I couldn't possibly guess. 😉 It's probably a very smart feline though.

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Looks like someone let the cat out of the bag!


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Ironic snark is the best!

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Just finished that book over the weekend. I noticed that part right away!

It’s a good book.

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some cat is living rent free in their heads.

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Please tell me there was attribution somewhere?! 😳😡

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yes, in the footnote.

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long live the cats. they are so much smarter than humans !

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Thank you

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Ahh! didn't see the "9"

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Dec 5, 2022
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Hey, get a room! This innuendo is inappropriate here! :)

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The world is more exciting with innuendo

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I am performing “My Way” in a few months. Maybe I should tweet or snark the lyrics.

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I’m impressed

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Dec 5, 2022
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I belted it outlast year during a performance. No one was surprised.

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You’re a singer?

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Love Sammy Davis Jr.!

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The quote sounds very catty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have my suspicions as to who wrote it!!! :-) (on April 27)


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Who the hell is so lazy they can't bother to capitalize in published material?

No one very important, that's for sure.

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It is redundant and really not very accurate, either. If I had to use two words to describe El Gato Malo, ironic might make the top 10 and snark maybe the top 25. Cats loll around, pounce, and rarely miss. Calling it "ironic snark" undersells what's happening here by a wide margin and in lousy English (yes, capitalized).

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Aaron Kheriaty is an excellent Dr. of psychiatry and chair of his Department who lost is professorship at UC Irvine for standing up against mandated vaccines for students and faculty. Everything he writes is worthy of reading IMHO. I assume our Substack host will conclude similarly.

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you completely missed the snark and piss taking here

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The hell you say, communist.

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i was thrown out of their club for being too straight white male

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some people are just bone idle

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And you KNOW they aren't qualified professionals, because that kind of sloppy writing would never make it past peer review.

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Give it some time, Guttermouth. Grammar and punctuation will no doubt be found to be relics of colonialism and white supremacy.

Just as Cardinal Richelieu cleaned up the French language, President Brandon will impanel wordsmiths and artists like Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion and Lil Nas X to tweak ours and bring it into proper alignment with our current culture.

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Way ahead of you over here. I could write column after column of the destruction of language as a subject on all levels of education. Professors at university level are being called out by parents of adult students, wanting to know when the parent-teacher meeting is. Down-grading a test or a paper because of poor grammar or spelling is seen as wrong: as long as you can glean a modicum of a smidgen of an iota of a feeling for what the intended answer is, you're not "allowed" to deduct points for incomprehensible language unless the subject is a language, and barely then too.

Thanks to twenty years of this, 35% of the children finishing compulsory school in Sweden'st third largest town, Malmö, cannot read a newspaper. Not even the those free ad-mags they have at malls and bus stops. They are virtually illiterate after nine years of compulsory school.

Pointing out that all of them are children of african or mid-eastern descent is ray-cyst...

Well if wanting all children to be able to read and write is racist, sign me up!

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Just curious....do all the immigrants even bother to learn Swedish?

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I am quite willing to wager some real money that this will actually occur.

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I just checked with my bookie. The odds of this happening are -500. I just bet my house.

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you are obviously a russian spying on the usa

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Nah, he's from the Shadow Council plotting to overthrow the Pope. I've seen his ninja suit.

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Absolutely NYET!

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Good one! 🤣

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oh noes a non expert!

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Uggh I gotta read faster so I can get to it in my backlog.

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Snark? What snark? I don't see no stinkin snark.

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Another brainwashed cat lover has made snark the baseline position. LOL. (Now we just need to convert the rest of humanity.)

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Speaking of brainwashed cat lovers, my German Shorthaired Pointer (7 mo old) plays with her cat friend using the paw batting technique taught to her by that same cat. Endless entertainment. The cat cannot get enough, and will not let the doggo be for any length of time.

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My collie bats and swipes at the 2 new upstart cats! One will be walking by her,and out of nowhere

* swat!*

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Ironic snark haha. He knows you well. Is he a follower? Love Aaron.

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why did she step down? was it because someone(astutely) pointed out that maybe she should have been registered with FARA and was not? wow

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“..and context-based content which allows harmful posts to avoid detection” 🤔 …..almost poetic …

So, the BS zombie ‘only truth’ bot detectors don’t like ‘context’. 😂 These BS surveillance bots will need constant context-reframing!!! Truth overload must be hard for them. Gee, is there enough ‘energy’ for these context confused bots to do their job??? Even Orwell wouldn’t have foreseen such a twisted howl from the bowels of control!! How wonderful surviving humans (some) have capacity to process ‘context’, and can connect SBF, Ukraine, laptops, patents, FTX. No wonder the bots can’t keep up !!

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The new abnormal seems 'sticky' with some sort of pernicious feedback loop. Those engaged in non consensual lockdown mindsets have no face saving way to undo the damage, so they triple-down to the bitter end. Every time. We have a lot more hell to go through I'm afraid.

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LOL. Good spot. It was like someone saying your name at a crowded party, right? You can't help but stop and smile.

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Yes, a smart cat for sure! Go El Gato! High 5's.

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