For once, this is clickbait. We've always known that Yersinia pestis was the main cause of bubonic plague. Also, it's not a virus, it's a bacterium spread by fleas, so it's readily controlled with pesticides (to stop the fleas) and antibiotics (to stop the pathogen).
Once extracted and sequenced, the DNA was compared against a database of thousands of microbial genomes.
"One of the hits that we were able to get... was a hit for Yersinia pestis," more commonly known as plague, said Spyrou.
The DNA also displayed "characteristic damage patterns," she added, showing that "what we were dealing with was an infection that the ancient individual carried at the time of their death."
The research team painstakingly reconstructed the Y. pestis genome from their samples and found the strain at the burial site pre-dated the diversification.
they were just going back to the original variants seeking the location of the initial outbreak/original YP.
there was a "big bang" where YP suddenly underwent high change and split into lots of variants. they are looking for (and think they found) the common ancestor.
not sure those are evo dice you'd want to roll again. who knows what something with such potential might react to different evo selectors? just because it went one way last time is no assurance it would track similarly. (or that some daszak style character might not want to tinker with it)
Some bacteria are bone seeking & infect bony sinuses right up above the jaw (infection leaking from teeth) and spreading halfway up the skull.
I know this can happen because it happened to me as a young man.
The consultant dental head doc teased me with questions. Asking did I know what could cause horizontal dark lines in teeth. I did. A certain antibiotic, I think tetracycline. He asked why that might be. I guessed it binds to bony materials. Bingo. He prescribed that & I was sorted in a month.
Thanks for the information, Dr. Yeadon. Yes, it's tetracycline. I know they use dental pulp to identify skeletal remains because it less likely to be contaminated, which is why I found it confusing. I guess if the infection is throughout the body, then it can be in the pulp.
Glad your dentist found it out before things got worse. The world is filled with nasty bugs trying to do us in...and not all of them are human.
Why would bacteria be inside the tooth pulp? I guess it's possible if the infection is bad enough. I would think lymph, lung tissue, or even bone marrow would be a better source, but maybe there wasn't much to work with.
Fine but the quoted tweet said “European virologists appear to have recreated the Black Death pandemic in a lab.” You don’t expect us to click through to the actual article now, do you?
That's a very good point. In other words, the ancient strain is still out there and people are not dying in plague proportions!
People are also MUCH healthier today than they were back it the middle ages. We eat better, we're stronger, bigger, and most importantly, we have better sanitation. The risk of dying from Y. pestis - ancient or newer - in plague proportions today is very slim. People do still die from it today, yes, but absolutely NOT in plague proportions.
But is el gato malo suggesting that perhaps what's going on now with covid could be the calm before the storm...? If a few years from now, with our weakened society, due to immune destruction from covid injections, what happens if the relatively harmless Y. pestis is 'released' to the masses...? THEN you have your plague. Not because Y. pestis is terribly murderous, but because the terrains/immune systems of the people it comes in contact with are absolutely stuffed.
Well, we SHOULD be eating better (yes, I know loads of people eat crap!!!), but at least we CAN get all our nutrients today whereas back in the 1400s or so, eating a 'balanced' diet was not always easy.
Key here is 'released to the masses' who now have severely compromised immune systems and what exactly is being released? That is what I find most concerning, now that we have seen what researchers such as Daszak consider 'reasonable risk' in research.
"Scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." -Jurassic Park
You know, I've been thinking for years that I should have a big sign that people see when they first walk into my office:
Because it's not just in the labs or behind secret government doors that people don't stop to think. It happens in everyday life. Humans are so focused on what they want to do, they don't stop to think if they ought to.
Repercussions. Not exactly Homo sapiens' strong point ;-)
I've treated a number of kids with Y. pestis. Cases still occur fairly regularly in the southwestern US. Fortunately, it responds nicely to simple antibiotics, and while interesting, is pretty straightforward.
Would you be willing to offer suggestions for a list of such items, I mean, assuming one doesn’t have a diagnosed need already? I’ve gotten doxycycline from PetSMart for my dogs but I figure it’s good for people in a pinch.
Also, I mounted a milk crate to the rack on my KLR for a 50 mpg beer run to the nearest store (5.5 miles). Pleasant, cool ride through the national forest!
1. Whatever you personally need must be top priority. Maybe your mum needs a particular drug. I recognise that any really short list will mean huge numbers of people not getting their meds. But I’m assuming End Times meds only. We’ll be lucky even to have those. Let’s give ourselves a bonus large size first aid kit with a bump, so sterile sutures, gauzes, dressings, splints, plaster, antiseptic by the gallon, topical antibiotics to dust on. Military grade bleeding staunch kits. Save a lot of lives this way & reduce much suffering. Expect gunshot wounds to spike.
2. End Times Pharmacy:
A. Powerful pain killers is opiates. Imagine injury or terminal illness & no pain relief? Is there anything worse?
B. Topical analgesics like ‘ocaines. Tooth & soft tissue external injuries.
C. The smallest range & largest supply of 2-4 antibiotics.
D. Generic anti fungal.
E. Glucocorticoids/ anti inflammatories. No biologicals (no cold chain & many are iv which most of us can’t do safely). Can I have inhaled version? With a beta agonist? Lots of asthmatics, unfortunately. I’m assuming free access to drug store NSAIDs which most households have lots of.
F. The top anti diabetic meds with insulin for type I as priority. Most patients are young. Many Type II might find theirs coming under control as the involuntarily shed large amounts of weight when food shortages take hold.
G. I’d delete anti cholesterol drugs & most blood pressure meds. Throw away your monitors.
H. Please add what you think it’s really obvious that tired me missed so far....
Obviously I hope this isn’t needed but I’m doing some of these ex-Indian generics.
Thank you very much for compiling that list, Doctor Mike. I may have trouble acquiring some of those things, as prescriptions will be required and all.
As for NSAIDs, if they become unavailable or unaffordable, turmeric can make an effective replacement. I grow it here, and it’s super easy (some rhizomes that I deemed too frost damaged to bother with and threw out into the yard rooted and are growing with no care at all—not even watering). It will flourish in Florida. Makes a very nice house plant too.
But the high-power pain killers are tightly controlled.
I note your use of “End Times” with grim agreement. So many indicators. Can’t imagine such sinister alignments as are presently observable being just a another passing phase of history.
So maybe use colloidal silver. It works well against gram negative bacteria. And if in the future you have no batteries for electrolysis, maybe eat mouldy bread. Drink vinegar. Munch garlic. There are many ways to counter bacterial infections. Be creative :-)
That's funny! I was actually thinking the same thing. Penicillin is a naturally occurring substance... I bet a resourceful person will put together a "Guide to Starting Your Antimicrobial Garden." Of course, Amazon will have to ban it. Far too dangerous to allow the peasants so much information!
Oh, I certainly wouldn't minimize the potential lethality of Y. pestis. If someone became ill and didn't obtain prompt care, (especially for the pneumonic/lung form), it can absolutely be deadly. My point is simply that it is still a bacteria seen in the US regularly, and can be treated.
There wasn't just that one big outbreak of plague in 1600s Europe. There were recurring plague waves for hundreds of years. I think I remember one as recently as the 1800s, maybe in Asia.
Correcting myself: I should clarify that I was referring to cirulating strains seen in the US, of which I am familiar. Apparently, there have been multidrug resistant strains seen globally, which IS worrisome. Now you've got me thinking that maybe I shouldn't be so quick to dismiss this as a potential worldwide biothreat... Great! One more thing to give me grey hair! 😂
Oh, they've had ancient Y. pestis DNA for many years! I believe they did a dental extraction in London awhile back. I'm sure there are more than a few petri dishes growing in a number of undisclosed locations. That said, viruses are much easier to weaponize. Had SARS-CoV-2 been more deadly, it would have been catastrophic.
Yes, but this has probably been going on all along. I'm pretty sure Y. pestis is a bioweapon favorite. But it is pesky since without modification, it requires an insect vector.
Anyways, after reading the article, what seems to be new is that they found Y. pestis in samples from central Eurasia. In a way, this is just a confirmatory study that it's the same bug they found in samples from western Europe and now have new info how it traveled across the known world in the 1300's.
Recalling that Bill “the Gates of Hell” Gates observed that mosquitoes would serve admirably as flying hypodermics, I find meager comfort in any assertions that an insect-vectored pathogen would be easily controlled.
If it can be weaponized, at this stage of the Reset plan, it will be.
FFS, the Soviets weaponized Ebola - never assume a thing can’t be done or isn’t worth doing, there’s always someone out there working to prove you wrong…
OK, so after they dug around in dead people's teeth, they found Yersinia pestis.
What if they found something else, something novel?
What if they scraped out the tooth pulp powder and sequenced something we didn't have drugs to treat? What if they found something we'd never seen before, a novel bacterium, or something we didn't have on file, like the grave digger who dug up the Alaskan woman's lungs and pulled out 1918 flu that the CDC and the gain-of-function researchers now have in their labs?
It's not comforting to argue their suspicions were right, and "luckily" they found the Black Death germ in the dead people's teeth. Just because you can dig folks up, doesn't mean you should.
well, if i remember the stuffs from biology, bacteria also have DNA, so yeah, they could poke it out, just to see how it ticks today.... no harm done, in a controlled lab. kinda the ones like in wuhan, cof,cof.... and it's bacteria, we can kill those easy, right? no biggie, we do it juuust like we do to the MRSA.... oh, wait.... doh!
oh i know, i got it, we just need to evolve it fast in the lab, get it to gain some function, after all must be half broken from all those centuries in rotten teeth, then see how it behaves. we need to learn to defend from it. best way is to create the thing to see then how to defeat it. purely in controlled and isilated environments. how bout ireland? it's kinda isolated.... if it gets out of hand, some guiness and jameson can do the job, everyone knows that alchool is good to kill the bugs....
looking for some excuse to create a fear induced rush to get jabbed again so that psycopathic corporates can extract even more wealth and in the process kill off more 'useless eaters'
Correct. There are no bioweapon viruses, intentional or accidental. These stories about concocted or, now, revived viruses are just political science fiction / fantasy. They do not “expose” anything. They just keep people fearful which is what the controllers want.
Maybe they're tired of the public figuring out, "This disease you want us to become your slaves over is mild in a lot of people and hardly affects children and while it can be quite dangerous for some and leave lasting symptoms, there are some simple treatments that can really help."
The only thing I can think of is that the black Death is still around unless they burned all the bodies. It is out there somewhere. However, it is arrogant hubris to think that we can mess around with this and not have repercussions. Do these people ever ask the question "How could this go wrong?"
It periodically breaks out in prairie dog colonies in the American Southwest. Baffles the young hospital residents who slept through lessons on buboes but antibiotics (for the time being) treat it just fine.
And this illustrates exactly why zero cases is not doable. Are we rounding up prairie dog colonies and treating them? Can we realistically track prairie dog colonies?
i wouldn't call it a "chance" Recently I heard someone comment on someone else's Covid experience as "lucky." As if our immune system is "lucky" when the death rate of a disease is .14%.. A more apt way of looking at it is it is decidedly unlucky to have a harsh deadly response to Covid, yet the government tries to portray this as "the norm."
Isn’t that Y pestes? I think it’s already being passed around amongst homeless is San Francisco. I read that a couple of years ago that it is spreading again
San Francisco had a plague outbreak in 1900. As disgusting as the homeless situation is here right now (thanks to our mayor and our other feckless politicians), I haven't heard that we have it now. There was an outbreak of typhus among in the homeless in Los Angeles in 2019.
Plague has never gone away. It is alive and well and people get it every year. It's just that we can treat it now and people very seldom die. So there is no danger in extracting the DNA from the teeth of plague victims.
For once, this is clickbait. We've always known that Yersinia pestis was the main cause of bubonic plague. Also, it's not a virus, it's a bacterium spread by fleas, so it's readily controlled with pesticides (to stop the fleas) and antibiotics (to stop the pathogen).
read the article it cites.
i think you're jumping to inaccurate conclusions. no one said it was a virus.
Once extracted and sequenced, the DNA was compared against a database of thousands of microbial genomes.
"One of the hits that we were able to get... was a hit for Yersinia pestis," more commonly known as plague, said Spyrou.
The DNA also displayed "characteristic damage patterns," she added, showing that "what we were dealing with was an infection that the ancient individual carried at the time of their death."
The research team painstakingly reconstructed the Y. pestis genome from their samples and found the strain at the burial site pre-dated the diversification.
they were just going back to the original variants seeking the location of the initial outbreak/original YP.
there was a "big bang" where YP suddenly underwent high change and split into lots of variants. they are looking for (and think they found) the common ancestor.
not sure those are evo dice you'd want to roll again. who knows what something with such potential might react to different evo selectors? just because it went one way last time is no assurance it would track similarly. (or that some daszak style character might not want to tinker with it)
Don't you think it strange that they would look for and find evidence of bacterial infection in the teeth?
Some bacteria are bone seeking & infect bony sinuses right up above the jaw (infection leaking from teeth) and spreading halfway up the skull.
I know this can happen because it happened to me as a young man.
The consultant dental head doc teased me with questions. Asking did I know what could cause horizontal dark lines in teeth. I did. A certain antibiotic, I think tetracycline. He asked why that might be. I guessed it binds to bony materials. Bingo. He prescribed that & I was sorted in a month.
No idea what the bug was.
Thanks for the information, Dr. Yeadon. Yes, it's tetracycline. I know they use dental pulp to identify skeletal remains because it less likely to be contaminated, which is why I found it confusing. I guess if the infection is throughout the body, then it can be in the pulp.
Glad your dentist found it out before things got worse. The world is filled with nasty bugs trying to do us in...and not all of them are human.
You’re so right.
They’re not quite the same species, though.
Homo psychopathicus.
how so?
Why would bacteria be inside the tooth pulp? I guess it's possible if the infection is bad enough. I would think lymph, lung tissue, or even bone marrow would be a better source, but maybe there wasn't much to work with.
it's in the blood vessels.
these skeletons are 700 years old. not gonna be much to work with.
Fine but the quoted tweet said “European virologists appear to have recreated the Black Death pandemic in a lab.” You don’t expect us to click through to the actual article now, do you?
That's a very good point. In other words, the ancient strain is still out there and people are not dying in plague proportions!
People are also MUCH healthier today than they were back it the middle ages. We eat better, we're stronger, bigger, and most importantly, we have better sanitation. The risk of dying from Y. pestis - ancient or newer - in plague proportions today is very slim. People do still die from it today, yes, but absolutely NOT in plague proportions.
But is el gato malo suggesting that perhaps what's going on now with covid could be the calm before the storm...? If a few years from now, with our weakened society, due to immune destruction from covid injections, what happens if the relatively harmless Y. pestis is 'released' to the masses...? THEN you have your plague. Not because Y. pestis is terribly murderous, but because the terrains/immune systems of the people it comes in contact with are absolutely stuffed.
'We eat better'
OK, so most modern people would probably just take antibiotics and they'd be fine again ;-) Fine enough, anyway (ie alive).
Maybe I should've written "People are able to be much healthier today" above...
Put today's people out in the 1400s without their Medical crutch and probably plenty would die, true.
Well, we SHOULD be eating better (yes, I know loads of people eat crap!!!), but at least we CAN get all our nutrients today whereas back in the 1400s or so, eating a 'balanced' diet was not always easy.
Key here is 'released to the masses' who now have severely compromised immune systems and what exactly is being released? That is what I find most concerning, now that we have seen what researchers such as Daszak consider 'reasonable risk' in research.
"Scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." -Jurassic Park
You know, I've been thinking for years that I should have a big sign that people see when they first walk into my office:
Because it's not just in the labs or behind secret government doors that people don't stop to think. It happens in everyday life. Humans are so focused on what they want to do, they don't stop to think if they ought to.
Repercussions. Not exactly Homo sapiens' strong point ;-)
I was so confused before you wrote this. Seems plausible
I don't think el gato malo posted it as a joke.
I think Y. pestis caused mayhem because people were so unhealthy. It did a grand old job of weeding out the sick.
And now, we're living in a population that's 'sick' again, at least very much so in the Western world. In other words, we're sitting ducks.
I've treated a number of kids with Y. pestis. Cases still occur fairly regularly in the southwestern US. Fortunately, it responds nicely to simple antibiotics, and while interesting, is pretty straightforward.
Until they outlaw simple antibiotics like they did for cheap, simple therapeutics like hydroxy & Iver….
Hmm. “Simple antibiotics” will become very hard to acquire at some point in the supply chain meltdown.
That’s absolutely about to happen.
I think UK & US no longer manufacture generics including antibiotics.
They’re not easy to make, either, once you’ve run down the processes to do it.
Many are partly fermentation products followed by derivatisation & purification.
We’re spoiled by their ultra low cost. Imported.
If supply chains really take a few blows, can’t rule it out.
Obviously a sensible administration wouldn’t let it happen because you could fly in a years supply in a plane.
I just don’t trust them to do that.
I’m busy stockpiling certain pharmaceuticals.
Would you be willing to offer suggestions for a list of such items, I mean, assuming one doesn’t have a diagnosed need already? I’ve gotten doxycycline from PetSMart for my dogs but I figure it’s good for people in a pinch.
Also, I mounted a milk crate to the rack on my KLR for a 50 mpg beer run to the nearest store (5.5 miles). Pleasant, cool ride through the national forest!
There are multiple answers to this question.
1. Whatever you personally need must be top priority. Maybe your mum needs a particular drug. I recognise that any really short list will mean huge numbers of people not getting their meds. But I’m assuming End Times meds only. We’ll be lucky even to have those. Let’s give ourselves a bonus large size first aid kit with a bump, so sterile sutures, gauzes, dressings, splints, plaster, antiseptic by the gallon, topical antibiotics to dust on. Military grade bleeding staunch kits. Save a lot of lives this way & reduce much suffering. Expect gunshot wounds to spike.
2. End Times Pharmacy:
A. Powerful pain killers is opiates. Imagine injury or terminal illness & no pain relief? Is there anything worse?
B. Topical analgesics like ‘ocaines. Tooth & soft tissue external injuries.
C. The smallest range & largest supply of 2-4 antibiotics.
D. Generic anti fungal.
E. Glucocorticoids/ anti inflammatories. No biologicals (no cold chain & many are iv which most of us can’t do safely). Can I have inhaled version? With a beta agonist? Lots of asthmatics, unfortunately. I’m assuming free access to drug store NSAIDs which most households have lots of.
F. The top anti diabetic meds with insulin for type I as priority. Most patients are young. Many Type II might find theirs coming under control as the involuntarily shed large amounts of weight when food shortages take hold.
G. I’d delete anti cholesterol drugs & most blood pressure meds. Throw away your monitors.
H. Please add what you think it’s really obvious that tired me missed so far....
Obviously I hope this isn’t needed but I’m doing some of these ex-Indian generics.
Thank you very much for compiling that list, Doctor Mike. I may have trouble acquiring some of those things, as prescriptions will be required and all.
As for NSAIDs, if they become unavailable or unaffordable, turmeric can make an effective replacement. I grow it here, and it’s super easy (some rhizomes that I deemed too frost damaged to bother with and threw out into the yard rooted and are growing with no care at all—not even watering). It will flourish in Florida. Makes a very nice house plant too.
But the high-power pain killers are tightly controlled.
I note your use of “End Times” with grim agreement. So many indicators. Can’t imagine such sinister alignments as are presently observable being just a another passing phase of history.
vitamin c! Huge amounts of vitamin c... the above scares me as my son and I both need inhalers... and the NHS is very stingy about giving them out.
Thank you for the list Dr. Yeadon!
I have a burning question - is there any truth to claim that ClO2 (aqueous solution) might be the magic bullet?
So maybe use colloidal silver. It works well against gram negative bacteria. And if in the future you have no batteries for electrolysis, maybe eat mouldy bread. Drink vinegar. Munch garlic. There are many ways to counter bacterial infections. Be creative :-)
Yes. The Reset Survivor’s Guide to Home Manufactured Antibiotcs and Antimicrobials.
Someone start writing!
That's funny! I was actually thinking the same thing. Penicillin is a naturally occurring substance... I bet a resourceful person will put together a "Guide to Starting Your Antimicrobial Garden." Of course, Amazon will have to ban it. Far too dangerous to allow the peasants so much information!
Some essential oils are powerful antibiotics (gram + and -), antivirals, etc. as well.
One comes to mind: oregano. And it isn’t the only one.
Good thing, they don’t destroy the intestinal flora, which is one of the side effects of antibiotics.
That's a valid point! Making the assumption that we will always have access to medical treatment could be folly.
Everything has changed and is continuing to degrade, so we can count in exactly nothing in the future. Except challenges. We can count on those.
Totally agree. The world is not the same.
It comes down to that, doesn't it? Sucks
Work as much resilience into your life as you can. All bets are off. Build a network of support.
If you’re a believer, keep the faith.
If that happened and there is an outbreak of plague, social distancing will actually be the right thing to do. Along with pest and flea control.
It's endemic in the Lake Tahoe area of California too.
It's also carried by squirr
Yes, I believe that article I posted mentioned that.
There was this unfortunate case. I remember the news story about it.,in%20squirrels%20and%20chipmunks%20around%20the%20patient%27s%20home.
Oh, I certainly wouldn't minimize the potential lethality of Y. pestis. If someone became ill and didn't obtain prompt care, (especially for the pneumonic/lung form), it can absolutely be deadly. My point is simply that it is still a bacteria seen in the US regularly, and can be treated.
Oh yes, I know. I just remembered that particular case.
There wasn't just that one big outbreak of plague in 1600s Europe. There were recurring plague waves for hundreds of years. I think I remember one as recently as the 1800s, maybe in Asia.
“…for one of the current variants of Y. Pestis.”
Is this a significant change to what you wrote?
I don’t care to find out, thanks.
All circulating strains of Y. pestis are successfully treated with antibiotics.
Honestly, I don't think you should lose any sleep over this one. 😊 Plenty of other far more worrisome pathogens to be manipulated and weaponized!
Correcting myself: I should clarify that I was referring to cirulating strains seen in the US, of which I am familiar. Apparently, there have been multidrug resistant strains seen globally, which IS worrisome. Now you've got me thinking that maybe I shouldn't be so quick to dismiss this as a potential worldwide biothreat... Great! One more thing to give me grey hair! 😂
…and don’t forget, this is all before the biowarriors get their hands on the original strain’s genome.
Oh, they've had ancient Y. pestis DNA for many years! I believe they did a dental extraction in London awhile back. I'm sure there are more than a few petri dishes growing in a number of undisclosed locations. That said, viruses are much easier to weaponize. Had SARS-CoV-2 been more deadly, it would have been catastrophic.
There was an episode of House MD where that was the guest pathogen.
could be that the extracted dna would be manipulated and a new bacterium produced which would be carried by other vectors?
Yes, but this has probably been going on all along. I'm pretty sure Y. pestis is a bioweapon favorite. But it is pesky since without modification, it requires an insect vector.
Anyways, after reading the article, what seems to be new is that they found Y. pestis in samples from central Eurasia. In a way, this is just a confirmatory study that it's the same bug they found in samples from western Europe and now have new info how it traveled across the known world in the 1300's.
Recalling that Bill “the Gates of Hell” Gates observed that mosquitoes would serve admirably as flying hypodermics, I find meager comfort in any assertions that an insect-vectored pathogen would be easily controlled.
If it can be weaponized, at this stage of the Reset plan, it will be.
I believe the issue is one of variation. This bug they want to sequence may be the original strain.
FFS, the Soviets weaponized Ebola - never assume a thing can’t be done or isn’t worth doing, there’s always someone out there working to prove you wrong…
Thank you! I was about to post the same thing.
OK, so after they dug around in dead people's teeth, they found Yersinia pestis.
What if they found something else, something novel?
What if they scraped out the tooth pulp powder and sequenced something we didn't have drugs to treat? What if they found something we'd never seen before, a novel bacterium, or something we didn't have on file, like the grave digger who dug up the Alaskan woman's lungs and pulled out 1918 flu that the CDC and the gain-of-function researchers now have in their labs?
It's not comforting to argue their suspicions were right, and "luckily" they found the Black Death germ in the dead people's teeth. Just because you can dig folks up, doesn't mean you should.
well, if i remember the stuffs from biology, bacteria also have DNA, so yeah, they could poke it out, just to see how it ticks today.... no harm done, in a controlled lab. kinda the ones like in wuhan, cof,cof.... and it's bacteria, we can kill those easy, right? no biggie, we do it juuust like we do to the MRSA.... oh, wait.... doh!
oh i know, i got it, we just need to evolve it fast in the lab, get it to gain some function, after all must be half broken from all those centuries in rotten teeth, then see how it behaves. we need to learn to defend from it. best way is to create the thing to see then how to defeat it. purely in controlled and isilated environments. how bout ireland? it's kinda isolated.... if it gets out of hand, some guiness and jameson can do the job, everyone knows that alchool is good to kill the bugs....
Did they wear masks while doing so? If so - all is ok. Especially those cloth ones from Walmart.
its a psy-op.
looking for some excuse to create a fear induced rush to get jabbed again so that psycopathic corporates can extract even more wealth and in the process kill off more 'useless eaters'
Correct. There are no bioweapon viruses, intentional or accidental. These stories about concocted or, now, revived viruses are just political science fiction / fantasy. They do not “expose” anything. They just keep people fearful which is what the controllers want.
Yes, what a con game they play, trolling both sides with incredible nonsense!
Totally. I knew you'd get it
I'm beginning to wish we could give Pandora back her box.
Yeah. Better in her hands
For the love of God, WHY?!?!?!?
Maybe they're tired of the public figuring out, "This disease you want us to become your slaves over is mild in a lot of people and hardly affects children and while it can be quite dangerous for some and leave lasting symptoms, there are some simple treatments that can really help."
Just because something CAN be done, doesn't mean it SHOULD be done. For the love of all that his holy!
If they can do it, they will do it, and so they have done it.
What could possibly go wrong?
Here's a starters list:
- The Titanic
- Chernobyl
- Medicare
- Bay of Pigs
- Aberfan Disaster
- WW1
- Deepwater Horizon Spill
- The Dust Bowl
- Flint Water Crisis
- Great Smog of London
***Covid 19 Scamdemic***
Sorry, wrote a thesis on this stuff in college...:)
Consult Libertate for more.
Humans have an authentic inability to THINK - Arendt
Speaking of stratospheric levels of hubris leading to blatant temptation of fate, I give you:
I think I'll be sitting this maiden voyage out, thanks very much.
I had not heard of this one. Unbelievable.
You crack me up.
There are definitely no shortages of hubris or amnesia these days.
Who's the poor dipshit awarded the job for rearranging the deck chairs?
Let's hope Fauci is looking for a job by the time it sails.
I think a more suitable job for him, would be the figurehead at the bow of the Titanic. The irony...
That would indeed be a fitting position for him to assume.
Sorry Nicki, I wasn't trying to be a jerk...just hyperactive. It can be a problem...;)
I didn’t take it that way at all - totally agree with your entire comment! In other words....we’re in deep doo doo.
Hard to watch for sure
Smells like Fauci.
Fauci is fungible and fashionable. Lots of acolytes, just as malodorous
See: Genesis.
Kind of the First thing people do.
Frankly a re-start button may be the only way to end this hogwash
... a great reset you mean?
"The problem's plain to see, too much technology
Machines to save our lives, machines dehumanize
The time has come at last (secret secret I've got a secret)
To throw away this mask (secret secret I've got a secret)
Now everyone can see (secret secret I've got a secret)
My true identity
I'm Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy!"
To be clear, I really like Styx. However this is their worst song.
But also their most appropriate song for the circumstances. Look up what "I'm Kilroy" means.
well and they refer to throwing away masks. seems germane.
Since I have too much time on my hands I looked it up.
It appears we’re in a similar timeline to the story I read of a human/robot hybrid (transhumanism) who is called upon to save the world.
Well that was brilliant and true!
Is it any wonder I've got too much
Time on my hands
It's ticking away with my sanity
I've got too much time on my hands
It's hard to believe such a calamity
I've got too much time on my hands
And it's ticking away, ticking away from me
I always liked Styx even though their heyday was a little bit before I was paying attention.
The only thing I can think of is that the black Death is still around unless they burned all the bodies. It is out there somewhere. However, it is arrogant hubris to think that we can mess around with this and not have repercussions. Do these people ever ask the question "How could this go wrong?"
It periodically breaks out in prairie dog colonies in the American Southwest. Baffles the young hospital residents who slept through lessons on buboes but antibiotics (for the time being) treat it just fine.
And this illustrates exactly why zero cases is not doable. Are we rounding up prairie dog colonies and treating them? Can we realistically track prairie dog colonies?
You hear about that monkeypox outbreak in Wisconsin back in 2003 involving Gambian giant pouched rats and prairie dogs?
i wouldn't call it a "chance" Recently I heard someone comment on someone else's Covid experience as "lucky." As if our immune system is "lucky" when the death rate of a disease is .14%.. A more apt way of looking at it is it is decidedly unlucky to have a harsh deadly response to Covid, yet the government tries to portray this as "the norm."
Some plaque survivors had a genetic advantage so some of us probably have this gene:
Isn’t that Y pestes? I think it’s already being passed around amongst homeless is San Francisco. I read that a couple of years ago that it is spreading again
San Francisco had a plague outbreak in 1900. As disgusting as the homeless situation is here right now (thanks to our mayor and our other feckless politicians), I haven't heard that we have it now. There was an outbreak of typhus among in the homeless in Los Angeles in 2019.
Maybe that was it. Reporter said “the plague”
Yes, I think it was in Mauritius or somewhere a couple of years ago. It pops up from time to time.
Why does everything always have to be about race?
All Plagues Matter?
I hope you get credit for that. Winner imo
Bacterial - treatable with anti-biotics. Not as dangerous as the vaxxes, imo.
Scheduled for release in a city near you.
Not until we’ve been starved and stressed long enough for pure blood immune systems to finally crash.
The virtuous vax enthusiasts will be first victims.
"virtuous vax enthusiasts"!!!!! Well said.
You're right! Thats how they're going to cover this up.
It's the variant specific vaccines that give them a mulligan
They're meant to take out natural immunity
Plague has never gone away. It is alive and well and people get it every year. It's just that we can treat it now and people very seldom die. So there is no danger in extracting the DNA from the teeth of plague victims.