Just In: "World running drastically short of conspiracy theories because they have all come true."

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The conspiracy theorists are those that think the Russians installed Donald Trump as president of the United States in order to obtain nuclear secrets. The crowd that think climate change is driven by capitalist economic polices and never existed before the emergence of mankind (despite civilization rising up out of an ice age not so long ago). The kind that think the unvaccinated community is responsible for the continued spread of COVID and if only they would have bent the knee the virus would have been eradicated. And the kind that think the government has the citizenry's best interest at heart rather than personal ambitions.

There are many conspiracy theorists still hiding out there

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there was even a mini ice age in Europe, I think in the 1300s. Weather changes constantly. Well everything constantly changes, like the old Greeks already knew. Humankind seems to go downhill brainwise LOL

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Some twelve thousand years ago Indianapolis was underneath about two miles of ice.

Now it isn't.

Amazing what mammoth farts and stone-age cooking fires can do!

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Speaking about Mammoth farts........ I haven't heard any risible bullshit from Brandon for a few days.

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😂 That’s because he exhausted himself with the Tyrant From Hell posturing.

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uhmmm, you were too far away to smell it. But it was there.

"if a tree fell in the woods and no one heard it, did it happen" - you know, that epistemology thing I never understood in college, and thank gawd for spell check else I'd a misspelled epistemology.

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Hahaha ! And Florida and a large part of Georgia were under water. If their story is true, would the likes of Obama and Pelosi buy waterfront properties? They don't believe their own narrative, just like all these high ups that went all over when they made us lock down ( I remember the Dutch royal pair being on holiday and of course Boris Johnson partying...)

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I don't have much of an issue with Boris partying, but the odious media saw blood in the water and pounced.

We (US/UK) had already had most of our political leaders, openly flouting lockdowns, masks and distancing, so not one of them thought there was any real threat.

The G7 meeting was so blatant in ignoring all measures, that no-one in the world could have come to any other conclusion, than it's all bollocks.

Distance and masks for the cameras, then maskless hugs all round, once the photo op was done.

Amazingly, lawyers have now been elevated to a position of trust, while most doctors, nurses, experts, politicians, police and military leaders, have been relegated to the lowest role of useless parasites, where they join journalists and all media whores.

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people want to put their trust in someone ! so little people can stand on their own feet. Almost everyone betrayed us, because ministers closed their churches, doctors and nurses injected people with poison knowingly, and now everyone harmed runs to the lawyers who are probably going to have a good time, making money like pharma did. Pay up people. My lawyer is on the jab side so that was easy.

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The ocean was up to the center of SC. You can still find shell fossils everywhere. The area near Columbia is called the Sandhills.

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And the Scientist Valentina Zharkova's team predicts we are heading into a Maunder Minimum right now.

It will be pretty tough to sell "climate lockdowns" when global temperatures fall, lol!

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No, they’ll just tell you that global warming was always going to result in cooling.

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When the temps drop on their own, they'll probably try to credit whatever's been done to that point to "reduce emissions" and "decrease our carbon footprint."


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Correct! This weather pattern has been on the radar for number of years. It happens.

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The 'Little Ice Age" ended around 1850. A brutal period. Crops failed and people starved. They would have welcomed some 'Global Warming' in those days.

It was also a primary reason the North went to war against the South. NYC and Boston Harbor would freeze over in the winter. The wooden ships of the day frequently couldn't get in or out. There went the North's import/export business. The Northern businessmen were screaming in Lincoln's ear about the loss of tariffs and shipping while the South retained the warm-water ports of Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans etc.

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oh thanks for the update ! I did not know it was that bad here in the US either. I was living in Europe at the time LOL

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There was a mini ice-age in Great Britain / Northern Europe as recently as the early 19th century.

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And the Roman Warm period, significantly warmer than today...

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Vineyards in Britannia as I recall

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Yes, there is proof of this - in literature, art and place names.

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Brother mine is a geologist and LIA (Little Ice Age) is a fact. What is disputed is the exact cut-offs which is due to definition of "Ice Age". One school claims the period from about 1300AD to about 1850AD qualifies, and the other instead argues that from 1600AD to 1900AD is more correct.

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And the average annual temperature has been slowly warming ever since.

Please note: internal combustion engines had not yet been invented in 1300.

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True. Ice skating on European rivers in summer. I’m sure that caused much suffering but here we are today!

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The Danes got the scare of their life in 1658 when the sound between Sweden and Denmark froze during mid-winter and the swedish military marched across the ice at night to conduct a sneak attack.


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Their "theories" have proven to be false, so.... let's all yell, "I F---ing TOLD YOU SO, DUNBASSES!!!!"

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So stupid people.

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Had a talk with a climate fanatic a few days ago. Asked a few questions. How many years had she known the weather to be the same. What you suggest here - how accurate was the prediction for this year's growing amount of hurricanes. How long have humans been studying weather. How often is the weather prediction right. She immediately changed the subject LOL

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wish I'd been there!

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Good for you! None of them seem capable of doing more than parroting a few catchphrases. When pressed to enter into debate, they change the subject, scream at you or flee. My favorite question - if the seas are rising, why did the Obamas and Al Gore buy beachfront homes?

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I call them “weather guessers”. A good question for them is: “what temperature should the earth be? The temp just before fossil fuels? The temp during the little ice age? The temp during dinosaurs? What is the correct temperature you are targeting a return to?” Stumps them each time.

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That's a good line to take!

Roman Warm Period?


Maunder Minimum?

Which would you choose??

; ))

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Both, if I got the chance to talk about them before the person ran away.

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Very good, I hope you won't mind if I borrow that.

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Never forget that we have conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact.

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I'm a conspiracy realist

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Conspiracy analyst - Gore Vidal.

“Apparently, 'conspiracy stuff' is now shorthand for unspeakable truth.”

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Love GV. One of those like George Carlin, I wish they were here to tell everyone off. They don't make them like that anymore...suspect it has something to do with 'classical education'.

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So so funny

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Just predict the opposite of what they predict, and achieve >95% accuracy.

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Eat red meat and eggs, avoid the food pyramid and seed oils like the plague. Healthy.

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Eat the bugs

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Soylent green!

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For those too young to know the plot of the movie;

"Police Detective Thorn investigates a strange murder case of an official from the Soylent corporation, which feeds the masses with a palette of their creations: Soylent red, yellow, or--even more nutritious--green. — Julian Reischl"

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Amen. TRUTH.

Unfortunately I almost died before I found the truth.

Ancil Keyes was the Fauci of the heart.

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To lead a healthy happy life, just do the opposite of recommendations from the experts. This also applies to expert medical advice, expert government advice, expert media advice etc. I am living the life of George Costanza and living as opposite George. I feel a sense of clarity and peace with my new world view. Serenity now.

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for one thing, don't follow the recommendations of the American heart Association for food or medication. For the food, they are relying on corrupted studies run by an unqualified govt employee who was getting money from Mazzola.

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Goes back the 1960's and the eventual creation of the USDA food pyramid in 1982. Funded by the sugar lobby that happened to demonize fat. Thank goodness they did this! There were so many fat kids before 1982, and I am glad we turned it around so that today you don't see fat kids anywhere.


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indeed, the experts are very expert at getting paid behind the back. Cigarettes, margarine, sugar, you name it, of course big pay by harma.... follow your own body. It knows what is best. Goes for everything, even sugar (followed expert advice, ommitted all sugar and felt miserable. Now eating lots of fruit and feel fine again

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Could we just abolish government? I mean really! They get everything wrong, start all wars, tax you into the gutter to pay for it, and kill grandma, (isolated,) and GMO your daughters and sons!

Meanwhile they allow poisonous toxic chemicals onto our farmlands, into our waterways and air, which contaminate everything, including our food, of course.


Fire them. Give them a "haircut." Every time they get a major policy point wrong, drop their entire budget by 15%.

It will only take a few "haircuts" before they course correct!

And if they refuse to, eventually they will just disappear.

: ))

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I could not agree more ! useless vampires they are !

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yeah, I have been going full on with the fruit lately, esp apples. Oranges and plenty of the white part. Kiwis sometimes, stonefruit in season, from right here. oh, lots of pears lately, also from here.

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hey i had that same revelation as a child while watching my parents and family, and it's worked almost to perfection

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That was just training for a degree in evidence gathering.

Either that or we could've been subjects of Project MKultra?

Hard to tell, but it can't be a coincidence that so many "conspiracy theorist" gather here.

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just read that a former Greenpeace top said, that climate change is based on a wrong narrative. Sounds like covid !

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I believe that the former Greenpeace top was one of the original organizers of the movement.

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He’s also a scientist who left Greenpeace because it became too radicalized.

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He's in this doc - well worth watching though a few years old. I cannot believe Youtube hasn't scrubbed this, though it is plastered with the little U.N. warning, again, shades of covid "misinformation" warnings.


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The Ultimate Economic Forum will beat out the wimpy limpy WEF.

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I've been doing this for a few years....it's actually incredibly accurate. Became an oil and gas investor because of this rule lol. Also see "Inverse Cramer Index"

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For a second I thought it was a Seinfeld episode I missed, the inverse Kramer. Sorry wrong Cramer.

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Predicting weather 3 to 4 months out when folks will remember is hard. Predicting 30 to 40 years out, when no one can remember, is easy.

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Gotta remember this quote!

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Hard to know where the weather memory cut off is. Most people couldn't tell you (on this Friday) what the weather was like on Monday. Prince - now King (everyone will remember that day) - Charles said in 2009 - 13 years ago - that we had only 8 years to "Save the World" (i.e. until 2017).

He blamed "Capitalism" and "Consumerism". Now, nobody remembers that prediction; but Californians have been told not to charge their vehicles; internal combustion vehicles will soon be prohibited and then it's on to all forms of private transportation.

The King's prediction - understood correctly - was entirely accurate. Good call your majesty.


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Thinking, in last few hours, that it was a blessing that Queen Elizabeth II lasted until AFTER the Covid scam. Presumably (I hope) she recognized her son and heir as a left-wing loonie. Had he come to the throne BEFORE all the shtf, it would be so much worse. I have hope for his son. Quite aside from the fact that my own daughter spent 4 years with him (them) at the same educational establishment.

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But many of can remember

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but...but...but... Don't you understand? The lack of storms PROVES it's Global Warming, or Global Cooling, or Climate Change, or whatever will get us more money and power!

How can you be so blind???

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The lack of storms is Zer Climate-Change sucking in its breath for a really really big storm!

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Obviously this means there's going to be twenty Cat-5 hurricanes make landfall next year.

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The sun is so inconvenient for the climate zombies. This explains it all. https://substack.com/redirect/dc839edc-31e6-4413-a53a-e5d41ee9046b?r=tifye

You got this kitten.

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My “model” run on next-gen quantum computers is telling me your 8-ball will be melted to the asphalt by 2035. Everything will be on fire! Once the government funds my billion dollar AI upgrade, I’ll know for sure.

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I do like that the second article points out that this calm doesn't mean there won't be rough times ahead. Gotta put that in there.

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Calm before the storm.

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And when a minor storm appears “it could have been much worse “

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Don't you love how they're naming everything now? Winter storms, tropical depressions, it's insane. "Well, Briana, tell us what's happening tonight with Cloud Cover Isabelle!"

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Right? It's September, the season doesn't even peak until the 15th.

And also the beginning of the 1992 was EXTREMELY quiet. Until Andrew came along and obliterated south Florida.

Doesn't mean that all of the calls for an active August were an embarrassing failure of a forecast...

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Ahem: doesn't mean that all of the calls for an active August WEREN'T an embarrassing failure of a forecast. They were...

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there is an edit feature hidden in the three dots beside Collapse under your comment when published, in case you didn't know.

I needed to know. haha

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Someone quick - tell me a single climate prediction that has come true, pretty pleeeeeeease Just one? Never mind, I'll have to invent my own now. In Ireland we have a very solid 'climate' (weather) prediction model and it goes like this: If it's not raining, it's going to! There ye go now.

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And in my youth, it was "If you don't like the weather in NewEngland, just wait a minute"

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love that. Could hear you saying that.

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When will these know nothings stop prognosticating?!!

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When the grant money runs out

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It's easy-peasy to get grant money. Just create a nano particlized bug using the GeneSplice-o-matic and sneeze it out during lunchbreak. Write up proposal for analysis of mysterious nose dripping phlegm disease. Presto!

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Good one. I myself got a sweet little bundle for my study on avocado toast's role in gender dysphoria.

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Or find a real scientific clue that covid is lab created and show it to Fauci. Overnight, $8,000,000.00 in grant money to look at something else.

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true story

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are you sure they won't come after us when we do this? They might think we made a new bio wapon !!!

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Nah! Already wrote up a defuser called "The Proximal Origins of the Baloney Sandwich".

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some professors just used up a grant to prove that your dog is happy when you come home. Now you. I could have told them that ! Everyone who has a dog could. But we did not get the grant money....

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I am acquainted with a handful of dedicated grant-seekers. A more rapacious lot you never met. Their minds are always in a frenzy, seeking the next honeypot, juicy vein or bucket of chum. None of them work in the private sector, all are bureaucrats, all are beyond shame. "There's so much money there!" is the oft-heard cry. SMH.

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But is your dog happy to see you or is it a behavioral reaction ala pavlov as you will feed him soon? Humans know the answer, but science seems to need ineffable proof.

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"science" needs paychecks and likes messing with innocent puppies

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I am cynical because of of psych classes circa 1984 that stressed skinner behaviorism for animals with little acknowledgement of sentience. To be fair at the same time they were skeptical about 'brain imbalances' leading to depression, the reason for SSRI. In other words, no heroes.

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they better sit down with their cat, who knows a bunch more than they do !

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That’s for sure. Ever watched a cat size up the mathematical distance to the top of the highest cupboard taking into consideration the geometry and muscle release of the leap? It knew those damn treats were up there. Me? I can’t seem to remember where I left my phone.

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Better yet, who has taught a cat what the most valuable item in a room is, but they will be sleeping on it just 'cause....

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Is this a trick question--trying to get us to prognosticate? Never!

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As a professional soothsayer, I find that slitting open a black hen and examining her entrails has given me much insight. Latest findings - we're all f*cked, but we'll be alright in the end, the good shall prevail after huge numbers of people have either died or undergone great hardship and suffering. For anything more specific - reply hazy, ask again later.

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Since they know nothing, they don't know when to stop. 😁

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When you're playing against All-Star Morons of Science you tend to have the odds in your favor.

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I once aspired to be a rich and famous prognosticator. Now I'll settle for a happy medium.

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Thank God I have substack. Where else can I get truth with a real laugh or 10.

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