Oh, people in poor neighborhoods have known that for a LONG time. Payday lenders, pawnshops, liquor stores, bail bonds, plasma collection centers, and even abortion clinics are some of the more visible predators on the poor. The latter, of course, is to the advantage of the better-off, because every fetus aborted, especially every black fetus aborted, is one less burden on taxpayers, one less social problem. This is called "choice", but for many women who reluctantly undergo the procedure, it is "no choice", as in "I really didn't want to do it but I didn't feel I had a choice." That's ok. Because it really isn't about what THOSE women want, but what is more convenient for the rest of us. Meanwhile corporations like Blackrock, Havenpark, and others are buying up apartment complexes and mobile home parks and jacking up rents $100 at a time and adding fee upon fee upon fee because this is the new get rich scheme. Mobile Home University (an online site) openly tells would-be investors to hide behind firewalls so that tenants can't reach them and that tenants who complain about unreasonable rent hikes are themselves unreasonable, and brainwashed by media and outside agitators who don't understand that they (owners) are not running a charity. Government agencies likewise play a part, because they are not really interested in helping the poor. Instead poor people become a necessary part in keeping indifferent inefficient bureaucracies afloat. I could go on, but to be poor in America is to be preyed upon. And, as we've recently seen in Chicago, there is no shortage of people in well-off positions who excuse and defend self-destructive behaviors of those who live in poor communities, thus keeping the cycle going--until it ends, where?
"This is called "choice", but for many women who reluctantly undergo the procedure, it is "no choice", as in "I really didn't want to do it but I didn't feel I had a choice.""
Sounds like the covid shots "choices" by those mandated to keep a job.
It is among the great mysteries of the world how year after year, decade after decade, century after century, and millennium after millennium, the vast majority of humans continue to have faith in the efficacy and benevolence of the State in general, and the mountebanks and apparatchiks infesting it in particular.
The State is an utterly parasitical institution with an almost perfect historical track record of deceit, oppression, impoverishment, displacement and genocide.
In the 20th century alone, States have murdered some 250 million people, most of them their own tax cattle (a.k.a. "citizens") and destroyed the lives of countless more with wars, pogroms and other atrocities far too numerous to list here.
And yet despite this self-evident and indisputable truth, we still have vast herds not just lining up and voting for their continued oppression and enslavement in the periodic charades called elections, but actually cheer and lionize whichever sleazy mountebank that promises to enrich them at the expense of, or at least gore the ox of, the "other side".
I am seriously starting to wonder if there is some genetic, hard-wired difference between those of us that can see this and those that cannot. Almost like a cognitive sub-species that retains the ability to interbreed.
Given its permanence despite the almost incomprehensible destruction it has wrought, this unshakable faith in the State and the apparently endless cycle of initial euphoria over promised "change" by one charlatan after another, followed inevitably by disappointment and disillusionment until the cycle starts anew, appears to be a permanent part of the human psyche.
This paradigm has been the undoing of every society in history, almost without exception, and the writing is nearly indistinguishable from the wall for our own.
We are genetically hard-wired by God to either worship Him or something else. Dylan was right - 'you're gonna serve somebody' those that chose the State have chosen poorly indeed.
The new paradigm is and always has been the Gospel!
Well, I think the Bible just sums it up pretty well. If we were actually an Evolutionary species we would never be trying to kill ourselves like we do.
My friend RJ Rummel says 262 million killed by governments in the 20th Century. But the concept of a state distinct from the church is modern. The welfare and warfare state is Bismarck's "contribution" to mankind. We are seeing the results of 150 years of state domination of society. But the decentralised nature of information and money affords us the opportunity to build an actual civilisation or many. See my L5News Substack for thoughts.
I can hear a dog whistle even without my hearing aids. Do any of my brothers think it is offensive that we are now getting advice about "belt tightening"? Ain't like all of us got saggy pants. Harrumph!
Eternal Father please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. Please help us with fortitude and patience. Please help us see the little fires and pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. Amen.
Unicorn farts are a very unique type of flatulence.
To "elites" like Gates, they smell like a fresh bouquet of gardenias, reminiscent of Caribbean islands teaming with scantily clad nymphettes and A5 wagyu washed down with a lovey Château Latour.
To the great unwashed, however, it is like being immersed, chin-deep, into an outhouse pit in continuous use for several decades.
When she was running to dethrone Joe Crowley I was (from afar--not my district and I was no longer a Noo Yawkuh) delighted by what seemed to be a fresh new candidate.
Please add her name to the ever-growing list of people for whom my regard imploded in an uncontrolled explosion.
I want to research implosion explosions. Something pushed out the hull plates of the RMS Titanic and it wasn't the iceberg which would have pushed them in.
I guess AOC shows how much better prostitution pays in DC than in the Bronx. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs," is the communist slogan. Funny how the communist leaders always seem to have similar "needs" to the capitalists they replace.
The actual modern right are the libertarians and ancaps, a remnant of the "old right", which stood for government power strictly limited to the protection of natural rights, free markets and non-interventionism abroad.
What is now called the "right" is really just another flavor of leftism, as almost without exception, these "right-wingers" support the Federal Reserve, income taxes, a gigantic military with a global network of bases, and a massive regulatory State, all financed via currency debasement and massive government debt.
Thus, on issues of actual substance, the Dems and GOP are largely indistinguishable.
"these "right-wingers" support the Federal Reserve, income taxes, a gigantic military with a global network of bases, and a massive regulatory State, all financed via currency debasement and massive government debt"
I think we have a place for you in Our Administration. @Ryan Gardner
#Pi/Gardner 2024: We probably won't make $#!+ any worse!
$93 TRILLION...over how many years? Until the end of time? Oh wait , this Green New Deal prevents the end of time...but seriously, how could anyone have drafted a bill of that proportion with specific detail and allocation to accurately put that price tag on it??? Poppycock! Reminiscent of Pelosi’s “ we have to pass it to what is in it”, this is }we have to pass it to figure out how to piss away $93 Trillion”.....I’m betting it has not even been written.
The formula is: the government breaks shit, then they come up with a way to “fix” it which never works, but only continuously makes it worse which requires further “fixes” which makes it worse and then there’s a crisis. Rinse and repeat. Meanwhile the people who had nothing to do with creating the problem, but are suffering from the problem while the elites drink Krug out of stripper heels 👠, are demonized as the source of the problem by the MSM.
All a grift my friends. Country is compromised and no longer meant for We the People. Pretty obvious at this point.
Oh, people in poor neighborhoods have known that for a LONG time. Payday lenders, pawnshops, liquor stores, bail bonds, plasma collection centers, and even abortion clinics are some of the more visible predators on the poor. The latter, of course, is to the advantage of the better-off, because every fetus aborted, especially every black fetus aborted, is one less burden on taxpayers, one less social problem. This is called "choice", but for many women who reluctantly undergo the procedure, it is "no choice", as in "I really didn't want to do it but I didn't feel I had a choice." That's ok. Because it really isn't about what THOSE women want, but what is more convenient for the rest of us. Meanwhile corporations like Blackrock, Havenpark, and others are buying up apartment complexes and mobile home parks and jacking up rents $100 at a time and adding fee upon fee upon fee because this is the new get rich scheme. Mobile Home University (an online site) openly tells would-be investors to hide behind firewalls so that tenants can't reach them and that tenants who complain about unreasonable rent hikes are themselves unreasonable, and brainwashed by media and outside agitators who don't understand that they (owners) are not running a charity. Government agencies likewise play a part, because they are not really interested in helping the poor. Instead poor people become a necessary part in keeping indifferent inefficient bureaucracies afloat. I could go on, but to be poor in America is to be preyed upon. And, as we've recently seen in Chicago, there is no shortage of people in well-off positions who excuse and defend self-destructive behaviors of those who live in poor communities, thus keeping the cycle going--until it ends, where?
JFK said that those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. And we know who killed him.
Whoa. Good one!
"This is called "choice", but for many women who reluctantly undergo the procedure, it is "no choice", as in "I really didn't want to do it but I didn't feel I had a choice.""
Sounds like the covid shots "choices" by those mandated to keep a job.
"Shut up and sell your petroleum-fueled vehicle so AOC can buy an EV Mercedes, you selfish feline."
(Edit: She is a demon who identifies as an innocent cat, so ... ) AOC licks her paws and purrs because there are no term limits on perfidy....
Perfidy is an underused word. I applaud your word choice.
Have to agree, excellent choice of vocabulary here!
Well, Hamilton, Lincoln, and others had term limits. They weren't written up constitutional amendments or anything, but there were limits.
aoc...sooo not a cat
Let’s hope not.. she does not need 8 more lives to wreak this absurd havoc...
Feline revolt right there.
True. She is a demon who identifies as a cat. See my edit above.
It is among the great mysteries of the world how year after year, decade after decade, century after century, and millennium after millennium, the vast majority of humans continue to have faith in the efficacy and benevolence of the State in general, and the mountebanks and apparatchiks infesting it in particular.
The State is an utterly parasitical institution with an almost perfect historical track record of deceit, oppression, impoverishment, displacement and genocide.
In the 20th century alone, States have murdered some 250 million people, most of them their own tax cattle (a.k.a. "citizens") and destroyed the lives of countless more with wars, pogroms and other atrocities far too numerous to list here.
And yet despite this self-evident and indisputable truth, we still have vast herds not just lining up and voting for their continued oppression and enslavement in the periodic charades called elections, but actually cheer and lionize whichever sleazy mountebank that promises to enrich them at the expense of, or at least gore the ox of, the "other side".
I am seriously starting to wonder if there is some genetic, hard-wired difference between those of us that can see this and those that cannot. Almost like a cognitive sub-species that retains the ability to interbreed.
Given its permanence despite the almost incomprehensible destruction it has wrought, this unshakable faith in the State and the apparently endless cycle of initial euphoria over promised "change" by one charlatan after another, followed inevitably by disappointment and disillusionment until the cycle starts anew, appears to be a permanent part of the human psyche.
This paradigm has been the undoing of every society in history, almost without exception, and the writing is nearly indistinguishable from the wall for our own.
We need a new paradigm.
"we still have vast herds not just lining up and voting for their continued oppression and enslavement in the periodic charades called elections"
“Only a few prefer liberty- the majority seek nothing more than fair masters.”
― Sallust
We are genetically hard-wired by God to either worship Him or something else. Dylan was right - 'you're gonna serve somebody' those that chose the State have chosen poorly indeed.
The new paradigm is and always has been the Gospel!
Well, I think the Bible just sums it up pretty well. If we were actually an Evolutionary species we would never be trying to kill ourselves like we do.
I call them the pod people living under the definition of insanity.
My friend RJ Rummel says 262 million killed by governments in the 20th Century. But the concept of a state distinct from the church is modern. The welfare and warfare state is Bismarck's "contribution" to mankind. We are seeing the results of 150 years of state domination of society. But the decentralised nature of information and money affords us the opportunity to build an actual civilisation or many. See my L5News Substack for thoughts.
I want off this ride 🤦🏻♂️
I am building my own ride, as God is willing.
These monsters are hellbent on destroying us! It’s very taxing on the soul...
It is! And on the wallet.
But God loves us.
I can hear a dog whistle even without my hearing aids. Do any of my brothers think it is offensive that we are now getting advice about "belt tightening"? Ain't like all of us got saggy pants. Harrumph!
"Hey! I didn't get a harrumph out of that guy!"
"Give the governor a harrumph!"
But Jim....that title. "kitten corner: the wizards of watermelon". Maybe you just ain't as sensitive to microaggressions as me.
Not every fire needs to be fought.
Eternal Father please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. Please help us with fortitude and patience. Please help us see the little fires and pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. Amen.
but Bill Gates has that special private jet that flies by non-polluting magic
It runs on unicorn farts, just like EVs and the animatronic clown Jacobin Joe and his merry band socialist morons.
wait! i thought farts were bad
Unicorn farts are a very unique type of flatulence.
To "elites" like Gates, they smell like a fresh bouquet of gardenias, reminiscent of Caribbean islands teaming with scantily clad nymphettes and A5 wagyu washed down with a lovey Château Latour.
To the great unwashed, however, it is like being immersed, chin-deep, into an outhouse pit in continuous use for several decades.
When she was running to dethrone Joe Crowley I was (from afar--not my district and I was no longer a Noo Yawkuh) delighted by what seemed to be a fresh new candidate.
Please add her name to the ever-growing list of people for whom my regard imploded in an uncontrolled explosion.
I want to research implosion explosions. Something pushed out the hull plates of the RMS Titanic and it wasn't the iceberg which would have pushed them in.
WTC Building 7?
There are some good engineering studies.
I guess AOC shows how much better prostitution pays in DC than in the Bronx. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs," is the communist slogan. Funny how the communist leaders always seem to have similar "needs" to the capitalists they replace.
Her dress with 'tax the rich' wasn't a tax policy - it was her own advertisement!
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,"
Dag. I just posted on another forum within the last few mins.
I added, "Hey, Tom - mind passing the Borscht my way?"
Holy kitty litter!
Is it possible dogs and cats can communicate telepathically?
(How’s this for timing?):
What's the problem? They are being completely straightforward. It is a "green" new deal - for themselves.
Hypocrisy, along with profound ignorance, astonishing credulity and breathtaking arrogance, are the foundational pillars of the modern left.
Applicable also for the modern right
Au contraire.
The actual modern right are the libertarians and ancaps, a remnant of the "old right", which stood for government power strictly limited to the protection of natural rights, free markets and non-interventionism abroad.
What is now called the "right" is really just another flavor of leftism, as almost without exception, these "right-wingers" support the Federal Reserve, income taxes, a gigantic military with a global network of bases, and a massive regulatory State, all financed via currency debasement and massive government debt.
Thus, on issues of actual substance, the Dems and GOP are largely indistinguishable.
"The actual modern right are the libertarians"
In the hizzy!
"these "right-wingers" support the Federal Reserve, income taxes, a gigantic military with a global network of bases, and a massive regulatory State, all financed via currency debasement and massive government debt"
I think we have a place for you in Our Administration. @Ryan Gardner
#Pi/Gardner 2024: We probably won't make $#!+ any worse!
Lol. I'd take libertate in a foxhole any day
Damn straight
Fringe is fringe and provides whichever party with the low hanging fruit... Make that fruits.
But the Uniparty is rotten to the core.
Two sides, same coin. Mostly just comes down to who pays your campaign bills.
Yup, and I find McConnells silence on all issues testimony to his complicit crookedness. They all need to go!
What do you call 314 Congresscritters filing for Unemployment?
A good start!
Since you speak French “Je suis heureuxsse que tu sois convaincue dans les limites de ta perspective” 🥂
Ne le sommes-nous pas tous.
$93 TRILLION...over how many years? Until the end of time? Oh wait , this Green New Deal prevents the end of time...but seriously, how could anyone have drafted a bill of that proportion with specific detail and allocation to accurately put that price tag on it??? Poppycock! Reminiscent of Pelosi’s “ we have to pass it to what is in it”, this is }we have to pass it to figure out how to piss away $93 Trillion”.....I’m betting it has not even been written.
i'm glad i'm old
After they round me up and force mRNA poisons into me, I will give up the ghost and come back as a cat. A throughly haunting black cat.
The formula is: the government breaks shit, then they come up with a way to “fix” it which never works, but only continuously makes it worse which requires further “fixes” which makes it worse and then there’s a crisis. Rinse and repeat. Meanwhile the people who had nothing to do with creating the problem, but are suffering from the problem while the elites drink Krug out of stripper heels 👠, are demonized as the source of the problem by the MSM.
And are expected to pick up the tab for the “fix” , which isn’t.
"build back better"