i am just a kitten and it’s not like i’m some kind of life coach or anything but still you guys, i think maybe taking advice about “belt tightening and sacrifice” from the same people who keep getting richer and more powerful from the polices that make you poor is probably not such a great idea.
just a thought…
All a grift my friends. Country is compromised and no longer meant for We the People. Pretty obvious at this point.
Oh, people in poor neighborhoods have known that for a LONG time. Payday lenders, pawnshops, liquor stores, bail bonds, plasma collection centers, and even abortion clinics are some of the more visible predators on the poor. The latter, of course, is to the advantage of the better-off, because every fetus aborted, especially every black fetus aborted, is one less burden on taxpayers, one less social problem. This is called "choice", but for many women who reluctantly undergo the procedure, it is "no choice", as in "I really didn't want to do it but I didn't feel I had a choice." That's ok. Because it really isn't about what THOSE women want, but what is more convenient for the rest of us. Meanwhile corporations like Blackrock, Havenpark, and others are buying up apartment complexes and mobile home parks and jacking up rents $100 at a time and adding fee upon fee upon fee because this is the new get rich scheme. Mobile Home University (an online site) openly tells would-be investors to hide behind firewalls so that tenants can't reach them and that tenants who complain about unreasonable rent hikes are themselves unreasonable, and brainwashed by media and outside agitators who don't understand that they (owners) are not running a charity. Government agencies likewise play a part, because they are not really interested in helping the poor. Instead poor people become a necessary part in keeping indifferent inefficient bureaucracies afloat. I could go on, but to be poor in America is to be preyed upon. And, as we've recently seen in Chicago, there is no shortage of people in well-off positions who excuse and defend self-destructive behaviors of those who live in poor communities, thus keeping the cycle going--until it ends, where?