Well, many players tried hard to virtue signal with the co-opted rainbow paraphernalia early on.

Given their predilection from suffering near fatal injuries from only a breeze, draws one conclusion.

Soccer is G A Y.

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Oh man, is your social credit score gonna take a hit when they uncover this post in 10 years. Your rations will be downgraded from barbecue flavored grasshopper protein to earthworms...plain...unsalted even...

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by el gato malo

How can you eat your bug pudding if you don’t eat your bug meat!

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It'll be a simple downgrade, as the Ministry of Health will have outlawed salt entirely by then.

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Just make the liberals cry and you'll have an easily replenished source of salt.

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Well, that shouldn't be hard!

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I wonder if my late mother ate too little salt. (She rather stringently avoided it.) Collapsed, hit her head, and died.


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The salt issue was one of the first rabbit holes I went down where I began to understand that public health advice is mostly hopeless. The evidence that salt is bad for you is paper-thin and probably only applies to a small sub-set of the population that are sensitive to sodium levels. The rest of us should just have at it.

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Put differently, moderation likely extends rather higher than "public health" advice suggests. Japanese people seem to safely ingest much more.

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I have to make myself eat salt. I am consistently low in sodium on blood tests.

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I did for years. I was chronically anxious. Went down the salt rabbithole. I feel so much better. I was dosing salt for about 2 years. I no longer want it, but I still salt my food.

After surgery, I had the shakes. I asked for salt and was told it was not on hospital property! I explained to the nurse that they were doing many a disservice with that policy

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Well, I was able to read the first 2 paragraphs. 😕

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I’ll take unsalted earthworms over soylent green any day, that stuff is nasty!

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They are getting us used to the idea.

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it's green too.

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Yep. I saw this at the store last year and shit a brick. I could not believe what I was looking at.

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Holy Shit! I almost choked on my coffee when I saw that. I'm tempted to agree with you, as NO ONE would name their product that without good reason.

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Oh my God so many funny comments today! I love it.

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Watch the soccer episode of the cartoon "Teen Titans Go" from cartoon network. It several years old, still hilarious. I have little ones of course.

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No, but the drama is. In the same way that hockey suffers from over-glorifying toughness, soccer allows and awards whining and drama in the way the litigate the rules.

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I’ll take the toughness thanks. Here’s a link that showcases the difference.


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That was great! If I had to choose a new favorite sport, it would NOT be soccer aka football. Completely cringe-worthy.

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No. Just cheaters. FIFA doesn't give a shit about reforming the rules to make it cleaner, they just love virtue signaling and keep it dirty on purpose (I bet that betting deals are lucrative LOL). Corrupt referees can influence and even decide a match with no repercussions. Fandom even celebrates of tolerates cheating as being "cunning". Which is very south american, but euros are f'n cheaters too while playing the victim, the "first worlder virtue signaling", etc. This and other reasons made me leave soccer "fandom" many years ago.

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Oh haha I thought he was having a heart attack from the 💉.

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Same here!

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Well, I did it again. I tried to find soccer interesting and actually tuned in for a game...or match...or whatever they call it. No dice.

It's just slow-motion hockey on land and with more players, but without the speed, thrills, and excitement of hockey.

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I went to the first professional soccer game in the US, in Philadelphia, in 1966 or 67. There were maybe a hundred or two spectators. It never caught on as something Americans thought was worth paying to see. Next to 'boring' in the dictionary is a picture of a soccer game. Cats, however, find it perfect for taking 3 hour naps during. Me, too.

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At the best of times, people can't take Americans seriously and indeed this is one of those times. With your 'Cats, however, find it perfect for taking 3 hour naps during' ditty - you clearly don't know how long a Football (no s in FIFA) match takes, which is pretty embarrassing when it comes to general knowledge.

So no, pretty difficult to take you seriously and your dictionary patter was really quite humiliating when you are an adult - if that is indeed true.

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Ridiculous analysis.

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That crash was Fernando Alonso at Australia in 2016. He was going 300 kp/h not 250 miles per hour. Still a hell of a wreck though. If I remember correctly he broke a rib.


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And he still races

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The grandpa of the grid. He should have more championships but cannot pick teams to save his life.

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I know it’s frustrating. His skills are amazing. Imagine what he would be doing in a great car

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If we put Alonzo in the Ferrari or the Mercedes what do you think would happen? Even one of the *kids* for that matter! Hahaha 🤣

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Pick teams? Explain how that works? Hahahaha!

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He hand picked McLaren in 2007. He then behaved poorly and chose to break his contract and leave back to Renault. After that he chose to go to Ferrari which is a notorious dumpster fire. He then decided to sign on to the McLaren Honda project that blew up in everyones faces. He's considered a top 3 driving talent on the grid and for many years the #1 driving talent.

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Hah! Thanks! 😊 "The best intentions pave the way to Hell,"

What’s your take on VR 46’s late career?

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This is only funny because it is pathetically true!

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There is a very simple solution to this problem. If a player is rolling around in agony clearly he is in need of medical intervention. He MUST be taken to the sidelines for 5 minutes to be checked out by a doctor, while play continues. A substitute may immediately enter the game if one is available but the injured player may not return to the pitch. Nobody should object to the rule because it is for player safety, and safety is the most important thing.

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"....the injured player may not return to pitch..."

You had me until you switched mid-sentence to baseball.

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I think "the pitch" is what soccer (oops, "football") players and fans call the field where they play.

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I know, I was just making fun of soccer/futbol/foosball ... whatever they call it these days! ';)

No sport deserves it more!

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👍 ⚽️=👎🤢🤮💩

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ROFL, love it! (With apologies to fans of association football who may be reading this. 🙂)

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Ah, I understand now, thanks! ⚽🦵

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FIFA doesn't want to clean up the game. It's all about cheating and corruption. Also, americans suck at soccer. Well, they suck at almost every other sport they invented too. Thank God for the "big tanned people" so they don't suck at basketball.

Maybe if americans kicked FIFA out of soccer (we could name it Football or foot-football to avoid confusion) it would become attractive.

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And the Oscar for best dramatic actor goes to Cristiano Ronaldo for his performance in "Commie Kickball."

On a personal note, my youngest son was sent in at the beginning of the second half after taking a breather with the admonition to "score a goal now." He headed a ball in for a goal, assisted in a follow up goal, then drew a penalty, all in about 1 minute. He was helped off the field...😂😂😂

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This is a sign of our times when everyone is a special snowflake and easily offended and 'wounded' but insignificance while the guy who just survived a crash or survived being on the Ukrainian/Russian front is simply glad to be alive.....but what does reality have to do with anything when you live in a virtual world?????

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being a life long hockey player.... couldn't help it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OXdfJgCmLc give blood. play hockey.

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Too funny. I find that the women flop less then the men in soccer. This made me reminisce about a game my then about 11 year old daughter played. She was basically tackled by a player twice her size and went flying, came off for a quick check and immediately asked to go back in. Driving home later, we heard her say from the back seat..."Um, I think I broke a tooth"

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Upon seeing that,I'd be embarrasses to date one of those soccer bois... they could use to pull their big girl panties up.

The hockey shots? Yes,please.

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I'm in Wales in the UK. England are playing France, with France one goal ahead as of 15 minutes ago. I'm rooting for France, because Wales hate England anyway, because the French have better food, and because if France win they face Morocco, and for that match every gendarme in France will have his/her/their leave cancelled as the atmosphere in the banlieus should be interesting to say the least. :-)

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Oh my I hadn’t thought of that! Maybe I should be grateful the albiceleste sent oranje home last night. We would have death and destruction in the streets of Rotterdam.

Thousands of protesters and police violence for three years straight and not a word in the MSM, but Morocco WINS a game and my sister in the states sends me a desperate message in the middle of the night asking me if we’re all okay. I don’t even live in Rotterdam! 🔥 😂

I told hubby tonight that maybe we should be more grateful for the citizens who so strongly identify with their Moroccan roots because I don’t think we are escaping the 2030 serfdom without serious violence and bloodshed. This culture is clearly prepared to undertake that, so we ought to celebrate it! Vive La France then!

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Stop mocking....shirt injuries are the absolute worst

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i coulda been a pro footballer but i just couldnt dive good enough

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I can't help noticing that this "kitten corner" is signed by el gato malo instead of gatito bueno.

I'm starting to suspect that they're the same animal.

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*mreow!* perish the thought!

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My husband commented similarly this morning (he’s a cyclist, NOT pro, and we regularly watch road, track, and cx)…”we watch guys crash going 50mph(80kph) that get back on their bikes and keep racing”, what’s up with these World Cup dudes?”

Maybe they’ve been taking flop lessons from Lebron?


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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

Sometimes guys go down like a sniper shot them. You have to search for the kitty snipers.

Check out sniper kitty milo:


Oh look at the time, gotta go. The England vs France showdown quarterfinal is underway! Vive Le France!

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Notice the Brazilian jersey. The are the worst actors. Italy used to be famous for falling down in a light breeze, but Brazil has held the torch for a while. A simple rule change would get rid of the drama...if you are not on your feet in 20 seconds you get substituted out of the game. Boom. acting classes over. That said it's still the sport closest to art when done well.

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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022

You guys just clearly don't understand. Shame on your self-centered pettiness!

When you're an elite, finely-tuned athlete, getting a cleat to the top of the foot can discombobulate the senses and send you down into a pit of physical and psychological agony ... the likes of which I can only compare to child birth.

Would you complain about a mother crying out in agony 2 minutes before giving birth? I don't think you would ... and I don't think you should!!

Think about THAT the next time you watch a futbol game!!

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