Well while we sink, darling, let's all just appreciate the delicious irony of California passing a law to move people forcibly to EVs only to have a near failure of their power grid 48 hours later.

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I live here. The leadership was not honestly voted in . They all are idiots

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"California is in the lead and can show the rest of the nation how it is done."

Yes, if you want it done like a third world country.

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it's amazing how in denial true CA believers are. They legitimately don't want to acknowledge that they might not have lights on when they need them (or want them). I left that state last month for a red one. I've had my AC on during the heatwave, and any light I want on as well. Power is much cheaper here too. When I mentioned this to people still there, they are dumbstruck, dismiss me, and don't want to acknowledge they live in a 3rd world country at this point

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California is trying to beat Sri Lanka’s near perfect ESG score.

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God uses dreams and visions show Kings what he is about to do.

With tyrants, they warn you themselves with Freudian slips and quiet parts said out loud.

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Are the jokes better than this classic about my hometown?

What’s the only difference between Cleveland and the Titanic?

Cleveland had a better orchestra.

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Granholm was terrible as our Governor, a complete moron. She hasn't gotten any smarter

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My wife has a 60ish lefty aunt in SoCal who never gets past the first sentence of any article despite being a highly ‘credentialed’ Ph. D in Psychology.

One day her head exploded when informed that the EV that she has contains a battery that was mined from half of a million pounds of earth with the ‘help’ of enslaved African children.

Then she was informed that fossil fuels were entirely responsible for the charging of said battery…

I believe that the second point made her more mad.


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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

even worse, other states are tied to cali emissions and car manufacturers will follow cali into failure

good luck in the snow in the north with your battery powered coffin

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Can we shove Jen Granholm down a coalmine?

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Nothing but a Green Fraud. This is so worth the read...


"Note that 189 years worth of copper production, 400 years of nickel production, 9,921 years of lithium production, 1,733 years of cobalt production, 29,113 years of germanium production, and so on, would be needed for the first 20 years of wind and solar installations. Then we would have to do it all over again. Talk about a lack of sustainability!

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Times like this I wish we could throw memes into the comments instead of just a link.


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Well, it couldn't happen to a more deserving governor, really. All the people tethered to life-supporting electric-powered devices; all the frail who can't tolerate un-air-conditioned rooms in a heat wave; all the average people who will give up necessities for essentials--they're fucked. Because neither party will save them.

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Don’t forget the high speed choo-choo to nowhere. Another multi-billion dollar boondoggle. CA is SO cutting edge.

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