If they do, they will channel the hate towards those who tried to enlighten them, never towards the charlatans who supplied them with comfortable illusions. Prepare!
”The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”
”Les foules n’ont jamais eu soif de vérité. Devant les évidences qui leur déplaisent, elles se détournent, préférant déifier l’erreur, si l’erreur les séduit. Qui sait les illusionner est aisément leur maître ; qui tente de les désillusionner est toujours leur victime.”
/ Gustave Le Bon Psychologie des foules (1895), Gustave Le Bon, éd. Félix Alcan, 1906, partie Livre II. Les opinions et les croyances des foules, chap. II. Facteurs immédiats des opinions des foules, p. 98 (texte intégral sur Wikisource)
Trump didn't force them, Xiden & Co said they'd never take "Trump's injections" until they stole the election, embraced them as their injections, and forced them on everyone they could.
Trump was a businessman; his mistake was thinking that government was more honest than it is. It's just NOT the meritocracy a good businessman creates. He got a lot of good stuff done, anyway, but the perfidy of the bureaucratic state blindsided him. Corruption, especially in the medical bureaucracy, has been accelerating for decades, especially since St. Fauxi arrived on the scene.
My understanding is that, according to a public health emergency act (sorry, can’t recall the date — maybe late 60s), as soon as the task force was created, Trump lost executive power to Fauci et al. We have to get rid of these emergency powers, and the current state of emergency (that Biden has made permanent by not specifying an end date) that allows these psychopaths to overreach.
It'd be interesting to see Little Black Lying Hood answer "But if Trump's failed vaccine is to blame, why did you force millions of Americans to take it?".
As Russiagate, Impeachment and Jan 6 have proven, they don't need to worry about that. They can make a vague evidence-free accusation, pass the baton to the corporate media, and it will be taken as Gospel Truth with any questioning being censored and demonized as Dangerous Misinformation.
So...Trump did something somehow to make the vaxxes ineffective and dangerous, no particular mechanism needs to be specified or proven, no evidence needs to be provided, but it definitely involves Putin in some way. At least 30% of the population will gleefully devour it and lick up the crumbs.
Speaking of spin - my head turned around a la Linda Blair today when I saw their blatant over-the-top lies about how great the economy was doing. Jesus God, is there anyone who actually believes that crap???
It doesn’t matter to them if they’re lying. There’s no accountability anyway to anything they say.
I really thought the global elites would try to pin the vax debacle on Trump & Im shocked they haven’t. But on the other hand, while more & more damaging info is coming out about all of it (masks, vax, distancing, lockdowns), they’re STILL threatening more of the same.
MAYBE if there’s true global pushback, they’ll realize they’ve flogged it all to death & will look to point blame then?
Wow, I just watched the link - he just wallops that nail on the head! I wonder if the audience went away and actually seriously thought about what he was telling them?
I hope some did. I keep liking to that very good information from Carlin. Eventually I hope people will talk to each other and realize that we need new parties, by the people for the people, forming a huge rainbow coalition, with parties of all colors, replacing the corrupted in the red and the blue team.
Trump did enable all of this to happen-- the lockdowns, the social distancing and the vaxxine. He could have fired Fauci, but he did not for political reasons. As it turned out, I think his fate would have been the same if he fired Fauci or not.
No longer. You cannot fire a bureaucrat just for being wrong, only for not being politically correct; the bureaucracy protects itself absolutely - that's why it's so CORRUPT.
I don't know what to make of that guy - this video is at least 7,8 weeks old - and has it happened? - even a hint of it? - ... that doesn't make him wrong yet ... but we still seem to be firmly in "would have been so much worse if I hadn't..." land - time will tell.
Clif does something called predictive linguistics; his work is really interesting, and a lot of really smart people are aware of him, much to my surprise. He's got bitchute and substack channels, and, of course, has been thrown off Twitter. In the past, his predictions have been way, way off-- as in decades off. In the last two years, more things are coming to fruition, however, it's kind of hit or miss. I'd say a 30% to 40% accuracy rate. So.. .we shall see. Might be in a month. Might be in two years. Might be never.
Time will tell. I think this is an example of negativity bias from the other side and I admit it’s catnippy to me at times. I try and remind myself that when societies collapse, many survive and just get on with it. I don’t know how ugly it might get because Shanghai looks pretty abysmal, but even there it probably isn’t wall to wall suffering.
Both great links. I do wonder. Trish Wood just had a good podcast about the connection between lockdowns, stolen youth and the mass shootings. One of the saner takes I’ve heard. So many unintended consequences.
Dr. Paul Alexander has been writing a LOT about this on his Substack lately. He is very impassioned and adamant on this, with lots of background and facts.
I do think the dam will break here soon. Particularly if the South East US has a light covid summer. Then, we'll see if they are pissed, or deny ever believing the propaganda.
Maybe, but I doubt it. It's easy enough for the mass media to just ignore anything that doesn't fit The Narrative, and their audience are very, very strongly motivated not to notice anything that suggests they might have acted like gullible fools.
The CDC is already declaring many counties at "High" to take care of what is in reality a light situation all around. And if you happen to work for/at a place that follows "CDC guidance," you're screwed. Mask Theater returns!
I'd like to know where all these folks are who are "testing positive." My federal agency has over 15,000 people and I only know of 3 20-30-somethings who "tested positive," all of whom got at least 2 shots.
Well, the Pfizer pill is all about rebound infections... aka more $500 a dose pills. The Merck pill is mutagenic.... so at least it doesn't cause c0vid?
this is so funny but it's also terribly pathetic. Still, another example of how powerful propaganda is - or maybe just how persistent belief systems can be in the face of a different reality.
They are amping up the ads again. Replaying the triple-header former residents (Clinton, Bush, Obama in black overcoats) advising us to "get vaccinated and end the pandemic." And the latest PSA is "Vax, Mask, Test" (rinse, repeat). I know I'm watching or listening to the wrong channel whenever these pop up - but it is further proof of the ongoing campaign to keep the masketeers in line.
I can fault someone only so much for falling for 21st Century propaganda. I mean, they poured a LOT of resources into the push to vax.
Some are so programmed to follow The Current Thing, though, that when The Current Thing is to incarcerate and/or exterminate fellow citizens, they will roll with it. Meaning, people you know.
This was what was so disillusioning about the scamdemic. Not just the actions of gov't and unelected officials, but watching my (now former) coworkers be all, wow, too bad you don't have a job anymore, while at the same time backing away from me b/c they thought I was toxic unjabbed, and also because I was morally impure (no concern for the common good).
And thanks for reminding me about bugs--today I saw my first ever green lynx spider! Super cool!
Yeah, one of my nieces has that 'look' when I'm near her now, like she thinks I'm some infected leper and she'll catch some scary disease if she gets within a couple of feet of me. She's 13, loves her masks, is jabbed to the hilt and believes everything her mother tells her. Surprisingly, she's still standing!
I don't think these people can understand that they are terrifyingly brainwashed - to the point that they WOULD send us to concentration camps if the government told them to do it.
Being not just ambivalent, but rubbing it in about losing your job is horrible. I don't think the people doing this have much, if any, self-reflective ability. They're not the type of humans you want to hang around if you want even a vaguely good life. People with seriously limited (or non-existent) self-reflection are getting pretty close to the Sociopath mark. Oh wait, isn't that what Gates and Co are?!
We have a 'bug cup' at home and even the kids now collect the random spiders etc in it and and let them go outside. Hopefully as adults they will continue this practice and perhaps even extrapolate what we are trying to teach them...
She apparently doesn't realize she's been had, and will be getting covid continuously for the rest of her life. That won't stop her from getting boosted again and again though.
My triple vaxxed bro in law caught covid and I told him it seems the jab does not work for the variants . He got really upset at me and told me it’s my opinion. It could have have been worse for him without the jab. Oh, ok.
Yes, more and more of us are coming to that same realisation, Evil Harry. Initially, perhaps most of us wanted everyone to be OK, because we DO care. But after watching so many get jabbed time and time again, and watching them wondering why they got sicker and sicker, and finding ourselves on the receiving end of nastiness from people whom we thought were our friends/co-workers/locals/family/lovers etc, well, that thinner herd is sounding more and more pleasant!
Maybe people have always been this way and we were just too blind to see it. Maybe these jabs have done something weird to everyone who took them (well, they have). Or maybe the truth is somewhere in between...
Funny thing is one of the vaxholes on SM wished me a short life of repeat infections. I asked her why she thought I have escaped that fate so far? Being completely unvaccinated and all. What will be the trigger for her kind wishes finally coming true? 😂
I hear you. I'm an old Schadenfreude addict myself, and there are certain nefarious characters on the main stage of all this who I would truly love to see take a fall (I was thrilled by Lord Gavin's apparent bout with Bell's Palsy). But I have too many loved ones who are at this level of delusion, and I'm in an agony of fear that they will join the list of the injured and killed. Worry has become my daily bread, and prayer the water with which I wash it down.
Yes, you are right, and I know this in my head, but my heart can't quite go along with it. My family and I are not on speaking terms, mostly due to politics. Losing any of them would be very hard at any time, but it would be a cruel blow now. I cannot go back, the gaslighting and ridicule were too hurtful. All I can do is pray, it's out of my hands.
Thanks for the recommendations. Marcus Aurelius lives at my bedside, along with John O'Donohue's beautiful "Anam Cara" and a few other beloved bedtime reads. I will find Epictetus, haven't taken a crack at him for many years. Sounds like something the sig oth and I would both love.
It's like walking a tightrope when you try to let go yet still try to care. We've all contemplated that. Most of us are still walking that tightrope, even though we think we've let things go, me included! But somewhere in there you will probably come to the eventual conclusion that you just have to let it all go. People don't have to stay in your life. You can just appreciate the memories. People spend time in your life for a day, a year, or in some rare cases, practically a lifetime.
It's a rare bird indeed that can still catch up with the jabbed and devout coviders and come home without a bad taste in your mouth these days. This covid mania has hit a huge nerve in human history, just like religion did. And it's because covid mania IS a religion. You could always try to rationalise it by thinking that these devout coviders are like Crusaders - on a mission from their god (in this case Big Pharma) and they will stop at NOTHING to pursue their goal. They will die for their goal, and they will even kill you for their goal. The weirdest thing is that they don't even KNOW they are Crusaders!
It's really quite simple, even though the concept is quite chilling. I'm sure it all just comes down to simple biochemistry - but it sure as hell doesn't feel that way, does it?!
As others have reiterated, don't worry Keahi, at least you've got us crazies on here to keep you company!! :-D
I will still always try to protect me and mine and also good, trusting people I meet, but I had a little moment a few weeks ago that changed my viewpoint.
It was like a switch clicking off.
Someone I had known for years jokingly said to me "get your stuff, we're off to Ukraine".
All I said was, "Okay but you know I'll be fighting for the other side"
They went from zero to batshit crazy, instantly.
I didn't follow their woke groupthink and that was unforgivable.
I wasn't displaying my "current thing" badge and so I was treated to a small glimpse of "the mob" in their reaction.
THAT was the switch when I thought, "I really don't care about these people any more and they only care about blindly following "the narrative".
They make their own choices and it isn't my concern.
They will never look beyond what the media tells them to believe and never ever think critically about anything.
As a consequence, I've been feeling amazingly relaxed about everything since that point, because I now don't care.
Let me just top off your glass. You're far too coherent. I am myself on my second pint of homebrewed mead and feeling no pain. I have had several shifts of thinking like yours, Harry. Like when a once-dear friend shrugged off - no, actually cheered on the George Floyd riots. I was feeling rotten about people losing their businesses, and her (Commie bureaucrat) response was, "They have insurance". She also said, "Antifa is all of us! Antifa is you and me!". Maybe you, not me, and btw, adios baby. She is utterly covid-obsessed, even volunteers to help with testing, and it's fascinating watching her these days. Truly like a fly in a web. Did I ever really like this woman? Ditto almost everyone I know, and throw in my entire family. I'm now the Flying Dutchman, I can go anywhere. Cheers!
This beautiful gem of a story is why we read the comments here on substack. A huge time suck, but you get so much sanity in return! the Ukraine thing is seriously perfect for these kinds of epiphanies. Some people who were on "our side" against the LMVs somehow missed the boat on this one. No worries, we shouldn't all try fitting in neat little boxes, but I would have hoped we learned to respect differing opinions. Not so. More unfriending ensues. We are being purified, or at least peeled like an onion and I love it.
I understand and agree with what you are saying. Try to think of our current situation as a modern day Black Plague. There is much more that we don't know than we know, the rats are the carriers, and the victims are not at fault, even though they blame others for their predicament.
"There is much more that we don't know than we know." Thank you for those words, I needed them. I have always wanted, needed to know absolutely everything, and I'm finally beginning to give that one up, thank God.. This is such a strange time to be alive, and I miss so many things about my old life. But life is still good, is still worth living, even as I am tested every day. Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard a child's voice - a very little girl - say to me so sweetly, it seemed in my ear, "Be at peace." I don't question who she was or where she came from. I'm just grateful.
If I knew that she had been screaming for mandates, I think there would be some satisfaction, but mostly this just seems unbearably sad to me. She trusted her sources, got the shots, and is so deep in the narrative that she can't piece together what might be happening to her. And what if it just gets worse from here? A young woman with endless illness.... ugh.
She took a novel drug before there was any long-term data. That isn’t trust; it is running into traffic. This was not a hard test, however many people failed it. There are far more difficult tests ahead.
She's obviously not the brightest bulb on the tree (I say that because she hasn't done her due diligence), but she sounds ready for an explanation or a pointer to one (or more).
apparently not. she didn't respond nicely to all the "antivaxxers" who offered her some insights. this is hearsay, I don't have twitter, but thought you might be interested. still, as my good friend maintains, the seed was planted, no matter the current reaction and that is mission accomplished!
Thanks Stephanie! I don't do social media, so I'm not plugged in. It's interesting to read what she said and get one idea, and hear something very different. She asked the question, but didn't want the answer? I just never know...
I’m with you finding it unbearably sad. These people share the planet with us. Even if we come at this completely selfishly, they will be eating up resources and creating problems for decades. But as they consume without being able to contribute, they will be denied their moments to shine and that is the worst crime of all. Snuffing out potential. Fuck.
Somehow I find it more bearable to witness however than trying to convince someone not to do it and then have them go ahead. Once it's too late it's too late. Having it out of my hands frees me up emotionally?
I've heard from several of my colleagues that they've never been as sick, as often, as they have this year. Most will be very reluctant, slow, and quiet about admitting that the jabs are related.
I know. It's the elephant in the office lunchroom. People are dropping like flies in my tiny town where everyone knows everyone. I've learned to keep my mouth shut and not use the V-word, for fear of being tarred and feathered. Everyone says "long covid" and shakes their head.
I don't blame you, although what I'm learning is that there's a lot more folk who have doubts and are afraid to voice them, than there are people who are completely bought into the narrative. A bit of gentle prodding can sometimes bring them out. But you're right, "long Covid" is likely going to be the new excuse to cover everything
Yes, I ask little questions that draw out people's doubts if they are there. A lot of vaxxed people have them. You can say, it isn't working out like they told us, and many will agree even though they technically think of themselves as pro jab.
I accompanied someone to a walk-in clinic for a minor issue, and was shocked to discover they were still doing masks lol.. and to boot, they didn't offer any at the door -- they had you go the attached pharmacy and purchase one instead. It's such lunacy.
Due to the high gas prices, I consolidated three "wellness visits" into one day - one at a clinic and two at a hospital. My god, it was a nightmare. The interrogation at the door, the masking, all of it. They don't do this during regular flu season, never have. What a joke. Follow the money. Also saw that my doc had written up in my medical database (Doctor Big Brother) both times when I had "refused" - not declined - the jab during my visits with him. I was creeped out. Oh, they are keeping close tabs, believe me.
He's a conscientious doctor, but a True Believer. He asked me about it so casually, too, "So do you want the vaccine?" sorta like, "Can I get you a drink?" I was shocked to see the report.
I know someone who works in healthcare, got vaccinated and now can’t figure out why she been sort of sick for the entirety of 2022. I didn’t even bother to try and tell her it was because she was vaccinated.
They absolutely don't want to hear it; few have the courage to face it; after all, it was lack of courage that got them there, in my view. Most are calling it "long covid". I imagine many are having trouble sleeping at night.
The ones that I know seem anxious to prove that they are "good" people! They love to take covid boosters, covid tests, and tell everyone whenever they have the sniffles!
I feel for her. Looking back, it very well could have been me.
I was all-in on the vaccines in the beginning. I was just waiting for my age group to be eligible. Then I saw Dr. Simone Gold addressing the issue and froze in my tracks. I’m skeptical by nature, so wherever she made an assertion (such as there have been failed attempts to make a vaccine earlier), I would pause the video and look it up on Duck Duck Go and invariably she was spot on!
That spurred me on to learn everything i could about it. My point is, if I hadn’t “stumbled upon” the truth, I would be just like her, and most of my friends and family.
My attempts to educate my friends and family have fallen on deaf ears. The last time I had an in depth conversation with a close friend, my 15 minute discourse about ADE, immune suppression, toxins was answered by simply “just get the damn vaccine”.
I guess I’m just sad for her, and I recognize that that could have been me.
I feel this. I had a moment of hope for the vaccines. It wasn’t on my radar because I had natural immunity from early on and I managed to remember high school fucking biology, but I wanted it to be helpful for everyone else. And then I heard about ADE pretty much by coincidence and that was it. Big can of worms later, I tried to talk about it with my mother for the trillionth time. After supporting her initial vax as an at risk person, I kept learning and by the time boosters were rolled out I tried my damnedest from afar to convince her to pass. She assured me she would and then caved a little while later. When I finally saw her in person I reopened the topic and she said, well I’m so old I might as well just follow the guidelines. I asked her if those guidelines shortened her life would that be her wish? Because it’s not mine. The thought hadn’t occurred to her at all and the wheels turning were very squeaky. I tried. Autocorrected to tired. That too.
Tried and tired too. Flush out of empathy. So many of us have the same story — family members who are so brainwashed / invested in the lie, that they can’t hear anything that isn’t a CDC/CNN talking point. I’m trying to maintain communication, but I don’t know how much longer I’ll be willing to be the only one to pick up the phone.
It’s exhausting. But what have we learned? Look out for number one because no one will do it for you.
Funny thing is my mom is a huge tucker Carlson fan from the days I couldn’t stand him. After I listened to his McCullough interview I perked up my ears. And her hubby is generally aware of a ton of conspiracy “ theories” he’s a natural skeptic and yet he fell for the medical bullying of his doctor and mom did by proxy. So unfair. That’s when I hate being the daughter that moved out of the country. 😔
Well my mama say 'If you get another booster your will be fine'. Boy you mama is an idiot. “My Mama also says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.”
Does the English or Language department offer it? Except for the verb meaning of breeding (cf "engender"), it's a grammatical concept. Why are Merry Cats afraid to use the word "sex" in polite company?
Think there is a department called "Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies", part of Liberal Arts. Presumably that's where you learn to define the term "woman".
I was skeptical of spike protein induced dementia in the past, but the vaxtards are winning me over to idea.
I was sceptical of depopulation, but ...
they will never connect the dots
If they do, they will channel the hate towards those who tried to enlighten them, never towards the charlatans who supplied them with comfortable illusions. Prepare!
”The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”
/ Gustave Le Bon Source: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Gustave_Le_Bon
”Les foules n’ont jamais eu soif de vérité. Devant les évidences qui leur déplaisent, elles se détournent, préférant déifier l’erreur, si l’erreur les séduit. Qui sait les illusionner est aisément leur maître ; qui tente de les désillusionner est toujours leur victime.”
/ Gustave Le Bon Psychologie des foules (1895), Gustave Le Bon, éd. Félix Alcan, 1906, partie Livre II. Les opinions et les croyances des foules, chap. II. Facteurs immédiats des opinions des foules, p. 98 (texte intégral sur Wikisource)
They'll be mad at Trump.
Trump didn't force them, Xiden & Co said they'd never take "Trump's injections" until they stole the election, embraced them as their injections, and forced them on everyone they could.
Those are my sentiments also. Trump is not blameless in this cluster frigg, and I wish he would stop pushing the poison.
Trump was a businessman; his mistake was thinking that government was more honest than it is. It's just NOT the meritocracy a good businessman creates. He got a lot of good stuff done, anyway, but the perfidy of the bureaucratic state blindsided him. Corruption, especially in the medical bureaucracy, has been accelerating for decades, especially since St. Fauxi arrived on the scene.
My understanding is that, according to a public health emergency act (sorry, can’t recall the date — maybe late 60s), as soon as the task force was created, Trump lost executive power to Fauci et al. We have to get rid of these emergency powers, and the current state of emergency (that Biden has made permanent by not specifying an end date) that allows these psychopaths to overreach.
Ive abandoned him over his idiocy on his “greatest achievement” & continuing to flog getting vax’d
I think if they haven't turned around and called it the "failed Trump vaccine" by now, they never will.
I think that would be a difficult trick to turn.
It'd be interesting to see Little Black Lying Hood answer "But if Trump's failed vaccine is to blame, why did you force millions of Americans to take it?".
As Russiagate, Impeachment and Jan 6 have proven, they don't need to worry about that. They can make a vague evidence-free accusation, pass the baton to the corporate media, and it will be taken as Gospel Truth with any questioning being censored and demonized as Dangerous Misinformation.
So...Trump did something somehow to make the vaxxes ineffective and dangerous, no particular mechanism needs to be specified or proven, no evidence needs to be provided, but it definitely involves Putin in some way. At least 30% of the population will gleefully devour it and lick up the crumbs.
You give them credit for self-awareness? When has hypocrisy even slowed them?
difficult trick to turn -- but this is exactly the kind of challenge the legacy media enjoy. it's also their bread and butter: spin, spin, spin.
Speaking of spin - my head turned around a la Linda Blair today when I saw their blatant over-the-top lies about how great the economy was doing. Jesus God, is there anyone who actually believes that crap???
It doesn’t matter to them if they’re lying. There’s no accountability anyway to anything they say.
I really thought the global elites would try to pin the vax debacle on Trump & Im shocked they haven’t. But on the other hand, while more & more damaging info is coming out about all of it (masks, vax, distancing, lockdowns), they’re STILL threatening more of the same.
MAYBE if there’s true global pushback, they’ll realize they’ve flogged it all to death & will look to point blame then?
They can't financially afford to call it failed. You are right: they never will.
Hope you’re correct!
You are probably correct. Tricking the American people with the red team and the blue team has worked quite well for a very long time.
It's like luring a kid to put on socks: "What color would you like today?" The parent/bank mafia does not care much what socks the children put on.
I know what is needed, but nobody seems to listen.
Wow, I just watched the link - he just wallops that nail on the head! I wonder if the audience went away and actually seriously thought about what he was telling them?
I hope some did. I keep liking to that very good information from Carlin. Eventually I hope people will talk to each other and realize that we need new parties, by the people for the people, forming a huge rainbow coalition, with parties of all colors, replacing the corrupted in the red and the blue team.
and Putin don't forget about Putin
After all, it's his vaccine, right? They were misled!!
Trump did enable all of this to happen-- the lockdowns, the social distancing and the vaxxine. He could have fired Fauci, but he did not for political reasons. As it turned out, I think his fate would have been the same if he fired Fauci or not.
Under federal law, Trump did not have the power to directly fire Fauci.
Exactly. He lost executive power when the task force was formed.
Omg, I'm kind of glad he didn't. Then Fauci could add faux martyrdom to his unearned credibility.
No longer. You cannot fire a bureaucrat just for being wrong, only for not being politically correct; the bureaucracy protects itself absolutely - that's why it's so CORRUPT.
They're already mad at Trump.
The vaxxxed are going to go ballistic
And another
Count down to the Mass Hysteria of the Vaccinated
Thumbs up for a link to a Clif High video.
I second that
I don't know what to make of that guy - this video is at least 7,8 weeks old - and has it happened? - even a hint of it? - ... that doesn't make him wrong yet ... but we still seem to be firmly in "would have been so much worse if I hadn't..." land - time will tell.
Clif does something called predictive linguistics; his work is really interesting, and a lot of really smart people are aware of him, much to my surprise. He's got bitchute and substack channels, and, of course, has been thrown off Twitter. In the past, his predictions have been way, way off-- as in decades off. In the last two years, more things are coming to fruition, however, it's kind of hit or miss. I'd say a 30% to 40% accuracy rate. So.. .we shall see. Might be in a month. Might be in two years. Might be never.
Time will tell. I think this is an example of negativity bias from the other side and I admit it’s catnippy to me at times. I try and remind myself that when societies collapse, many survive and just get on with it. I don’t know how ugly it might get because Shanghai looks pretty abysmal, but even there it probably isn’t wall to wall suffering.
Both great links. I do wonder. Trish Wood just had a good podcast about the connection between lockdowns, stolen youth and the mass shootings. One of the saner takes I’ve heard. So many unintended consequences.
Dr. Paul Alexander has been writing a LOT about this on his Substack lately. He is very impassioned and adamant on this, with lots of background and facts.
thanks I'll check him out, as if I have any time left to read all this amazing content!
It is much easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled.
I do think the dam will break here soon. Particularly if the South East US has a light covid summer. Then, we'll see if they are pissed, or deny ever believing the propaganda.
Maybe, but I doubt it. It's easy enough for the mass media to just ignore anything that doesn't fit The Narrative, and their audience are very, very strongly motivated not to notice anything that suggests they might have acted like gullible fools.
The CDC is already declaring many counties at "High" to take care of what is in reality a light situation all around. And if you happen to work for/at a place that follows "CDC guidance," you're screwed. Mask Theater returns!
I'd like to know where all these folks are who are "testing positive." My federal agency has over 15,000 people and I only know of 3 20-30-somethings who "tested positive," all of whom got at least 2 shots.
The dam has been about to break soon... for the past year. The cows will forget, then move on to munch on newer grass.
But they seem to be connecting with the spikes...
I read some of the young woman's tweets. She doesn't strike me at all as an accomplished dot connector.
Even when the dots fuse to make a solid line.
Cognitive dissonance will ensure they never do
Not to worry, Pharma's got a pill for that!
And she’ll get rebound COVID. 🤣🤣🤣
Well, the Pfizer pill is all about rebound infections... aka more $500 a dose pills. The Merck pill is mutagenic.... so at least it doesn't cause c0vid?
Pfizer's pill Paxlovid needs to be taken with Ritonavir which is used to treat HIV:
Ritonavir - Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Overdose, Pregnancy, Alcohol | RxWiki
Everyone has AIDS!
Paxlovid also interacts BADLY with a lot of prescription meds.
this is so funny but it's also terribly pathetic. Still, another example of how powerful propaganda is - or maybe just how persistent belief systems can be in the face of a different reality.
They are amping up the ads again. Replaying the triple-header former residents (Clinton, Bush, Obama in black overcoats) advising us to "get vaccinated and end the pandemic." And the latest PSA is "Vax, Mask, Test" (rinse, repeat). I know I'm watching or listening to the wrong channel whenever these pop up - but it is further proof of the ongoing campaign to keep the masketeers in line.
Pediatricians trust the haxxine for our children, and we should too. 😒
I can fault someone only so much for falling for 21st Century propaganda. I mean, they poured a LOT of resources into the push to vax.
Some are so programmed to follow The Current Thing, though, that when The Current Thing is to incarcerate and/or exterminate fellow citizens, they will roll with it. Meaning, people you know.
Jordan Peterson has been sounding the alarm bells on that scenario for several years now.
He has spoken about the Nazi concentration camp guards and how we are all capable of acting like that if events go a certain way.
We are constantly at war with ourselves to suppress our violent thoughts.
Always interesting to watch how people treat insects, most of which we encounter in our day to day life present no harm to us.
But you see people squashing out that life without a second thought.
This was what was so disillusioning about the scamdemic. Not just the actions of gov't and unelected officials, but watching my (now former) coworkers be all, wow, too bad you don't have a job anymore, while at the same time backing away from me b/c they thought I was toxic unjabbed, and also because I was morally impure (no concern for the common good).
And thanks for reminding me about bugs--today I saw my first ever green lynx spider! Super cool!
Yeah, one of my nieces has that 'look' when I'm near her now, like she thinks I'm some infected leper and she'll catch some scary disease if she gets within a couple of feet of me. She's 13, loves her masks, is jabbed to the hilt and believes everything her mother tells her. Surprisingly, she's still standing!
I don't think these people can understand that they are terrifyingly brainwashed - to the point that they WOULD send us to concentration camps if the government told them to do it.
Being not just ambivalent, but rubbing it in about losing your job is horrible. I don't think the people doing this have much, if any, self-reflective ability. They're not the type of humans you want to hang around if you want even a vaguely good life. People with seriously limited (or non-existent) self-reflection are getting pretty close to the Sociopath mark. Oh wait, isn't that what Gates and Co are?!
We have a 'bug cup' at home and even the kids now collect the random spiders etc in it and and let them go outside. Hopefully as adults they will continue this practice and perhaps even extrapolate what we are trying to teach them...
She apparently doesn't realize she's been had, and will be getting covid continuously for the rest of her life. That won't stop her from getting boosted again and again though.
I'm in California. You would be staggered at the number of "well-educated" (hah!) people I know who talk just like her...
My triple vaxxed bro in law caught covid and I told him it seems the jab does not work for the variants . He got really upset at me and told me it’s my opinion. It could have have been worse for him without the jab. Oh, ok.
At this point, I'm not adverse to the herd being thinned.
There is that.
Yes, more and more of us are coming to that same realisation, Evil Harry. Initially, perhaps most of us wanted everyone to be OK, because we DO care. But after watching so many get jabbed time and time again, and watching them wondering why they got sicker and sicker, and finding ourselves on the receiving end of nastiness from people whom we thought were our friends/co-workers/locals/family/lovers etc, well, that thinner herd is sounding more and more pleasant!
Maybe people have always been this way and we were just too blind to see it. Maybe these jabs have done something weird to everyone who took them (well, they have). Or maybe the truth is somewhere in between...
I wholeheartedly agree.
I have met a few people now, who have been jabbed, but have refused any more because they began to realise what was going on.
One womans sister has had 3 jabs and got progressively worse with each one.
To the point where she is now unable to even swallow.
Last I heard she was still a believer in the almighty Pfizertoxin
I get that most of those who are jabbed, will never want to hear that they may have made a serious mistake and I have sympathy for them.
Just not for anyone who is still pushing the poison, while anyone authorising it for children should be hanged.
In the words of Jerry Clower, "They have been educated beyond their intelligence".
The boosters will stop when the blood clots kill her.
If it doesn't work, just do it more!
Funny thing is one of the vaxholes on SM wished me a short life of repeat infections. I asked her why she thought I have escaped that fate so far? Being completely unvaccinated and all. What will be the trigger for her kind wishes finally coming true? 😂
she obviously needs a booster!
"ANOTHER" booster (or 12).
This tweet gives me Massive Schadenfreude
I hear you. I'm an old Schadenfreude addict myself, and there are certain nefarious characters on the main stage of all this who I would truly love to see take a fall (I was thrilled by Lord Gavin's apparent bout with Bell's Palsy). But I have too many loved ones who are at this level of delusion, and I'm in an agony of fear that they will join the list of the injured and killed. Worry has become my daily bread, and prayer the water with which I wash it down.
not alone with the relatives. Hubbs and I are actually shunned because of our beliefs, and lack of interest in the game.
It is lonely.
But you have all of us other like minded "crazies" here in internet land.
And you, my fellow crazies, are saving my sanity!
Agreed. I feel like I part of a group. Before finding thus substack and couple of others I was really struggling. Thank you all
Lonely is the word. Rosemary, how are you doing, btw?
Easy for me to say, but you cannot help what decisions they made, so worrying serves no purpose, except to wear you down.
They have rolled that dice, so what will be, will be.
They made their decisions and will hopefully get away with it, but you worrying, solves nothing and will change nothing.
Good luck.
Yes, you are right, and I know this in my head, but my heart can't quite go along with it. My family and I are not on speaking terms, mostly due to politics. Losing any of them would be very hard at any time, but it would be a cruel blow now. I cannot go back, the gaslighting and ridicule were too hurtful. All I can do is pray, it's out of my hands.
If you have not already, I recommend reading Marcus Aurelius' *Meditations* and Epictetus' *How to be Free*.
The Stoics have been a great comfort to me these last two years.
Thanks for the recommendations. Marcus Aurelius lives at my bedside, along with John O'Donohue's beautiful "Anam Cara" and a few other beloved bedtime reads. I will find Epictetus, haven't taken a crack at him for many years. Sounds like something the sig oth and I would both love.
nice! new items for my wishlist!
It's like walking a tightrope when you try to let go yet still try to care. We've all contemplated that. Most of us are still walking that tightrope, even though we think we've let things go, me included! But somewhere in there you will probably come to the eventual conclusion that you just have to let it all go. People don't have to stay in your life. You can just appreciate the memories. People spend time in your life for a day, a year, or in some rare cases, practically a lifetime.
It's a rare bird indeed that can still catch up with the jabbed and devout coviders and come home without a bad taste in your mouth these days. This covid mania has hit a huge nerve in human history, just like religion did. And it's because covid mania IS a religion. You could always try to rationalise it by thinking that these devout coviders are like Crusaders - on a mission from their god (in this case Big Pharma) and they will stop at NOTHING to pursue their goal. They will die for their goal, and they will even kill you for their goal. The weirdest thing is that they don't even KNOW they are Crusaders!
It's really quite simple, even though the concept is quite chilling. I'm sure it all just comes down to simple biochemistry - but it sure as hell doesn't feel that way, does it?!
As others have reiterated, don't worry Keahi, at least you've got us crazies on here to keep you company!! :-D
Thanks for the stoicism Evil Harry. It’s a valuable position. With practice!
(Warning - Slightly drunk, random waffling ahead)
I will still always try to protect me and mine and also good, trusting people I meet, but I had a little moment a few weeks ago that changed my viewpoint.
It was like a switch clicking off.
Someone I had known for years jokingly said to me "get your stuff, we're off to Ukraine".
All I said was, "Okay but you know I'll be fighting for the other side"
They went from zero to batshit crazy, instantly.
I didn't follow their woke groupthink and that was unforgivable.
I wasn't displaying my "current thing" badge and so I was treated to a small glimpse of "the mob" in their reaction.
THAT was the switch when I thought, "I really don't care about these people any more and they only care about blindly following "the narrative".
They make their own choices and it isn't my concern.
They will never look beyond what the media tells them to believe and never ever think critically about anything.
As a consequence, I've been feeling amazingly relaxed about everything since that point, because I now don't care.
(Incoherent drunken rant over)
Let me just top off your glass. You're far too coherent. I am myself on my second pint of homebrewed mead and feeling no pain. I have had several shifts of thinking like yours, Harry. Like when a once-dear friend shrugged off - no, actually cheered on the George Floyd riots. I was feeling rotten about people losing their businesses, and her (Commie bureaucrat) response was, "They have insurance". She also said, "Antifa is all of us! Antifa is you and me!". Maybe you, not me, and btw, adios baby. She is utterly covid-obsessed, even volunteers to help with testing, and it's fascinating watching her these days. Truly like a fly in a web. Did I ever really like this woman? Ditto almost everyone I know, and throw in my entire family. I'm now the Flying Dutchman, I can go anywhere. Cheers!
Enjoying your comments here immensely as well!
This beautiful gem of a story is why we read the comments here on substack. A huge time suck, but you get so much sanity in return! the Ukraine thing is seriously perfect for these kinds of epiphanies. Some people who were on "our side" against the LMVs somehow missed the boat on this one. No worries, we shouldn't all try fitting in neat little boxes, but I would have hoped we learned to respect differing opinions. Not so. More unfriending ensues. We are being purified, or at least peeled like an onion and I love it.
I understand and agree with what you are saying. Try to think of our current situation as a modern day Black Plague. There is much more that we don't know than we know, the rats are the carriers, and the victims are not at fault, even though they blame others for their predicament.
"There is much more that we don't know than we know." Thank you for those words, I needed them. I have always wanted, needed to know absolutely everything, and I'm finally beginning to give that one up, thank God.. This is such a strange time to be alive, and I miss so many things about my old life. But life is still good, is still worth living, even as I am tested every day. Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard a child's voice - a very little girl - say to me so sweetly, it seemed in my ear, "Be at peace." I don't question who she was or where she came from. I'm just grateful.
It's all a fake "reality." The problem -- remaining sane in an insane world.
If I knew that she had been screaming for mandates, I think there would be some satisfaction, but mostly this just seems unbearably sad to me. She trusted her sources, got the shots, and is so deep in the narrative that she can't piece together what might be happening to her. And what if it just gets worse from here? A young woman with endless illness.... ugh.
On the other hand, had she bought motor insurance from the same company and they'd failed to pay out twice, would she have insured with them again?
Also a good point.
She took a novel drug before there was any long-term data. That isn’t trust; it is running into traffic. This was not a hard test, however many people failed it. There are far more difficult tests ahead.
I guess every ache and pain, cough or sneeze will be covid from here on....unless there are pustules.
Or liver failure. Or cancer. Immune system collapse is not pretty and has no disease “favorites”.
Good points. I should be more sympathetic.
I can understand why you'd be out of sympathy at this point!
She's obviously not the brightest bulb on the tree (I say that because she hasn't done her due diligence), but she sounds ready for an explanation or a pointer to one (or more).
apparently not. she didn't respond nicely to all the "antivaxxers" who offered her some insights. this is hearsay, I don't have twitter, but thought you might be interested. still, as my good friend maintains, the seed was planted, no matter the current reaction and that is mission accomplished!
Thanks Stephanie! I don't do social media, so I'm not plugged in. It's interesting to read what she said and get one idea, and hear something very different. She asked the question, but didn't want the answer? I just never know...
I’m with you finding it unbearably sad. These people share the planet with us. Even if we come at this completely selfishly, they will be eating up resources and creating problems for decades. But as they consume without being able to contribute, they will be denied their moments to shine and that is the worst crime of all. Snuffing out potential. Fuck.
Somehow I find it more bearable to witness however than trying to convince someone not to do it and then have them go ahead. Once it's too late it's too late. Having it out of my hands frees me up emotionally?
I agree with that entirely. Emotionally freed is a great explanation.
I've heard from several of my colleagues that they've never been as sick, as often, as they have this year. Most will be very reluctant, slow, and quiet about admitting that the jabs are related.
I know. It's the elephant in the office lunchroom. People are dropping like flies in my tiny town where everyone knows everyone. I've learned to keep my mouth shut and not use the V-word, for fear of being tarred and feathered. Everyone says "long covid" and shakes their head.
I don't blame you, although what I'm learning is that there's a lot more folk who have doubts and are afraid to voice them, than there are people who are completely bought into the narrative. A bit of gentle prodding can sometimes bring them out. But you're right, "long Covid" is likely going to be the new excuse to cover everything
“This isn’t intended to come across as antivax in any way…”
They're scared shitless and that's the truth. I wonder how she would feel if she read this - https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dear-friends-sorry-to-announce-a?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NzU4NzUzOCwicG9zdF9pZCI6NTcxMjA4MDMsIl8iOiJMeFBRbiIsImlhdCI6MTY1Mzg3MjE1MSwiZXhwIjoxNjUzODc1NzUxLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNjc2OTMwIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.Nbj-zfrFryLykxbNP9ytvFesEGN1pyYuvc5FqySIRTs&=&s=r#038;s=r
Yes, I ask little questions that draw out people's doubts if they are there. A lot of vaxxed people have them. You can say, it isn't working out like they told us, and many will agree even though they technically think of themselves as pro jab.
Very few vaxxed people I know are interested in getting more boosters (thank God).
A gram of vitamin C every half hour works for long covid. Takes about 3 days. No idea whether it also work for long jab.
Vitamin C is my hero! Nattokinase, an enzyme derived from fermented soybeans, is showing promise for blood clots - caused, of course, "by covid-19".
LOL, never. Meanwhile, people like me (and possibly yourself) are going around doing whatever unmasked, untested, and uncaring.
I accompanied someone to a walk-in clinic for a minor issue, and was shocked to discover they were still doing masks lol.. and to boot, they didn't offer any at the door -- they had you go the attached pharmacy and purchase one instead. It's such lunacy.
Due to the high gas prices, I consolidated three "wellness visits" into one day - one at a clinic and two at a hospital. My god, it was a nightmare. The interrogation at the door, the masking, all of it. They don't do this during regular flu season, never have. What a joke. Follow the money. Also saw that my doc had written up in my medical database (Doctor Big Brother) both times when I had "refused" - not declined - the jab during my visits with him. I was creeped out. Oh, they are keeping close tabs, believe me.
Oh that's creepy, and weird, that they're tracking your "refusal". "YOU WILL COMPLY"
He's a conscientious doctor, but a True Believer. He asked me about it so casually, too, "So do you want the vaccine?" sorta like, "Can I get you a drink?" I was shocked to see the report.
I know someone who works in healthcare, got vaccinated and now can’t figure out why she been sort of sick for the entirety of 2022. I didn’t even bother to try and tell her it was because she was vaccinated.
They absolutely don't want to hear it; few have the courage to face it; after all, it was lack of courage that got them there, in my view. Most are calling it "long covid". I imagine many are having trouble sleeping at night.
“All I’m saying is that if I got 3 polio shots and still got polio, I’d be asking some really hard questions”
It would have been worse without it, so go get another booster!
I know two quadruple jabbed viggers who are like this. Both have had "the virus" multiple times since getting jabbed in late 2020.
The ones that I know seem anxious to prove that they are "good" people! They love to take covid boosters, covid tests, and tell everyone whenever they have the sniffles!
She must've skipped booster #3 which is a critical update that patches up the flaws of booster 2. You know, like a Chrome software update.
Considering the obvious lack of education evidenced by this incoherent rant, it’s not surprising that she has no clue about what is happening.
Nonsense. She believes and trusts The Science. What more education could she require?
She follows NPR, not the Barsoom Times.
Defund NPR, and all congresscritters continuing to fund it.
We don't know her age, could be a teenager for all we know. But yeah.
I find that rather frightening.
I feel for her. Looking back, it very well could have been me.
I was all-in on the vaccines in the beginning. I was just waiting for my age group to be eligible. Then I saw Dr. Simone Gold addressing the issue and froze in my tracks. I’m skeptical by nature, so wherever she made an assertion (such as there have been failed attempts to make a vaccine earlier), I would pause the video and look it up on Duck Duck Go and invariably she was spot on!
That spurred me on to learn everything i could about it. My point is, if I hadn’t “stumbled upon” the truth, I would be just like her, and most of my friends and family.
My attempts to educate my friends and family have fallen on deaf ears. The last time I had an in depth conversation with a close friend, my 15 minute discourse about ADE, immune suppression, toxins was answered by simply “just get the damn vaccine”.
I guess I’m just sad for her, and I recognize that that could have been me.
But you kept an open mind, and you weren't ruled by social pressure, that made all the difference.
Me too. Thank you Dr Simone Gold.
I feel this. I had a moment of hope for the vaccines. It wasn’t on my radar because I had natural immunity from early on and I managed to remember high school fucking biology, but I wanted it to be helpful for everyone else. And then I heard about ADE pretty much by coincidence and that was it. Big can of worms later, I tried to talk about it with my mother for the trillionth time. After supporting her initial vax as an at risk person, I kept learning and by the time boosters were rolled out I tried my damnedest from afar to convince her to pass. She assured me she would and then caved a little while later. When I finally saw her in person I reopened the topic and she said, well I’m so old I might as well just follow the guidelines. I asked her if those guidelines shortened her life would that be her wish? Because it’s not mine. The thought hadn’t occurred to her at all and the wheels turning were very squeaky. I tried. Autocorrected to tired. That too.
Tried and tired too. Flush out of empathy. So many of us have the same story — family members who are so brainwashed / invested in the lie, that they can’t hear anything that isn’t a CDC/CNN talking point. I’m trying to maintain communication, but I don’t know how much longer I’ll be willing to be the only one to pick up the phone.
Really tired.
It’s exhausting. But what have we learned? Look out for number one because no one will do it for you.
Funny thing is my mom is a huge tucker Carlson fan from the days I couldn’t stand him. After I listened to his McCullough interview I perked up my ears. And her hubby is generally aware of a ton of conspiracy “ theories” he’s a natural skeptic and yet he fell for the medical bullying of his doctor and mom did by proxy. So unfair. That’s when I hate being the daughter that moved out of the country. 😔
Vaccine? What; no cyanide shots?
Well my mama say 'If you get another booster your will be fine'. Boy you mama is an idiot. “My Mama also says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.”
Woman’s Studies Major Probably.
Oh, but that's no longer offered, being sexist. It's "Gender Studies" now, don't you know.
Does the English or Language department offer it? Except for the verb meaning of breeding (cf "engender"), it's a grammatical concept. Why are Merry Cats afraid to use the word "sex" in polite company?
Think there is a department called "Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies", part of Liberal Arts. Presumably that's where you learn to define the term "woman".
Idiots. They are robots to the establishment.