On a serious note, the fake formula shortage caused Biden to sign an executive order to invoke the “Defense Production Act” from the Korean War (Truman) which gives executive to force manufacturers to give priority to defense production, to expand government and private defense production capacity, RATION CONSUMER GOODS, fix wage and price ceilings, control consumer credit, extend antitrust protections to any industry, regulate real estate construction and loans and establish a voluntary reserve of private sector executives who would be available for “emergency federal employment.”

So monopolies are allowed (corporate fascism on steroids), they can ration our food, they can prevent people from buying or building homes, and stop loans altogether. This is crippling stuff.

Create a crisis to pass legislation (or justify an executive order) to remove rights and privileges. The Abbott event was completely staged. It’s ludicrous to think formula was short nationwide overnight. Completely ludicrous. The effort that went into that was enormous. And it was admittedly a false flag after all.

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Abbott needs to sue. Third month, still shut down. They already tried making noise on social media, time to escalate. DPA was already in effect from covid.

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I’m sure Abbott has been well compensated.

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Abbott made a groveling public apology about how evil they are for causing the "crisis". So, no. I don't think upsetting Daddy Warbucks is in their plan.

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Biden “re-invoked” it on May 18 to “speed up production” of baby formula.

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Trump used the DPA to make killer ventilators, too. Meh

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Biden “re-invoked” it in response to the fake baby formula crisis on May 18. They’re building up for the next crisis.

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Early August.

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I say again, what is the deal with you americans and baby formula? And is it really that much of a bother to make your own gruel? Or purée?

I must admit I'm finding it very hard to actually believe this is such a major issue as it seems - it looks like Tarantella-style hysteria from the outside. So there's a shortage of one product, then get something else and make your own, seems not to be an option? Are you actually experiencing Soviet style queues?

Seems a lot of people needs to retake the lesson called "Learning to do without". Also, I thought "the free market" would automagically fix any problem. It seems quite as adept as socialism when it comes to fixing problems and then selling the solution.

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Laziness and ignorance probably. Well there is mother’s milk, but a lot if woman don’t want to breast feed.

It’s not so difficult above 12 months as cow’s milk and solid foods can be given, but very young babies need liquids. Cow’s milk has problems unless occasional and in small quantities, but goat’s milk and rice milk are alternatives.

But if people start buying alternatives, they too will suffer shortages.

“Also, I thought "the free market" would automagically fix any problem.”

It does, but only when it is free. When Govt is involved, it is screw up not fix.

A free market would have started importing baby formula months ago, and in any case there would be more domestic suppliers - one big, big, company produces 40% of supply.

Govt regulation - which is protectionist for the big companies - regulatory capture - so smaller companies cannot compete, and external tariff and non-tariff barriers keep foreign competition out.

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Due to the gov created plandemic, small companies probably have all died out. Luckily here, we had a very short lockdown, but imagine in some states, there was almost a year where small places could not open. They must all be broke now.

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"They must all be broke now" That was always the plan! This continuous stream of manufactured crises was designed, and is being skillfully implemented, to eliminate the middle class.

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One of the most significant contributions to the ease with which our rulers are able to impose these never-ending "crises" is their total control of what laughingly passes today for "education". The three quarters of a century since WWII have seen a massive 'dumbing down' of three generations. 'Boomer's' parents, the "depression generation", were definitely able to "make do". And many of us boomers actually absorbed that attitude, and many of the skills, from our parents.

Then an ugly, loathsome, filthy, disease somehow infested our schools. And insinuated itself into our mindset. Socialism! Socialist indoctrination replaced civics. And basic literacy, numeracy, and life skills. Generations of young people look not to the family, but to the omnipresent, omnipotent, all-powerful State. For everything! Including baby formula. We are no longer "free", in any meaningful sense. We don't have the basic skills to make baby foods at home, (the way our grandparents did). And, sadly, we no longer have the will to learn how. (FYI: It's not difficult - we did it. Before "formula" was invented. Many years ago. Learned how from our depression era parents).

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here in the US, there are many many many mind numb people that are dependent on products. They have no common sense or ability to learn.

This might be a "problem" world wide? There are many that do not know how to take care of themselves much less the children they produce and send off to public schools, do exactly as the pediatrician tells them without question. For many, life is so complicated but hey, they can turn on the tv and get what they need to survive.

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Exactly! That’s why we’re in this mess. Dumb and dependent. I’m preparing for mass chaos as mass food shortages begin. People are going to lose their sh*t and they’ll do just about anything to feed their families.

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I think lots of fast food places will jump up like mushrooms

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What an awful thought.

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Well if no one wants to cook at home, that seems to be the only solution. I hope I am wrong. I hate fast food places. (this means I hardly ever go out to eat. If I want fast food, I open a can of beans, wrap a tortilla around some salad greens and tomatoes, and there it is)

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completely agree

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Entitlement. The US and Canada view themselves as elitist, especially the younger millennials and Gen Xers, that have never had to struggle for anything in their lives. They think they are geniuses because they do TikTok and Instagram.

As an older citizen of Canuckistan, that has gone through the severe 80s recession, and the 08 financial crisis, and suffered and survived both, I say it’s THEIR turn to learn something about self-survival and learn to be resourceful, and, STOP EXPECTING MOMMY GOVERNMENT TO SAVE YOU FROM YOUR EXCESSES!

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Me too. Agreed

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Nobody seems to be able to cook up a meal in the US anymore LOL. Almost all the people I know go out to eat 3 times a day. They don't even brew their own coffee anymore. I don't know how they can pay for it. With a family of 4 that must cost a fortune ! I alone could not afford it, not just moneywise, but how nutritious are those out meals anyway? And how healthy are these canned baby foods?

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"how healthy are these canned baby foods?" Tsk, tsk! That is one of the many questions you are most emphatically allowed to ask! The answer of course - if you fed that crap to your pets you'd be up on animal cruelty charges.

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it certainly does not taste good. A friend who had to travel bought some for her child and tried it. I can still recall her face !

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Exactly this! Many people don't even know how to shop for their own groceries anymore, and they think they've home-cooked a meal when it came in a box with everything portioned and an instruction card. Better than some of the options out there, but it still comes down to laziness.

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I was about to say the same thing! It's really quite astounding to see how few people know how to cook anything at all!

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What do you cook for a newborn baby?

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I completely agree with you, however our ridiculous FDA is telling people that their babies will die if they make their own formula, even though many many people used to do that

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Well the FDA has a point as homemade formula is deficient in corn syrup solids and soybean oil, both are essential nutrients for growing infants! (Or at least that's what we are supposed to think as they are among the top ingredients in manufactured formula.)

This processed garbage has been considered "food" for less than a hundred years but if babies don't get it they'll somehow be malnourished. People have completely lost the ability to think for themselves.

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A person at the vet asked me if I gave my dog bones. Tsk tsk, she said. Don't give your dog bones. I asked if she ever had seen a fox come out of the woods with a chicken to ask her to debone it for him. That shut her up.

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I had a good laugh recently when my dog excitedly discovered a rather desiccated squirrel carcass and proceeded to eat every bit of it, bones, remaining fur and all. Not even a tummy upset later!

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That’s great. I use that strategy with my doc; telling him to show me the data.

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Yes asking questions and putting the ball back in their court so they have to think works!

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Hard to imagine life without corn syrup and soy protein ( not really). The fertilizer shortage is going to put a dent in corn syrup, maybe. Silver lining?

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If you don't breastfeed from the beginning you can't just summon it up three months later. Most women feed formula (unfortunately) and it is a big deal.

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I’m not saying this to nitpik, but just because many people don’t know this. You actually can relactate after stopping breastfeeding, but it’s difficult, takes time and you may not get your full supply back. Not a solution to the current issue but it might help reduce some families’ reliance on formula.

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You can't afford to wait until you get low on formula though. That's where I'm coming from. Some new mothers have difficulty nursing.

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I agree

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Yes one can. Biological XX women can breast feed their adopted infants.

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Not always

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That’s the point… laziness.

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Not sure if it's safe for a covid "vaxxed" woman to breastfeed her baby.

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Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Keep that poison away from the reproductive and nurturant cycles entirely! At least if you want human milk for the baby and you are vaccinated, get hold of an unvaccinated wet nurse.

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Seems we have a dearth of lactation experts on this thread (I'm one of them) but when I was following the evolving drama around the release of the documentary Vaxxed, many mothers of vaccine-damaged babies discussed the infants inability to "latch" — that is to say they couldn't physically hang on to the nipple with their mouth, thus had to be bottle-fed. Without the natural regularity of breast feeding (breast pumping just isn't the same thing), the milk supply does dwindle to nothing. A lot of the comments here are unduly harsh based on lack of information, imo.

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I’ve been exclusively pumping for five months since my baby was born. He clamped down very hard with his gums and caused bleeding and excessive pain, so I started pumping instead. I even increased my supply dramatically through power pumping and adding extra pumping sessions when he started demanding more around 4 months. I’m not saying that everyone is in the position to do what I did, but it is definitely possible to feed a baby through exclusive pumping.

That being said I agree that the idea “just breastfeed and all your problems will be solved” is not realistic.

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Right JP. My missus could not produce enough milk despite an ample bosom. We pumped as much as we could but feeding involved formula. You can guess that we really means she !

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Thanks, JP. I know that it's possible, but in imagining how much self-discipline it must require, given the other pressures brought to bear with a new baby and the rest of life, I expect it falls behind in exigency for many/most.

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There once was a time when children were more important to families than nearly anything else. The pressures of children really get worse later. IMHO they are worth every bit of effort.

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Absolutely, if you don’t have support or time it gets very difficult

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Thank you all of you for answers and nice debate!

Personally, me and my wife never used formula (was 30 years ago though), instead using grandmothers' (all of them, both hers and mine) recipes for gruel, porridge and how to start the kid on (semi)solids.

Seeing as the boy is a cook (I think you also call it chef), I guess we did something right. :)

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Very little maternity leave is probably a big part of it. Also doctors don’t know how to identify tongue ties at birth which can be easily fixed and help baby latch on well n promote successful breastfeeding.

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I don't really know why they shut down production. Couldn't they just have told people to boil the formula first, if there was a threat of bacterial contamination?

On second thought, a few idiots would have certainly given boiling hot formula to their infant, so...

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I read somewhere, ..... do not know. Some formula producing company in.... ??? somewhere was shut down because there were TWO deaths, and several "sick" infants that were some how tied to this formula at this factory. They shut the whole factory down. I do not know if this is FACT.

However, my thoughts are "swirling" here about the effects of one factory/two deaths/several sick/shutting the whole thing down. Why is this not being done with covid shots? How many deaths have occurred from these horrible junky shots???

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Totally agree in most cases. Realize, though, that this contrived "shortage" is just the one we're heading about. Xiden has done the same for diesel and fertilizer by restricting their chief input's transport by rail. Other,much more serious shortages coming.

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If you are dealing with a healthy baby and healthy mother, it is easy to make do without a formula. Not everyone is so fortunate. There are families whose children require a specialty formula due to multiple food allergies. That is not something you can simply prepare at home from a goat milk or whatever else. Sadly, those situations are hard to understand until you have to deal with them personally and I would not wish those on anyone. I just wish that people would blame the government/companies for this mess not the mothers and children in a vulnerable situation who are affected by it. The shortages are real in case you are wondering. No queues, since there is nothing to buy. Trust me, the families in need of the formula have been dealing with this problem quietly since about February, months before anyone thought to widely report on this.

Let’s see how it works out for everyone in 6-12 months when there will be more food shortages. This is just a preview. I’m sure there are some bread recipes that don’t use any wheat or perhaps you can just grow your own. I’m sure we can all learn to do without.

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Oh Rikard, it's easy for you, you have no idea how hard it is to think

for yourself.

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Bad teeth? I'll take that over Chinese baby formula which will reduce the American population another 5% by poisoning them will Melamine. But totally hilarious meme, gatito! Yeah, Baby!

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Ah, the British bad teeth trope. Very funny! Where did all those bad teeth come from, heredity or poor water quality?

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Lots of good evidence that it's because Britain dramatically increased it's sugar consumption long before the rest of the world. Excessive sugar not only rots the teeth but the work of Weston Price concluded it can lead to jaw deformation and unusual facial structure when consumed in high amounts during youth.

William Dufty's book "Sugar Blues" had several chapters on overseas sugar plantations and the Royal Navy's role in sugar commerce. Britian dominated the seas so they got the sugar. What used to be a rare treat became a staple of the British diet in the 1800's, well before other countries. The results speak for themselves.

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Fascinating info. Agree that sugar is a deadly additive and in some cases, dietary staple that destroys health. Didn’t know this history though. Thanks, Jeff.

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It's supposition on Dufty's part but it makes sense.

If you have not read Weston Price's book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration", I highly recommend you do. Price was a wealthy dentist in the 1930's and a devout Christian. He could not believe that the suffering people were having from dental issues was God's will. So he set out with his wife to study people all over the world who still ate primitive diets. The difference between people eating traditional diets and those eating modern food shocked him, despite the fact they lived in close proximity to each other.

His book is a masterpiece with hundreds of photos documenting what he found. The fact that it's not taught to every doctor is quite a condemnation of the medical system. You can find a free PDF of it here:


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It’s a truly paradigm shifting book!

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Wow! That book is riveting. Great first-person research. I can't stop reading it. Thank you Jeff.

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In most cases neither hereditary nor water quality (our water is excellent, especially sans fluoride), but the effects of class distinctions and poverty: bad diets and lack of affordable access to dental care, especially preventative treatments. On a historical note, if you saw the Peter Jackson colourised film of WWI footage, one of the striking things to observe was how the common soldiers, some still in their teens, barely had any teeth left, while the officers looked comparatively ‘modern’ as far as dentistry was concerned.

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Thanks, Irina!

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Probably bad diet. According to Orwell in Road to Wiggin Pier, the lower classes basically lived on tea with milk and sugar, bread with marg and bully beef. There are quotes like 'Teeth are just a misery'. (That's from memory so maybe not exact).

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Thanks, ER. Love knowing the historical reasons for common conceptions across cultures.

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we dont spend on straightening and whitening teeth like the US but ive seen plenty of your rednecks looking much the same

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meth mouth...

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an' bad nutrition

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I will, as in *will* have nightmares. Thanks loads.

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British teeth are not that bad these days!

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Harsh but fair. The Brits on average do have none too brilliant teeth.

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Shagadelic, baby!

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He's Canadian, one of the greatest.

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Definitely prompted an out-loud laugh

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The powers that be hate you baby.

They hate American kids so much so that they borrow $40 billion from China to finance humanicide in UkroNazi when you're starving to death.

You're so fortunate that gun violence will eliminate you when you go to school very soon...


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about 25 years ago i worked a defense production contract that needed certain parts. the agency thought it a big priority.....

to invoke it we had to get both the secdef and sec of commerce to sign....

we never had a good case.

i wonder if secdef austin signed the request???

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