Damn those reckless ideologues promoting dangerous concepts like free speech and open dialogue! 😤

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Well, isn't that their angle. Freedom is dangerous - you could fall and break a leg. So big daddy needs to protect you, by confinement in padded cell, for your own good, or something.

And it is getting ever more agreement among the luxury-bored, sissified younger generations.

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Sissified is soooo true. Hard to find REAL men among our society of Sheeple boys with hurt feelings, sensitivity issues, $200 hair styles, ink all over 90% of their flesh and 50 piercings, wearing their pants down below their underwear with no self-respect, let alone respect for parents or elders.

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Hah, looking at your profile description, you'd take me for a sissy, too, lol. BUT I have zero piercings or tattoos and my hair style costs $0, I hope some redeeming choices! (well you wouldn't like the hair perhaps :D)

But if you at all followed the forming "culture" at universities, of "safe spaces" that are to protect the "woke"est from being exposed to "offensive" thoughts or so, ... I was thinking of that when writing it. Kids/youth like that are also the ones agreeing facebook etc should "protect" them from "mean posts" etc., and reference kids who got depressive or worse due to online bullying as justification. They don't see the obvious answer of actually providing kids with the strength to not be crushed by something like that - no, there must be some super power that, from the top, "protects" everyone, even from words, these days.

Everything gets geared more towards maximizing dependence on the whims of politicians or whoever pulls their strings, from all sorts of angles, and this doesn't look like conincidence to me.

In Germany, politicians have fireplaces in 1-family-homes in their sights, bad for environment blah (even though it is extremely common that they are secondary heating, as a fallback or a cozy christmas, so their impact is not that big). Well, and said homes themselves.

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And diapers on their face!...;)

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Great description!!

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Thank you. I’m 61, served 7 years active Army and 16 reserve, have a 24yo son serving active Army now. College grad. I’m a proud dad and we’re both patriots (domestic enemy terrorists according to the DOJ). We love our country!

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Perhaps the problem is you.

No. They can’t be it. It must be the sissies. Yes, that’s it.

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Yeah, very likely, given that he speaks of a generally observable phenomenon & trend.

When I know anyone who is in dire need of a crystal clear perception of what's going on in the world, to make a super important decision for his life, I will refer him to you.


If he is an enemy, that is.

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If anyone needs to make an important decision, they should refer to the person in the mirror.

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Agreed, except I would say Big Mommy :-)

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Depends on what Big Mommy is identifying as that day.

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Genderfluid birth-giving-person, please.

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And my favourite of all time: a pregnant 'person' .....

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Freedom is dangerous - to those that seek control.

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Well, we all know that free speech is a superspreader of mis and disinformation. That is why we need TRUSTED(tm) sources of the honest truth(s) such as the gobermint and the proper legitimate media to tell us what is right. Besides, most of the non-official media doesn't have ads for wonderful and useful products from soap companies and and pharmaceuticals to make our lives more better, don't ya know. That is why I always get up and watch television all day long, and so should you.

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I know, it's just so wrong!! Trump will be back on any minute now, and the world will go up in a fiery ball!!

The popcorn machine is working overtime. God bless that mischievous elf Elon Musk.

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I was not a Musk fan before the Twitter deal, I must admit. I'd lumped him in as part of the problem. Not convinced yet he isn't. But I do owe him a thanks for the entertainment of creating a situation that forced self-identified "liberals" and "progressives" to go on TV and the internet proclaiming the evils of free speech. The detailed and convoluted explanations of why we just could not risk letting people hear the wrong things was just hours of good fun.

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Jacinda would approve.

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‘Letting’? I though Twitter management and shareholders INSISTED and sued Spangle of the Heavens Elon to make him do so. Or was that mis/disinformation?

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I am irretrievably sceptical I’m afraid. Whilst I 100% welcome what EM ‘appears’ to be doing in the service of free speech I think this acquisition is a controlled opposition psyop.

Who on the side of freedom and liberty would question the true intent of a character seemingly demonised by the very state that seeks to take these freedoms away? By positioning Musk as a free speech hero they have fabricated an embryonic totalitarian Trojan Horse.

Twitter is a powerful platform on which to build a digital access gateway. One that requires ID verification. One that could easily be supported by a global StarLink network. One that could monitor and grant (read withdraw) privileges that we currently enjoy constitutionally.

If you wanted a mechanism to deploy CBDCs you might find Mr Musk’s proposition a perfect fit. And if you wanted to minimise friction from sceptical dissenters you might find his manufactured reputation convenient.

I don’t buy it.

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I am skeptical as well. The set up is too perfect. Censoring and banning, angering many until a "hero" finally dives in to save the day. A bit of research into Musk ought to have sent up some red flags for all of us who did all we could to avoid becoming part of the mRNA experiment. This is a spook drama for the world. Squeeze hard, then loosen up. Watch as lemmings all run into the nest of the blue bird - even those who previously shunned the app. Yay for free speech! Quick get on board.

I can see where this is quite possibly a trap, a smart trap at that - unlike the shots. This is a web and the spider is just waiting patiently. There is yet much to be done.

Be vigilant friends. Trust should be earned. Wait. Watch. Remember, we're the mice.

(PS - Did you know "Bluebird" was the CIA's code name for MK Ultra?)

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I did not know that. Thank you!!

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Thanks to you, I’m deleting the app from my phone yet again. Fomo had me downloading the app again today, after I deleted all of the mainstream apps about a year ago.

I downloaded the app but I couldn’t bring myself to set up an account. I’m just so pi$$ed at the country for what they allowed Twitter to do- censor the sitting president of the United States! How in the world did people get so brainwashed, they don’t see blatant constitutional violations anymore?

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Good for you! It's an addiction.

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I am skeptical but hopeful.

He did say that he wasn't taking the vaccine:


And he called out the tests as well:


Other than that he seems to have remained pretty silent on most of the covid scam.

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No, you didn’t buy it, Elon Musk did. In the meantime more people can say a man can’t have a baby, the clot shot killed more people than the virus and pronoun abuse by Leftists is stupid.

It’s a start. Elon can try to leverage business ideas on the platform. He bought it.

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I hope you’re right.

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IMO, you are completely correct. This is terrifying honestly. If you research Musk, which you have, you will find he is not a friend.

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Agreed. James Corbett, has a couple of recent videos on Musk: https://www.corbettreport.com/musk/


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I don’t think any of us should trust Musk. He’s a intelligence asset, no doubt about it. He smells of controlled op and this time, instead of leftists being conned, it will be the conservatives who think Musk is their white knight, riding in to save the day. Hogwash! Hold onto your pocketbooks…

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You shouldn’t trust Musk because skepticism is a decent neutral stance.

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We can't know what Musk is until we see what he does. It's time to wait and watch, judge him by what he does.

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Agree. How he acts is what is important. That said, I don't see how he could make Twitter worse

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I agree with you. Hoping im wrong. For now ill just enjoy watching the Billy Baldwins of the world cry and ill hope for the best.

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I agree with u 100%

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When the people need a hero we will be sure to provide one.

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Well, one of the few times we ditched the devil we knew. Maybe it will be better and Big Brother won't happen. It was sure heading that way otherwise.

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“Could” is doing way too much heavy lifting here. Same with “if”.

Reads like pure speculation.

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With you all the way.

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Oct 30, 2022
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Thanks Lucinda. I just subscribed to 2ndsmartest…

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It becomes a ‘public utility’ when certain people don’t like the politics of the new owner. Now Twitter must be govt-regulated speech (as if that wasn’t precisely what it was before!).

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Funny thing about that is, Elon himself is pushing the "public utility" angle with his recent post-acquisition remarks. It's all about the "public square" and social utility and never mind making a profit.

But this clown doesn't seem aware of what he's actually saying. If Twitter were a genuine, legal "public utility" like the telecom giants then they would be much more heavily regulated. You could sue them for censorship and so forth.

Anyway, it's all posturing and pearl-clutching. In any case, I don't think it's a good idea to enshrine pseudo-monopolies and encrust them with state overseers. Haven't we seen enough regulatory capture already?

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Your point highlights the quandary. There is now a huge level of stealth monopolistic cooperation between social media and the elements of government which have illegally captured power. They both need each other in a symbiosis of evil.

The irony is that the only way to bust this unholy alliance is by anti-monopoly regulation. It is no different than the trust-busting legislation of the 20th Century that took down Bell Tel and earlier, Standard Oil.

But now…this recourse is chimeric because when the lawmakers are part of the problem, the solution likely cannot come through government unless a sea change can flush the corruption and again make government responsive to those it’s supposed to serve.

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Twitter and Facebook wouldn't survive without massive shadow subsidies. They've never been profitable. Just withdraw the spook bucks and the whole facade would crumble. Probably the same for Google, even.

Not going to happen under Elon, though. He's an actor.

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Firing 75% of the Twitter staff is NOT an “act.”

I suggest you give Musk a chance before writing him off as an “actor!”

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It was the same deal with Standard Oil. Breaking it into a half-dozen little giants who didn't actually compete with each other (because their boards were all interlocking directorates) just gave the appearance of having done something, while broadening and cementing Rockefeller control. It's such a timeworn scam at this point.

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We all realize Global Digital ID is coming. Do a search of Twitter and digital ID (use Presearch or another decent browser) and see how much tech has been developed, just waiting for the go-ahead. And once you have a Tweeter ID, you are theirs. Your personal info, medical records, and banking will be found in that ID. Chips will follow. They've had the technology for years, and now they are collecting willing, though fooled, participants. Like Hotel California - you can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave.

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It's interesting that he admits it is like a public utility. If the left had their way, they could not just ban you from Twitter, but shut off your water or electricity for wrong-speak.

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I believe the advice they gave when the shoe was on the other foot was, "Go build your own, crybaby"

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Man! It became a public utility faster than the speed of SCIENCE!😂

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It would be funny if it weren’t so transparently perverse.

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Geez it's almost... Nah surely... Well it's almost like they are good guys when it suits their agenda and "reckless ideologues" when it doesn't. But that would just make them two-faced hypocrites so that can't be it.

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Thankfully Publix has BOGO microwave popcorn this week - the meltdown sh!tshow is delightful so far.

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Lol! At Publix right now.

Doubling back for popcorn!

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The same group now experiencing bunched panties also demanded that Christian bakeries and florists provide goods and services for events antithetical to their faith.

Leftists have gone Evel Kneivel on the shark.

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The bad part is that those bakeries and florists are happily and gladly selling any and all items to anyone with cash to burn. They just won’t make a special “I cut my boobs or schlong off bc I’m a man/woman or I’m gay and married specialty cakes. That’s it. They won’t use their art to glorify things antithetical to their beliefs but you are welcome to buy any cake in the building or request a “generic” cake you can decorate any way you want in the privacy of your own home. So disgusting. What they really want is to put them out of business for being true to themselves because they are jealous they don’t have the same values.

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It seems to be the message they don't want to do, not refuse the buyer. Ask the leftists if they would expect a Jewish baker to do a swastika cake, or would the be deemed grossly offensive.

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I would pay money to see the rainbow-brigades try to force a mosque or synagogue or moslem/jewish bakery or similar to comply with their agenda.

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he spelled far leftist censorship utility wrong

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I am Spanish and live in Spain, and actors and actresses here behave with the same foolishness, arrogance and naivity. They must share the same tap water from an undisclosed transoceanic pipeline...

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I am a Brit living here. I didn't think it was as bad, but then I don't watch much TV and my Spanish isn't as good as it should be.

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Hello, Pobrecolli. I suppose artistic leftism in Spain derives from the difficulties to introduce some progressive ideas in old Franco´s Spain. Then it was understandable. Now it is just this naive, totalitarian leftism that is razing the world, although it hasn´t gotten as bad as the woke leftism in the USA. It will in due time...

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JUST IN - Twitter to form a "content moderation council," Musk says.

"No major content decisions or account reinstatements will happen before that council convenes," he added.

From DiscloseTV

Hmmm, our reckless ideologue doesn’t look reckless enough...

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Musk must show an effort to create reasonable standards otherwise he’s subject to Goolag and evil Apple yanking his app off their download stores. Remember how they destroyed Parler?

Woke Corps also looking to sink the ship, GM allegedly yanking advertising.

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Parler is not destroyed. I use it all the time

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Oct 29, 2022
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It’s conceivable I guess that our favorite net-zero supporting, UBI loving, WeChat admiring, brain implant creating, young global leader is trolling the liberals. I’m not holding my breath.

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He’s conning the conservatives. The leftist libbies have long ago been conned. Trust NO ONE with that much power. Ever.

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Agree. But I'd rather be in the position we're in today than 2 days ago.

But, I suppose that could be worse too.

I've certainly found out that cynicism is an attribute during times like this.

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Not sure if I am curious enough to do my toe into that cesspool again! It makes me wonder if they aren’t trying to win over independents and conservatives to their side at the last min by luring us away from sites like Gab or TruthSocial! I almost fell for it by considering rejoining with a new account earlier today. FOMO i tell you

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Wow, the incessant hypocrisy of the left never ceases to amaze! 🤪

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Everybody's pro-choice as long as it's the right choice according to their ideology.

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