Eugyppius posted this situation at length yesterday.

Excellent read.

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There's a reason people critical of the EU often use the mock-ronym "EUSSR".

This? It's more remarkable that it got reported on, than that it happened.

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TRUST THE SCIENCE.....and if you can't trust it, change it until you can.

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Something something historic temperature data.

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At this point, fraud isn't even an option -- it's mandatory.

For own good, of course.

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I'm generally still shocked that, after covid, anyone believes anything the authorities claim.

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Here's a substacker's new theory (link below) to explain this bizarre way of thinking by many progressives, especially in government, that they are autistic, thus with a deep need to control others and even the weather because their own minds are disfunctional.

"It occurred to me this morning that many of the central tenets of progressivism are actually autistic traits." https://substack.com/home/post/p-143964626

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Sadly, it seems like "science" has turned into nothing more than a front for evil people to promote their agendas without accountability. Those who bypass honest scientific inquiry and debate in favor of scientific decrees without merit are not real scientists. They're covert dictators in white coats.

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Data? We don't need no stinkin' data! We have OUR TRUTH.

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The Germans seem kind of whack anymore.

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I remember reading about the initial FDA investigation into GMO foods. FDA scientists found they were not safe and each would need to be investigated individually, but when the report was finally released it had been "rewritten" to say they are inherently safe and no testing is needed, ever.

Seems like a trick that gummint plays a lot.

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Environmental NGOs are the most Orwellian of misnamed entities. They are the anthesis of non-government-organizations, are often funded by governments and are in fact organizations with an unfinishable agenda that exist purely to influence government and if possible run governments.

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this is really such a stupid thing. Why oh why are there so many stupid people around thinking they are boss? grrr annoying

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Kinda makes you want to hiss, eh, gatito?

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How is it that the ones who have "The Science" have to falsify the data?

Glad you almost asked that! Even though questioning The Science might eventually get criminalized. It might already be so in Canada. Anyway, to answer about the behavior of Greens, I suspect that it is the usual, so "follow the money".

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Lemme get this straight? The greenies are trying to kill the only thing that can save us all from dying on this roasting planet. Iszat about it?

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