to "You not being vaccinated is making my vaccine not work"

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Let me tell you, I get so angry when I see people walking without umbrellas in the rain. It lowers the effectiveness of my umbrella by 47.54%! Cuz scienz.

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Even when it's not even raining, but the weatherman told me it was going to.

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> 16 whole months +

Getting close to 500 days to flatten the curve.

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Anyone else notice that Biden's "Federal Employee Vaccine Mandate" doesn't actually require that anyone get the vaccine? It requires Federal workers to "attest" that they are vaccinated, (or wear a mask.) Nothing in the guidance indicates that proof of vaccination is required. Just "attest." Because as we all know by now, nothing stops the virus from spreading better than bald-faced lying.

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Thought all the kittens here might like this on: https://off-guardian.org/wp-content/medialibrary/19-memes-8.jpg?x51581

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my favorite #: #DoNotComply

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All about the midterms, baby!

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We’re in the part where msm lemon aid is saying we can’t buy food… little concerned here! Anyone?

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We are now experiencing the longer term consequence of crippling the economy with lockdowns. Money supply expansion and interrupted supply chains leading to inflation and possibly hyperinflation.

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the media/progressive economists who have a religion not different than branch covidian said saving one grandma from trump cutting the ss roles with covid 19 was justice for gutting gdp... they got a 19% decline! and 22 m out of work.

$4 trillion increase in fed "holdings", j powell says they will continue to add $80 billion in t notes and $40 billion in mortgage backed security for the foreseeable.......

the media/progressive economists say inflation is transitory.... so is the dollar which is almost gone

remember weimar and how hitler rose bc no one lent to germany during the depression.....

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oh, no! more scrub wearing virtue signaling dancing nurse videos....

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amazon and door dash need the revenue....

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I’m concerned too. Give me ivermectin…

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