A Ukranian official said "Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in Los Angeles... or any other crime-ridden city in the US." And he's right. The Taliban weren't vaccinated either and now they have all their women back in masks.
Jokes aside, I remember having thought many times that Humanity is dying of success. When a pair of generations don´t have real problems, they start looking for them. The woke generation, with their hysteria on the pettiest things is a clear symbol of this.
And the hypnosis of Covid stupidity, with stuff like trying to mask the whole planet, unfortunately has only one remedy, and it is not science, or logical though. The remedy is real problems that make you mature. If things start getting really hard, people will wake up from the dream.
I think you've hit on the problem. Our lives are meaningless and so we must make meaning, even if that means inventing catastrophes. But no fear. Soon we'll be hiding under our desks waiting for Russia to drop a bomb on us because we were stupid enough to send soldiers to their back door. We'll have more maturity than we can handle.
Send everyone out in the woods with a tent, backpack, sleeping bag, and the basics: appropriate clothing, a little bug repellent, some basic camp cooking gear and food.
When they return, have learned how to boil water, set up their tent so it doesn't collapse or leak, figure out how to not fall off a cliff or get mauled by a bear, keep themselves warm, and appreciate the majesty of Mother Nature, and the miracle of life, then they can come home and perhaps be able to think straight again.
This is part of growing up. The "Cold War" and "The Bomb" were just as fake as "COVID-19."
If these supposed "superweapons" couldn't even leave the tiniest crater in two already demolished, wood and paper Japanese cities, couldn't even do enough damage to prevent them from being up and running a week later...why are you worried about them?
"Superweapons" that are so simple and primitive to build that they allegedly involve smashing two pieces of metal together? That were supposedly created using the raw computing power found in your average graphing calculator?
At what point do you ask yourself "why, if there are so many of these things, has one never gone off by accident?" It certainly can't be Government competency.
The reality is..."Newks" are as fake as everything else to come out of the 20th Century.
And, some intelligent people finally started asking questions. One of them being Dr. Akio Nakatani at Fujitsu, who, using some of the most powerful numerical modeling simulations available, ran simulations on "Little Boy" (Gag, these POS can't get enough, can they?), and discovered, Lo and Behold...it won't work. Under no circumstances would it work.
You can read for yourselves, the book he wrote is called "Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax."
It's always the same thing with these psychopaths- create a fake calamity, and get rich and powerful from the resultant fear. How many trillions went to the "nuclear arms race?"
Seems possible, I for sure have not ever seen a nuke weapon. Sort of like the gold standard, based on trust and group belief. And now, apparently the gold is all gone/never there too, so....I guess i will go out and hug a tree, because really the land is the only thing that feeds us and gives us life, and the rest is false comforts and false gods. The land, so maligned, can we learn to love it again. Instead of bomb it.
I'm not going to say you're nuts because I find many things I thought I were true aren't and the "nuts" ideas end up having more validity than I thought. I'm not sure I want to test this theory though, and I sure don't think we need a war with Russia, regardless of whether or not they could "newk" us. However, since I have not heard this before, I will go look for Akio Nakatani. Thank you.
If either Nagasaki or Hiroshima had been subjected to "Atomic Bombs," neither would be inhabitable- according to the official "tale" we have been told about radioactivity and fallout.
Both cities are beautiful, and the healthiest in Japan.
No radioisotopes were found in either the soil or the "survivor trees" when tested by two different independent labs.
It was the perfect scenario to create the "myth" of a "superweapon:" Japan needed an honorable way to surrender, and the "U.S." needed some sort of means to stay "untouchable." What better way than to craft the tale of a superweapon. Japanese Bushido (warrior code of honor) is satisfied, and the "U.S." becomes "untouchable."
The trouble is, Americans immediately began to call for "Atom bombs" to be used, so a "bi-polar" world was created, wherein "the Soviets" miraculously discovered the technology (supposedly via the Rosenbergs). Now it would be "impossible" for "newks" to be used, because "everyone would die."
And so began the "Cold War," an unimaginably lucrative raison d'etre for continuance of Military Industrial war production.
Take a gander at the footage of all the "nuclear tests." They did not age well. These are the products of the absolute best filmography and camera tricks of the day (courtesy of "Lookout Mountain" in Hollywood). But they don't stand up to scrutiny, or the supposed physics of what is going on.
"Newks" supposedly generate "millions of degrees F" during detonation. If that was so, they would look wholly unlike any other phenomena ever seen. Instead, they look like bad gasoline explosions. Black smoke is the sign of low temperature incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. And...what would be burning? Don't say atmosphere, because that's a non-starter.
Look. See. Don't just believe those that have now revealed themselves to be craven liars, thieves, and murderers.
Read the book, but also look at the site of Anders Bjorkman:
I guess its a good thing to be considered "nuts," since being a "Vax denier" is "nuts" according to Scientism.
I can't tell you what to spend your energy on. But fear of some sort of "global war" is, in my informed opinion, misplaced. Remember the magician, who mis-directs your attention in order to perform the "trick."
Thanks for being civil. The only reason I bring this up is to -reduce fear- where fear is not warranted. It's a huge relief when you do the research, and end up laughing out loud at just how hokey the lie has been all these years.
You said it for me. These past two years have taught me not to automatically dismiss anything, no matter how fringe it might sound initially, after realizing what a mirage so much I accepted as true really is. And I was already something of a "conspiracy theorist" by the standards of normies. We really do live in a matrix, don't we?
I think what you write is far more likely than not. Phony posturing such as, 'If you only knew what's in my arsenal, you wouldn't mess with me,' sounds dangerous, wards off threats by gullible challengers, but there's no way such volatile substrate materials could be stabilized for even seconds, let alone years prior to use. The nukes are all likely duds.
From despair.com , a t-shirt I have has the Capitol on it. The statement is "if you think the problems we created are bad, wait till you see our solutions."
Hello, fellow despair.com fan! one of my favorites is Wishes...I dare everyone to go to despair.com and find Wishes! Warning: don't take a big drink of anything before reading it, as you will most likely be shooting that beverage out your nose! just sayin'. :)
I mostly agree. Transhumanist tyranny´s legal structure and frame of mind is well established. In my last post I was referring specifically to an unlikely but far from impossible alternative scenario of hard escalation, implying warlike conflict, shortages, collapse of Western economy, etc. There is no room for stupidity and woke hysteria when life basics are in danger...
That's why Heil Hochul! has sent a few thousand NYPD officer's to the Ukraine border, they're tops when it comes to crushing the vax paperless contaminators and criminals!!
We were joking about her necklace last night at the dinner table. It's not really a crucifix: she should have the jeweler make a "Boosted" part and make it into a true cross. Alternatively, she could have "Boosted" tattooed onto her forehead, to show she really is a believer.
Following WWII when The Soviet Union was in short supply of everything, they put condoms on the shopping list that was set to Truman. The Pentagon boxed up millions of extra large size condoms . All the boxes simply said "From your friends in the USA Size Small". If this worked then I'm sure that testing kits will work now.
Yes they will, and while they are quarantined they will complete CRT indoctrination and transgender sensitivity. Following this, they will be deemed fully combat ready...until it is time for their next dose of "training."
My probability/statistics knowledge is a bit rusty. Perhaps you can clarify this. Let's assume I have 25 "close" friends/family/colleagues; and let's assume each of them, on average, has 25 close relationships, too. That makes my 'friends and friends of friends' network (FAFOF) about 625 people. To make the math simpler, let's assume the network has 1,000 people. 70% of my FAFOF network -- so 700 people in round numbers -- play a lottery, which the entity selling tickets tells us has a 1:1,000,000 chance of winning. I discover that four of my FAFOF network have 'won' this lottery. What are the odds of this happening by chance? What are the odds that an adjacent and non-overlapping FAFOF network of roughly similar size belonging to a stranger I met has the same lottery winning result? The lottery, of course, is the vaccine injury lottery. I now have two dead and two disabled by stroke in my small FAFOF network.
wow ... you read soviet re-writes of history don't you ..... the maniacal midget of russia wants to regain the glory of the USSR. Ukrainian history goes back hundreds of years BEFORE russia even existed. Ukraine does not even want soldiers, they only want the weapons to defend themselves against pukeon
Say, how about all those generous annexations of territory TO miniscule Ukraine from Russian tsars 1654-1917 through soviet nutjobs Lenin 1922; Stalin 1939, 1945; Khruschev 1954. Facts matter!
so the statement from you pro russia schmucks changes ... I stated Ukrainian history goes back 100's of years BEFORE russia existed (which you did not dispute) ... Ukraine did NOT just arbitrarily annex territory however, some of what you state is partially factual (especially the part about nutjobs).
The discussion was about NATO wanting to move to the Dniper (which is a LIE) . Ukraine is a failed state, which is a lies (corruption is being fought and is 10-15 places better than russia on the corruption index now.)
The truth is if putin didn't have nukes, no one would give a shit about the useless country of russia. russia has invaded Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. So who is destabilizing who?
Ukraine is starting to address the issue of oligarchs, which is a leftover fro the Soviet Union. russia has one main and his minions in his criminal enterprise.
They know it. They have been playing us for 80+ years with a fake "doomsday." This is about creating more fear, and they are completely retarded when it comes to developing new methods. So, they are leaning on the "Newkulur War" trope. Stay focused and don't get distracted by fakery.
not a neocon and not a fan of the maniacal midget either ... certainly since he is one of the largest terrorist threats .... (you shouldn't type when you've had too much vodka)
all kidding asside the thrust of muscular foreign polivcy under clinton, (bbtrsk u insisting nato move i to ukraune; is to destabilize russia and break it up.
there is no honor nor freedom nor the common defense involved in pushing nato and the nuclear tripwire up to the dneipr river......
the us is being lead into a most horrid place in world history.
if this is true then China would need to make sure their forces are 'Up To Date" with their jabs before invading Taiwan. I mean it's one think to obliterate their infrastructure but making it into a superspreader event is just not on!!!
There's one theory that covid-19 came not from a lab leak of a manipulated virus but from a vaccine for a manipulated virus that the Chinese used on 250,000+ of their military and military personnel at the Wuhan Military Games. Because said vaccine was not for a natural virus the vaccine is de-attenuating; trying to return to it's original form. This explains the people dropping dead in the streets in Wuhan prior to the Chinese acknowledging a problem, their obsession with anal swabbing and severe lockdown.
That hypothesis was shown to be invalid, as there has never been any virus isolated called "COVID-19."
It was not "created in a lab," it was "created via press release." Just like HIV. These psychopaths cannot come up with new material. Just like Hollyweird, where all you see is reboots, they lack creativity.
Fauci was the man who engineered the HIV scam, so, naturally he was tapped to do it again. Ironically, by creating "injectable AIDS," only now it should be termed "VAIDS."
An important point that most are ignoring: once injected, this "VAIDS" is sexually transmitted. So, if you avoided the injection but your spouse or partner got it....well, that's unfortunate.
Again, any source that is pushing the notion that there is a "Virus," no matter what stance they are taking, is what we call a "limited hangout." It is still pushing the notion that there was a virus in the first place.
There was not. Even the CDC has fully admitted this (lack of "viral reference material.")
I suppose those monkeys that escaped were headed to Ukraine to fight the Russki’s. Isn’t this how planet of the apes started? Or maybe I’m thinking of 12 Monkeys.
A good deal of politicians power come from convincing people that for every man made problem there must be a man made solution. Which is obviously fabricated from the wrong level and intention.
I wonder what would happen of a load of based, orthodox christians were amassing at the us border? Would they be waived across, and jetted around the country, regardless of "vaccine status"?
There's also talk of a possible US war with China over Taiwan. One pundit said the US would have to borrow more money from China before it could afford such a war!
One of the most amusing absurdities of Covid Theater is seeing pictures of military troops wearing cloth masks.
Ummm, you guys do know that you have access to protective gear that, unlike that face diaper and the jab-a-thon mandates, has some actual efficacy against NBC threats, right?
Or did you forget that the 'B' stands for 'Biologic'? You know, protection against biologic attacks? Like, say, an engineered respiratory virus released by an enemy faction, to use a hypothetical...
If all troops, including (especially) command, had to be in MOPP 4 24/7, for their own safety of course, you'd see an end to Covidian Hysteria (Is that a DSM entry yet?) in the military faster than you can say 'Article 15'.
idk, i heard that they will do anal swabbing on arrivals i guess the Chinese have realised Fauci talks out of his ass and thinks everyone else must too
A Ukranian official said "Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in Los Angeles... or any other crime-ridden city in the US." And he's right. The Taliban weren't vaccinated either and now they have all their women back in masks.
with better weapons than American citizens
Thanks to Brandons puppet master.
Not really. In democratic cities deaths from Covid is lower due to homicides.
But gunshot wounds are considered covid deaths, they definitely were during orange man bad's presidency since they made him look bad
Oh behave!
Jokes aside, I remember having thought many times that Humanity is dying of success. When a pair of generations don´t have real problems, they start looking for them. The woke generation, with their hysteria on the pettiest things is a clear symbol of this.
And the hypnosis of Covid stupidity, with stuff like trying to mask the whole planet, unfortunately has only one remedy, and it is not science, or logical though. The remedy is real problems that make you mature. If things start getting really hard, people will wake up from the dream.
I think you've hit on the problem. Our lives are meaningless and so we must make meaning, even if that means inventing catastrophes. But no fear. Soon we'll be hiding under our desks waiting for Russia to drop a bomb on us because we were stupid enough to send soldiers to their back door. We'll have more maturity than we can handle.
Send everyone out in the woods with a tent, backpack, sleeping bag, and the basics: appropriate clothing, a little bug repellent, some basic camp cooking gear and food.
When they return, have learned how to boil water, set up their tent so it doesn't collapse or leak, figure out how to not fall off a cliff or get mauled by a bear, keep themselves warm, and appreciate the majesty of Mother Nature, and the miracle of life, then they can come home and perhaps be able to think straight again.
This is part of growing up. The "Cold War" and "The Bomb" were just as fake as "COVID-19."
If these supposed "superweapons" couldn't even leave the tiniest crater in two already demolished, wood and paper Japanese cities, couldn't even do enough damage to prevent them from being up and running a week later...why are you worried about them?
"Superweapons" that are so simple and primitive to build that they allegedly involve smashing two pieces of metal together? That were supposedly created using the raw computing power found in your average graphing calculator?
At what point do you ask yourself "why, if there are so many of these things, has one never gone off by accident?" It certainly can't be Government competency.
The reality is..."Newks" are as fake as everything else to come out of the 20th Century.
And, some intelligent people finally started asking questions. One of them being Dr. Akio Nakatani at Fujitsu, who, using some of the most powerful numerical modeling simulations available, ran simulations on "Little Boy" (Gag, these POS can't get enough, can they?), and discovered, Lo and Behold...it won't work. Under no circumstances would it work.
You can read for yourselves, the book he wrote is called "Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax."
It's always the same thing with these psychopaths- create a fake calamity, and get rich and powerful from the resultant fear. How many trillions went to the "nuclear arms race?"
So, pay attention.
Seems possible, I for sure have not ever seen a nuke weapon. Sort of like the gold standard, based on trust and group belief. And now, apparently the gold is all gone/never there too, so....I guess i will go out and hug a tree, because really the land is the only thing that feeds us and gives us life, and the rest is false comforts and false gods. The land, so maligned, can we learn to love it again. Instead of bomb it.
I'm not going to say you're nuts because I find many things I thought I were true aren't and the "nuts" ideas end up having more validity than I thought. I'm not sure I want to test this theory though, and I sure don't think we need a war with Russia, regardless of whether or not they could "newk" us. However, since I have not heard this before, I will go look for Akio Nakatani. Thank you.
It's a matter of -looking- at the world.
See what is in front of you.
If either Nagasaki or Hiroshima had been subjected to "Atomic Bombs," neither would be inhabitable- according to the official "tale" we have been told about radioactivity and fallout.
Both cities are beautiful, and the healthiest in Japan.
No radioisotopes were found in either the soil or the "survivor trees" when tested by two different independent labs.
It was the perfect scenario to create the "myth" of a "superweapon:" Japan needed an honorable way to surrender, and the "U.S." needed some sort of means to stay "untouchable." What better way than to craft the tale of a superweapon. Japanese Bushido (warrior code of honor) is satisfied, and the "U.S." becomes "untouchable."
The trouble is, Americans immediately began to call for "Atom bombs" to be used, so a "bi-polar" world was created, wherein "the Soviets" miraculously discovered the technology (supposedly via the Rosenbergs). Now it would be "impossible" for "newks" to be used, because "everyone would die."
And so began the "Cold War," an unimaginably lucrative raison d'etre for continuance of Military Industrial war production.
Take a gander at the footage of all the "nuclear tests." They did not age well. These are the products of the absolute best filmography and camera tricks of the day (courtesy of "Lookout Mountain" in Hollywood). But they don't stand up to scrutiny, or the supposed physics of what is going on.
"Newks" supposedly generate "millions of degrees F" during detonation. If that was so, they would look wholly unlike any other phenomena ever seen. Instead, they look like bad gasoline explosions. Black smoke is the sign of low temperature incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. And...what would be burning? Don't say atmosphere, because that's a non-starter.
Look. See. Don't just believe those that have now revealed themselves to be craven liars, thieves, and murderers.
Read the book, but also look at the site of Anders Bjorkman:
And Miles Mathis:
I guess its a good thing to be considered "nuts," since being a "Vax denier" is "nuts" according to Scientism.
I can't tell you what to spend your energy on. But fear of some sort of "global war" is, in my informed opinion, misplaced. Remember the magician, who mis-directs your attention in order to perform the "trick."
Thanks for being civil. The only reason I bring this up is to -reduce fear- where fear is not warranted. It's a huge relief when you do the research, and end up laughing out loud at just how hokey the lie has been all these years.
As Lillia said, and although I am not well versed on this particular topic you speak about, I have never discovered big truths in common narratives.
I´ll take a look at your references. Thank you.
You said it for me. These past two years have taught me not to automatically dismiss anything, no matter how fringe it might sound initially, after realizing what a mirage so much I accepted as true really is. And I was already something of a "conspiracy theorist" by the standards of normies. We really do live in a matrix, don't we?
I think what you write is far more likely than not. Phony posturing such as, 'If you only knew what's in my arsenal, you wouldn't mess with me,' sounds dangerous, wards off threats by gullible challengers, but there's no way such volatile substrate materials could be stabilized for even seconds, let alone years prior to use. The nukes are all likely duds.
SOME will awaken. Many others will sleepwalk to their demise, while blaming everyone else for their misfortune.
But my life MATTERS!!!
From despair.com , a t-shirt I have has the Capitol on it. The statement is "if you think the problems we created are bad, wait till you see our solutions."
Hello, fellow despair.com fan! one of my favorites is Wishes...I dare everyone to go to despair.com and find Wishes! Warning: don't take a big drink of anything before reading it, as you will most likely be shooting that beverage out your nose! just sayin'. :)
Yes excellent. They haven't lost their edge I see. Love it.
People will wake up. But it will be too late.
I mostly agree. Transhumanist tyranny´s legal structure and frame of mind is well established. In my last post I was referring specifically to an unlikely but far from impossible alternative scenario of hard escalation, implying warlike conflict, shortages, collapse of Western economy, etc. There is no room for stupidity and woke hysteria when life basics are in danger...
But, there is no proof of vaccination required from invaders to America...
What, negative PCR tests aren't good enough anymore? Invasions just aren't what they used to be.
It will be the safest violent military invasion in history. God bless President Biden!
You spelled "damn" wrong...
Also, resident.
That's why Heil Hochul! has sent a few thousand NYPD officer's to the Ukraine border, they're tops when it comes to crushing the vax paperless contaminators and criminals!!
And also because Jesus told her to do it!
She is doing "God's work" dontcha know.
She is Jesus. She has vax disciples and a vax crucifix she wears all the time!
We were joking about her necklace last night at the dinner table. It's not really a crucifix: she should have the jeweler make a "Boosted" part and make it into a true cross. Alternatively, she could have "Boosted" tattooed onto her forehead, to show she really is a believer.
The Antichrist will be a world-famous "Christian".
We could ship them a million home testing kits and tell them they are required to quarantine, if they pop hot. It would totally derail their plans.
Following WWII when The Soviet Union was in short supply of everything, they put condoms on the shopping list that was set to Truman. The Pentagon boxed up millions of extra large size condoms . All the boxes simply said "From your friends in the USA Size Small". If this worked then I'm sure that testing kits will work now.
and prepare all the tests to give a positive
Wonder if our troops will be required to quarantine.
Yes they will, and while they are quarantined they will complete CRT indoctrination and transgender sensitivity. Following this, they will be deemed fully combat ready...until it is time for their next dose of "training."
Sounds about right.
My probability/statistics knowledge is a bit rusty. Perhaps you can clarify this. Let's assume I have 25 "close" friends/family/colleagues; and let's assume each of them, on average, has 25 close relationships, too. That makes my 'friends and friends of friends' network (FAFOF) about 625 people. To make the math simpler, let's assume the network has 1,000 people. 70% of my FAFOF network -- so 700 people in round numbers -- play a lottery, which the entity selling tickets tells us has a 1:1,000,000 chance of winning. I discover that four of my FAFOF network have 'won' this lottery. What are the odds of this happening by chance? What are the odds that an adjacent and non-overlapping FAFOF network of roughly similar size belonging to a stranger I met has the same lottery winning result? The lottery, of course, is the vaccine injury lottery. I now have two dead and two disabled by stroke in my small FAFOF network.
The EU army need vaccinating against the new AK47 variant, it’s very transmissible, highly virulent
I hope they wear masks to stop those lead-based droplets!
Not a big deal. They just need to eat outside in the restaurants but cannot use the bathrooms. Safety First.
One mask or two?
At least if they are wearing military grade gas masks we can stop saying "But Masks Don't Work!!!" ?
Oh my gosh.... a freaken 550 foot home run
Response from my 9 year old son:
"What? But that doesn't make sense, Daddy!"
Of course, I told him to stop thinking and just believe.
the neocn that want nato up to the dneipr are insensitive to thre fact ukraine is a failed state run by oligarchs and sewn together by stalin.
they want to destabilize russia and do not care the huamn cost!
us is evil in its intents for the world.
wow ... you read soviet re-writes of history don't you ..... the maniacal midget of russia wants to regain the glory of the USSR. Ukrainian history goes back hundreds of years BEFORE russia even existed. Ukraine does not even want soldiers, they only want the weapons to defend themselves against pukeon
Say, how about all those generous annexations of territory TO miniscule Ukraine from Russian tsars 1654-1917 through soviet nutjobs Lenin 1922; Stalin 1939, 1945; Khruschev 1954. Facts matter!
so the statement from you pro russia schmucks changes ... I stated Ukrainian history goes back 100's of years BEFORE russia existed (which you did not dispute) ... Ukraine did NOT just arbitrarily annex territory however, some of what you state is partially factual (especially the part about nutjobs).
The discussion was about NATO wanting to move to the Dniper (which is a LIE) . Ukraine is a failed state, which is a lies (corruption is being fought and is 10-15 places better than russia on the corruption index now.)
The truth is if putin didn't have nukes, no one would give a shit about the useless country of russia. russia has invaded Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. So who is destabilizing who?
Kyivan Rus was an area more than double the size of what is now Ukraine. 1,330,000 km2 versus 603,628 km2 ( (and for non scholars of history of the areas, rus has nothing to do with russia http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CR%5CU%5CRushDA.htm)
Ukraine is starting to address the issue of oligarchs, which is a leftover fro the Soviet Union. russia has one main and his minions in his criminal enterprise.
Putin doesn't have "newks."
Neither does "Biden."
Neither does "Xi."
They know it. They have been playing us for 80+ years with a fake "doomsday." This is about creating more fear, and they are completely retarded when it comes to developing new methods. So, they are leaning on the "Newkulur War" trope. Stay focused and don't get distracted by fakery.
Read up on it: https://www.amazon.com/Death-Object-Exploding-Nuclear-Weapons/dp/1545516839
#6 i thought we would not sfuffer neocon nuts on substack
did you ever shoot anuone you hunted with?
not a neocon and not a fan of the maniacal midget either ... certainly since he is one of the largest terrorist threats .... (you shouldn't type when you've had too much vodka)
Taiwan are anal swabbing the Chinese military to prepare for invasion as we laugh.
OK, that is TOO funny.
That'll show 'em!
It's probably bullshit, Russia is on board with the clot shots
all kidding asside the thrust of muscular foreign polivcy under clinton, (bbtrsk u insisting nato move i to ukraune; is to destabilize russia and break it up.
there is no honor nor freedom nor the common defense involved in pushing nato and the nuclear tripwire up to the dneipr river......
the us is being lead into a most horrid place in world history.
if this is true then China would need to make sure their forces are 'Up To Date" with their jabs before invading Taiwan. I mean it's one think to obliterate their infrastructure but making it into a superspreader event is just not on!!!
There's one theory that covid-19 came not from a lab leak of a manipulated virus but from a vaccine for a manipulated virus that the Chinese used on 250,000+ of their military and military personnel at the Wuhan Military Games. Because said vaccine was not for a natural virus the vaccine is de-attenuating; trying to return to it's original form. This explains the people dropping dead in the streets in Wuhan prior to the Chinese acknowledging a problem, their obsession with anal swabbing and severe lockdown.
You mean a hypothesis.
That hypothesis was shown to be invalid, as there has never been any virus isolated called "COVID-19."
It was not "created in a lab," it was "created via press release." Just like HIV. These psychopaths cannot come up with new material. Just like Hollyweird, where all you see is reboots, they lack creativity.
Fauci was the man who engineered the HIV scam, so, naturally he was tapped to do it again. Ironically, by creating "injectable AIDS," only now it should be termed "VAIDS."
An important point that most are ignoring: once injected, this "VAIDS" is sexually transmitted. So, if you avoided the injection but your spouse or partner got it....well, that's unfortunate.
Again, any source that is pushing the notion that there is a "Virus," no matter what stance they are taking, is what we call a "limited hangout." It is still pushing the notion that there was a virus in the first place.
There was not. Even the CDC has fully admitted this (lack of "viral reference material.")
No one was dropping dead in the streets of Wuhan or anywhere else.
Dropping dead drunk.
Thought it was a Fauci tweet.
...maybe the intent is to kill BEFORE the ground combat starts... out of compassion?
@boriquagato I have been reading that natural immunity is 6 times better than vaccinations when it comes to Delta. Alex Berenson points to table 2 of this link: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e1.htm#T2_down
Can you do a post explaining what this means in layman's language, please?
I suppose those monkeys that escaped were headed to Ukraine to fight the Russki’s. Isn’t this how planet of the apes started? Or maybe I’m thinking of 12 Monkeys.
That´s a good one:)
A good deal of politicians power come from convincing people that for every man made problem there must be a man made solution. Which is obviously fabricated from the wrong level and intention.
I wonder what would happen of a load of based, orthodox christians were amassing at the us border? Would they be waived across, and jetted around the country, regardless of "vaccine status"?
I hope by valid they mean two shots plus the booster!
There's also talk of a possible US war with China over Taiwan. One pundit said the US would have to borrow more money from China before it could afford such a war!
One of the most amusing absurdities of Covid Theater is seeing pictures of military troops wearing cloth masks.
Ummm, you guys do know that you have access to protective gear that, unlike that face diaper and the jab-a-thon mandates, has some actual efficacy against NBC threats, right?
Or did you forget that the 'B' stands for 'Biologic'? You know, protection against biologic attacks? Like, say, an engineered respiratory virus released by an enemy faction, to use a hypothetical...
If all troops, including (especially) command, had to be in MOPP 4 24/7, for their own safety of course, you'd see an end to Covidian Hysteria (Is that a DSM entry yet?) in the military faster than you can say 'Article 15'.
If it's just a minor incursion, can they show proof of a negative test?
i wonder if there isnt a serious risk that this war is a method of releasing some nasty germ warfare on the world
idk, i heard that they will do anal swabbing on arrivals i guess the Chinese have realised Fauci talks out of his ass and thinks everyone else must too
Anal swab is the only accurate test. Something to do with viral swarm, which is beyond my understanding.