If you suggested capitalist (Adam Smith ,D Ricardo etc) supported taxes being changed from incomes to a fee for the economic title protected by the state you'd solve 90~% of the west's economic problems and bankrupt the current establishment,
The Poles just screwed up, probably thinking that they can just vote Tusk out again if things go south. It won't be that easy. I expect them to be thoroughly "locked-in" to the EU with a few million refugees in two to three years time.
Hungary is fulfilling all the globalist requirements already. The propaganda says otherwise but you should not believe a single word of it. If orban is the alternative then better to drop the nuke now.
Soros is usually so busy combating freedom in America, it didn't even occur to me that Biden would be doing a quid pro quo for Hungary—and that taxpayers would be funding it! The bloody cheek, as the Brits would say.
P.S. EGM, there's a broken image after the first one, and I fear we may be missing out on a wickedly funny meme.
I was just thinking of those old, "I did this," stickers this morning as I was driving by gas stations with regular at $3.20/gal. I was wishing I had a few of those.
That is brilliant! As the list of nefarious chicanery grows longer, the more “poor” Biden’s memory will become. Imagine the “upgrades” this country could be experiencing if our government was not dispersing our funds to corrupt global agents like Soros.
Such things have, sadly, been going on for as long as the sun has been rising on the American empire.
Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a brilliant book on this topic. Although it will probably destroy whatever little faith you have left in American foreign policy.
I've got to read that one. I just finished COUP D’TWELVE: The Enterprise that Bought the Presidency by David E. Martin. More for the entertainment of it, but It is a novel but is pretty close to what has been really happening. Combine the globalist elites with "The Table" in the John Wick movies.
They are on the right side of history because that is the shit they have been doing throughout history. What we are striving for is to be on the right side of the future. = The way it is supposed to be. The way we were taught it was in school. (The foundational Lie they told the children)
last night on FOX, Jesse Watters did a segment on Machiavelli “ The Prince”…..other than slaughtering the pronunciation of Machiavelli, it was a good historical analogy for viewers to grasp the scope of all the corrupt and unconstitutional “means” that have been taken to “justify the end “…. Maintaining power. It’s all quite astounding.
What democracy? The bank bailouts in 2008 proved that democracy was only a myth used to win the support of the masses, while in reality we are ruled by criminal elites.
Wow, everyone screams interference when other countries allegedly try to influence OUR elections but we don't have any problems sticking our nose into THEIR elections! Then we wonder why we are so hated around the world! I have a solution: before ANY taxpayer dollars are proposed for overseas projects they should be voted on BY THE PEOPLE. Direct vote, no House or Senate nonsense.
but but but- we are the "good guys" as we poison and murder our own population in plain sight...... with our "food supply" and "sick care". Health care hasn't existed for quite some time.
Neither are the complete dopes who keep voting in the bad guys because they are corrupt, lazy, immoral & believe in “free” f’ing anything or everything.
Not sure when Ovomit bin Laden first started screwing around with the US but it has definitely been longer than ten years! I was pretty wound up earlier. More wound up than I am right now anyway. More like fifteen years (Jan 2009-continuing). Still not in jail either. Because that would be racist.
I keep trying to stop using a particular epithet but I am going to have to call them all fucking sons of bitches who I hope get buggered by Saguaro cacti. Repeatedly. Or grenades. Grenades will work...especially if paired with the previously mentioned Saguaro cacti.
Agree with Mrs McFarland - wonderful yet subtle headslap.
Except for when the one country that has captured our government and been using it for their own ends at our expense does it. Then it is hailed as cooperation with our one friend in the ME.
That will never happen without a revolution. The whole representative government is a ruse, and has been since they stopped adding representatives proportional to the population.
it is more shocked by their audacity rather by that what they do. And I wonder how much of what biden 'does', he does himself. Close to nothing I would think
They have been getting away with it, so why quit now. I don't believe Biden himself even knows where he is or what is going on anymore. The people really running things knew he was getting dementia when they ran him for pResident, hid him in the basement for the campaign, so he got 81 million votes, of course. Then also filled his regime with idiotic front people, captured all the agencies of government, and called it a democracy. We get the government they select for us.
Very scary! I don't understand the kind of person who will blow up a country because they don't agree with parts of it. Too h3ll with the majority I guess. We've been putting up with Obama bin Laden for decades so why couldn't they just behave themselves until they were next in line??? I thought we all learned about taking turns by the end of kindergarten!
He's Hungarian but he is banned from returning. And we thought he just hated us! His son is an even bigger POS. My question? Who let that SOB get close enough for there to be a son??
Yes!! I've been an Orban fan since Tucker's first interview. I saw the most wonderful YouTube video of children singing the Russian National Anthem. It. Was. So. Beautiful!!
hey gato or anyone else - my wife was asking me this morning if there was any charts comparing places with high vax to continued COVID. we are just noticing anecdotally that our prominently multi-vaxxed friends seem to be sick all the time and have had multiple bouts of COVID while we dirty unvaxxed disbelievers had one bout in the winter or 2021 and despite my going to a lot of indoor music and parties since and during "The Pandemic" haven't had COVID again.
Democracy is when the globalists manipulate media and change rules to win! Don’t let Hungary go the way of Poland...
"The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government."
- Barry Goldwater
This is the nub of the issue. The rest is sequela imo.
If you suggested capitalist (Adam Smith ,D Ricardo etc) supported taxes being changed from incomes to a fee for the economic title protected by the state you'd solve 90~% of the west's economic problems and bankrupt the current establishment,
Yup. Basically all 4 of his maxims are violated every second of every day.
Big Rent read their books and worked out how to redistribute as much wealth creation to them as possible.
The Poles just screwed up, probably thinking that they can just vote Tusk out again if things go south. It won't be that easy. I expect them to be thoroughly "locked-in" to the EU with a few million refugees in two to three years time.
I had hope for Poland.
I also dreamed the Poles might someday recapture some of their former glory.
Alas, it appears Poland is being flushed down the same sewer as the rest of the "West"
Hungary is fulfilling all the globalist requirements already. The propaganda says otherwise but you should not believe a single word of it. If orban is the alternative then better to drop the nuke now.
100%. He is loyal to a nation, just not Hungary.
Just like everywhere there’s a big backlash towards multiculturalism in Poland… the tide is turning, especially in the Eastern Europe
Soros is usually so busy combating freedom in America, it didn't even occur to me that Biden would be doing a quid pro quo for Hungary—and that taxpayers would be funding it! The bloody cheek, as the Brits would say.
P.S. EGM, there's a broken image after the first one, and I fear we may be missing out on a wickedly funny meme.
"and I fear we may be missing out on a wickedly funny meme."
... Yes, we may indeed
They “are all in this together “.
The slogan makes me CRINGE to this day!
LOL I thought "broken image" was the meme
Gatito is just a kitten
Biden doesn't even know he did this.
you have come up with a new sticker to put up on gas pumps, etc: " I didn't know I did this!"
*sketches graphics concepts on paper plate*
Let us know when you have them up on Etsy. I'll buy some! And I'll put them EVERYWHERE!!
These things are gonna be hot. I'll start the search for some investors.
I was just thinking of those old, "I did this," stickers this morning as I was driving by gas stations with regular at $3.20/gal. I was wishing I had a few of those.
That is brilliant! As the list of nefarious chicanery grows longer, the more “poor” Biden’s memory will become. Imagine the “upgrades” this country could be experiencing if our government was not dispersing our funds to corrupt global agents like Soros.
Or Fauci…
“I do not recall”
“I have no recollection”
One could make an argument its reverse psychology.
"We're telling the truth because you seen through our lies, and ohh yea we're telling you a lie about telling you the truth right now".
And if that doesn't work the sheep always go for:
We can't tell you because it's a national security threat.
He might not even know that he is still alive.
Lolol. Why is this soooo funny...oh goodness that got me!
Such things have, sadly, been going on for as long as the sun has been rising on the American empire.
Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a brilliant book on this topic. Although it will probably destroy whatever little faith you have left in American foreign policy.
That's okay. I don't have any faith in what's left of the USA anyway!
I've got to read that one. I just finished COUP D’TWELVE: The Enterprise that Bought the Presidency by David E. Martin. More for the entertainment of it, but It is a novel but is pretty close to what has been really happening. Combine the globalist elites with "The Table" in the John Wick movies.
Except that the Table appear to be a lot more competent, intelligent and far-sighted than our leaders.
Wait, I thought election interference was an existential threat to democracy and humanity itself?
Exactly Corey.
They think its justified because they think they're on the right side of history.
They are on the right side of history because that is the shit they have been doing throughout history. What we are striving for is to be on the right side of the future. = The way it is supposed to be. The way we were taught it was in school. (The foundational Lie they told the children)
last night on FOX, Jesse Watters did a segment on Machiavelli “ The Prince”…..other than slaughtering the pronunciation of Machiavelli, it was a good historical analogy for viewers to grasp the scope of all the corrupt and unconstitutional “means” that have been taken to “justify the end “…. Maintaining power. It’s all quite astounding.
No, no, no. Trump is the existential threat to democracy . . . so we have to rig the elections so he can't win. That's how democracy works!
LOL! We must destroy democracy to save our Democracy…. Got it.
That must be the follow up to George W’s
“I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system,”
I didn't think there'd ever be a dumber president than W.
But boy was I wrong...
Ain’t that the truth
W. Got away with it.
And the standards were modified to suit.
What democracy? The bank bailouts in 2008 proved that democracy was only a myth used to win the support of the masses, while in reality we are ruled by criminal elites.
The current system by default is not democracy. Voting either side is not your side.
Not when the 'good guys' do it.
Wow, everyone screams interference when other countries allegedly try to influence OUR elections but we don't have any problems sticking our nose into THEIR elections! Then we wonder why we are so hated around the world! I have a solution: before ANY taxpayer dollars are proposed for overseas projects they should be voted on BY THE PEOPLE. Direct vote, no House or Senate nonsense.
but but but- we are the "good guys" as we poison and murder our own population in plain sight...... with our "food supply" and "sick care". Health care hasn't existed for quite some time.
We The People are the good guys. Our gov't is the bad guys.
SOME of We the People are the good guys.
The people behind this ten-years-long sh1tshow are definitely NOT the good guys.
Neither are the complete dopes who keep voting in the bad guys because they are corrupt, lazy, immoral & believe in “free” f’ing anything or everything.
It's ONLY been 10 years?! 😫
Not sure when Ovomit bin Laden first started screwing around with the US but it has definitely been longer than ten years! I was pretty wound up earlier. More wound up than I am right now anyway. More like fifteen years (Jan 2009-continuing). Still not in jail either. Because that would be racist.
Well looking at the latest news the US interfered (via 5eyes) in US elections too
Yup. Another way to surreptitiously offshore violation of our rights.
I keep trying to stop using a particular epithet but I am going to have to call them all fucking sons of bitches who I hope get buggered by Saguaro cacti. Repeatedly. Or grenades. Grenades will work...especially if paired with the previously mentioned Saguaro cacti.
Agree with Mrs McFarland - wonderful yet subtle headslap.
Lolol. You two are cracking me up!
You started it, O purveyor of what just may possibly be one of the most perfect insults ever: "surreptitiously offshore violation of our rights"
I may need to bogart it myself!
I’m so plagiarizing this line… it is so perfect and off the majority of people’s radar screens!
“surreptitiously offshore violation of our rights.”
🙌 I totally agree!
Except for when the one country that has captured our government and been using it for their own ends at our expense does it. Then it is hailed as cooperation with our one friend in the ME.
That will never happen without a revolution. The whole representative government is a ruse, and has been since they stopped adding representatives proportional to the population.
And always have!!
Nothing Biden does surprises me.
The name Biden will come to be synonymous with crime and corruption, joining Capone, Sinaloa, Escobar, and others.
Or saying, "D@mn it - I really bidened that one up!"
😂🤣 I like that one!
I thought it would become synonymous with the effluvience deposited in adult Depends.
Hope so
I hope not. Escobar did a lot more for his community than Biden ever did or ever will do.
And should also include Obama.
He/she pulled a Biden.
On the one hand, yes; on the other hand, I seem to be shocked nearly every day these days!
it is more shocked by their audacity rather by that what they do. And I wonder how much of what biden 'does', he does himself. Close to nothing I would think
They have been getting away with it, so why quit now. I don't believe Biden himself even knows where he is or what is going on anymore. The people really running things knew he was getting dementia when they ran him for pResident, hid him in the basement for the campaign, so he got 81 million votes, of course. Then also filled his regime with idiotic front people, captured all the agencies of government, and called it a democracy. We get the government they select for us.
Oh what a shocking treasure Gatito. Did you find this under the couch?
"Taxpayer funded"
Should all of us be getting thank you notes?
Who started this "passing out our funds" to other countries?
It is uh, racist and frankly, insulting.
Here's a more insidious way they interfere with elections with our tax dollars:
Dr Malone mentioned this today (yesterday?). I love my country but I hate their government.
Isn't it scary?
Very scary! I don't understand the kind of person who will blow up a country because they don't agree with parts of it. Too h3ll with the majority I guess. We've been putting up with Obama bin Laden for decades so why couldn't they just behave themselves until they were next in line??? I thought we all learned about taking turns by the end of kindergarten!
Do we know what country "Obama bin Laden" went to kindergarten in? Maybe they didn't teach taking turns there.
🤣🤣🤣 I call him that because it would probably annoy him. He's an SOB among SOBs!
H€LL Yuma 😊
Imagine still thinking our elections are legitimate.
Also, I’m so glad we’re giving the multi billionaire more money. He surely can’t afford it on his own.
He's Hungarian but he is banned from returning. And we thought he just hated us! His son is an even bigger POS. My question? Who let that SOB get close enough for there to be a son??
IMO the real slap in the face is that it was pocket change.
I completely agree.
oh darn, I was just thinking about moving to Hungary !
Tucker's interview of Viktor Orban made me want to move there too!
Nicely and intelligently said lies are still lies.
I am starting to think 99% of the world lies.
sure sounds like someone who is in the know, just like Putin, a well-educated and careful man. I am not sure which language is more difficult LOL
Yes!! I've been an Orban fan since Tucker's first interview. I saw the most wonderful YouTube video of children singing the Russian National Anthem. It. Was. So. Beautiful!!
Biden is the enemy of our people, the president of Amerika.
"to whom does the primacy of
prerogative accrue?"
- bad cat
I think we know.....
Yes gato I know you meant it for the legal system and 1A...but it pretty much applies to all the machinations of these thieves!
We don't got no 1st A. We did once but we don't now.
I'm still acting as if I do. Damn the consequences.
That's how we take back our rights.
Never give up, never surrender! And stock up!
*leans forward, thrusts lapel in Ryan's general direction*
"Could you kindly please repeat that, please. No - over here"
*leans further*
So, in Latin - Mew Bono ?
hey gato or anyone else - my wife was asking me this morning if there was any charts comparing places with high vax to continued COVID. we are just noticing anecdotally that our prominently multi-vaxxed friends seem to be sick all the time and have had multiple bouts of COVID while we dirty unvaxxed disbelievers had one bout in the winter or 2021 and despite my going to a lot of indoor music and parties since and during "The Pandemic" haven't had COVID again.