It’s a sad day when quoting our founding document is likely to land you on a watch list at best, or maybe even a knock on your door by men with sunglasses for a “polite” conversation.

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The fetid swamp is beyond salvation. That's been clear to many of us for a while, it will be apparent to a large majority of the populace by the end of this year.

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The US is a fascist banana republic. None of the perpetrators will be punished. They have been getting away with these crimes since Bill Clinton's presidency. Even the greatest mass-murder in the history of the world hasn't stopped them. The NAZIs were amateurs in comparison.

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Long past time to defund every one of the Alphabet Soup Gang agencies (CDC, FDA, NIH, etc.) and fire all of their employees. Those involved in approving, funding, or performing gain-of-function research belong in prison for mass crimes against humanity.

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I think we all realize where we are.

The entire Federal government is corrupt to its marrow. There is no “fixing it”. It is untenable and unsustainable, to say the very least, and must needs be torn down and ripped out, root and branch.

We need a complete “do over”, but how that happens and what that will look like is not pretty, if we even get the chance.

Until then, it will continue in its evil endeavors apace, and then some.

Buckle up.

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They are using Millions of taxpayer dollars to try to throw Donald Trump in jail for mis labeling some expenses. Yet these government funded employees are receiving six figure dividends ( probably annually) for their role in the mass murder of hundreds of thousand of taxpayers... and also it seems the IRS will never know about said payments. Carry on.

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Look up Cochran HPV review, NIH recieved royalties for every HPV vaccine, faulty data and deaths aside. Its been going on forever with Gates at the helm.

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none of these fuckers are going anywhere. the vast majority of this country are cowards who will be easily convinced that all these agencies are absolutely necessary to keep them safe; people love to be safe.

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I saw a list of jab damaged testimonies yesterday, you could not see names, dates and most illnesses, but it was still heartbreaking. I think the light should shine in, so we can pick up the testimonies, and then let the sun burn the rest down! No need for useless letter word organizations.

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If it is as we suspect - and I can’t imagine that it’s not - then any person or group who works to expose it all will be punished in a way that makes Trump’s tribulations look like child’s play.

The entire world - every corner of it - was deeply affected by this idiocy. Every time I hear of another young, otherwise healthy male dropping dead on a treadmill or simply walking down the street, or a young woman’s breast cancer diagnosis, or I learn of another young person’s suicide, or think about my 7 and 9 year old grandsons who missed the most vital years of schooling, I can’t help but wonder about the criminals - yes criminals - who bear responsibility for this tragedy. We all know how this came about but the administrative wagons are, indeed, circled and any serious inquiry will be “discouraged”.

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Every time any of us make any progress against this, it comes back harder and stronger and more virulent. Look at the FISA bill and the Ukraine package, look at Johnson, who was supposed to be the *repairman*. We tried to change the slate in Maine and Soros and Planned Parenthood just flooded money in until average people couldn’t afford to run for office anymore.

I don’t know what the answer is, but fighting it head on doesn’t appear to be it.

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The sad thing is we supposedly elect “representatives” who say they are going to get this insanity under control and the minute they arrive in DC they get a custom fitted straight jacket and join all the other patients.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

A feline manifesto! But I think the answer is in plain sight: "You're right. We did it. What are you going to do about it?" They (the people who have destroyed the world) have long since captured all the agencies of government and change. All misery in on this earth is a business model!

How-some-ever, we are seriously NOT OUT OF OUTRAGE. And I think these self appointed masters of the universe are terrified.

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We know what’s best for you. Shut up and take your medicine.

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I agree. Government needs to be transparent at all levels. Unfortunately even at the local level it sometimes isn't. The village council where I live likes to have "closed door meetings" either during or after the public meeting. These are never announced ahead of time, nor placed on the agenda as such, no, the meeting will be going along and all of a sudden, well, it's time for you all (members of the public) to leave because we are going to a closed door session. And how long will that be? We don't know. So you have two choices, cool your heels in the hallway or simply call it a day and go home. Anyway I called them on it the last time they pulled that stunt and said, "you say you want public involvement but when you do this, it sends a very powerful message. It hints that you have something to hide. We have enough problems with political apathy in this community, I would think that you would not want to do anything to discourage people from coming to the meetings." Well, they hemmed and hawed and said that they had to do things this way because you know, some things have to be private. Then hold those meetings at a separate time! Oh, we can't do that, the law says . . . I said, I don't care what the law says, I am telling you what your public thinks of this. Remember a few years back when you were having issues with the mobile home park I lived in at the time? Well, every time that came up in council, off you'd go into a closed-door meeting. That was my HOME, dammit, I have a right to know what is going on and how that might affect me! I told them I want it put on the record that I totally oppose closed-door meetings. They did grudgingly agree that I had a point and from now on they would schedule these meetings AFTER the portion of the meeting where the public gets to have a say. I'm not holding my breath. And this is just one little village of 2500 people.

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I think a movement is in order , our tax dollars paid to poison our bodies , all to enrich the Global Elites

A Revolution to remove the power of the CULT !!!!

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