Can you imagine what kind of complexes the poor children of these cowardly not-lions are going to grow up with?

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His handle - @datadrivenmd what data is he analyzing, Joy Reid data? One day he'll have to explain to his daughter why daddy lacked the courage to be a good dad

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Press X to doubt.

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My query is this: what kind of MD is he that he’s obviously done, in 20 months, absolutely no research on Covid 19. Rather gotten all his information from big media. Would you trust this a*#hole with your health?

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“If I only had a brain”

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easy; stop being a chickenshit coward hiding behind children

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What is the most frightening to me is that this fool has a MD behind his name

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Is it just me, or do any of you feel like you could debate your doctor on anything COVID and win?

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This is what mental illness looks like.

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Some things Jorge "Data Driven" Caballero's daughter is more likely to die of than COVID:

1) auto accident

2) drowning

3) the flu

4) the COVID vaccine

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I would just like take my kids to a doctor and be comfortable that I am not dealing with an idiotic, non-data driven quack. Is that too much to ask?

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She’ll be fine as long as she remains seated in the cart. 🙄

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Oh man! Sorry to comment again, but I just thought of something! If he is "Data Driven" wouldn't he know that the chances of a healthy THREE YEAR OLD even feeling the effects of so-called "covid" are so incredibly low that they don't even really register? I will never get over this portion of my life. (Rolls eyes)

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I heard someone say something amazing the other day that I had never given much thought to: "Courage is a choice."

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I’m personally so so so tired and feel such disappointed at my people in the isla del terror. Here in PR there’s only one way and the wrong way and only two kinds of people: the ones who think there’s two kinds of people and the rest.

I was perusing scented candles in Walgreens about a week ago and, of course, pulled the stupid useless mask down to my chin (mind you, it’s midnight and barely anyone’s around) so I could spend some time pretending I am the pumpkinghead movie character or a Sanrio eraserhead (you know, the erasers you wanted to eat). Not five minutes have passed when the 18 year old guard from the entrance walks by and I swear I could hear the anti lock brake system engage when he saw me. Not a minute later after we start arguing comes another well-meaning idiot claiming she is a nurse and that masks do this and protect from that (my argument with the guard had to do with the misleading advert they play in Walgreens every five minutes, that seems to say it’s okay to go maskless if you’re fully vaccinated -which I am, I had all my childhood vaccines- and nothing to do with what she was bringing up).

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of this fucking charade. There’s no point in trying to explain anything to anyone here.

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"...flying monkeys are SCARY! (those aren’t real, right?)"

If the F.B.I. has a spirit animal, I'm pretty sure it's a flying monkey.

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The fact that these people have children gives me nightmares every night - not hyperbole. I must say that, as a physician, in the past two years, my eyes have been even more opened. If you could see the things I see online from our "trusted" physicians...

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I hope I never need medical care from this bozo.

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I'm confused by the question. Since the three year old has no risk relating to "the virus", is he concerned that the other shoppers are going to hurt the unvaxxed child in a demonic fit of fear?

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Oi, Caballero, tienes que cultivar un par. Un par de que? Cojones, o en tu casito, cojonitos, amiguito.

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Terrifying to think this guy is actually in charge of someone’s health care…

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And he calls himself doctor. That's one of the reasons physicians don't get any respect anymore. Thjey all think like Fraudci

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Never mind: the car ride to and from the store, which is a lot more likely to kill either father and/or daughter; the walk through the parking lot both ways. Can't count on all my fingers and toes the number of times I was almost hit by distracted drivers or drivers rising to get a parking spot; most of the actual food in the store that they'll load the cart with. But yeah, unmasked, unvaxxed folk are definitely the real danger.

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Data driven MD, huh? Let me guess, research on navel gazing?

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Yes, it is too much to ask! You must keep her all by herself in a padded room for the rest of her pathetic, miserable life because she faces many risks in the big, scary world, most of them much, much worse for her than the bogey-virus. There’s the RSV that she’s now at greater risk of because you kept her locked up at home for more than half her life.

And of course she could fall victim to suicide from depression and loneliness brought on by the psychological damage you’ve done to her by teaching her that other humans are walking, talking bags of disease whose presence must be feared, or by isolating her from a key component of human interaction via the pure insanity of “masks”.

Nope, far too risky. Never let her out of the house again.

You selfish, sick, bastard.

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He should be concerned. There's a lot of crap in the cereal isle.

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If you really want to save your daughter's life, put her up for adoption.

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Does the MD stand for “mentally deficient? We’re not talking about aerosolized Ebola here; does he know that?

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Yes, one-in-a-million is pretty darn scary data. Be extra careful DRIVING to the grocery store.

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How can someone become a doctor of medicine and be such a moron at the same time?

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Well Data Driven Jorge here's some data for ya: 2600 fetal deaths reported on VAERS so far. If you got pregnant during vax time you will have two shots and a booster. Oh the gauntlet you have your fetus run. Better hope all that poison stayed in the muscle. The one bright spot Data Driven Jorge is that if you are one of the parents who lost their child to the shots you won't have to buy a booster seat.

The state of medicine in America is an abomination.

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Dr. Caballero should probably get his degree retracted, or take a few more CME classes in infectious diseases. It’s probably more likely a flying monkey will swoop down in Trader Joe’s and take you away then for your child to get severe covid.

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My daddy is 98. He lives in an independent living community full of people with a lot of money, here in Northern Virginia, Ashby Ponds. It is super expensive, and nope, no subsidies even though there are a few ignorant lefties that think they need some poor people to live there.... okay back on point. Very few people have had covid, and very very few (maybe 16 out of 2000 people) have officially died of covid, but they were all in the fancy "assisted living facility" in the community for the people with dementia, the super decrepit, etc.

So, these people were given their own choices. same with the vaxxes. Some have taken the vaxx, many have not. Same with the employees.

My daddy and I are not very careful. He is always using his cloth handkerchief, and wiping his nose. He even drools (just wait until you are 98, swallowing is just another thing to remember to do!) This man survived being a POW in WW2, traveled the entire world with us and my mom. He rarely gets sick.

Covid is a joke.

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His bio says datadrivenMD, LOL. I wouldn't want this credentialed but stupid human being treating my hangnail little less anything else. 3 year old's are at zero risk from the china virus you dimwit.

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Crazy to me that a doctor could be this dumb

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Hip hip Jorge apparently is a doctor. Perhaps he should do some of his own thinking and not just devour the tripe coming out of the CDC and realize that his 3yr old has a roughly 1/100s of 1% chance of dying from the ‘vid. I wonder if he drives 40mph on the highway 😎

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Gotta be a fake account. BUT here at our pool today, saw a woman walk through the gym to our pool with a mask, walk into the pool and float around, with a mask, and then got in the jacuzzi with four other people, with her mask still intact! Mad skillz! (And mad as a hatter- also she could've lost about 60 lbs. but hey, she's "safe" from the virus, right!?)

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Wonder where he received his MD from....good grief....perhaps he should go into the field of dramatic arts and drop the MD. Really makes you wonder who they are allowing into med school and what they are teaching them...OH, perhaps CRT has replaced Immunology and Epidemiology classes. This guy certainly possesses no critical thinking skills whatsoever..

Thanks for the WOO clip; one of the best films ever ever to Infinity!

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Data driven? What a clown.

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Dude is a simp.

His twitter handle says it all, "data driven MD". I guess the data he is looking at is his bank account numbers.

Why do I think these jackals who want to vaxx your kids, despite covid not being a risk to children, will try to be the first in line to get liability claims from the pharma companies, claiming the data lied. Even though he should be able to see the lies, if he really was "data driven".

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Is the "DataDriven" in his screen name meant to be ironic? How many times has he put his kid in a car without considering that is statistically the most likely cause of injury and death in that age group? Or that influenza and RSV have always been a greater risk to 3-year-olds?

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The beginning of the end was when GPs turned into internists and everything got high-tech. Death of cumulative wisdom and all that.

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flying monkeys ARE SCARY! And dr jorge needs to wake up to the real danger to his little princess, which is really propaganda. Going into ANY store, grocery or other wise is NOT a risk to the LIFE of his little PRINCESS. Just FYI to dr jorge.

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Wtf hahaha not sure if I should laugh or cry. Either he’s such a dumbass that he can’t read statistics - cause then he’d know his three year old is at no risk from Covid, or this guy is a pathological liar trying to stir some fear porn for social credit by spreading rona fear… what a tool.

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The world will never be free if fools continue to beg their governments to save them. Now this fool is begging for his 3 year old to get jabbed. And he's a doctor. SMH.

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I agree with calling him Mr rather than Dr, because he certainly didn't stay awake in medical school, certainly not in immunology, microbiology or virology courses.

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And this idiot is a doctor? An assurance that I've been doing the right thing to avoid them all these years, and a reminder to keep even farther away from the profession than ever now.

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Is he this terrified when he DRIVES her to and from that store?

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Oh, man, guys like this make me LOVE my husband.

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