
It's commonly known that dictators long for uncontrolled populaces and speech.

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Reich has always been an idiot. Why should he change now?

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

"An uncontrolled internet is the dream of every dictator, strongman and demogauge" wouldn't even make it past the term paper approval process in a high school. How does it get published in a professional setting??

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Elon Musk's vision for the internet is dangerous nonsense, says a prominent member of the globalist elite misinformation corps.

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Projection meter explodes.

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Dictators all want uncontrolled information. Makes sense, if you squint and yer drukn hell as.

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From where I'm sitting, the dictators, strongmen and demagogues all want control over the internet. We used to make fun of 'limited internet' places like China just a few years ago!!!

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War is peace. Lies are truth. Hate is Love. Free Internet is Dream of Every Dictator. I get it

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Classic 1984 right there!

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Doesn't he mean a 'controlled' internet is the dream of every dictator, strongman, and demagogue?

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Reich is a toady for WEF so I am not surprised by the endless BS he spouts. However, here's the thing...Americans are too stupid to see the fallacy in Reich's logic. If we had a more educated country...we would see that the dream of every dictator is a controlled internet. Look at North Korea.

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Wait. Hang on.

The dream of every dictator is for a marketplace of ideas to be uncontrolled.

Let me just say that again a few times out loud to see if I'm missing something.

No, dad, I'm just testing whether I'm insane.

The dream of every dictator is for a marketplace of ideas to be uncontrolled.

Nope. This is batshit nonsense. It isn't even wrong.

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Someone needs to tell China that they've been doing it wrong.

More seriously, who is the genius editor that allowed this article to be published? Maybe they got confused and thought it was April Fools'?

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If he pulls this off, Elon could be the George Washington of tech. Uses his wealth and influence to wrest power away from the oligarchs and return it to the people.

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I applaud Elon for his Libertarian stances! I shake my head wondering how he's going to survive on Mars with no atmosphere.

I fear his Neural Implant, transhumanist agenda...

I'm torn about Elon, tbh

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Reich is in the wrong universe (belongs in bizarro world)

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Just about everyone I ever thought was a reasonable human being has utterly disabused me of that misconception, and a few people I'd thought were reeking untouchable corpses of humanity have surprised me to be otherwise.

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the real question here is why is SNL having so much trouble being funny with all this free content just flying around?

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The new strategy from the leftist elites are to openly announce that they are gaslighting us and we still have to believe.

I read this post at the same time my wife was shaking her head at the very, very bulky plastic grocery bags now mandated in Washington State. To save the environment from plastics, grocery bags now must be ten times more plasticky.

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Either freedom of speech is absolute, or there is no freedom of speech. Reich is using the classic trick - claiming that some speech MUST BE controlled by the government “for our protection.” Once we accept that framing of the argument, we have lost the battle for freedom of speech as the Feds will ALWAYS be able to find more and more forms of speech that MUST BE controlled “for our protection.” Speak out against masks on school kids at school board meetings? You’re a “terrorist” now and your speech controlled by threat of FBI investigation to protect liberal board members. Against sexual grooming of kindergartners? You’re a bigot and your Twitter account must be frozen for the safety of the LGBTQ lobby. Speak out against a mandatory injection of a biologic substance approved under emergency authority? Covidians’ safety is at risk and your FB account must be censored. Speak out about election integrity and the indisputable evidence of fraud? Biden voters safety is at risk and thus your LinkedIn account must be deleted. “the price of your own free speech is listening to others say things you absolutely hate. if you are not willing to do this, you neither deserve nor will you retain your own right of speech.” Useful idiots like Reich understand many of us are not willing to listen to others say things we hate and are able to trick us into framing the free speech debate around the false premise that some speech must be censored. We’ve now discovered that once we accept the premise, speech we support will be censored in the name of safety. The Feds will NEVER run out of “people to protect” from speech the Feds don’t like.

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I can NOT stand Robert Reich. He is a sickening and horrible human. I feel sorry for his family, kind of.

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WTH? Every dictator wants to control the internet. The exact opposite. What has this dude been smokin’? NewSpeak writ large.

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If there is a single American who is truly deplorable, it is Robert Reich. He revels in the notion that he is smarter than everyone and that he must talk down until Americans realize they are listening to their better.

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Has Reich been right about anything in the past 25 years?

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Wasn't this the guy that said the internet was doomed to failure? Or was that Krugman?

These idiots are all the same.

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The progressive movement is essentially totalitarian. Robert Reich is an example. He really just wants to expunge all beliefs s variance with his.

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Elon Musk is also WEF "trained" and as much as he is shouting freedom of speech on twitter, I have little doubt that he is ultimately doing his bit to promote "their" agenda. The Russia-Ukraine war falls I to that category as well in my mind... Putin is playing his part.

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The Guardian in the last two years has left the territory of being wrong and entered the realms of parody. Prior to the last two years I wouldn’t have believed that there were substantial numbers of people that would take an article like this seriously. 1984 came straight to mind for me.

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Reich is an asshole, has always worked for the keeper of assholes. That said, you kid yourself if you think Musk is the savior of liberty and free speech. Personally I don’t trust Mr. neuralink as far as I could throw him. Call me a conspiracy nut.

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Uncontrolled speech is the dream of every dictator, and slavery is freedom.

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Like North Korea, with Kim Jong-un's famously freewheeling public sphere.

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Straight jacket and padded cell await Professor Reich and his cell mate will be Keith Olbermann.

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It's in The Guardian--I won't link but here's an excerpt: "Musk has never believed that power comes with responsibility. He’s been unperturbed when his tweets cause real suffering. During his long and storied history with Twitter he has threatened journalists and tweeted reckless things. In Musk’s vision of Twitter and the internet, he’d be the wizard behind the curtain – projecting on the world’s screen a fake image of a brave new world empowering everyone."

So deplatforming and cancelling people doesn't hurt anyone? And there's no recourse when people are "threatened"?

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It was the ecstatic reception Musk received from Marines last week that caught my attention. People are funny the way they can get swept away by the shiny objects and rich, powerful men who just might be here to 'help.' Swerved into this article about Musk and baby mama Grimes: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/03/grimes-cover-story-on-music-and-mars.

Idk what he plans for Twitter, but reading about eccentric billionaires can be fun. He was born in 1971, is from South Africa, college in Canada, and then UPenn. PayPal co-founder new money billionaire. Tesla CEO, Spacex founder. Baby boy named "X" and girl "Y." Creepy weird rich people.

From the VF article interview, “I like making friends with demons,” Grimes chants in her demon-baby singing voice. “You need special eyes to see ’em.” (Dig the nails.)

"About 15 minutes after we sit down ... I hear what sounds vaguely like a lone cry from an infant upstairs. I think I notice Grimes wince, but I say nothing and move on. Could be anything."....I hear it again. This time it’s multiple cries, and it’s unmistakable. I’ve got two kids. That’s a baby. And I can tell by the frozen look on my host’s face that she heard it too. So I brace myself to ask the strangest question of my career: Do you have another baby in your life, Grimes?

Her body clenches and she looks away.

“I’m not at liberty to speak on these things,” she begins, and then all in a tumble she says: “Whatever is going on with family stuff, I just feel like kids need to stay out of it, and X is just out there. I mean, I think E is really seeing him as a protégé and bringing him to everything and stuff.… X is out there. His situation is like that. But, yeah, I don’t know.”

On Musk, she says, “We keep having this conversation where E’s like, ‘Are you real? Or are we living in my memory, and you’re like a synthesized companion that was created to be my companion here?’ ”

Sorry for veering into creepy weird rich people world - but it was a fresh scoop.

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So this quarter wit (he does not even rise to a half wit) is claiming freedom is for Nazi's and communist's but I repeat myself and in other news the chocolate ration will be raised from 5 grams to 3. These people have become a bad joke.

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This is about as bad as "freedom undermines democracy." An "uncontrolled" internet is the nightmare of every dictator, strongman, and demagogue.

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Freedom of speech is scary. Being told what to think is far more comfortable.

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Weird how an ideology that advocates for strong protections of fundamental personal freedoms is being consistently portrayed as fascistic. It's not the first time I see such a characterization of libertarianism in recent times.

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Robert Reich needs an enema.

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Thank goodness Musk has (Fuck you) money

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Husbandmouth: "It was so easy and he screwed it up. Why didn't he just say pedophiles?"

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You know, Reich is sort of pulling a lose liberty for safety argument. The internet will be dangerous if we allow everyone to write what they want for all to see out there on that scary internet. That is not what Al Gore intended. No sirreee.

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Well, Reich is an expert in dangerous nonsense.

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Robert Reich is the sort of economist who believes that no transaction must be allowed without the dead hand of the state coercing buyer, seller or both. Perhaps a schoolyard bully in his youth or the boogeyman left him psychologically unable to imagine free will, critical thinking and mutual benefit.

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Confession through projection. Iron law of woke projection.

Or if you prefer the OG Gobbels "accuse you're enemy of doing what you are doing".

Never fails

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Uhm… Reich might be a closet Nazi… who knew! 🤔🧐🧐

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Huh, and all these long years, I thought free speech was a good thing. 🤔🤨

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Whut.....? Speaking of demagogues, I once read the definition of a demagogue as being a person who wants their audience smart enough to understand what's said but too stupid to question it. Sounds like Robert Reich has this nailed!

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Apparently the authoritarian left suffers from some general mental dysfunction. Their rhetoric is almost invariably nonsensical. I mostly feel sorry for them, and I for one certainly won't spend time listening to notions born of their confusion and delusion.

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