Well while we sink, darling, let's all just appreciate the delicious irony of California passing a law to move people forcibly to EVs only to have a near failure of their power grid 48 hours later.
That's completely in line with their track record. They love passing laws and regulations on energy that are low (or even negative) benefit and high cost. That's what happens when your energy policy is based on virtue signalling vs reality.
This one in particular deserves a special award. If you survey the current EV demographic, it is generally wealthy urban and suburban dwellers. "affordable" is now defined as $60k. The majority of residents in California are not able to afford a $60k vehicle. No problem, they simply won't buy a new car. Ask a true believer with more than 7 functioning grey cells (yes there are smart people that suspend reason to buy into this crap), they will explain that car makers will "have to" develop "affordable" EVs because the CA market is too big to abandon. Which makes sense if you don't think too deeply...but...
There is that infrastructure thing. Even with California "leading the nation" in EV uptake, it has taken massive investment in power infrastructure and it is clearly not enough. Currently EVs are a perfect example of the majority of working class (and lower) folks subsidizing the wealthy minority. To support EV charging even at today's level, the PUCs have approved rate increases to cover the costs of upgrades needed. Those rate increases are paid by everyone - the vast majority of whom do not charge EVs. But, the consolation prize is that they are being told to turn off their air conditioning (or heat in the winter) and suffer brownouts and blackouts to support the EV minority. Social justice?
A very large percentage of California's population does NOT reside in suburbs or cities. Outside of those areas, the power grid has become somewhat of a joke, with intentional power shutdowns and frequent failures. EVs make no sense even if you could reliably charge at home, which many of us can not. It simply can't work. Maybe a hydrogen fuel cell powered EV could work, but it requires more massive infrastructure investment to make fueling available in rural areas. how about a small nuclear reactor: that could work. But of course The Party as decreed that unacceptable.
Everything about this leads to one conclusion: you must change your lifestyle to conform to that determined by others (and generally a minority of others). If you push the true believer, ultimately the will fall back to "your choice harms me" and thus cannot be allowed.
This is either Karma (you reap what you sow) or Dogma (politicians with no brain spewing the narrative) or both.
I get a lot of Dogma from my cattle dogs, but they are dogs, and at least they have an excuse. They, like the Ca. (and NZ) politicians are also very bossy about it.
I'm HOPING that people across the nation will recognize that Newsom has been pushing a LOT of socialist programs, contributing to massive homelessness, holding on to emergency powers to bypass the bidding process to and reward his favored donors, and leaves behind a LOT of wreckage going back to his time as a mayor and now the governor. He's been sued by members of the state assembly (and lost MOST of those lawsuits), has been sued *5* times for not allowing religious gatherings, while letting businesses operate, and is of course pushing the EV stuff and is silently sitting on a bill that passed the legislature that will punish doctors for giving medical advice that does not conform to the "approved narrative" and risks their license for promoting "misinformation", which can also extend to transition-related medical advice, abortion, vaccine findings, etc. If he doesn't sign act on it within 30 days of passage, then the bill becomes law.
I'm reminded of a Rush song from the early 80's - "When you choose not decide, you still have made a choice."
In other words, he's going to not do anything and still have it go into law, and try to absolve himself of any culpability.
I feel the same. I loved being from California when Reagan was governor and president. After that, it went progressively (pun intended) downhill. I have moved away and don't think that I will ever live there again. The California of my childhood is gone, along with Disneyland meant for small children, young men moving West to make their fortune through hard work, and the live-and-let-live West Coast attitude. That has all been buried in wokeism, censorship, and false inclusivity, mixed with a complete deficit of practicality, and knowledge of finance and economics.
Tried to recall Newsom last year. Very disappointing to be stuck with him. I work in healthcare and his mandates are probably one of the main reasons we are chronically short staffed. I'm one of 2 in the office of 50 people unvaxxed and the majority of other Drs and staff (all mandated to be triple vaxxed) have been out 1-2 weeks at a time with covid. I pray he does not get elected again!
His opponent doesn't have much juice in good republican circles, but I'm in the "anybody but Newsom" camp. (I'm independent).
The CA Republican Central committee rigged their elections for a governor nominee. Anthony Trimino was the top candidate through 4 rounds, and in the 5th round, after a bunch of people left, the CA Central committee brought in a bunch of proxy cards and stole the nomination for Dahle. Dahle is controllable and weak. His local constituents don't think highly of him or his wife (who's also running for office).
Trimino was an "outsider" and was no-nonsense, self-made millionaire. His campaign stuck to a lot of churches, which I think undermined him to some extent. I saw him, and he had some great ideas. I think Dahle was "selected" for a loss to Newsom. Gut feel, but that's what it is.
no stupider animals than humans. We have a saying, a donkey does not trip twice over the same stone. But people throughout history have stumbled over the same stones thousands of times...
The popular Western concept of Karma is laughably incomplete. "Reap what you sow" is part of the it, but there's more to the concept. However, since Buddhism/Hinduism believes in an endless series of lives (rebirths), an individual's Karma is rather like a cumulative score of the things "you" have done -- good or bad -- in past lives, up to the current one. As with Christianity, one is exhorted to do good and avoid bad works. This will help or hurt in the current life and also influence one's after lives. Christianity only gives you one shot at redemption, but Hinduism gets one reborn into any of several hells, the current world, or quite a few nice heavens (for finite terms, not an eternity). A downside of this is that you will reap what others (the past selves) sow, and future selves will reap what you sow. Thus the Buddha's explanation why an evil person might enjoy a prosperous happy life, or conversely a saint might endure endless suffering. The modern claim that karma is a bitch is true enough!
There are a LOT of states that "delegated" their emissions standards to match California's, no matter how ridiculous, to take heat off themselves and allow someone else to dictate the mandates.
I know that they know what they are doing. I research a lot. This whole thing starting with the pandemic has been in the works for years. Hence my comment that the leadership was not honestly voted in
You didn't know me but my entire neighborhood, which I would expect to be more conservative, was filled with vaccine ass holes, covid crazies and liberals. My best friend, who thinks as we do, moved to Texas. Her sister voted for Joe Biden. So many good ones have left. I fear you are more alone than ever.
4th gen CA. I'm a resident that can say "I remember when this was once the great state"
The leadership is corrupt from top to bottom and "honestly voted in" can be honestly debated. We are still under "emergency powers" because Newsom is delighted with ruling by fiat. He stated unequivocally that he can't pass his laws any other way. He has the money to stay corrupt and the lobbyists and teachers union have him wrapped around their evil finger.
I’m here too. Commifornia is RED, not blue as people think. The politicians and lobbyists are running things from San Fransicko, Los Angeles, and Sillycon Valley. That’s it. It’s a big scam!
Most people are too lazy and uninterested to follow politics at all. They don't know the issues, they don't vote in primaries, they don't vote in the election. A very pathetically small percentage of voters actually choose the idiots who win the elections. That prosecutor in SF Chesa Boudin (who actually got recalled and kicked out!) was elected for the reason I mention above. Many libs in this state grouse about electricity, gas prices, homeless people, etc., and if you ask them "Hmmm....well, who did you vote for?" you get a blank look. They simply don't make a connection between who they vote for and the policies those same people implement. Hard to believe.
Because they’re extremely ignorant. And I’m not being harsh. I grew up in SF and I worked in that city for over two decades. It’s a psych ward. I stood out like a sore thumb as a Conservative. I despise that city-Soddam and Gemorrah!
Legalized ballot harvesting, liberal vote-by-mail signups...oh, that's right, it's default now. Very little voter roll cleanups. There's a reason why EIPCa has a few lawsuits in the mill. (See https://eip-ca.com )
You poor, poor thing. Why on earth would you live/stay in Ca? Maybe not as smart as you think you are? Holy Smokes! Nobody with any brain power would be in that Commie State; even just passing through. But you are CHOOSING to LIVE there? OMG. <shakin head in disgust & disbelief>
On 2nd thought, scratch the above. I live here, too. Damnit. So, please don't read my first paragraph. Promise?
Ha ha! I have two CA homes. Desert and mountain. I live here despite the politics, for the beauty and climate! We can snow ski and surf on the same day. Best that!
it's amazing how in denial true CA believers are. They legitimately don't want to acknowledge that they might not have lights on when they need them (or want them). I left that state last month for a red one. I've had my AC on during the heatwave, and any light I want on as well. Power is much cheaper here too. When I mentioned this to people still there, they are dumbstruck, dismiss me, and don't want to acknowledge they live in a 3rd world country at this point
I am an older generational Californian and am not in denial, I acknowledge how hell bent the legislature and the state are (let’s be real it is already hell here - no search for it is necessary) however, a move is not as easy for some due to the nature of our lives. Not all work can be done from home or from somewhere else. Add to that aging parents who need care and really should not have to leave a place they have called home for generations as well and here we are stuck for some time. I have never voted Democrat or leftist in my life, nor have the majority of our family or friends, yet somehow sacramento keeps filling with these awful dirt bags. I know myself and many others would greatly appreciate if those who vilify us left here in this hell hole holding a shit bag we did not fill would tone it down.
I realize that there are lots of folks who just can't move from CA, NYC and other Dem-run hellholes for a myriad of reasons...family, financial, etc. I certainly sympathize and have no desire to vilify the decent people trapped in those places.
There's also a "job-protection" clause in state law that prevents state workers from working outside the state, and also keeps other people from doing work that civil servants are supposed to, unless it's at prevailing wages.
Many years ago, an overgrown drainage ditch was contributing to flooding, and after getting the runaround, someone hopped in a dozer and started clearing it themselves. Holy $#it ensued from unions, and the legislature tried to protect them, and looked so bad in the process that they pushed through a 2 year sunsetted law that allowed "volunteers" to do work, and then shut that off, protecting the unions.
It's very hard to leave a sh*tbag state, especially if you have elderly parents. I did not get out of MI until well after my parents died. I feel your pain.
That being said, if you can leave and find a more conservative state, you will be better off.
I too have extended family who've lived in CA for three or more generations. I'm not "close" to them because I lived on the East Coast all my life and probably can count on both hands how many times I've seen any of them in my entire life (and I'm nearly 61). I have nothing against them, and honestly don't even know their politics. My late uncle was likely quite conservative but he's 20+ years dead and would have been in late 70s.
I have sympathy for those of you who feel trapped, but only up to a certain point. At some point you must save yourself. Nobody is going to come to your rescue. That doesn't mean it'll be easy, especially given a complex case like yours. I'm reminded of the story of the German or other European Jew intellectuals in the 1930s. Many of them could foresee the evil coming, but not everyone could let go of precious possessions. (e.g. a magnificent library) and get while the gettin' was good. Of course the details were different, but the tragic part is that many waited until too late, even when they knew the situation was deteriorating by the month. CA has not decayed to that point, but as the saying goes, sometimes one is lucky to get out with just the clothes on one's back.
Yeah, it's too bad that the people fleeing here are acting as "missionaries" for the same liberal tripe, and not acting as "refugees". I'm sorry... Perhaps if you took over Uhaul and other rental truck agencies, you might be able to keep them here.
On the plus side... less people here gives us more energy for those who are left. LOL (Babylon Bee had an article about that very topic, as if Newsom was bragging about he would keep the lights on by driving people out of the state and sending them to Florida - a poke at Newsom's weak efforts to knock DeSantis down. - I'm sorry... there's NO comparison.)
And they're causing chaos with the laws they vote for. Kalifornication cut your freedom laws, like taxing gathering rain. Then there's the beto problem that they're supporting. People leaving Kommifornia keep saying they're "conservatives," farther right than the farthest right, then vote to destroy the state they "escaped" to. 🤮
Including the media. If you didn't know to go hunting for it, you'd never know some people lost power from reading either the LA Times or the SF Chronicle.
Also, I too left for a red state this year, it's 105 out there, and I'm enjoying life in my nice cool A/C basement office.
It's not only the heathen. In colonial Mexico, the Spaniards, good Catholics one and all, gave due to notice to the natives before a conquest/battle. Of course, the natives would not have understood Castillian if they'd even heard it, but the Spanish legal requirement was met.
There is also the Cleveland Clinic which tries every year to beat out Mayo Clinic to be #1 in all categories. And we don't even talk about the CLE Browns.
Ya know she was born in Canada and raised in California, she’s not even a native Michigander!!! She represents liberal academia perfectly. She was in her 30’s when she moved to Michigan, and brought her radical liberal ideal here!!
Then there's Tim Walz who seems set to be re-elected in a landslide despite Minnesota being the only Midwestern state on the top-ten population flight list. Minnesota seems to want to be the California of the midwest.
It’s all being driven by big metropolitan areas like Minneapolis and Detroit, outside of those ares, the rest of the people in these states are just trying to keep their job, pay their bills and raise their families!
My wife has a 60ish lefty aunt in SoCal who never gets past the first sentence of any article despite being a highly ‘credentialed’ Ph. D in Psychology.
One day her head exploded when informed that the EV that she has contains a battery that was mined from half of a million pounds of earth with the ‘help’ of enslaved African children.
Then she was informed that fossil fuels were entirely responsible for the charging of said battery…
I believe that the second point made her more mad.
Well while we sink, darling, let's all just appreciate the delicious irony of California passing a law to move people forcibly to EVs only to have a near failure of their power grid 48 hours later.
That's completely in line with their track record. They love passing laws and regulations on energy that are low (or even negative) benefit and high cost. That's what happens when your energy policy is based on virtue signalling vs reality.
This one in particular deserves a special award. If you survey the current EV demographic, it is generally wealthy urban and suburban dwellers. "affordable" is now defined as $60k. The majority of residents in California are not able to afford a $60k vehicle. No problem, they simply won't buy a new car. Ask a true believer with more than 7 functioning grey cells (yes there are smart people that suspend reason to buy into this crap), they will explain that car makers will "have to" develop "affordable" EVs because the CA market is too big to abandon. Which makes sense if you don't think too deeply...but...
There is that infrastructure thing. Even with California "leading the nation" in EV uptake, it has taken massive investment in power infrastructure and it is clearly not enough. Currently EVs are a perfect example of the majority of working class (and lower) folks subsidizing the wealthy minority. To support EV charging even at today's level, the PUCs have approved rate increases to cover the costs of upgrades needed. Those rate increases are paid by everyone - the vast majority of whom do not charge EVs. But, the consolation prize is that they are being told to turn off their air conditioning (or heat in the winter) and suffer brownouts and blackouts to support the EV minority. Social justice?
A very large percentage of California's population does NOT reside in suburbs or cities. Outside of those areas, the power grid has become somewhat of a joke, with intentional power shutdowns and frequent failures. EVs make no sense even if you could reliably charge at home, which many of us can not. It simply can't work. Maybe a hydrogen fuel cell powered EV could work, but it requires more massive infrastructure investment to make fueling available in rural areas. how about a small nuclear reactor: that could work. But of course The Party as decreed that unacceptable.
Everything about this leads to one conclusion: you must change your lifestyle to conform to that determined by others (and generally a minority of others). If you push the true believer, ultimately the will fall back to "your choice harms me" and thus cannot be allowed.
Oh, there's another conclusion that everything about this leads to, but it's one not fit for printing in a public forum.
What? Pray tell
China sells $4.5k commuter EVs - the Wuling Hongguang Mini.
Californians could buy them too - except OOPS - the government prohibits them.
This is either Karma (you reap what you sow) or Dogma (politicians with no brain spewing the narrative) or both.
I get a lot of Dogma from my cattle dogs, but they are dogs, and at least they have an excuse. They, like the Ca. (and NZ) politicians are also very bossy about it.
Their dogma's about to get run over by their karma.
As long as it's an EV doing the running over, it's ok cause, like climate change.
I'm HOPING that people across the nation will recognize that Newsom has been pushing a LOT of socialist programs, contributing to massive homelessness, holding on to emergency powers to bypass the bidding process to and reward his favored donors, and leaves behind a LOT of wreckage going back to his time as a mayor and now the governor. He's been sued by members of the state assembly (and lost MOST of those lawsuits), has been sued *5* times for not allowing religious gatherings, while letting businesses operate, and is of course pushing the EV stuff and is silently sitting on a bill that passed the legislature that will punish doctors for giving medical advice that does not conform to the "approved narrative" and risks their license for promoting "misinformation", which can also extend to transition-related medical advice, abortion, vaccine findings, etc. If he doesn't sign act on it within 30 days of passage, then the bill becomes law.
I'm reminded of a Rush song from the early 80's - "When you choose not decide, you still have made a choice."
In other words, he's going to not do anything and still have it go into law, and try to absolve himself of any culpability.
Gavin like Trudeau are WEF treasonous POS.
They sold out country and state to Klaus Schwab Agenda
I suspect the future is bright for medical offices just over the State line, sort of like liquor stores in many States.
I'm originally from CA and most of family is still there.
CA is a lost cause...unless something calamitous happens.
It's been hard to watch, while I was there and from far away.
I feel the same. I loved being from California when Reagan was governor and president. After that, it went progressively (pun intended) downhill. I have moved away and don't think that I will ever live there again. The California of my childhood is gone, along with Disneyland meant for small children, young men moving West to make their fortune through hard work, and the live-and-let-live West Coast attitude. That has all been buried in wokeism, censorship, and false inclusivity, mixed with a complete deficit of practicality, and knowledge of finance and economics.
I agree. I grew up in San Diego when it was 70% conservative.
Pound for pound CA is the most beautiful place on earth.
It's ruined. It actually makes me angry when I go back for visits.
Same. San Diego used to be almost utopic, now it is a mess. I left when I started feeling like a small red dot in a giant sea of blue.
In the 1970’s NY liberal lawyer Democrats moved to California.
Destroying it.
I lived in Marin.
We cursed them.
Now their spawns are carrying on the destruction
Tried to recall Newsom last year. Very disappointing to be stuck with him. I work in healthcare and his mandates are probably one of the main reasons we are chronically short staffed. I'm one of 2 in the office of 50 people unvaxxed and the majority of other Drs and staff (all mandated to be triple vaxxed) have been out 1-2 weeks at a time with covid. I pray he does not get elected again!
I betcha Newsome is running for president. Pritzker will be running as well...to make Newsome look good.
Have no worries; there are plenty of Tyrants who can replace Newsome.
CA has a deep stable...
Oh, I am sure of that!
His opponent doesn't have much juice in good republican circles, but I'm in the "anybody but Newsom" camp. (I'm independent).
The CA Republican Central committee rigged their elections for a governor nominee. Anthony Trimino was the top candidate through 4 rounds, and in the 5th round, after a bunch of people left, the CA Central committee brought in a bunch of proxy cards and stole the nomination for Dahle. Dahle is controllable and weak. His local constituents don't think highly of him or his wife (who's also running for office).
Trimino was an "outsider" and was no-nonsense, self-made millionaire. His campaign stuck to a lot of churches, which I think undermined him to some extent. I saw him, and he had some great ideas. I think Dahle was "selected" for a loss to Newsom. Gut feel, but that's what it is.
The CA Republican Party is a joke. Run by billionaire rhino Munger. Best state to test a third party is CA, IMO, as we have nothing to lose here.
I pray it doesn't get elected president.
no stupider animals than humans. We have a saying, a donkey does not trip twice over the same stone. But people throughout history have stumbled over the same stones thousands of times...
The popular Western concept of Karma is laughably incomplete. "Reap what you sow" is part of the it, but there's more to the concept. However, since Buddhism/Hinduism believes in an endless series of lives (rebirths), an individual's Karma is rather like a cumulative score of the things "you" have done -- good or bad -- in past lives, up to the current one. As with Christianity, one is exhorted to do good and avoid bad works. This will help or hurt in the current life and also influence one's after lives. Christianity only gives you one shot at redemption, but Hinduism gets one reborn into any of several hells, the current world, or quite a few nice heavens (for finite terms, not an eternity). A downside of this is that you will reap what others (the past selves) sow, and future selves will reap what you sow. Thus the Buddha's explanation why an evil person might enjoy a prosperous happy life, or conversely a saint might endure endless suffering. The modern claim that karma is a bitch is true enough!
Easy on the bitch naming there, buddy...
My karma ran over my dogma
It's epic 'tard [idiocracy].
W/ only ~1% of CA in EVs right now. What happens when EVERYONE has one 😂
There will only be one. Everyone will have it jointly.
Well, when they make one with a van body seating 7, and the juice poops out, 6 can get out and push.
Hopefully, the place will explode.
What state are you in? Your state's "green" emissions laws could be under ca. law.
yes, I just found out recently that VIRGINIAs emissions laws are under ca law!
Shocking and sickening
There are a LOT of states that "delegated" their emissions standards to match California's, no matter how ridiculous, to take heat off themselves and allow someone else to dictate the mandates.
I live here. The leadership was not honestly voted in . They all are idiots
They're not idiots, they're well informed and coordinated, they just don't work for you.
I know that they know what they are doing. I research a lot. This whole thing starting with the pandemic has been in the works for years. Hence my comment that the leadership was not honestly voted in
Eh, i know a lot of Californians. I am not so sure about that. The ones I know who voted were liberal pos. The other ones didn't care.
then you didn't know me.
You didn't know me but my entire neighborhood, which I would expect to be more conservative, was filled with vaccine ass holes, covid crazies and liberals. My best friend, who thinks as we do, moved to Texas. Her sister voted for Joe Biden. So many good ones have left. I fear you are more alone than ever.
There are many fine californians, Canadian, Australians .... Trapped behind enemy lines
That's a good way to describe it....."trapped behind enemy lines."
San Diego has some warriors, against deathvax, against perverted and commie school boards
Bingo. Commie filth.traitors
4th gen CA. I'm a resident that can say "I remember when this was once the great state"
The leadership is corrupt from top to bottom and "honestly voted in" can be honestly debated. We are still under "emergency powers" because Newsom is delighted with ruling by fiat. He stated unequivocally that he can't pass his laws any other way. He has the money to stay corrupt and the lobbyists and teachers union have him wrapped around their evil finger.
Maybe, kinda like, sort of, possibly, thinking about..,like Europe.
I heard someone tell me that the entire state of Commifornia should go to his residence in Commifornia. Hmmmm…
As the late George Carlin would say, “It’s a big scam (club) and you’re not in it!”
I’m here too. Commifornia is RED, not blue as people think. The politicians and lobbyists are running things from San Fransicko, Los Angeles, and Sillycon Valley. That’s it. It’s a big scam!
If it’s red then how on earth do the WORST people get elected/stay in office??
Selected. Not elected.
Indeed. https://kanekoa.substack.com/p/have-chinese-spies-infiltrated-american?r=jhq3f&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct
Most people are too lazy and uninterested to follow politics at all. They don't know the issues, they don't vote in primaries, they don't vote in the election. A very pathetically small percentage of voters actually choose the idiots who win the elections. That prosecutor in SF Chesa Boudin (who actually got recalled and kicked out!) was elected for the reason I mention above. Many libs in this state grouse about electricity, gas prices, homeless people, etc., and if you ask them "Hmmm....well, who did you vote for?" you get a blank look. They simply don't make a connection between who they vote for and the policies those same people implement. Hard to believe.
Exactly! And this is why I believe it should be harder to vote, not easier.
Because they’re extremely ignorant. And I’m not being harsh. I grew up in SF and I worked in that city for over two decades. It’s a psych ward. I stood out like a sore thumb as a Conservative. I despise that city-Soddam and Gemorrah!
Insert The O’Jays iconic song “For the Love of Money”, Money, money, money, money...
Major cheating! It’s easy to cheat here. Drop boxes???? Gimme a break! No ID? Gimme a break!
Legalized ballot harvesting, liberal vote-by-mail signups...oh, that's right, it's default now. Very little voter roll cleanups. There's a reason why EIPCa has a few lawsuits in the mill. (See https://eip-ca.com )
Thanks Justin. EIP Ca is an excellent group that needs our support! EIP-ca.com
Silly me. I remember when there was no Dominion, just hanging chads. It was a simpler time and the cheating on a smaller scale.
Massive fraud that’s been legalized by corrupt democrats. No Republican can ever win Cali again. It’s been outlawed.
It’s illegal to check ID at the voting booth. Enough said.
You poor, poor thing. Why on earth would you live/stay in Ca? Maybe not as smart as you think you are? Holy Smokes! Nobody with any brain power would be in that Commie State; even just passing through. But you are CHOOSING to LIVE there? OMG. <shakin head in disgust & disbelief>
On 2nd thought, scratch the above. I live here, too. Damnit. So, please don't read my first paragraph. Promise?
I stay here cause I was born here and I will go down fighting for my state of California
This is home for better or worse. I have to make it better. Your first paragraph doesn't count. Hahahaha
Ha ha! I have two CA homes. Desert and mountain. I live here despite the politics, for the beauty and climate! We can snow ski and surf on the same day. Best that!
it's amazing how in denial true CA believers are. They legitimately don't want to acknowledge that they might not have lights on when they need them (or want them). I left that state last month for a red one. I've had my AC on during the heatwave, and any light I want on as well. Power is much cheaper here too. When I mentioned this to people still there, they are dumbstruck, dismiss me, and don't want to acknowledge they live in a 3rd world country at this point
I am an older generational Californian and am not in denial, I acknowledge how hell bent the legislature and the state are (let’s be real it is already hell here - no search for it is necessary) however, a move is not as easy for some due to the nature of our lives. Not all work can be done from home or from somewhere else. Add to that aging parents who need care and really should not have to leave a place they have called home for generations as well and here we are stuck for some time. I have never voted Democrat or leftist in my life, nor have the majority of our family or friends, yet somehow sacramento keeps filling with these awful dirt bags. I know myself and many others would greatly appreciate if those who vilify us left here in this hell hole holding a shit bag we did not fill would tone it down.
I realize that there are lots of folks who just can't move from CA, NYC and other Dem-run hellholes for a myriad of reasons...family, financial, etc. I certainly sympathize and have no desire to vilify the decent people trapped in those places.
There's also a "job-protection" clause in state law that prevents state workers from working outside the state, and also keeps other people from doing work that civil servants are supposed to, unless it's at prevailing wages.
Many years ago, an overgrown drainage ditch was contributing to flooding, and after getting the runaround, someone hopped in a dozer and started clearing it themselves. Holy $#it ensued from unions, and the legislature tried to protect them, and looked so bad in the process that they pushed through a 2 year sunsetted law that allowed "volunteers" to do work, and then shut that off, protecting the unions.
Thank you. Unlike “truth seeker” above, we appreciate your compassion.
It's very hard to leave a sh*tbag state, especially if you have elderly parents. I did not get out of MI until well after my parents died. I feel your pain.
That being said, if you can leave and find a more conservative state, you will be better off.
I too have extended family who've lived in CA for three or more generations. I'm not "close" to them because I lived on the East Coast all my life and probably can count on both hands how many times I've seen any of them in my entire life (and I'm nearly 61). I have nothing against them, and honestly don't even know their politics. My late uncle was likely quite conservative but he's 20+ years dead and would have been in late 70s.
I have sympathy for those of you who feel trapped, but only up to a certain point. At some point you must save yourself. Nobody is going to come to your rescue. That doesn't mean it'll be easy, especially given a complex case like yours. I'm reminded of the story of the German or other European Jew intellectuals in the 1930s. Many of them could foresee the evil coming, but not everyone could let go of precious possessions. (e.g. a magnificent library) and get while the gettin' was good. Of course the details were different, but the tragic part is that many waited until too late, even when they knew the situation was deteriorating by the month. CA has not decayed to that point, but as the saying goes, sometimes one is lucky to get out with just the clothes on one's back.
Texas is filling up with Californians who agree with you! But they're making our home prices go up!
And they have a tendency to bring their politics with them...
Yeah, it's too bad that the people fleeing here are acting as "missionaries" for the same liberal tripe, and not acting as "refugees". I'm sorry... Perhaps if you took over Uhaul and other rental truck agencies, you might be able to keep them here.
On the plus side... less people here gives us more energy for those who are left. LOL (Babylon Bee had an article about that very topic, as if Newsom was bragging about he would keep the lights on by driving people out of the state and sending them to Florida - a poke at Newsom's weak efforts to knock DeSantis down. - I'm sorry... there's NO comparison.)
Yup, I always say all Cali and NY refugees are welcome, but if you're gonna be a missionary then please stay where you are.
And they're causing chaos with the laws they vote for. Kalifornication cut your freedom laws, like taxing gathering rain. Then there's the beto problem that they're supporting. People leaving Kommifornia keep saying they're "conservatives," farther right than the farthest right, then vote to destroy the state they "escaped" to. 🤮
Oh and good luck this winter if Abbott doesn't get our electric grid fixed! Winters can be very nasty at times!
You mean they don't scream at you that you're a racist climate denier?
Including the media. If you didn't know to go hunting for it, you'd never know some people lost power from reading either the LA Times or the SF Chronicle.
Also, I too left for a red state this year, it's 105 out there, and I'm enjoying life in my nice cool A/C basement office.
California is trying to beat Sri Lanka’s near perfect ESG score.
does that stand for "electricity stops gradually," mr yuri?
because if it does, they may not be doing so well.
this seems kind of abrupt.
God uses dreams and visions show Kings what he is about to do.
With tyrants, they warn you themselves with Freudian slips and quiet parts said out loud.
It's black magic. Telling the victim what you're doing, even if it's cryptically, makes the "victim" give "consent" in the mind of the possessed.
It's not only the heathen. In colonial Mexico, the Spaniards, good Catholics one and all, gave due to notice to the natives before a conquest/battle. Of course, the natives would not have understood Castillian if they'd even heard it, but the Spanish legal requirement was met.
Are the jokes better than this classic about my hometown?
What’s the only difference between Cleveland and the Titanic?
Cleveland had a better orchestra.
try this one, mr phisto:
"what did socialists use for light before candles?"
"The best thing about socialists is they eventually start shooting each other."
I wish.
Try this one:
"it's safe and effective"
I'm sorry if this is too dark. I fucking hate this narrative, it's way too stupid for fiction.
There is also the Cleveland Clinic which tries every year to beat out Mayo Clinic to be #1 in all categories. And we don't even talk about the CLE Browns.
This is the only time to talk about them - when we're currently undefeated!
One of my earliest memories as a child is Byner’s fumble.
Still hurts. 😭😭
Period 44 visitor jersey is my bar rag. Can’t hold liquid either...
Granholm was terrible as our Governor, a complete moron. She hasn't gotten any smarter
Not so much worried about Granholm's empty remarks as Whitmer's studious note-taking of Gavin Newsom as she prepares for winter.
She also held everyone else's beer, on account of shutting down bars and restaurants and suspending liquor licenses!
Ya know she was born in Canada and raised in California, she’s not even a native Michigander!!! She represents liberal academia perfectly. She was in her 30’s when she moved to Michigan, and brought her radical liberal ideal here!!
And Michigan bought the BS hook, line, and sinker.
Then there's Tim Walz who seems set to be re-elected in a landslide despite Minnesota being the only Midwestern state on the top-ten population flight list. Minnesota seems to want to be the California of the midwest.
Minnesota is one of the 17 states that have tied their emission standards to Ca. law. Newscum is your governor too. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/never-let-a-good-crisis-go-to-waste
I thought you were competing with Wisconson.
It’s all being driven by big metropolitan areas like Minneapolis and Detroit, outside of those ares, the rest of the people in these states are just trying to keep their job, pay their bills and raise their families!
My wife has a 60ish lefty aunt in SoCal who never gets past the first sentence of any article despite being a highly ‘credentialed’ Ph. D in Psychology.
One day her head exploded when informed that the EV that she has contains a battery that was mined from half of a million pounds of earth with the ‘help’ of enslaved African children.
Then she was informed that fossil fuels were entirely responsible for the charging of said battery…
I believe that the second point made her more mad.
Wait until she finds out how much it's going to cost to replace the aforementioned battery.