CDC finally admits that vaccinated are spreading it. This was pretty obvious and I mentioned this earlier in one of your posts. The entire narrative for widespread, one size fits all distribution of these vaccines is quickly unraveling. All mandates, vaxports, etc are completely and utterly useless at this point.

What are the chances the media connects these dots and finally starts to realize that this war on covid is about as winnable as the war on drugs.

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I know you are just a kitten and maybe somewhat new to the world stage, but there've been quite a few "whiplash" worthy moments in the past seventeen months.

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"emotional whiplash" = rational push back and questions

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I'm in Florida. The hospitals aren't filling up with COVID patients. If a patient is admitted for any reason--angina, atrial fibrillation, abdominal abscess, etc, they get a COVID test daily. These are generally older and sicker patients who may or may not have been vaccinated. When that fragment of mRNA is present, BINGO! we got a COVID ICD-10 so we can collect on all that lost revenue last year when there were no patients. They may or may not have any symptoms. I'm a physician. I work at a hospital owned clinic with an Urgent Care next door. I walk over periodically when mail get erroneously sent there. I've asked my friends who work there what is happening, because THERE IS NOBODY IN THE WAITING ROOM, NO AMBULANCES, NOBODY COMING IN. They have told me that people are coming in from time time with allergy symptoms, sniffles, watery eyes, maybe a headache, some are vaccinated, some not. They're worried they have COVID. They get a test and the PCR is +. THE SAME WORTHLESS PCR AS ALWAYS. Nobody is getting admitted to the hospital with full blown COVID, much less dying from it. They're false positives. If unvaxxed they're sent home with Rx for Zpack, maybe HCQ, Atarax or nasal decongestants. If they're vaxxed they are literally told to take OTC cold meds and rest for a few days. WE ARE BEING PLAYED AGAIN AND DO NOT FALL FOR IT FOR FFS IT IS TIME TO DISOBEY THESE MONSTERS AND LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!!! In fact, it may be better to let 'er rip this time and get wild type immunity ASAP. It's now a cold. Stop believing the coordinated hype. The unvaxxed ICU patients in the Stroke/Bible Belt are morbidly obese, they all have underlying med problems. Now more than ever, Americans must lose weight and exercise, and turn off the LIARS and DEMONS in power.

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Even if the vaccines work at the needed efficacy - which seems unlikely since CDC is asking NOT to collect stats on vaccinated unless they end up in hospital or dead - probably should’ve given at beginning of season (Aug-Oct) like the flu shot rather than end. And the few people around here who put their masks back on parade around like they have special stars on their bellies or something.

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cdc including dr fauci are concerned the vaccines don't work, so they want to impsoe masks for vaccinated peeps. if the vaccine don't work then it is likely not worth the risk bc there is no safety data..... they will be force to admit vaccines are not safe about the time 'we' are on the gamma variant.

just say no to the covidian cartel!

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tell them the truth for a change ?

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Interesting post 9https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/defining-away-vaccine-safety-signals) on the way CDC manipulates data to hide adverse events.

"Now, consider what would happen if an extremely dangerous vaccine were introduced that resulted in 20 times as many AEs of all types as all the other vaccines to which it gets compared.

The PRR remains invariant in the scaling of adverse events!

This means that one vaccine that kills and cripples 20 or 50 or 1,000 times as much as a very safe vaccine will show the same PRR (mild adjustments for variables c and d notwithstanding), and no safety signal will be identified by the CDC. By design. In my circle of discussion, I've found out (to my dismay) that this definition of PRR has also been used for other vaccines."

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Why emotional whiplash?

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