Eh, the CIA killing a president is small potatoes compared to what we're living through every single day in clown world!

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My working theory is that when the agencies saw that they got away with Kennedy (well, actually 'the Kennedys') they figured they could do anything. Hence 911. And now the Covid operation.

Good times.

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It started over a century ago

The Protocols Of Zion

Published 1903

* Place our agents and helpers everywhere

* Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans

* Start fights between different races, classes and religions

* Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way

* Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials

* Appeal to successful people's egos

* Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail

* Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us

* Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary

* Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism

* Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect

* Rewrite history to our benefit

* Create entertaining distractions

* Corrupt minds with filth and perversion

* Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor

* Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.

* Introduce a progressive tax on wealth

* Replace sound investment with speculation

* Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments

* Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1567945974537936897

“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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Great collection of quotes!!!!!!

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You know what’s up! 👍

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You really think that is where it started? I do not. I’m not sure when but seeing as they convinced the American public not to revolt when an income tax was enacted I am guessing the agencies started awhile ago.

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Yes. Unless you want to count the Dulles brothers in 6o somethings earlier.

It all definitely points to that.

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With all due respect Commander, the reason we are in this nightmare is because we allowed our CIA and National Security agencies to kill a duly elected President. That tipped the power to the security state. They also are responsible for Gulf of Tomkin, Nixon , OKC bombing, 9/11, and various other things, including our current bio security state and the Covid 19 pandemic with bioweapons jabs.

We didn't stop it back then...and see what that got us? A totally failed empire that has been killiing us since then with impunity and conduting genocide (iatrogenic) wholesale now.

And they are not done.

There will be more coming in quick succession to button us down so they can continue being the mall cops for the WEF.

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It's true, but the specific people responsible for this specific crime (JFK) have long since exited the halls of power, while the new tyrants are still within our grasp.

I know which one I'm going to focus on.

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Oh do tell !

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But when you pause to reflect on that - the United States secret service killed their own president. If they will do that, then really the gloves are off for all and any future shenanigans.

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Well, I think their trying to kill us with these experimental poisons is proof that the gloves are off.

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Most likely the secret service was bribed or threatened into standing down, and in Greer's case, stopping the presidential limo after shots were fired.

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Dec 20, 2022
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And the NY Times create a swastika cross word to celebrate the start of Hanukkah. More distractions.


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Distrations yes. But Wednesday we will have a wholesale invasion of about 1 MM terrorists, mendicants, fentanyl couriers, and young men of miliatry age....which will be spread amongst the red states to weaken the voting rolls and bleed them dry.

Then in May 2023 you will have CBDC...and eternal slavery.

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Celebrate diversity!

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‘Ti’s our strength after all...

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If you really meant that you wouldn't have said it in English.

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Push push push how much sh *t we will ignore?

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OMG!! Will Shortz asleep at the switch.. this is legit?? Despite loving the crosswords, I wouldn’t be sad if this was the Times denouement.

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“ sometheme’s missing?” Really weird.

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And they still withheld the 3000 documents that show the CIA and mob did it. 😂

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I love how people naively imagine that FOIA has any actual force behind it to compel anyone to release anything they don't want to.

The only value it has is showing things the state DOESN'T have, like demanding the CDC release mask studies to show they didn't have any.

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And a few oil barons ...

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"Government agency releases all documents that don't meaningfully change anything, tell everyone this is all they have"

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Limited hangout.

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Bah, it isn't even limited, it's declassified toilet paper.

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Sorry but JFK wasn’t legitimately elected president

Midnight ballot dump from Chicago tipped the scales in his favor from what I recall when I slipped down this rabbit hole

He didn’t win Ohio — a state nearly every rightfully elected president wins. A state ripe with election fraud during Obamas second term election to make it look legit.

Trump won Ohio btw.

There are much more talented conspiracy theorists reading this that I’ll be happy to be corrected by …

My point:

What we see in the news and the media are the wars between factions of the elites and we are always the collateral damage.

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I remember the talk about the mayor Daley steal. I was 12 but was a voracious newspaper reader. Lots of Chicago election jokes and Illinois would be red without the blue beast on the lake.

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And they have been using the Daley methiod with some modern tech enhancements ever since.

They didn't like Nixon...he had to go. Nixon was against wars. Ditto Trump.. Trump had to go.

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At 12 I was a Nixon fan. Can’t tell you why though. Lol. I still live In Illinois. A bright red county.

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So they stole Ohio and it was justified to kill him? I saw a quote from Nixon about LBJ, not sure it’s true: we both wanted to be president, but I wasn’t willing to kill to get it”

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Like this?

FBI Releases All JFK Documents Except For The One That Says They Killed Him


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there are 4400 pages they won't release. the 4400 that really matter

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After reading "The Devil's Chessboard", "JFK and The Unspeakable", and "Mary's Mosiac" this is all old (but welcome) news.

Next up: 911. Spoiler alert: it wasn't nineteen young Saudis.

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Are these are distractions for the carbon/social credit system being rolled out in the EU?

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The CBDC with carbon restrictions will be here in May of 2023.

Don't be jealous. Our turn will come

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You must learn to think smaller.

The entire reportorial universe--on all sides of the political spectrum--is currently obsessed with Taylor Lorenz and Aaron Rupar temporarily evicted from Twitter.

That's all it took.

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I tried to find this on twitter and I could not find it. They are doing this on purpose. The twitter files, this info, all of this is to piss off the patriots and incite a civil war. Bill Gates said it. He's evil, he's doing it, and they know. 2024 will be a BLUE LANDSLIDE and they're going to tell us they stole it. Kari Lake will lose. THey are stoking a civil war so they can take the 2nd amendment. The first is almost gone.

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Bring it on. It may be the only way RLM.

I'd rather have my boy fighting here than in Ukraine.

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Hey, you found your teeth, Ryan. ;)

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tore a calf muscle so bad playing tennis. been laid up for two weeks. RG not happy customer if I'm not exercising.

you know what I'm talking about. Finally able to move around without crutches.

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Son of a bitch.

Your fellow Gutterballs have missed you. Take care RG.

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Sorry RLM??

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Agree 100%

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The funny part of that was that everybody's known the CIA did it for so long now that when you finally get some kind of proof it's like... the whole country goes "yeah whatever, seen that movie"

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So many KNEW the CIA did it, but were helpless to do anything.

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Therein lies the problem with power imbalances. Not that its ever going to he balanced. Its always trial by fire. Thats how we toughen up and learn to do better. That time is here now.

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Distract the public, sell more jabs, keep the power. So do not worry yet.

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Unfortunately, much of the public is very easily distracted, and on top of that, the public has very short memory.

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Yeah, the Hun—*gasp* … "That dog has a puffy tail!" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivPFlKyeypU)

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the worlds largest banana republic strikes again!

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that morning, (June 5, ‘68) we were driving to El Paso, leaving at 4:00 am. My dad was president of th e Tx Municipal League as mayor of our city. He came in my room to turn on th B/W tv to wake me up to get ready (I was 8)…he said “they killed another of those Kennedy’s last night”. He has since passed but I wonder now what he meant by “they.” He was not a fan of the Kennedys, nor was I, until I started to listen to RFK Jr’s stuff

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