stupidity will not be reached in our lifetimes.

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I very much fear you may be overly optimistic, Pi. We seem to be striving, ever more assiduously, to achieve that goal.

There are, of course, many definitions for "Peak Stupid", but, as our cities become unlivable, as we deliberately destroy our economy, as we cease to provide meaningful education or career opportunities for our children, or even raise our own food, I suspect we may be getting close.

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We can always take our stupid to Mars if we run out or room for stupid here.

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Can we just send Hotez, et al, there instead?

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Hmmm. "Peak Stupid" somehow does not corelate well with the ability to export anything to Mars.

But maybe Elon could figure out how to send our ruling elites there. Soon.

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I don't think we can ever run out of it here...WE are the primary exporter of it.

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Not as long as humans inhabit the earth. In contrast, take the dinosaurs who reigned supreme on the earth for about 170 million years and all without any government and health care to poison them to death.

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No such thing as peak stupid, it's a self-renewing resource.

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And infinite!

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It is Sioux Tribal Wisdom that when your horse dies you should dismount. The Health Trolls have decided instead to continue flogging the dead horse. They may even bring in an additional dead horse (masks) so that they can yoke them together for more speed.

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My concern is that Peak Stupid results in a Singularity, and the world blinks into nothingness. But I don’t have the physics chops to prove it, thank goodness!

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More like the Josef Mengele award for Advancement in Medicine and Health.

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One is a mass murderer and the other is Joseph Mengele.


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Someone said people were comparing Fauci to Mengele. I said ‘if I were Mengele’s family I would sue for slander’.

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And win!

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It's like when Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize and proceeded to expand two wars into seven.

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Oct 16, 2023
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Actually, no. Remember Ruby Ridge? FBI murdered a woman holding her toddler, including the child, and her husband. Then they proceeded to Waco. Thank you Bill for taking out dangerous hermits. 😣

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And their dog, too.


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Every Tuesday morning BO sent out a fresh batch of drones.

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And his son.

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"Nobel Drones of Peace Missiles"

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That's a spoof right?

Anthony Fauci Courage in Leadership Award?

Got to be a spoof surely?

(You just can't tell these days)

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Apparently it's not.

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This was published on Opposite Day.

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ISDA must stand for Idiotic Spreader of Disinformation Award

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🎯 Or Iniquitous Suppliers of Delusions Alliance …

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Most people can't use those words madame, so it confuses them and makes them a little frustrated. Well done.

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*jots ISDA on 'Institutions not to be taken seriously' List*

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Folks, its time to recalibrate your satire detector. Here's a flash for y'all if you took this seriously- the Babylon Bee is supposed to make you laugh!

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Man, these people really love to give each other fart-sniffing awards, don't they?

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make southpark fiction again!

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Lolol. That's your best one in awhile

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That's what's always down wind when you're climbing the technocrat ladder

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*sniff sniff* "Dag. Is that Ternderloin? We gots to get further up this ladder, Yo!"

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Comedy Gold!

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The best comment under the above tweet was by IT Guy, “That’s like giving Harvey Weinstein the Bill Cosby award.”

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That is funny. That cracked me up.

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Another useless organization that exists solely for the purposes of reciprocal masturbation. Politics is Hollywood for ugly people; NGOs are politics for insufferable people.

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I thought the award bit was satire!!!!!

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i'd never stoop to crudity under ordinary circumstances--but has the field of science always been such a circle jerk and they just used to be better at hiding it under white trenchcoats?

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in other news Jeffery Dahmer been nominated for a post humorous James Beard award.

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You forgot to work the word "humanitarian" in there.

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Say what you will about Dahmer but that man could cook.

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Yes his dinners are to die for

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Bonus points for his own daughter’s autism.

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CC Naomi Klein

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I’m not familiar. Another raging vaxhole I assume?

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Thanks for that. Amazing how people intimately aware of how things really work were/are completely blinded by the Rona


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truly is! I kept looking for her to chime in with exposés. crickets. NPC 100.

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Seriously deranged broad.

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“No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.”

Mark Twain

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Who the heck wants an award from the Infectious Diseases Society of America anyway? Who creates such a “society” and wants to be a part of it? Humans do the most absurd things.

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To top it off, The "Anthony Fauci" Award! WTF?

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The Anthony Fauci Propagandist of the Year Award?

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He wins the Whiplash award for abrupt about face mid stream on masking.

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aka as the Paul Krugman Flip-Flop Award...

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Krugman said recently the United economy is doing very well. The fact 65% of people aren’t doing well just shows their ignorance. You hear something that stupid and you have to just shake your head.

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Also winner of the BS rationalization award.


We know from Fauci's other dealings and the s we know he has lied about that he gets very upset and angry when called out by Rand Paul. So when he is "transparent" about why masks don't work...that should raise even more alarms.

If he still denies that he told a lie even in the face of the truth. Then he must be lying about why he lied. I don't know, could it be because...he is serving an agenda of some sort?

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I think it's referred to as "personal truth"....

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At least Baghdad Bob was funny.

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I saw a hilarious video of him. He was being interviewed on the street in Baghdad as it was falling. He said ‘we have them on the run. They have suffered terrible losses. They will not soon forget this.’ US tanks were rumbling past. The interviewer said ‘How do you explain the US tanks.’ Bob looks back a bit blankly, points at the tanks and says ‘those tanks are trick photography’. I cracked up.

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