pro tip:
“latinx” marks the spot where tone deaf elitists emerged from their echo chamber to sacrifice what tatters of credibility as remain to them upon the bonfire of their own raging vanities.
and wow is it getting spectacular because this one is as truly, deeply offensive as it is truly, deeply stupid.
and folks are noticing.
“latinx” is a made up word in common or even noticeable usage nowhere in a latin community. i don’t think i have ever heard a latino or latina use it. it’s a gendered language, guys. that’s how it works.
what’s next “zir gatx malx”?
the deep and abiding hilarity of this is that this is not "diversity and inclusion." it's "alienating latinos and latinas to mollify becky from vassar” and make her feel like a champion of the downtrodden.
it would, of course, be news to most latins that they are downtrodden. when you don’t see yourself that way but instead as empowered people chasing the american dream, this sort of mascotism falls awfully flat.
and this is an idea around which these ersatz linguistic assassins simply cannot seem to wrap their little heads: nobody asked for your help or your patronage.
in an irony thick enough to stand a spoon in, this is what real "white privilege" looks like: rich, educated elites telling “minorities” what they must call themselves.
it's assault, not alliance.
it’s outright subjugation “for your own good.”
you have to be a special kind of fool to think that an “incluXion lunXeon” is going to appeal to anyone but the feverish few who underwent enough school to forget how to think this completely.
it plays like brain damage.
worse, it plays like patronizing baby talk.
it's also wonderfully self-defeating.
it infuriates those it purports to "support" because it's really just presumptive, self-indulgent bullying to wrap the entitled in a mantle of outsourced indignation.
this is what actual colonizing and cultural appropriation looks like:
taking the subject’s own language and self description and altering it to serve a purpose not their own.
and this is why it does not work.
this ball is not gonna bounce the way they suspect….
and truly, these would-be lexical masters are indeed special kinds of fools.
they are so outlandishly out of touch that they seem never to open their mouths except to immediately insert their feet.
i mean, imagine having speechwriters for this…

fun fact: most hispanic cultures celebrate the diversity of “breakfast tacos” by “not having any” or possibly “having no idea what you’re talking about.”
there will come a day when this is so absurd it’s not even fun to dunk on anymore.
(but today is not that day)
and yeah, sure, the endless gotchaball of taking cultural offense is a negative sum game and a road to nowhere you wanna live, but as turnabout for having started it, i’m pretty OK with seeing these wokester ding-dongs hoist by the very rope they have so avidly sought to wrap about the necks of others. (well, except for jussie who admirably chose his own)

and sure, i’d probably be a better person if i failed to find it so funny watching the pratfalls of those who have made careers of distributing just such banana peels, but hey, which part did you not understand, the “gato” or the “malo”?
sorry, but my sympathy is limited.
instead, i am put in the mind of the ballad of buster scruggs as we welcome new contestants to the game they put into play:
but rest assured, it won’t be their last.
this industrial scale gaffe machine is firing on all cylinders and running 3 shifts.
just ask the FLOTUS comms team, right michael?
because groveling and professing “pure admiration and love” always works a treat, ammiright?
oh, and did you notice how that pesky “X” got dropped for an “O”?
these people are pandering buffoons who do not realize that they have become the butts of their own jokes.
i stand in bewildered awe at the astonishing damage they can do to themselves if you just give them a podium.
(repeat line)
this pervasive conceit that “if we flood the country with hispanics, they will support our anti-family, anti-religion woke dependency culture and join our complex gender and class topologies as we make up bizarre bespoke names for them” has long baffled me.
what an odd and inapt presumption.
it’s like adding buffy the vampire slayer to the sunnydale town council and expecting her to support a city-wide wooden stake ban.
that does not work out for you.
if you ever needed proof that the cure for “bad ideas” is “more free speech” sit down, pull up a chair, and watch the impending woke implosion.
from here on out, this cycle becomes more self-sabotaging every time it runs.
nobody really wanted this.
it was imposed from on high and enforced by fear of cancel culture.
it only held up by managing to pretend it was a majority.
but that ship has sailed.
magic words like “phobic” and “inclusion” and “gibberiX” have lost their power.
and the time of canceling the cancellers is nigh.
it’s been a rotten second act, but stick around:
the third act is beginning and this movie is about to get good.
If the woke call Latinos Latinx, what do they call the Chinese?
As a Gringx living in Mexico, I am offended.