More proof that mental illness may be airborne.

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Yes, its more transmissive than omicron and more transfective than the jab.

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Excellent comment! Bravo!

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The biggest source of the Loony Bug is any MSM broadcast or print media: it is a dangerous, fast spreading pathogen which now affects at least two-thirds of the Western population and maybe more. Infection Stupidity Rate is very high. The main, safe vaccine - Truth - is of low effectiveness against this stubborn, aggressive infection.

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Sorry, you folks in the Western Hemisphere do NOT have the covid loonies market cornered. Was told to mask up at an outdoor baseball game two days ago here in Japan.

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And I was thinking they were slightly smarter…

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Here in Japan? Not hardly. You would not believe the restrictions one of my now former med schools told us we must follow. The lists is several pages long and includes prohibitions against talking while dinning at home with family and maintaining social distancing while dinning, preferably by dinning inn separate rooms. No “snuggling” allowed. One school, a vocational school for medical technicians demanded I wear a mask at home for their online classes. Everyone wears a mask at all times outside the house. Jogging alone along the levy in the hot summer sun, masked. I do not an rarely see others unmasked, though with slightly more regularity recently. For example, while I have occasionally seen unmasked older men I have only seen three unmasked female faces out side the home these past two years and all three have been this past month.

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Maybe I’m thinking they’ve been less jabby. Asians are always more masky. I was at a meeting yesterday in Florida and no one masked except an Asian woman. STILL!

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True on the masks. The custom of wearing them against colds and flu was well established when I first arrived in 1992. Not true on the shots. Not mandated by any government for ordinary citizens but all health care works and all medical students must get it. I do not know under whose authority the edict was issued. A national governmental body or the medical schools. It is being offered to everyone and all are encouraged to get it. They are really pushing for it.

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what a ding dong.

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I think you just brought back calling someone a dingdong.

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Thanks to your profile picture I now have to rewatch "The Young Ones". Thank you for reminding me of one of the funniest shows ever!

No show has ever topped Vyvvyan's entrance.

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You are most welcome. I've been a fan since the 80s. Check out Rik Mayall in The New Statesman, Ade and Rik in Bottom, and Rik's dystopian movie, One By One. The latter was released after Rik passed away in 2014. It addresses everything we're going through now.

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Oh yes, all of them real good stuff. The older generation swedish comedians, active until the late nineties to mid-naughties were heavily inspired by Mayall and Edmondson, and also French and Saunders. Not copying but - what's the fancy word? - transposing the style and blending it with our comedic tradition, now sadly gone the way of the dodo.

To quote swedish actor and comedian Peter Dalle (who used to use the contrast between looking like the nicest man ever and spewing the most acidic virtiol imaginable towards deserving targets among the upper crust):

"If we had tried to do today what we did 1990-1995, they would have banned us and burned the tapes".

Back in the seventies and eighties, 'british telly' was a breath of fresh air in the stale didactic state TV.

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022

best comment of the week. 😀👏

Edited: one of the best. There have been some great ones....

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Thank you.

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"I don't advise a haircut, man. All hairdressers are in the employment of the government. Hairs are your aerials. They pick up signals from the cosmos, and transmit them directly into you brain! This is the reason bald-headed men are uptight."

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“We are indeed drifting into the arena of the unwell. Making an enemy of our own future.”

Man, I love that movie. My collector’s edition blue ray that I bought in the UK was destroyed in a tornado (along with pretty much everything else) last December. Replacing it is high on my list behind averting dystopia and World War 3. It’s probably the most realistic goal of the three.

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some people just want so badly to be sick. very strange.

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some people are happier when they are sick or something is wrong with them. we normally call them hypochondriacs. i sadly know this too well and live with one. its exhausting.

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A friend of mine described his mother-in-law like this, "she's not happy unless she's not happy".

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I used to sing this little ditty for my Prophet of Doom husband. It came from a cartoon back when cartoons were actually clever. "I'm happy when I'm sad, I'm always feeling bad. How are you? Terrible! That's GOOD!! I'm happy when I'm sad." You know what? It worked. He hated it when I sang that song and really changed his attitude.

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Check out the lyrics to “I’m Only Happy When it Rains,” by Garbage.

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That was my late mother, for as long as I can remember. And her misery loved company. People like that are emotional vampires. After I moved hundreds of miles away, I only called her during cocktail hour.

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I shouldn't laugh but that was funny!

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Apr 2, 2022·edited Apr 2, 2022

When my MIL was alive, when she would call and say "Why haven't you called?" I would say,"I just talked to you like 2 days ago. 2 hours of chatting!" (No such call took place.) Then a long pause... "Oh yeah." Pause. "Well since I called, can I talk to Mr. Raptor?"

Truly, it was the only benefit to her drinking. When she was sober she was a gem.

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sounds like my mother. she hasn't been healthy for a full week at least since 2006. I wasn't paying attention prior to that.

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I have a girlfriend who has been sick since high school and we are now in our 50s. What’s odd is her illnesses often prevent her from going to work but never get in the way of weekends and vacations…

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As my mother used to say never happy unless they're miserable.

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My mother and her mother, too.

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“She enjoys poor health.”

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The sicker you are, the more views your TikToks will get.

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oh. that has to be destroying the kids

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It is. That's the worst part of it.

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It's the victim olympics.

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I feel for you.

My first husband too. And they tend to become very sickly because of so many medical interventions, like unnecessary medications or immune system-blowing antibiotic dosages.

And there comes the problem that doctors don't really take each new symptom seriously. My first MIL's symptoms weren't taken seriously (just antibiotics for months) until her cancer was stage four.

This is becoming too normalized

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Exactly. Mom is like that. She's had so many issues, real and imagined, that I wonder how many have been caused by the myriad of medications she's on. Not to mention she comes up with some new malady, goes to Dr. Internet to research, finds a specialist and then disagrees with whatever the doc says. As I said before, its just too exhausting. 16 years of this and my well of empathy is completely dry.

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

My mother died 8 years ago and never wanted to learn how to use a computer (thank god). But she had a Merck Manual. Naturally, all of her doctors prescribed pharma meds for her vague symptoms. She'd get the prescription, look it up in the Merck Manual, and pick out her side effect. More than once, the side effect she was certain she had would have killed her if she really had it, but she refused to believe me or her doctors.

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Sadly my mom has learned to use a computer. I'm tempted to block WebMD and the like on the router (just like I'd like put a parental lock on CNN/MSNBC which she watches too) and searches for things that match whatever her newest symptom is. Was convinced that she has a nerve impingement in her shoulder that all of a sudden now has her not able to move her arm. MRI shows a rotator cuff tear, so yay something actually wrong!!! and yay!!! surgery scheduled for next month. Two summers ago she had an upset stomach, managed to overdose herself on some drug that made her wobbly and got an ambulance ride to the hospital...where they diagnosed something totally unrelated and gave her something new wrong with her. I just can't anymore with this and while I love her dearly, I'm happy to be moving far out of state in early July as I just got word with a tentative closing date for my new house is 6/30.

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Congratulations on your house! Hope it's in a free state.

Maybe block CNN and MSNBC before you leave, so they can't terrify her all the time.

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That's sad. Must have been very difficult

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

Yes, it was, but it was "my normal" and I didn't know all mothers weren't like this until I was old enough to see how my friends' mothers weren't like this. I was able to be the opposite, so it worked out. But her life was a sad one of misery and mine was the opposite.

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It's tough. Blessings on you for trying to help.

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When they insist their child is sick and they are not, it's called Munchausen by Proxy.

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This is everyone who is taking their 3 year old to get vaxxed.

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Its appalling

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or they make them sick.

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Everyone that takes their 3 year old to get vaxced.

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The Sixth Sense - the kid helps expose the mother of the poisoned dead girl he sees.

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Oh yeah. These days, it seems so much more common. There was a woman with a cult in New York State who nearly killed her child with salt over and over again. She was working at the cult's old folks home.

and, this year, all these people bringing their children in to be jabbed.

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In their rush to be "germ/virus-free," they allowed a totally unknown substance to be injected into their bodies - not once, not twice, but three or four times - in a year! The disease they "fear" so much is the very thing they were sure would protect them. Now, everything they blame on COVID the Flu, is actually COVID the injection. Deaths, injuries, myocarditis, permanent disabilities, amputations, "long-covid" -- all associated adverse events.

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What about all the hand sanitizers that people practically bathe in daily, because they fear germs??......what kinds of cancers will we see????

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Indeed, killing all the microbes that protect, can't be good.

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Except, if you read the label on these things, it says that it kills 99%, not 100%. Which means the 1% that survive are busy multiplying--and nothing multiplies like a microbe! So what we are inadvertently selecting for when we use these products are resistant microbes. This is a problem in hospitals.

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yikes! super bugs

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Yup. MRSA and others.

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Munchausen Syndrome

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They also want badly to be crazy . Crazy is the new “ normal” for many In society!!

😔 sigh…

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Actually "somatic" in this case is unnecessary.

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Two years sure feels like #LongCovid to this asymptomatic person.

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It's like the movie Sixth Sense - I see COVID people!

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He had COVID the whole movie!

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I remember when Bruce Willis used to make movies.

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You mean before he was vaccine injured?

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Apologies, yes. My dry humour doesn’t always translate, but ask my wife, I keep trying.

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Sarcasm on the internet is tough, I know! 😉

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I got it!

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They're everywhere!!

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“Doctor, why are you giving me a prescription for crutches? I have two legs, and they both work!”

“Yes, yes, but our tests show you are asymptomatically one-legged.”

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Recently, I made an offhand comment to someone about how things are opening up because omicron gets everyone and it's no big deal. She said, "No--covid should be taken seriously. I had a friend die recently of long covid." I asked how exactly he died of "long covid" and she said "by suicide" after suffering for over a year. Suicides have indeed increased in the past 2 years, along with drug overdoses and fatal car accidents. All these things, including very likely in most cases "long covid", are MANIFESTATIONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS due in very large part to all the lies, propaganda, discrimination/mandates, job losses, economic BS, censorship, automation, surveillance, masking, "social distancing" and other isolation, etc that have descended on us in this time.

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That's "Long Authoritarianism"

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Like the woman I know who who said she'd had "vascular covid" which was truly awful. As she continued talking, she not only described the symptoms of a stroke, but actually used the word stroke several times (old habits die hard). Saying she'd had a stroke wasn't nearly as exotic sounding, and also might possibly suggest that there could have been some lifestyle things involved, but no one, no matter how virtuous and attentive to healthy living, is safe from this terrible "virus" that hides in the air all around, ready to attack its healthy victims at random. As Miss Diana says, "Be afraid, be very afraid."

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That's how the wrong of the jabs is hidden and the sheople are herded.

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If I am not mistaken, another highly correlated predictor of long covid is testing negative for covid. So...asymptomatic, negative test = long covid...? I guess if someone feels like they have long covid, they do. Just ask them. You can't deny their feelings because they are the only ones who can feel them, right?

ref: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(21)00299-6/fulltext

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022

The four main demographic factors linked to long covid are

* female

* obese

* middle-aged

* diagnosis of depression/anxiety

The most common symptoms:

* fatigue

* headache

* 'aches and pains'

It's a license for fat, mad old women to give full rein to their hypochondria.

Sorry not-sorry.

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My CPA who is a woman, late 50s, plump, decided to retire this past December due to Long Covid. Made me so sad. She's an excellent accountant and I never saw her as one who would embrace the so-called lingering Covid.

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Damn, fibromyalgia wants it top place in the female disease category back. Oops, I meant to say assigned at birth female.

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I heard Fibromyalgia came down with Long Covid after it's 5th booster shot.

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022

I have a "friend" - I use the term loosely. She qualifies, except she is not fat. She is a career invalid. I have known her for about 15 years, and during that time she has had: Epstein-Barr, Lyme Disease, Celiac/Gluten intolerance, Norovirus, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Covid, Long Covid. Another week, a new disease. She takes about 25 different vitamins and supplements each day. She'd be a nice woman, except she's unendurable.

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I know someone like this. She doesn't happen to live in SoCal does she?

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You're close. NorCal. But yeah, California. That mecca of health-conscious people.

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Yep, the studies have found that the majority of people who claim to have long COVID never actually had COVID. It's a crazy clown world we live in these days.

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The motive is right there in the last line. "Fear it like the devil."

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I saw Goody Proctor spreading Covid in the woods last night.

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022

Yes, I too saw Goody Proctor. She was looking at me, maskless and coughing once, twice, thrice, and try as I might, the butter wouldn't come. The next day all my kine were dead of covid. The devil's work.

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It is a religion, right? That proves it.

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It's how they identify

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How is being asymptomatic a symptom of acute covid?

These people really do become caricatures of themselves after awhile.

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So being healthy is actually a sign of illness. So...night is day, virtue is vice, fascism is democracy and truth is lies...

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'Red is grey, and yellow white... but we decide which is right, and which is an illusion...'

Moody Blues, "The Day Begins,' from Days of Future Passed (1967)


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nicely done!!

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Brilliant! One of my favorite albums……wonderful memories from the’60’s!

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And we have always been at war with Oceania.

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You got it!

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I am just a regular Spaniard and don't hold a PhD in English language or literature so forgive me guys if everybody gets it and this is stupid, but what the fuck is she trying to say?

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i think she's trying to point out that those who where asymptomatic and only tested positive are the ones most likely to have long covid. not sure how the hell that works, but i gave up long ago trying to figure these nuts out.

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Now I get it!!! Covid gives you a certain amount of symptoms. You can have all in some days (severe disease) or in many years (long covid). The less symptoms, the more time. New Normal Biology 101

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I have been slowly having a heart attack for 48 years...I don't even feel it but someday my heart will stop

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Long heart attack.

The other option is post vax quick attack due to global warming.

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I would sit at your feet to gain such wisdom.

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There is a kind of tyranny where the obvious meanings of words is altered and those who don't "understand" are then sent of to be re-educated. We are racists and extremists because we don't get this obvious nonsense.

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I can’t agree more with the altering of obvious meanings of words. It’s been happening for a long time in some circles (like education) and now is in a full frontal attack on society at large. Getting riled up just thinking about it now. I think you’ve just inspired my next article.

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That's what we'd like to know. Who knew that one symptom of "acute covid" was NO SYMPTOMS?

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Having a PhD in english would not help you understand what she's trying to say - since it makes NO sense!

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Go look at her "survivor corps" website. What a narcissistic moronic putz this woman is. "One of the first people in her area testing positive - here's her blog!' Who gives a crap. Another grifter.

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So asymptomatic COVID leading to all sorts of random life-long symptoms is the new name for "Vaccine Side Effects".

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Bingo! All the healthy young athletes that are keeling = Long Covid

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Ideology is a specious way of relating to the world. It offers human beings the illusion of an identity, of dignity, and of morality, while making it easier for them to part with them.

~ Vaclav Havel

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🤣🤣🤣 Nice try, Diana. Your wolf-cries are all used up now.

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Another name for “long” hypochondria?

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i just noticed that the biggest covid clown in the world retweeted it!

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which clown?

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Eric Dingleberry

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can't find his actual account on twitter but he does seem an arse. also can't seem to find him in Duck Duck Go

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I was being crude 😉 - his name is Eric Feigl-Ding and here is his Twit account:


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ah. silly me! Seems like a lot of people may refer to him that way, since I did run across that name. Thank you for the help. I feel I need to know our true enemies.

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I feel I need to know our true enemies. - Absolutely!

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😂 this has got to be a parody account, surely.

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The better you feel, the sicker you are!

The wronger I sound, the righter I actually am!

The more reasonable you try to be, the crazier you truly are!

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Nailed it. Very concise summary of what I've been thinking. Thank you.

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Haha, asymptomatic is neither cute nor acute!

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You're supposed to unplug. Especially from Twatter.

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Wait! Malo Gato is supposed to be taking a break and not reading Covid crap. Where’s my squirt bottle?!

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I'm never going to tell an individual that they have psychosomatic illness, because doctors these days are bad enough that they'll handle that for me, even if the patient has tumors and an aneurysm. Ask me how I know. 🙄

But I am very worried about the long term mental health effects of our approach to COVID, fearmongering about Long COVID and all the other stuff. Because not only are people going to insist they're sick when they're not AND GET TREATMENT, others will seek out help from psychiatry. That rarely ends well.

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

No joke. People who go into the mental health field are...people with a deep interest in mental health because of their own personal mental health problems. Some are therefore amazingly compassionate, and a few of those are also talented at helping others get well...but most are dangerous.

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this. i worked in the mental health field, tangentially though as an engineering manager for a software product for them, but had enough exposure to know that they are like the hair club for men, they are very much clients.

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022

I am a family practitioner but I did a lot of training in psych. For a while I was working on an inpatient schizophrenia unit. The staff would have meetings to discuss each patient together and it was messed up. Zero compassion and zero self-awareness. It was just shit-talking, gossiping, needlessly assigning bad intentions, paranoia, condemnation, and various other forms of pure nastiness. This place was associated with an Ivy League university, and full of fancy pants PhD-MDs. Yeesh. I wish we could do something about this situation. The people who need the most compassion are often (usually?) given the least. Everyone is busy wasting their compassion on people like Will Smith instead.

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more compassion. Less fake compassion

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Yeah. and his problem is that his wife publicly dated his kid's schoolmate.

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Did anyone see that Biden received his 4TH JAB yesterday? Is any of this going to catch up to him?

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Nah. That was the fake President getting a fake shot in a fake set of the Whitehouse.

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Biden did it in honor of Klaus Schwab's birthday yesterday.

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It already has caught up with him. That's why Tucker Carlson has been suggesting that the 25th amendment be used.

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But then we'd have cackles...

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with the same people behind the curtain being in charge

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nah. he's always been a moron

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I'm not sure they hate him enough to give him the real stuff.........yet.

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Truth! They'll let the Hunter Laptop do that.

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saline doesn't catch up to him, until they decide he's too much of a liability.

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C'mon, man!! This has caught up to him.

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

It's OK. We already see that Dian is aberrant.

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If I would have told anyone in the medical profession prior to 2020 that by 2022 there would be tens of millions of new hypochondriacs in the US alone I would have been put on a psychiatric hold. Yet here we are.

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I see it this way - there is a bright side to all of this. People's crazy slips are showing. We've got them sorted now. That's worth something.

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I replied to Dingleberry that we now know that psychosis is not asymptomatic.

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Probably the symptom she's referring to is 'mass formation psychosis'. Can be hard for the sufferer because no matter how accurate the diagnosis, the afflicted person just won't accept the it.

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Heh. Did Berenson hack el gato's login credentials and post that while gato's on vacation?

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God they're hanging on to that rope while it shreds their fingers to chum. Great Whites of the World: Put 'em out of their misery...

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I feel great. Should I be applying for benefits?

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Sorry to bust up the fun but I gotta try to invoke a little compassion here. Psychosomatic illness is mental illness, and mental illness is real physiological illness. Autopsies of people who died of suicide show evidence of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. I struggled with mental illness most of my life, from toddlerhood, and it all vanished 8 years ago when I changed my diet to include lots of meat and remove the most inflammatory plant foods (autoimmune paleo diet, but carnivore and some versions of keto also work). I've seen the same with patients. People with hypochondria, eating disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, and even psychosis turn on a dime when they do diets like this faithfully. I think this is the reason why in epidemiological studies it looks like vegans and vegetarians have more psych issues. (see Ellen/Elliot Page for one particularly illustrative example). More dems are vegan/vegetarian. I say this as a former dem, vegan, and at another time, vegetarian. Anyway.

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

Yup. My brain calmed down on exactly that trajectory of lifestyle and diet change. I eat mostly animal products and some veg. I had bulimia when I was younger. I’m sure my diet contributed to it. SAD is very very bad for humans. I wish I could get my grandson on this but he’s 16 and—well you know. Vegans should get a clue how many life forms and animals are slaughtered to give them their bread and fruit and massive mono crop fake foods. My dad would find blood on the rakes of his combine in the oat field. That is if that is the issue. Others may find help in vegan or vegetarian diets. My daughter did badly as a vegetarian. Meat improved her health.

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What works best is not the same for all, very much is dependent at least on the individual exact gut situation. I've seen people getting rid of rheumatic (a kind of inflammation related issue) type problems at young age after ditching animal products (and processed & added sugar foods also, but still plenty of carbs from raw whole foods). I myself was the slimmest in adult life, and a buddy was the same, when eating pounds of fruit every day in the warmer seasons - 180° contradicting the new paradigm wisdom of carb avoidance. (my only reason shifting away from that is that the yummiest fruits have too much acid). I am aware of the insulin effect w.r.t. gaining or losing weigt, but it seems never so simple or one sided as the current fad seems to suggest - something always works for some people, and they then are convinced it is the end all be all.

(esp. examples like Mikhaila Peterson are very clear examples of the individuality, her gut was clearly messed up by her medical history, next to heritable autoimmune proneness from both parents branches)


As for psycho issues prevalency, be careful to not confuse causation and corellation. People with certain type of "issues" may be more likely to become vegan, as opposed to the nutrition causing it. While I have no specific study on that, I was "walking around" within the "vegan scene" (way before it intersected so much todays woke scene, even if there aways was some overlap in that direction), to get some impressions in that direction... some sufferers of mental issues (depression, bipolar) seem more open to considering other species suffering as well, that's at least my impression from a lot of interactions in the "vegan scene" way before it was "cool", let alone pushed by billionnaires (more like in times when all media was very hostile to the idea).

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Well, the Fauci of his time, Keyes (sp?) conned people into corn oil and Crisco in the 60s and low animal fat. Killing us.

I'm glad you found a way!

How are you keeping your triglycerides down?

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Haha--I appreciate your Fauci and Ancel Keys connection! My triglycerides are beautifully low because of low carbohydrates and low inflammation :) Same for patients. Total cholesterol and LDL can go high for some (like me) on a high-fat, low-carb diet but if you measure lipid particle size you'll see that the large LDL particles are abundant (a good thing), while the number of small LDL particles is low (also a good thing). This means not only a healthy cardiovascular system but better sex hormone production, immunity, and brain health. I could talk about cholesterol forever. This isn't the right place though so I'll zip it now. Sorry ya'll!

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I do think the hormone production happens. Annddd, I'll stop there without citing my experience.

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bravo! That's what I'm trying to do

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These are some of the people I work with. F’ing Nutjobs.

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Just had it a couple of weeks ago. Oddly I developed a cough after I was feeling better. I just hit the liposomal vit c hard and was better in 2 days, job done. No virus can take large doses of vit c

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yes my wife does the liposomal C. good stuff.

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Yes, the most feared thing has to be health. (for the pharma industry especially)

As for "long COVID", it's a new name for an old thing that existed in patients with other respiratory viruses, including influenza, before. The last study, from sept 2021, I saw looked at early Wuhan (or perhaps delta) vs. influenza, and only some of the symptoms labelled under "long covid" were more present than in Influenza cases, the worst ones up to ~ 1.8x as much as in influenza (although it was not clear how they made sure that their "covid" cases were really only that - iof they didn't, this dilutes more). 1.8 is something, but not orders of magniotude, let alone "never seen before catastrophic thing".

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If only she would say that outloud and get a BAHHAHAHA! response from any that heard her🙏🙏🙏

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Dian Abberent: Being asymptomatic is probably the most common symptom of every disease at some point.

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Another term for it is “long mask.” Chuck the filth tags, breathe fresh air, get VitD and NAC, do n’ose breathing exercises and use mouth tape at night. Done.

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I’ve been mouth taping for years. Better sleep and dental problems have disappeared.

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What are n’ose exercises and mouth tape?

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That’s what happens when 4yo jumps on me. “Nose breathing exercises” bc mouth-breathing is so harmful and masks induce mouth-breathing. Mouth tape literally is a tiny tape to keep your lips closed while sleeping to shift snoring mouth-breathers to nose-breathing.

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Fear porn fear porn fear porn

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How do you know if you have asymptomatic long covid?

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repeated pcr tests? or you just feel normal :)

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So not having covid, means that I am more likely to get long covid. Okay!

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You probably already have it -asymptotically

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oh... I'm rting this tomorrow for April fools

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I've bad news for her. There is no hope for her condition. So sorry.

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I think she meant "being psychotic."

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They just make it up as they tumble forward.

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So, does this mean there really are monsters under the bed and in the closet after all?

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

Whatever I had in Jan 2020 was not asymptomatic and also left some pretty nasty sequelae in its wake that kicked up again after 10 days of omicron symptoms. That being said it's nothing to fear, just something that needs better understood so it can be dealt with. I've also learned that similar post viral syndromes have always affected a significant minority of acute cases. If the fear mongering around covid has done anything good perhaps it is by bringing attention long lyme, cfs, mcas and the like. These conditions seem to often be dismissed as 'all in your head' as has long covid.

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I am asymptomatically wealthy

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And here I thought the past two years just avoided getting sick. Guess I had an asymptomatic case of every variant and asymptomaptic long covid all along. Thank you Crazy Lady for the info and muchas gracias Senor Gato for bringing her wisdom to the masses.

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