Fantastic article and a great debunking of "vaccines save lives" narrative.

There possibly was a small benefit from vaccines against mortality in 2021. However, if the USA is like Europe, this benefit evaporated by Mar of 2022 and became NEGATIVE in June 2022.

We, meaning the people who did NOT vaccinate, knew that we had to balance a small improvement in death risk from Covid in 2021, against an UNKNOWN risk of taking an experimental crazy "vaccine" based on mRNA technology with a track record of complete failure, with vaccinology having a history of only failure for ALL coronavirus vaccines.

Data from June 2022 validates our judgment (for those of us who did not die of Covid)

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one of the great misframings of the whole sordid affair lies in pushing VE for these vaccines in relative risk reduction terms.

this might be appropriate for, say, mortality in a cancer trial, but for a vaccine that will be given to "healthy normals" is is not and never was.

"50% reduction in X" is pretty meaningless and cannot form a basis for assessment of risk reward unless we know what X is. a 50% drop in lifetime death from heart disease is very different from a 50% drop in the risk of being struck by lightning and you'd really want to take that into account when assessing the risks/costs of any course of mitigation.

the risks posed to the young and healthy were always so low that even if the ~50% reductions in relative risk of severe outcomes were real (and there is some evidence that they once were) they were immaterial and swamped by the risks of AE's.

the failure to account for the overall systemic risk of widespread application of a non-sterilizing inoculant that drives such intense and narrow immune fixation is even worse. there is a reason we do not use leaky vaccines and omicron's current evo pathway is providing a nasty object lesson in what that is.

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Just imagine if "they" would have pushed health instead of (their) wealth!!

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US doctors are trained in wealth care, not health care. And.... hint, hint. It's not YOUR wealth they care for. Obviously.

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The sad thing about whatever death reduction the vaccines may have given, we appear to be at a point where the vaccinated are getting covid over and over again more often than the unvaccinated. If the vaccines gave even 5 times reduction in death at one point, but the vaccinated are getting covid 5 times more often than the unvaccinated the benefit is totally negated and you're just stuck with the adverse effects.

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You said it best! Perfect!

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Yes. As I said to friends eager to brag of their 95% effective vaccines: “Great, you’ve reduced your risk from insignificant to negligible. Congratulations .”

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The 95% relative rr was actually only 0.8% absolute rr. But who was to see through this obvious misinformation?!

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At best it was 0.8% — if you actually caught the dread virus. Factor in your chance of contracting it (when the “vaxx” was first foisted on us), then it’s even smaller.

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Do you think they'll ever be a way to figure out roughly how many people actually died from covid vs with?

I can't remember whether or not you or Gato have tried to tackle that.

Perhaps this data and the rest of it of you have analyzed over the last two years could help to unravel.

I mean there is a helluva a lot of anectdata that may serve as a foundation for starting that process.

Perhaps it could be reversed engineered to some meaningful approximation?

Edit: i meant this question for both you and Gato...since you both were chatting.

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Look at excess mortality in USA in the beginning of 2020, before vaccines.

My guess at least 70-80% of deaths "with Covid" were "from Covid", based on the last time I looked at the numbers.

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I concur. But there is also a strong argument for iatrogenic deaths during the same period, I.e. the patient would not have died with or from covid if they had received treatment for the primary cause or early, appropriate treatment for covid respectively.

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You don't have to reply. But I wonder how many of those lives would've been saved by just treating the disease with frontline generic medications/therapies.

I betcha those numbers would be closer to a bad flu season.

I'm really interested to see what those numbers look like, temporally, a year after the vaxxies get their 5th shot.

Going to be interesting to say the least.

This all seems to be the biggest scam and crime in history.

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70% of lives could be saved with Ivermectin. I did not use it but my wife did. It was incredible.

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My understanding was that anyone who died “with” Covid was listed as a “Covid death”, even if someone actually died in a motorcycle accident & tested positive in a post mortem test.

And that hospitals & nursing homes had deep financial incentives to list deaths “of” Covid. All of that would really inflate the numbers. I have never believed 1 million Americans died “of” Covid. All of that just fanned the fear factor for the sheep. But I could be wrong & likely am

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Anecdotally I don't know a single person who has died from covid. I (as well as my wife) have a pretty large sphere of colleagues, friends, family, etc.

Of those people I know; not a single one of those knows anyone who died from covid.

That seems like more than a fluke imo.

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my understanding as well; in addition CDC specifically altered the death certificate protocols in ? 2019 - to ensure this result. And the result was, e.g. fewer Diabetes deaths and more Covid deaths.

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1. Excess mortality measured how? A simple five year average, or properly age adjusted to reflect the increasing age of the population?

2. How do you account for the effect of lockdown measures and treatment protocols which themselves caused deaths?

The last time I looked (admittedly a while ago now), the conclusion I reached was that likely only 30% - 50% died "from covid".

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The UK admitted the died from COVID alone number a while ago. It's was tiny.

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188,000 [with] down to 17,317 [from Covid alone] in the U.K.

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Both you and Igor have written the best explanations of relative risk re vaccine eff that I've seen anywhere. They really lay the claims of Big Pharma/MIC to waste.

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sadly, this is not rocket science.

it's baseline competency and standard prior practice.

it's just being ignored.

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My understanding of Relative risk Vs. Absolute risk prevented me from going on the statin train 20 years ago. The phuzzy statistics in pharmaceutical marketing are pernicious, to say the least.

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The original FDA approval of statins (Pfizer's Lipitor) was based on its lowering blood cholesterol, but there was no requirement to show a health benefit from this. The Framingham Heart Study had a correlation between high cholesterol (>200) and heart attacks, so the theory was that by lowering blood cholesterol, heart attacks would be reduced. That has not borne out. But besides that, the Framingham Heart Study also showed a correlation between very low cholesterol (180) and hemorrhagic strokes, a factor not considered in the statin study. Cholesterol is an essential cell component.

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When I read that 1/2 of all hear attacks are found in people with normal or low cholesterol it made me laugh. WTF are we doing???!!!!!!

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The Leftists running the education system into the ground are raising glasses in a toast to each other for removing such competency from the general public.

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I wonder why

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I wonder why.......

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Of course any 'cases' data assumes the test is accurate as well. Not sure I trust the test.

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Tests have been counted as CASES since 2020 no matter the final result. Not like either the RT-PCR or antigen tests tell you anything anyway since differentiation is impossible.

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This. Early on one of my friends in the medical field told me they were all instructed to mark each positive test as a case. When he caught COVID he was tested three times in a week and each time tested positive - three cases.

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Ah. More sleight of hand that never occurred to me. Why would it? Why would one person not be counted as three? Or more? Bless, it’s tiring trying to twist my thinking into something similar to the criminal sociopath set. I’ll always be a step behind figuring their rules. Thanks for the tidbit.

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It was driven by the government giving them money for each case they logged. So they were motivated to log cases, and the “one positive test = one case” rule was just icing on the cake. He told me they had people that were responsible for ten or more cases because of all the PCR testing.

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What a daunting task. I think the definition of “positive” case will skew the data as well. Since the term “positive” for Covid has been altered unless these data represent stringent definitions. Which I very much doubt.

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One of my most important learnings has been relative vs absolute risk reduction. The video called More Harm Than Good has a good explanation for science “tourists” like me.I think the video is by Canadian Covid Care Alliance or a similar name.

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Will check it out. Actually any more I just hold to the mantra "whatever the government advises I will do the exact opposite"!

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Just wanted to thank you for your article. I'm amazed that an associate college economics professor would voluntarily put forth such a horrid piece of "analysis" on social media. This should make the tenure committee's decision an easy one.

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Very true. In my opinion, the more serious issue with the jabs or indeed any new product is what Igor calls the "unknown risk." There are almost always risks. These may not be easily quantifiable or would require long-term data. Another major risk to objective decision making is simply that most studies are little better than a paid infomercial.

Being aware of the games played with relative risk reduction, I recently did my own basic analysis of a Paxlovid study. I had been prescribed this dubious drug in mid-June and I declined. Similar to the vaxxes Pfizer claims a large relative risk reduction (~89%) but if you look at the absolute numbers, far less impressive. While the test group did have some improvement in reduced hospitalization and no deaths, I only looked at the control group. Of a population of patients who were specifically chosen as high-risk, a whopping 6.5% ended up in hospital and 0.67% died.

Reiterating my "unknown risks" theme: this is an experimental drug, highly toxic. It specifically requires tests for kidney function before use and there is a modified protocol for those with kidney issues.


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My husband was offered a new EUA monoclonal shot for covid called Evusheld. It’s for immune compromised. The immune compromised control group had a whopping 1% symptomatic covid and the shot dropped that to 0.2 % in the matched test group. My husband got the shot anyway, despite knowing the low absolute RR. Oh, and the stated risk of a heart attack.

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Exactly. IFR for my age is 0.3%. Even if I believe the numbers, that drops to 0.05% with a vaccine. That's a real risk reduction of 0.25% (assuming equal outcomes, which we also know isn't true).

Only a government idiot would claim that at 99.7% safe I'm 'at risk' but at 99.95% safe I'm 'actually safe.'

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That’s why they had to hype the supposed risk and make everyone think they are immune compromised. It’s actually brilliant- because we can’t “measure” the strength of our own immune systems. We only know if we got sick- not the sickness we avoided.

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Also, it seems to me that most vaccine hesitators were concerned about long-term health problems that might take years to reveal themselves. We were not concerned about all-cause mortality increasing only one year after vaccinations began - and even less concerned about COVID deaths increasing from vaccinations. In other words, most of us expected the vaccines to work well and last for a lifetime. We were concerned about getting cancer and other things later. What is happening is worse than anybody expected.

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What was unrealistic was having an expectation. Since these drugs escaped the normal trials, we had no reason to expect anything but the unexpected.

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100% on target

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I only know the contrary. There's a large group of folks, myself included that were worried about just that in early 2021 based on reading the available medical research papers. I know of two blog groups that were worried about the extensive data on failed corona virus vax efforts and dead animals. (Yes one paper included an mrna technology as well as other methods). One blogger called it the "nightmare kitty" scenario and the other gave a 1 in 30 estimate of profound injury (which he has recently suggested may be low). Again all based on easily available medical research papers. What is interesting about these folks is they run in certain Meyers Briggs categories. What a shame these bloggers could not reach a broad and embracing medical audience and were openly restricted.

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It is a shame that the people who seem to be predicting correctly are generally not reaching the people who could help change the course.

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Additional info on vax vs. unvaxxed population. Vaxxed are richer, less smokers, less obese, lower life expectancy, higher death rate: https://inumero.substack.com/p/we-dont-know-if-covid-vaccinations?r=tv61s&utm_medium=ios

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And this post examines which factor has the highest correlation with Covid deaths: https://inumero.substack.com/p/best-predictor-of-covid-deaths-in?r=tv61s&utm_medium=ios

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Actually it was the early animal and in vitro studies of the spike protein that convinced me not to take the jab. I figured I could avoid the virus (hopefully until it mutated to a more benign form), but injecting spike code would be a done deal. Then when the hcq studies in c19study showed up, I never looked back.

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It was the fact they were inserting a code into the cells that gave me a whiff as to my rejection of them. I didn’t really understand it but didn’t sound good. That was late summer of 2020. By January 2021 I had already had a mild Cvd.

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I imagine you were a lot better informed than the average hesitator, but probably I was also a lot worse informed too.

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We can only know the information that we see. I was lucky in that we had given up TV years ago after having kids, so I was already tuned into alternative media sources.

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I had turned it all off too but was plugged into alternative health science and medicine information snd that’s where I began to get the alternative view and science ( aka The Truth. )

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and brought to you by Pfizer ... which set a record for the largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine of any kind with $2.3 billion in 2009.

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I am going to struggle with any physician who recommended people vaccinate with this. I think the only honest answer any physician could have given when someone asked them was they literally do not know. They have no information to know whether the vaccine will help or hurt.

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At least that would have been honest and the Doc probably would have not lost their license for creating "hesitancy" by peddling "misinformation". I could have respected a Doc that just said, "I don't know" and let the patient make their own decision. But, instead by their religious fervor to get people "vaccinated", they've created a whole segment of the population that will *never* trust most MD's or "vaccines" again for as long as we live.

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Not only am I questioning vaccines but a lot of medicines. Statins have been pushed on people like crazy. I do not know if we can trust them.

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You can’t. “Number to Treat” on these is 99 have to take them to benefit 1 person. These figures are not a secret and statin companies use the “relative Risk Reduction” scam as well. Not Absolute Risk Reduction. Just Like the jabs. Not taking them just increases the pharmaceuticals risk reduction for Ka-Ching.

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Jul 25, 2022
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When offered statins I did some research which showed such minimal absolute risk reduction that I never filled the script. 20 years later and my "good" cholesterol is equal to my triglycerides and I never think about my bad cholesterol now as I've learned that most cholesterol is good cholesterol.

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As we age we need cholesterol for brain health.

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Most I know with Alzheimer’s we’re extremely fat phobic and bought the lie.

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Exactly what soured my faith in pHarma and conventional medicine. The cholesterol con.

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My doctor said he respected my stance on not taking the jab & didn’t browbeat me, but still said I should take it. After which I lost all respect for him.

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Circle back and shame them. Ask them so a year ago you told me the injection would stop transmission, infection and lead to herd immunity that would save grandma. When did you learn that the science was wrong?

Oh you did not say that? I seem to have missed your telling me that the science was wrong but do remember you recommending it.

So now you believe that it reduces death? Fascinating. Did you hear this from the same people that told you it would stop infection? I seem to have missed this claim by Pfizer in its original study and approval. You do know the only thing it was tested for was stoping symptomatic infection right?

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Avoiding doctors & all things medical like “the plague” these days 😂

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Me too. And I’m a physician assistant.

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And isn’t that pathetic? I always trusted docs; my dad, uncle & grandad were all physicians, altho I think in their day it really was about the patient & of course they owned their own practices, not slaves to hospitals or insurance companies, etc. I vax’d my kids w/out question (deep regrets now). The past 2+ years have been a very enlightening & depressing awakening. Better late than never, I guess

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And which will never be able to effectively clear future viral and other infections.

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What I point out to doctors is they need to speak up so this does not happen again in the future. Where is the Chicago protocol? The London protocol? Traditionally Doctors treat patience and try things to see if they work. We eventually find the treatment that works and we refine it and share it with other hospitals. The and FDA is a guidance and not an order. This must be the first place to stop.

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When people wake up what was done to them, these doctors and nurses will have rough time. I'll have serious problems with everybody that saw the damage and said silent.

One of the problems now is not just that the most of them are still on heavy doses of KoolAid but also that many were injected, many even wanted to so they think that injections are safe if they didn't immediately get serious AEs and may even want other people to take same stupid risks they took with the magical science sauce?

What happens when even the FullHD Corona's Witnesses docs start connecting the dots? In case someone missed this, 3 Toronto docs from the same hospital dead during the same week when the booster program is said to have been expanded. 4th doctor on the same area died mysteriously as well.


The officials deny it was the jabs yet don't tell the COD. One died of aggressive (lung) cancer which may have been a coincidence or a victim of the suppression of CD4&CD8-receptors that are the guardian cells which normally help keep the cancers in check. They had to a component that suppresses the immune reaction when these things are injected because otherwise that would cause inflammation. Inflammation was one of the problems in mRNA-vaccine development, MD RW Malone has told.

But now, one man's lowered inflammation in another man's immunodefency which opens the door for many nasty stuff in injected bodies. This is the root cause for why people are more likely to get ill (from covid or any other cause) right after the injection and that's why they use the 14 days in their records. So they knew of risks of all kinds of disease (virus-, bacteria-, cancer-based) to pop out after vaccination.

What makes it even worse, the injections increase the risk of covid reinfections too, which are known to deplete the T-cell count and if reinfected, the body does not have enough time to get them back up. After studying this and listening both the mRNA- and immunology experts, I'd be surprised if we didn't see all kinds of disease go up by 2 didit %s very soon. It's not a coincidence but highly likely the monkeypox came this way too and that most, if not all, are most likely injected.

It (the virus) may've been on someone's body symptomless but after dampening of their immune system they opened the door for that, too? NEJM report told that 40% had HIV but (for some) reason it didn't tell how many had injections that do the same to immune system. A person infected with monkeypox had covid at the same time which hints to direction of a weak T-cell response/immune system but we don't know if the poor man has HIV (or the injection doing the same job):


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We personally know two people in our small community that have been diagnosed with glioblastoma. It’s a rare thing to begin with and to have two people in the past couple months in a small community be diagnosed with it seems crazy.

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Oh my lord! Those really are very rare. Normally. I looked up the incidence rate and it was 3.19/100,000 persons in US (with median age of 64 years, males get it 1.6x more than female)! Uncommon in children.

Many good doctors who studied the mRNA/LNP-injections, like Dr. Ryan Cole, warned early on we'd see this. Informative video for those who missed this, he compares the LNP-platform to a nuclear bomb...:


That alone is fraud that they marketed these comparing the mRNA they used (pseudouridine) to natural (uridine) even though their stability is completely different and you can find the synthetic mRNA at least 60 days after injection, that was the study cut-off. Dr. Malone has an interesting substack article where he's asking "when does mRNA stop being mRNA?"

Is the pharma-funded liar-media grooming people to the v-damage - all of them get covid several times so many will buy it?


It would be funny if it didn't make me angry that they blame everything on covid and not a word about the carnage injections have already caused.

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When these were first coming out multiple people would say to me they’ve been working on this technology for a long time. And I would be like right they’ve been working on it for a long time and it never made it out to market… That should tell you something right there. Also tired of all the people who keep sticking up for Trump… If the man was not smart enough to realize that warp speed on something like this is horrific then he definitely should not be president.

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I agree 100%. If he didn't see that those things are not working and doesn't care what they do to so many perfectly healthy people, there's is something badly wrong with him.

He would've been ok had he come out months ago and said he was lied to and mislead (as he was) but it's too late now. He could have served as the voice of the vaccine damaged and point out all the other areas where injections have failed.

What makes this even worse is that we have receipts of Gates telling him NOT to fix VAERS when he was just elected, see vid:


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This has nothing to do with excess deaths but everything to do with inconvenient truths in stats and how governments exorcise those: I have been in touch with the Minister of Health for the province of Alberta, Canada, recently because Alberta Health Services( AHS) had an employee vax mandate. Nothing new here, except that this particular mandate applied ONLY to new hires after the date of Nov 30.21, and healthcare students. You read that right- existing employees before Nov 30 did not need to be vaccinated -because they threatened to quit in droves- but new hires and students, did. I argued to the Minister (for months) that there is absolutely no scientific evidence that vaccines work on any group after a certain date (Nov 30) or that students are somehow at higher risk of spreading or contracting C 19. Mr Health Minister finally replied to me early last week, skirting the lack of scientific basis for such a mandate altogether, and instead telling me that vaccines are 'safe and effective' and to get boosted. Problem for him is that he carelessly added a link to AHS' own 'vaccine outcomes' stats. Little did he know that I had been following these stats for months- something he himself apparently had not been doing: his own stats clearly showed was that while 38% of the population is boosted, they comprise over 50% of hospitalizations! Needless to say, I could not pass up the opportunity to ridicule and chastise him, so I screen shot the stats he linked to, and sent them back him, replying " you mean these stats? See you in court." I kid you not: three days later, without replying to me, AHS REMOVED the " vaccine outcomes" numbers from its website and replaced them with studies that tell us how wonderful vaccines are! They also magically removed the completely unsupportable mandate. Now, unfortunately for them I have many screen shots of their erstwhile data, and have put Mr Minister on notice that this is the case. Not sure what his next move will be. Bottom line is don't believe a word they say and instead, assume the exact opposite is true. Because it is.

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Retell this over and over to anyone that will listen. Take your time in the telling. Don’t leave out a single detail. Your experience is so valuable and has potential to move minds. Even one is cause for gratitude and celebration. More than one, wow. This is how their façade crumbles. Thanks for sharing your ground shifting story!

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Thank you for your kind words but I really doubt I am the only one who was appealing to the Minister to drop the mandate- I'm sure the success in getting this dropped was as a result of the efforts of many people. I will continue to share the story nonetheless. As for AHS unfortunately no longer reporting their 'vaccine outcome' stats because they are not favourable to the "get boosted" narrative, it's a sad state of affairs. To persist in pushing boosters despite that they know they cause the boosted to be over represented in hospitalized cases is starting to look a lot like attempted murder.

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Understood you alone are not responsible for the Minister’s reactions. But if you think about it, you could possibly weave that into the telling? Be humble, acknowledge your potential lost-in-the-wilderness lone voice, concluding that there had to be a whole lot of others to result in someone in his office sitting up and taking notice? Makes the story not about you but about a widely shared concern, and ultimately about the listener themself - if they’re hearing.

I couldn’t agree more about suspicions of attempted murder. It’s horrifying. Thank you! for your heart in service to humanity! Not an overstatement. Every small action, millions, billions of them, they are shifting things.

Thank you again for sharing your experience.

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You saved new hires’ and students’ lives. 🙏 Excellent.

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I'm sure I wasn't the only one writing the government incessantly about this mandate. Took many months, and I'm sure in that time, far too many were needlessly jabbed. I am grateful however, for whatever finally moved them to do the right thing.

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I have almost finished reading Malcolm Kendrick’s book on atherosclerosis The Clot Thickens. In it, I have learned about the role of stress (among other things, like smoking drinking and lack of exercise) in leading to high blood pressure and heart attacks and so on.

Given what we have all lived through over the past 2.5 years, I am not convinced that the excess mortality we are currently seeing is entirely due to the vaccines (no doubt some is, in my mind, given the biologically plausibility of it, and the anomalous nature of many reported deaths in young and healthy people). With a 7-fold increase in heart disease seen in Latvia and Russia in middle aged men in the tumultuous years post collapse of the USSR, stress clearly has a massive role to play. It is debatable who might have felt that stress most keenly during the pandemic, but one might think it could be the poorest in society, and those who had lost businesses and income. This WILL confound any relationship with vaccination rates.

I personally still feel very stressed. It has been like being sent to prison for a crime you did not commit, during the lockdowns, and then treated as a pariah for being justifiably cautious over a hastily developed and poorly characterised gene therapy product. I am suddenly surrounded by zombie people who cannot use logic. It’s terrifying.

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My job is related to live entertainment, an industry that has been devastated by the lockdowns. I've been job searching, and a large number of the jobs that would be a good fit, also require vaxxination. That immediately disqualifies me.

Plus... I moved to a new state right before the lockdowns.

So yeah, stressed. And have been for two years.

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On gab there on some nondiscriminatory recruitment sites that advertise, maybe you’ve seen them?

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I'm actually not on any social media but LinkedIn, and that's been kind of forced on me. And yes, I know I'm probably losing HR points because they can't find anything out about me on social media. That's.... OK with me.

Right now, I'm in a situation where I can wait and see; thankfully, there is no urgency about the job hunt .

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LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft. Indeed is another site but they force jabs on their new hires. Not sure about Glassdoor.

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This won’t change until a good percentage of those affected return to a state of “my medical decisions are none of your business.”

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Deeply traumatized on lots of levels since 2020….

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Yes, exactly! It's extremely stressful for all those reasons. And lol... they like to tell you for your health, to avoid stress!!! lol

And what a timely (to me) book. I'll definitely check it out. Thanks!

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It's very good. And an easy read (though the constant jokes get a little wearing).

A lot of things have made me think...for example the link between sickle cell and atherosclerosis. Spiky sickle shaped cells, scraping along your endothelium, causing damage (and blood clots) as they go. You know what else might have the potential to do that? spike proteins.

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Perfect timing. Need to share this article with a friend. He “got high blood pressure from covid”. I asked are you sure it wasn’t from the booster? “No, I got covid 3 weeks after I had the booster”. Oh ok. He just had covid for the second time.

Also appreciated this thread…https://twitter.com/remnantmd/status/1551152434357194754?s=21&t=Pvw9W6DOkIkvV0b_xMsN0g

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lol... that is how these conversations go, until you are worn. completely. out.

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Yup. Only way to not hear such nonsense is to not have the conversation. I've said goodbye to four friendships of 50 years in the past two years. In the end, I decided that decades of shared experiences cannot substitute for intellectual integrity and critical thinking.

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you are not alone.

I lost my younger daughter and her angry controlling husband.

Heartbreaking, I miss the grand babies.

He called me disgusting, insulting and immature for sending him information on damage to retinal nerve from the vaccine.

Oh well. it is crushingly sad.

I know my parents shared information with us, not all I agreed with, but I never shunned and cancelled, or barred my parents from seeing the grand children.

They cut me completely out

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I'm so sorry to hear that. That would be devastating. Prayers for you. I suspect this will not end well for your daughter or your son-in-law.

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It ain't over.

They become teenagers and start asking questions. The call will come.

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Unfortunately, they’re being taught not to ask questions.

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So sorry. He sounds abusive in all ways.

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I am so sorry. I try to, as I’m sure you have, to make sense of this but there really isn’t any. Hopefully blood will out.

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Very sorry to hear that. Hope they wake up soon and apologize.

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My sister apologized and invited me over but then uninvited me because if her unvaxxed daughter she is still shunning finds out her mother spent time with her unvaxxed sister there would be hell to pay. This is what has devolved from this disaster. Maybe I don’t want to see her anyway. Lord give me strength.

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He will give you strength. Hang in there.

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An awkward silence followed 🤣

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And down another rabbit hole I go. El Gato is great; the commenters are great; and now this, Remnant. Thank you.

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Holy cow! Absolutely no relationship?

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Isn't it ironic how the vaxed cling to their covid infections as a fig leaf of "credibility" for the vax?

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Here's Micah's devastating concise and data-laden takedown of Ethical Skeptic's chart:

"This account has been spreading misleading "statistics" since the pandemic began. Not only are they anonymous (with questionable credibility) but the account is run by either someone very good at statistics (knowing how to best distort/mislead) or someone very bad at statistics."


Naturally, he lists "He/Him" in his twitter bio, which appears to be close to 100% predictive of idiocy, which in Micah's case is immediately confirmed by his obsession with corn nuts and pink unicorns with gold lamé paws he carries around in his car.


One can only imagine the sort of "economics" this idiot "teaches" and how much they charge students to receive his wisdom.

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So, no argument huh? That’s that whole side’s game. Ad hominem, never a logical counter argument. I’ve tried to discuss this with several colleagues and quickly realized they are too stupid to understand any of this.

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Leftists cannot argue because most everything they believe is indefensible nonsense.

Most of them don't know much of anything about anything, so ad hominem is all they've got, which is why they invent an ever-expanding vocabulary of slurs that they throw around like toddlers in a sandbox.

It would be amusingly pathetic if there were not quite so many of them.

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Wouldn’t they be gold lame’ hooves? I don’t have the accented e easily accessible. My bad.

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Lame works even better.

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The best rebuke of the "vaccines" and expose of all cause mortality is contained in Pfizer's own "safety and efficacy" data with over 46,000 participants. It had a "pure" group of placebo participants in 2020.

All cause mortality:

"Vaxxed": 22

Placebo: 16

That should've been the end of the scamdemic. But that data unbelievably led to the EUA of the Pfizer "vaccine"

How are we still even discussing this trash?

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Reading this data was one of my first "aha" (and utter shock) moments. I'm still shocked.

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This was the only piece of data I needed to decline the prototype drug.

Anybody that now feels duped for taking the poison shots only have themselves to blame for not looking for this data back in 2020. It was out there for all to see.

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Data point. In the years 2020/2021 combined US had approx 900,000 excess mortality (5 yr baseline avg). One 8 week period, the last 4 weeks of 2020 and first 4 weeks of 2021, accounted for 20 percent of that 2 year total. This 8 week period corresponds with the vaxx rollout for the elderly- draw your own conclusions.

If you look at Week 45 of 2020 thru to Week 5 of 2021 that period makes the 6 week "spike" of March/April 2020 look like a walk in the park.

The same is true looking at Week 32 of 2021 thru to Week 6 of 2022. This begs the question- what is happening that is causing all of these deaths. Not even in the official narrative are these being chalked up to "Covid"- at least not in this volume.

As an aside If you remove 8 states from the mortality equation of the March/April 2020 "spike" there was no meaningful excess death count in the other 42 states combined.

As for "variants" and mass media conjured pathogenic threats (Monkeypox etc.) these are the convenient scapegoats for the huge toll of injection injuries.

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Excess deaths for the 25-44 age group is the canary in the coal mine. Those people have low COVID risk and their excess deaths have been high since March, 2020 without following the COVID seasonal pattern. Percentage-wise, their excess is worse than any other age group.

US health care is collapsing. https://norstadt.substack.com/p/excess-us-deaths-for-25-to-44-year

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Yes, I found very similar with my analysis of Florida data. Using 2019 as a base, the 2021 all-cause deaths increased highest in the 25-54 age ranges, 25-35% (deduct a few percent for population growth).

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I share the skepticism of many against the vaxxes and I believe they are leading to excess deaths.

However, your are ignoring likely confounding factors in some of your claims. I have not checked your figures, but consider merely your first claim. What else happens in late December-early January? That is the midst, almost the peak of "flu season." Illness and death rise rapidly during these times. That is normal.

That doesn't mean the vaxxes are not killing people. It DOES mean that the correlation is not easily proven, far from it in fact.

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That comparison is just to illustrate that the "pandemic" event was not even up to the mortality of a later point in time during that year.

The excess mortality rate for 2022 will also be higher than the supposed pandemic era.

We would also need to include the impacts of lockdowns, economic destruction etc.

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I'm on the other side of this debate. I think the Covid jabs really do reduce all-cause mortality.

We need a system analogous to VAERS but for all the unexpected good things the jabs do, like cures and healing and lifesaving. People can file reports like, "Covid jab shrank my brain tumor," "Covid jab deployed my car's air bag during an accident" or "Covid jab turned on my gun's safety before I dropped gun on floor."

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How about, "scheduling my Jab resulted in me avoiding a possible traffic ticket in the speed trap along my normal route."

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Good point. Jabs do more than just save your life. They save you money. Bankruptcy judges should tell corporate CFOs that a Covid booster will pay off their company's debt.

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“We’re not claiming the jab will make you rich, but most people experience unexpected wealth within 10 DAYS OF RECEIVING THIS MIRACLE DRUG! Click *here* for more info!”

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OMG, how did you get a copy of Pfizer's 2023 sales plan?!

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Man, you are just such a breath of fresh air for sanity in these crazy-making times...

Thanks again.

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When my community was hot and heavy into Covid November 2020. Of course we were putting the death stats out in our local news. I asked them if they would also publish ages and comorbidities so that people could see the actual risks. At that point they told me it was a HIPAA issue. I’m like so you’re able to put out who died but you’re not able to put out the age range and the comorbidities. They literally wanted everyone scared and following all of their little mandates.

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While it would appear HIPAA is a good idea, I'm convinced it's now just completely "weaponized" to benefit the system and not patients.

examples: Why is your vax status forced public disclosure when clearly covered by HIPAA? Big tech is clearly collecting your health-related searches to sell to companies who market to you. It's a loophole in a sense (they're not accessing your medical records directly) but it further protects the convenient HIPAA uses.

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HIPAA applies to "covered entities" such as health care providers, and only to electronic records. So, forced public disclosure of your vaccination status does not on its face violate HIPAA regulations. For example, if a man accosted you on the street and forced you at gunpoint to reveal your vax status, this would not be a HIPAA violation (although obviously it could violate other laws). If I stole your medical records and posted them on the Internet, that would also not be a HIPAA violation. If your employer compels you to reveal your vax status and communicates this information to others, that is not a HIPAA violation. HIPAA does not protect the patient from anything, and never did.

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HIPAA had two “benefits” with which it was sold, and they’re right in the title: Portability and Privacy. Note, like all other Big Law sold to the public, neither benefit has actually materialized, and instead, HIPAA has been all about increasing the administrative burden in healthcare and increasing government involvement in healthcare. The title of any major legislation is almost always in radical conflict with the effect of the same legislation.

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HIPAA is merely an excuse to avoid publishing inconvenient anonymized data.

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I'm no expert in any of this, but I've had the thought for a long time it would be better if US healthcare records were in fact public information without excessively individual indentifying information so better "evidence based medicine" (almost a contraction in terms presently) could be practiced and CONFIRMED on an ongoing basis. i.e. the ever so hopeful trial data which got FDA approval has clear real world confirmations. (besides the pharma profits).

So, yes, HIPAA just seems to prevent fraud being uncovered.

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Reminds me of psychotropics. SSRI/MAOI alter brain chemistry. From what level to what level? What is normal brain chemistry? Don't worry about it. Yours is obviously not normal.

Does altering brain chemistry have systemic effects that should be considered? yes, there are side effects. Your doctor can prescribe moar pills for that. Or put you on a different brand. Luckily, there are a lot of options to alter your brain chemistry.

No actual neurochemical baseline, 'efficacy' metrics absent all kinds of controls, no personal risk assessments let alone systemic. How does reported efficacy of one's "mood" compare to say, 30 minutes of cardio 3x/week? Why do you hate SCIENCE! Also, common sense gun laws.

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Prof Pollack doin' woowoo.

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We may need a Gato Glossary for newcomers. Maybe a Gatopedia.

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I think there's a psychological attempt at trying to convince themselves they weren't duped.

As such, they're going to try every way possible to 'prove' the vaccines worked. Just like how sports fans will find every possible stat to prove their guy is better than the actual best player (for example, I remember people trying to convince that Jonathan Toews was better than Sidney Crosby). But to those with a knack for spotting shifting rhetorical narratives and justifications applying critical thinking, it becomes more and more apparent the vaccines not only aren't working but they likely never did because they were using specious data points and metrics to claim this. I was suspicious of this from the start. It may have worked for, I don't know, 15 minutes but no more. And the plan to 'boost away' is just an example of authorities not knowing what they're doing and believing there are no other alternatives. It's sink or swim with experimental 'jections. Can't deviate from that. What? Admit we were wrong? F that! And I have no idea how doctors who keep peddling these lies look at themselves in the mirror at this point.

It's very hard to get people who took the shots and just wanted to move on to see they may have taken it for nothing. This is fine if it came with no consequences. But it apparently does - and mighty dangerous ones.

A health expert here was saying how we can't mandate it for kids because the experimental "vaccines" simply aren't that effective anymore. Big win on that given it was mainstream. You could see the veins popping out of the interviewer's head and neck. But she softened the blow by keeping to the myth the "vaccines" worked super well early. It was a confusing message for me, imagine a normie - I can just see the confused Shaggy and Scooby look.

They're skating and engaging in revisionism to try and hang on to what little credibility they have left. 'They worked but no now' routine suggests to me they never worked in the first place.

I also find it interesting China and Russia aren't using mRNA.

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My “big sister”, a biology field PhD, has worked (in labs) & lived in Australia for over 40y. We’d previously spoken for a really long time a few times a year. I was fond of my sister & always admired her scientific acumen.

However, at the end of 2019, we’d not spoken for many months & in the end, we only spoke once during 2020 (& not since).

She’s even now unwilling to assess the evidence that we’ve been lied to from the start.

I would ask, “What is the correct number of times your public health experts & elected officials should lie to you in ways that could cost you your hesitation & possibly your life?”

Obviously it’s zero. I was able to prove that, in UK & the USA, we’d been told multiple lies & that these were associated with additional deaths. Things like masks, lockdown & asymptomatic transmission.

Her response, two days later, was, I will grant her, most creative:

“It’s very easy to create fake papers these days”.

I had tried multiple times to invite her to find some arguments for herself that would show that was she’d been told couldn’t possibly be true. I never made a single inch of progress.

Here’s the thing. My older sister was a flower power child. Not well-disposed to trust governments. She’s a smart person in many areas. She was a prominent fungal geneticist before retirement some years ago.

Furthermore, she was well aware that I’d had a satisfactory corporate career & subsequently again as a biotech CEO & consultant. She also knew that at least some of the matters in question were “in my wheelhouse”, areas I knew well.

Despite all this, she accused me of being a conspiracy theorist, anti-Vaxxer, spreading dangerous misinformation.

After three attempts, I’ve had to down tools.

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Mike, if it's any consolation, I have failed in every attempt to persuade family and friends of these matters. It seems the best one can achieve for now is to keep the door open to dialogue. We are in Mattias Desmet territory, this is a phenomenon of individual and mass psychology, akin or identical to hypnosis. No amount of persuasion will work.

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Thank you, yes, I agree that’s the most we can do, to keep dialogue running.

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I just wrote about this today! We're living separate realities because the political narrative demands we reject actual reality.


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Not to mention Haiti, which isn't using anything. Lowest vaccination rate in the world, very low covid death rates. Poorest country in the Western hemisphere. The other half of the island, Dominican Republic is 70%+ vaccinated, with a 6x higher death rate. Remember early on when the medical authorities said Americans were not at as great a risk of dying from covid as Third-world inhabitants because of the quality of our health care [sic]? It was all a con from the beginning.

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Just look around you.

More people are getting sick and/or dying AFTER the jabs came out than before.

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I've done a few with better controls too. Funnily enough, none came out supporting a hypothesis that vaccines saved lives. In fact, more often the opposite.





Also, 1st season COVID deaths is a significant factor. A lot of the states in the bottom right of his chart suffered horrendous deaths in spring 2020. Many of the susceptible were already dead by the time of vaccines and his analysis.

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