We didn't implement any lock-downs or mandates...

But we may have to do it again.

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Keep an eye on the polls. It may be needed again to ensure the 2024 elections go "correctly".

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Also, if you want to see it for yourself I've heard Dinesh D'Souza is posting “2000 Mules” free on X (formerly Twitter) for one weekend: September 8-10 2023.

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You can't vote yourself out from an abusive relationship.

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"correctly" ?

Oh, you mean "fortified" !

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Exactly R2T! I must admit, until the Great Covid Dumpster Fire I actually had no idea what gaslighting actually was. Now I know. Shockingly, I also see how wonderfully it works!

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"I met a man upon the stair, a little man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I wish that man would go away."

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Why won't The Fauch just ride off quietly into the sunset and leave us alone? He's surely made more than enough money for 20 lifetimes already.

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Fauci is like an aging rock star who keeps having encore concerts to relive the drug-fueled days of fandom and groupies. Fame is addictive. He also thinks he has the added responsibility of "setting the record straight" by lying about what he did.

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Also shows you why corporate media are completely useless. Zero accountability for Fauci and his constant flip-flops.

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Someone needs to come up with a pair of "flip flops" called "Faucis"

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Perfectly stated

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The solution to all of this (and all corruption in government) is creating Swarms and running both businesses and governments using decentralized, transparent, and trustworthy swarming systems. Have you ever heard of Human Swarm Intelligence? Stay tuned because you are about to. https://joshketry.substack.com/p/human-swarm-intelligence-the-most

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I hate a liar more than a thief. A thief is only after my belongings and a liar is after my reality. —Curtis Mayne

Fauci: the best vaccination is to get infected yourself: https://bitchute.com/video/FyLxSXPm4p2u [1.23mins]

HILARIOUS: Fauci Explains Why You Need MORE Shots: https://bitchute.com/video/babH07Lx2jXd [1.44mins]

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OMG, the first video is hilarious!

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GREAT videos! hahaha.

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Mr Science has destroyed “science” and revealed that it is now all political science, and not to be believed or trusted. Follow the money. Everyone in leadership is for sale. And pharma has the big bucks.

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I think Science was destroyed at the advent of vaccines in general but AF brought it to


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One of the few silver linings in this sham is the fact that Fauci was revealed as the Fraud he is, along with Big Pharma and all its little toads! They revealed to the trusting masses, at least those who chose to really “see”, what a con game our “Science” has become and who pulls the strings. In the meantime, they’ve destroyed the health of entire generations and entire populations. So, no, I will NOT comply!

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I'm afraid those "trusting masses" will hang on to the delusion because to do otherwise would be to admit they've been conned by a fraud they should have seen through at the time. For most people, admitting to having been a fool is harder than admitting to having committed a crime.

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All the covidians I know are hanging on if a bit more tenuously. One of them just took a trip to South America and has tested positive for covid down there. I'm sure she'll come back and get a couple more boosters.

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How right you are!

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"One of the few silver linings in this sham is the fact that Fauci was revealed as the Fraud he is"

I just hope that most of the rest of We the Little People can actually see it. There's a lot of self-value tied up in holding the line.

I mean... what if we were wrong?

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AF has two interpretations... I think they're both accurate.

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I can only think of one. Pls enlighten me! I need a good Fauci laugh.

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A** f*ck

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Oh, very similar… Here, it’s AS F@*%, so I always say, Tony is phony AF. I don’t say the actual F word except when speaking abt Tony! 😝

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Ha ha! Remember the TV series The L Word? How about a new mini-series all about Tony, The F Word.

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Ahem, The Science™.

They aren't doing _science_.

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USA medical "science" was destroyed in the USA when it became "Big Science" funded by government to benefit big pharma. That kicked off in WW1 to develop and mass test new vaccines and new chemical warfare potions. Then, those efforts escalated in the late 1930's in a new race led by MIT, Harvard, U of Chicago and UC Berkeley to make radioactive weapons and (wink, nod) cancer cures with big new machines while the US government also was getting ever deeper into the fighter and bomber airplane warfare races, and before WW2 ended into missiles. The military/industrial complex President Eisenhower warned us about as he left the White House is just doing what it's been doing since 1917 when James Conant, a future president of Harvard, weaponized for the US Army Lewisite as a young chemist to make one the most deadly chemical weapons ever known and who was while running Harvard a leader in setting up the Manhattan Project, too. One of these days I'm going to his grave to spit on it. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/6473486/james-bryant-conant

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Tony awards or the "phony awards?"

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We need a whole awards show for COVID. Perhaps we can call it The Nurembergs.

Worst liar - Fauci

Worst gaslighter - Weingarten

Worst hypocrite - Newsom

Worst fascist - Trudeau, Ardern (tie)

Worst CEO - Bourla

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Worst hypocrite is a stiff one. Besides Newsom, there’s Pritzker the prick, and plastic face Whitmer.

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Well all serious contenders of course, and I can't believe Nancy P. didn't get at least a nomination. But it's got to go to Gavin if for nothing else his prolific hypocrisy.


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Nancy is the one handing out the awards, in a futile act of misdirection.

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Here and I thought it was because she was a shoe-in for the Lifetime Achievement in Hypocrisy award.

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It's because she is his aunt. Srsly!

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Prolific hypocrisy

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OOoh! Now do Birx, she's the worst

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Have you noticed Birx is out and about again after all this time? What's she up to?

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Didn’t know. Awful

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Evil afoot

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great idea! good list.

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Tony, phony, baloney.....

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I just think God has a sense of humor, and I can never stop laughing abt the fact that Phony Tony’s initials are AF.

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Corrupt A.F.

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Actor indeed.

And a fraud - living large

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There is a special place in hell for the likes of Tony Fauci.

Milton needs to add a tenth level of hell for him and his colleagues, because they went well beyond fraud and treachery.

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On an unrelated but still scary note...... This is beyond words.... British Court Rules That Competent & Conscious Patient Can Be Denied Life-Sustaining Treatment Against Her Will

"Unlike most such cases, the woman known only as “ST” is conscious and communicative.

Yet, the doctors argue that she is not being realistic about her chances of survival from a rare disorder.

Now a British court has agreed and ordered that she can be placed on end-of-life care against her will."

READ this AGAIN.....😐


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I just read this myself. I actually felt a pit in my stomach come into existence and grow and I was overcome by a chill. And my now former friends from the UK believe they are blessed to have their beloved NHS and get angered by all who do not share their high opinion of it. They can have it, I have higher standards.

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The NHS is just a hive of Marxists, who view patient care as 'getting in the way' of their primary purpose, bring down the government. The sooner it is disbanded the better for many of us British. It is sloth and waste personified.

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I wish you luck in doing so. May the fall from grace for these executioners be swift.

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assisted suicide in Canada is a growing fad

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That it is, and not only for those seeking it.

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In Canada, she would be placed in the MAID program against her will (medical assistance in dying)!

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Meanwhile in the UK, child rapists may not be executed.

Because that would be a violation of human rights.

Also meanwhile, killing an unborn child on no more than a whim is considered a human right.

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I’ve always believed some Americans WERE dying of Covid in the weeks and months before the first CDC “confirmed” Covid deaths in America. My analysis of mortality data from Michigan in the age cohort 75 to 84 supports this hypothesis.

Also, the spike in all-cause deaths beginning in April 2020 is eye-opening. This makes one wonder what changed after mid-March? Did the virus, all of a sudden, become more contagious and lethal or do other factors better explain the massive spike in all-cause deaths?


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That's when Dr. Birx stood up at the White House dais and said ALL deaths even having a trace of covid would be labeled a covid death.

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Believe me, I saw that as a landmark moment and screenshot the declaration when it came out. I knew then we were in a jackass rodeo.

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Jackass rodeo!

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I don’t know where that came from but it’s not bad. 🤠

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Gaye said it. I’m going to use it fer sure

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Agree, but unfortunately, it was not "a trace of covid"; it was a positive PCR for SC-2. People with positive PCRs for SC-2 do not have "covid"... not even a trace. They just have a fragment of SC-2 RNA up their noses.

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What is SC-2? My understanding is that with a PCR test and high cycle thresholds, you could have any remnant of a past flu or cold present and it would be interpreted as "positive" for covid.

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SC-2 is SARS-CoV-2, the virus that supposedly causes COVID-19. In theory, the PCR test should only detect RNA fragments from this virus, but as you say, some people claim that it could be "positive" if people have RNA of othe viruses up their noses. The most important concept in my mind (which has been a principle of medicine always) is that a positive test for RNA up your nose is not indicative of having a disease. Irrespective of whether the PCR detects only SARS-CoV-2 or other viruses, having a positive test does not mean that the person "has COVID"... or that they are infectious with anything. It just means that the person has a fragment of RNA of whatever virus (big deal). Best.

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Thank you for clarifying. And agree.

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Take care.

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like "Dr" Jill

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Bill's talking about *all-cause* deaths, not just deaths attributed to Covid.

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You only find what you look for. You only count what you want. See also: cooking the books for delicious federal taxpayer money.

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Suicides and drug overdoses, largely up in the 25-44 age range, have been rising since the early 2010s but really spiked in the Covid Era *genuflects* to the point where the average life expectancy has fallen in a few recent year-to-year comparisons, and a little overall the last decade.

Not because people are overweight - which I've heard as an explanation for this trend - but, rather, because we scared the Ever-Living Piss out of Millenials as kids with tales of Global Scorching and Cute Fuzzy Critters disapperaing forever. The don't want to have children, they don't want to work, they don't want to take part in society. They despair in hopelessness.

We were "encouraged" - Nudged, as we've seen recently - to be scared. Frightened to panic. If you were already desparate, our response to the pandemic pushed a whole lot of them over the edge.

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Because a frightened populace is easy to control and less likely to rebel.

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"They'll turn us all into beggars 'cause they're easier to please. They're feeding our people that Government Cheese."


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That was f*%&ing brilliant.

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An then the Overlords realise that a terrified populace is very unlikely to be inventive, creative, dilligent, striving or reliable and trustworthy and is even more unlikely to be willing to take up arms on behalf of the Overlords' interests, abroad and domestic.

So what do the Overlords do then?

A) Get themselves a new populace, not yet as terrorised and terrified into depression as the original one.

Also A) Get themselves an Enemy to wage War upon.

Rinse and repeat.

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Definitely check out the work here: https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/an-very-long-open-letter-to-will - precisely to your point: what happened after mid-March.

Very smart woman - if she is not a gato pal, she should be! (spoiler alert: "other factors")

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Fantastic work by Jessica Hockett & great interview w Jay Couey walking through the data with explanations. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1884806447

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Ed Dowds book dispels that theory his book has all the US data which shows no increase in mortality until 2021: after the shots. I do believe more people in the hispital died as they were murdered by remdesivir ventilation and medical malpractice That i agree with.

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venting people and giving them remdesivir so they can drown may I been a factor

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He’s not acting. He’s a demented liar!

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He plays the same mind games with masks.


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Tony’s proclivity to prevaricate is positively preposterous!

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Yeah, and he’s a two-faced lying sack.

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And all actors are imposters.

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Gato, you make it tough here. I'm supposed to LIKE this? Thank you for posting it, but don't want to even watch any more Fauci than absolutely necessary, in order to maintain a "happier" life. And right now, he's a bad example of a joker.

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The ability to talk out of both sides of one's mouth is a prerequisite for government employment...

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