That’s what Xi said.

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The man has endless possibilities !

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Oct 25, 2022Edited
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working from which home, yours or your client's?

asking for a friend.....

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Well played

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Just cannot wait until Comrade Brandon is "tired and needs a rest" and is ignored by KamelToe on his escorted way out.

That's when the Venn diagram party, celebrating the significance of the passing of time, really gets started.

Let Fweedom Wing!

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Hahaha! Good one Libertate!🤣🤣🤣

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Hello fellow punny guy, great! Freedom Wing! Left Wing and Right Wing of the Turkey bred not to fly but to die to fill the plates of the Power Elites?

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You should check us out, feline friend. All we do is malign creativity. Memes, graphics, art… all made in house. Free for all.

Trying to fight the new world order with memes. We need all the help we can get.

Please, spread the love.


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I inhaled them all with gusto. I bet EGM would find some worth sharing.

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thanks for the link ! Good stuff.

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Thanks! Check out our other stuff, and sign up for free memes. A Halloween list of ideas is next.

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one can never have enough memes ! awaiting the scarecrows !

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Me trying not to actual snort-LOL as my husband rests quietly in the living room...

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My dogs are concerned. The laughing and snorting dismays them.

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And to think he's so modest, he declined to have a coronavirus named after him (the once-named Xi variant).

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How disappointing that Gato turns out to be a Xilaphobe.

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Xilaphobe: An irrational fear of people named Sheila.

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Another reason he's not welcome in Oz.

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as opposed to Karenophobe

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An Anthem. Replace with "Jintao & Sheila" This thing practically writes itself.

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Thank you so much!

I laughed so much!

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Soooo bad... yet soooo good.

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There was also a big, scary Wang in this situation.

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Well, Xi-iiiit, gato. I did not know about the Pooh reference. Thanks for ruining my childhood memories.

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Christopher Robin -- useful idiot

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I swear, this is the funniest group (and the cleverest!) of commenters on substack! LMAO at these puns!

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Reminds me of my favorite song, "A Quick Wong, While He's A-Wey" by The Hu:

Xir man's been gone

For nigh on a year

Hu was wuhan yesterday

But he ain't here

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The HU are an awesome band!

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Xi's third term is not prohibited by Chinese law. It merely contravenes established but unwritten succession norms dating back to Deng Xiaoping.

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That would make him the Franklin Roosevelt of Red China. 😁

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God. I knew he was an authoritarian but I didn't know it was that bad.

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All the people in the back rows were wearing masks, the top-people on the front row weren’t. Just in case anyone needed more evidence that mask-wearing is about subjugation of the lower orders - the rule takers - to distinguish them from the upper class - the rule makers. Many instances of this we saw in our ‘free democratic’ Countries too: the rules are for thee, not for me.

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What time did the CCP leader go to the toilet?

When He Poo.

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The Great Reset is the new Great Leap Forward. Will be posting about it on Thursday. Clay Davis is a legend, he'd fit right into the CCP thuggery.

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Meanwhile, in Little China (previously known as Great Britain), we have Jeremy Hunter Biden as Chancellor and Ri-Xi Sunak as Prime Minister. Winnie the Pooh doesn't even get a look in.

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And according to outgoing Liz Wuss, we shall all soon be having honey for tea on sunlit uplands.

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More like bugs for tea, bugs for lunch, bugs for dinner and bugs for breakfast. But at least the sunlit uplands won't be too hot or too wet, or too windy, because we'll have solved the 'climate crisis'.

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