Virtue signalling is easy, until you have to actually bear the costs of the policies you supposedly favor. The people of MV, NY, DC, and Chicago are getting a hard lesson about that right now.
The wall of cognitive dissonance is stronger than any wall ever made by man. I think the last few years have demonstrated how that wall is virtually impervious to learning...
The Cape and Islands are beautiful in the (short) season. The elites trend more to the Vineyard, or, for the uber-elite, Nantucket, while much of the Cape is a bit more middle class. In winter all are scarcely populated. They refer to the Vineyard as "The Rock". The Cape is particularly plagued with alcoholism and, increasingly, smack and Fentanyl (the nearby city on the mainland, New Bedford, is the principal heroin distribution hub for all of New England). So there are plenty of "services" for the down and out, as well as an established customer base for those peddling the right wares. Seems a good fit.
There are likely plenty of jobs, but nowhere affordable to live. I just looked on, and there were no properties under a million. Unless you count a couple of lots of land.
I grew up border hopping between NH and MA and lived in Boston for most of the 90's, working at DEC and then Lotus in the PRC. My old stomping grounds. I've been back to visit several times in the intervening years. though never back to the Cape or the Vineyard. I know that Provincetown in particular has gotten outrageously expensive, the Vineyard as well. It really started going nuts when the Clintons started vacationing there, then of course the Messiah and his brood. I wouldn't set foot there today. Sad, really. But I have fond memories.
Grew up summering (6 weeks every single summer) at my grandmother's cottage--originally an 'oyster shack' bought by her parents ~1900, morphing into a 5 bedroom cottage. Waterfront and on a private beach. Nice deal for a little kid each year. Sold out of the family in 1960. Went back in 1988, was shocked at how tacky the Cape, and that place, had become. Never had any desire to go back (although some of my childhood friends were still there in their own family summer homes).
As if their entitled spawn ever set foot in a public school. These "domestic terrorists" of which you speak are not seen as a threat to the ivory halls of Phillips or Exeter Academies.
It's hard not to find this pretty delicious, and wonderfully hilarious.
Setting aside the hilarity of highlighting rich-person-hypocrisy for a moment, I actually think this is a great thing for America.
I don’t think it’s sustainable for a rich elite to carry on making decrees from private estates and never have to confront the reality of how they are reshaping the world. The polarisation in politics is a mirror of the polarisation in wealth, lifestyle, and power that has happened. Ordinary people are increasingly not 'heard' in their wishes for collective culture — they're shouted down, boxed out, shamed and censored.
I do believe that politics is downstream of culture. We do need for the ‘elites’ to be faced with a dose of the exact reality they ordered, before they push free countries off the cliff of [moral pomposity and] sheer insanity. Far from being divisive, I think DeSantis is actually doing something necessary to bring the two halves of America back together, under one reality ...actual reality.
those that want them all to come in should do the upkeep as well, and not on poor taxpayer's back. I have nothiing against the immigrants but they have to cope on their own just like we do. It costs quite a bit and takes a bunch of trouble to be a legal immigrant (I know, I did it)
But Ingrid, that means that people like the Obama's might only be able to afford 6 gardeners when they really need 12. Surely you understand, they are "saving the world" and implementing "social justice" you gotta crack a few [poor people being exploited] eggs if you want to be able to create a just utopia, you know?
I mean, in the equitable utopia that Barack, Michelle and others are working towards... *obviously* someone still needs to keep the pool clean and the fridge stocked. And the beds made, and the laundry done. And the kids driven around, and the household admin done. And the PR, and the hair and makeup...
I mean, hello! justice is hard work. But it's a noble cause. It's "emotional labour" as AOC has told us. While they're gallantly working for this equitable utopia, you can't surely expect them to live like [gasp!] ...normal people?! How could they be expected to have sufficient energy to give $200,000 speeches about equity if nobody is there to mow the lawn and keep the house running [for criminally low wages].
I mean c'mon, be reasonable Ingrid, please. Our betters are saving the world, after all.
if you formulate it like that.... hm.... But, would these people not rather HAVE a home than do the upkeep to someone elses home you think ? I sometimes wonder if all these rich people even realize they are rich. They are so alienated from real life ! Saving the world !
Yes, I'm sure the migrants coming in would rather make their own homes, instead of being staff in someone else's home. Of course they want a better life, so does everyone currently living in America, that's a universal dream — to better oneself, and climb the ladder of life, for yourself and then for your kids.
But let's be honest, the rich progressives who claim to want more of this kind of immigration, they don't care about the messy aspects, because they normally (until this week) only get "the benefits", never the downsides [the realities].
They don't live in border towns in Texas or Arizona, towns of 30,000 people who are facing waves of 15,000 people a *WEEK* coming through, illegally. They don't need to try to maintain a community, or their family safety, under cartel domination. They don't see or care about the rape, human trafficking, drug trafficking, child trafficking and wanton violence.
They just get the benefit of cheap and obedient maids that seem to endlessly wash up onto the shores of rich areas, uniformed and silent, ready to clean their laundry but never speak of their trauma.
All jokes aside, this is evil. To exploit others, is evil. To turn a blind eye to suffering (and even *rape and trafficking of children*) is evil. To expect that it is ok that other human beings are exploited for your benefit... is evil.
I'm not a religious person, but I do understand the concept of evil and find it increasingly hard to call this stuff anything else. We are living through a very arrogant, almost publicly lauded resurgence of lying, exploitation, degradation and perversity. Those who profess to be the most kind and the most caring, are actually those doing / endorsing the most wicked [even ...overtly evil..] deeds.
We know what an important part immigrant labor plays in Texas, and to suddenly wipe out large sectors ... would have a devastating impact on the Texas economy. We need immigrant labor to do those tasks where not enough Americans will.”
That's a very self serving (and unsurprising) statement from one of the beneficiaries of unlimited cheap labour that can be treated badly, and paid subsistence/3rd world wages to do dangerous jobs...
A few questions though, as comments like Mr Hammonds seem to get pushed onto us as "realities of the market" by the compliant media all across the west:
1. If these jobs are already being done by illegals [which pleases Mr Hammond], is he saying he still needs the flow to be constant, in addition? — why, what does that say about how they're being treated and paid, that you would worry you need a *constant* flow of millions of illegals? rather implies that the burnout/turnover rate for such roles is really high, which begs it's own set of questions.
2. Who was doing these jobs before? ...nobody wants to answer this one... because we know the answer. These jobs used to be done by locals. But the pesky locals wanted stuff like a decent wage they could raise a family on, and if you tried to force them to work in unsafe conditions they might do something diabolical like form a union...
Mr Hammond is making an argument for profitable exploitation, not an argument for market efficiency. A loose labour market will always erode wages and working conditions, as he well knows. If you tighten up your labour market by turning off the tap of millions of immigrants coming in each year, then wages and conditions will strengthen, local workers will be brought back into the workforce, and prices will be able to rise to reflect higher inputs as workers will be seeing enough wage inflation to meet those costs. The "virtuous cycle" of economic development.
Ha! Love your sarcasm jjin! They would probably work for free if they could stay in the quarters. Just think what a pleasure that it would be to work for the King and Queen!
I was not referencing the deranged totalitarian ideology of collectivism, I was trying to point out that the 'working & middle classes' are of one view — a very well established view, the "common sense" view — that is consistent and clear, yet constantly disregarded and denigrated, despite this group of voters ...actually being the majority!!
How sad. They specifically ordered telescopic philanthropy. At a distance! They don't want to actually ... SEE the poors. No wonder they're demanding to speak to the manager.
It's just so hard to get good help these days. The cleaners and gardeners are not supposed to arrive in such a disorderly manner!
They should arrive in uniform, having been already trained not to speak to Mrs Boss Lady or look at her directly. Why are these unruly brown folks arriving with no uniforms, and why are they walking the streets like they are real people and not our "staff"?!
It's a funny thing, I work part time as a park keeper. The cartel guys from Puebla and Zacatecas driving around in their $80k trucks carrying rolls of Franklins that could choke a horse (trust me, I have seen them) always get a big kick out of seeing a middle aged white woman marching around with a leaf blower. Kills them every time. That's America for you!
The illegals are getting a lesson in our caste systems. The Boston Brahmans ship them from Martha’s Vineyard to cape cod, then the middle class will ship them from cape cod to southie.
I'm on Nantucket right now. We are deploying along the ridges and readying the Navy. Against the MV'ers that is - not immigrants. There's nothing a Natucketer despises more than Anyone from the Vineyard.
My respect for him grows daily. I sincerely hope that he and Trump can reach some sort of détente, if not alliance, rather than rip each other's eyes out competing with one another.
Trump and his funder, Peter Thiel are withholding funding for several of Trump’s endorsees in state races and they are suffering. Trump supposedly controls $99m. Why is Trump holding onto this money? His own run? His defense fund? I am not totally familiar with finance laws so I don’t know. Does Trump perceive a personal benefit by having Ds control all for another two years? Is that at the expense of the country?
I agree completely. If the abject destruction and corruption of the past 20 months with Dems 100% in charge of the wrecking ball and if enough Americans don't rise en masse up to solidly svote them out now and then again in 2024, then there really is no hope, we've gone beyond the point of no return.
I hope we make it to 2024. What will happen is if a Republican wins, they will take office at the beginning of a worldwide depression. This can’t keep up any longer, the middle class and poor will be wiped out by Joe Biden and his band of miscreants and malcontents.
I think you're right. Depression is definitely on the menu. Long time coming. Maybe that prevents a totalitarian reset? Maybe could go both ways.
You probably know it took Reagan 3 years to pull us out of a deep recession. His polls sucked all way into the middle of 83'. He then went on to win 49 states in 84'
And if it's a total financial collapse, which is in the realm of possibility, then maybe none of this matters. Maybe we'll just be wondering where we get our food? If that happens look for the likes of Stalins and Mao's across the world. And lots of wars...maybe the BIG ONE?
Welp, the bleeding hearts at Martha's Vineyard -- bleeding borscht, my grandmother would have said -- have already begun deporting their busloads of migrants elsewhere. We knew this would happen, didn't we?
Yes, he was in good form, for sure. It was refreshing - shared delicious hilarity, albeit a little grim and tight-lipped, and a sense of enormous vindication. Three cheers for the two guvs, showing their cojones and fighting back. I can imagine them having a couple of attaboy phone calls or texts This looks to me like a turning point.
Having lived in the "cradle of liberty" for nearly 30 years and managing (somehow) to deal with the insufferable sanctimony of the majority of its residents, I laughed out loud when I heard 𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 where these planes landed "in Massachusetts". A couple people mentioned this to us yesterday, saying "Did ya hear about...landing in 'Massachusetts'?" And I said..."Not 'Massachusetts.' 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒂'𝒔 𝑽𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅!"
Now we know DeSantis has to know there's a big difference between just landing somewhere in "Massachusetts" with its many airports vs. landing at the one airport in 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒂'𝒔 𝑽𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅...As my better half said, "That's a huge, "Phu kk you, Massachusetts," from DeSantis, which is true and which just warms the cockles of my heart. ❤️❤️❤️ Couldn't happen to a "nicer" bunch.
Virtue signalling is easy, until you have to actually bear the costs of the policies you supposedly favor. The people of MV, NY, DC, and Chicago are getting a hard lesson about that right now.
The wall of cognitive dissonance is stronger than any wall ever made by man. I think the last few years have demonstrated how that wall is virtually impervious to learning...
Unfortunately, they’re just “deporting” them elsewhere! But it does bring attention to it! Keep it up DeSantis and Abbott!
The policies of 'progressives' are always carried out at someone else's expense.
Don't worry about Chicano (Chicago), they'll just bus them to Gary or Milwaukee, to screw over the neighboring states.
She bussed them out to conservative suburbs actually.
Well of course she did.
the Obamas are building a wall already!
Seriously? The Blacks are building walls to keep people of color out? I might be wrong but that sounds a bit racist? Hypocritical?
It's not racist if blacks do it. Only if whites do.
Whoops, I forgot
Comment of the day candidate #1.
Hold on General, we're not done yet! Lol!
At least I got a moment of glory : )
C'mon now, you haven't heard of double standards yet 🙄?
If it weren't for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.
Rosemary! That was wonderful.
Yes, to hold back the rising seas due to global warming.
you uncovered it all they're going to cover their "Hyannis'" by shipping them off to Cape Cod like Ray said!...LOL Brad!
The Cape and Islands are beautiful in the (short) season. The elites trend more to the Vineyard, or, for the uber-elite, Nantucket, while much of the Cape is a bit more middle class. In winter all are scarcely populated. They refer to the Vineyard as "The Rock". The Cape is particularly plagued with alcoholism and, increasingly, smack and Fentanyl (the nearby city on the mainland, New Bedford, is the principal heroin distribution hub for all of New England). So there are plenty of "services" for the down and out, as well as an established customer base for those peddling the right wares. Seems a good fit.
So... you're saying that with help wanted signs up everywhere across the country, there are NO JOBS IN NANTUCKET???
There are likely plenty of jobs, but nowhere affordable to live. I just looked on, and there were no properties under a million. Unless you count a couple of lots of land.
Force a hotel to open their doors. Happening in Phoenix and Tucson
I lived in Newton for almost 2 years. This was when I ramped up my business in 2007. I still have an office in Watertown.
I can not believe how much the Cape has changed since then.
I grew up border hopping between NH and MA and lived in Boston for most of the 90's, working at DEC and then Lotus in the PRC. My old stomping grounds. I've been back to visit several times in the intervening years. though never back to the Cape or the Vineyard. I know that Provincetown in particular has gotten outrageously expensive, the Vineyard as well. It really started going nuts when the Clintons started vacationing there, then of course the Messiah and his brood. I wouldn't set foot there today. Sad, really. But I have fond memories.
Grew up summering (6 weeks every single summer) at my grandmother's cottage--originally an 'oyster shack' bought by her parents ~1900, morphing into a 5 bedroom cottage. Waterfront and on a private beach. Nice deal for a little kid each year. Sold out of the family in 1960. Went back in 1988, was shocked at how tacky the Cape, and that place, had become. Never had any desire to go back (although some of my childhood friends were still there in their own family summer homes).
Was that prior to the Chappaquiddik incident? That famous former senator?
Good one!
O a sea wall, here I thought it was something else.
No, no - to hold back the domestic terrorists - you know, those parents who went to school board meetings. They're the real threat to our country!
As if their entitled spawn ever set foot in a public school. These "domestic terrorists" of which you speak are not seen as a threat to the ivory halls of Phillips or Exeter Academies.
They'll be wanting that discounted labor to work on that for sure.
Undocumented, unvaxxed, unmasked.....OH MY!!!
That is a really, really tall wall
You think that tall wall at the border stopped them? Puh! Bring it on thin, black guy... and woman with the funny bulge up front.
Dang it! That's was funny!
funny. a friend of mine in college went by the name Porge.
I Swear! It wasn't me!😳
I went to "The University of HK ( Hard Knocks)
Oh well!
Just wait; all the residence will be marking their doors with the blood of slaughtered lambs.
I wonder if they'll be moved by the "spark of divinity" with all their new "neighbors"?
i heard they already shuffled them off to cape cod
Uno!...Dos!......and they'll all disappear without a tres....;}
Ryan you're on a roll, as usual.
Ha! Even better!
It's hard not to find this pretty delicious, and wonderfully hilarious.
Setting aside the hilarity of highlighting rich-person-hypocrisy for a moment, I actually think this is a great thing for America.
I don’t think it’s sustainable for a rich elite to carry on making decrees from private estates and never have to confront the reality of how they are reshaping the world. The polarisation in politics is a mirror of the polarisation in wealth, lifestyle, and power that has happened. Ordinary people are increasingly not 'heard' in their wishes for collective culture — they're shouted down, boxed out, shamed and censored.
I do believe that politics is downstream of culture. We do need for the ‘elites’ to be faced with a dose of the exact reality they ordered, before they push free countries off the cliff of [moral pomposity and] sheer insanity. Far from being divisive, I think DeSantis is actually doing something necessary to bring the two halves of America back together, under one reality ...actual reality.
those that want them all to come in should do the upkeep as well, and not on poor taxpayer's back. I have nothiing against the immigrants but they have to cope on their own just like we do. It costs quite a bit and takes a bunch of trouble to be a legal immigrant (I know, I did it)
But Ingrid, that means that people like the Obama's might only be able to afford 6 gardeners when they really need 12. Surely you understand, they are "saving the world" and implementing "social justice" you gotta crack a few [poor people being exploited] eggs if you want to be able to create a just utopia, you know?
I mean, in the equitable utopia that Barack, Michelle and others are working towards... *obviously* someone still needs to keep the pool clean and the fridge stocked. And the beds made, and the laundry done. And the kids driven around, and the household admin done. And the PR, and the hair and makeup...
I mean, hello! justice is hard work. But it's a noble cause. It's "emotional labour" as AOC has told us. While they're gallantly working for this equitable utopia, you can't surely expect them to live like [gasp!] ...normal people?! How could they be expected to have sufficient energy to give $200,000 speeches about equity if nobody is there to mow the lawn and keep the house running [for criminally low wages].
I mean c'mon, be reasonable Ingrid, please. Our betters are saving the world, after all.
if you formulate it like that.... hm.... But, would these people not rather HAVE a home than do the upkeep to someone elses home you think ? I sometimes wonder if all these rich people even realize they are rich. They are so alienated from real life ! Saving the world !
Yes, I'm sure the migrants coming in would rather make their own homes, instead of being staff in someone else's home. Of course they want a better life, so does everyone currently living in America, that's a universal dream — to better oneself, and climb the ladder of life, for yourself and then for your kids.
But let's be honest, the rich progressives who claim to want more of this kind of immigration, they don't care about the messy aspects, because they normally (until this week) only get "the benefits", never the downsides [the realities].
They don't live in border towns in Texas or Arizona, towns of 30,000 people who are facing waves of 15,000 people a *WEEK* coming through, illegally. They don't need to try to maintain a community, or their family safety, under cartel domination. They don't see or care about the rape, human trafficking, drug trafficking, child trafficking and wanton violence.
They just get the benefit of cheap and obedient maids that seem to endlessly wash up onto the shores of rich areas, uniformed and silent, ready to clean their laundry but never speak of their trauma.
All jokes aside, this is evil. To exploit others, is evil. To turn a blind eye to suffering (and even *rape and trafficking of children*) is evil. To expect that it is ok that other human beings are exploited for your benefit... is evil.
I'm not a religious person, but I do understand the concept of evil and find it increasingly hard to call this stuff anything else. We are living through a very arrogant, almost publicly lauded resurgence of lying, exploitation, degradation and perversity. Those who profess to be the most kind and the most caring, are actually those doing / endorsing the most wicked [even ...overtly evil..] deeds.
We know what an important part immigrant labor plays in Texas, and to suddenly wipe out large sectors ... would have a devastating impact on the Texas economy. We need immigrant labor to do those tasks where not enough Americans will.”
— Bill Hammond, Texas Association of Business
That's a very self serving (and unsurprising) statement from one of the beneficiaries of unlimited cheap labour that can be treated badly, and paid subsistence/3rd world wages to do dangerous jobs...
A few questions though, as comments like Mr Hammonds seem to get pushed onto us as "realities of the market" by the compliant media all across the west:
1. If these jobs are already being done by illegals [which pleases Mr Hammond], is he saying he still needs the flow to be constant, in addition? — why, what does that say about how they're being treated and paid, that you would worry you need a *constant* flow of millions of illegals? rather implies that the burnout/turnover rate for such roles is really high, which begs it's own set of questions.
2. Who was doing these jobs before? ...nobody wants to answer this one... because we know the answer. These jobs used to be done by locals. But the pesky locals wanted stuff like a decent wage they could raise a family on, and if you tried to force them to work in unsafe conditions they might do something diabolical like form a union...
Mr Hammond is making an argument for profitable exploitation, not an argument for market efficiency. A loose labour market will always erode wages and working conditions, as he well knows. If you tighten up your labour market by turning off the tap of millions of immigrants coming in each year, then wages and conditions will strengthen, local workers will be brought back into the workforce, and prices will be able to rise to reflect higher inputs as workers will be seeing enough wage inflation to meet those costs. The "virtuous cycle" of economic development.
Great comment, jjinUK64. You have summed up the true nature of the hypocrites.
Ha! Love your sarcasm jjin! They would probably work for free if they could stay in the quarters. Just think what a pleasure that it would be to work for the King and Queen!
I'm sure the Obama's have a spare room in their bug-out bunker.
Well Justin the next new thing is the opposite of white flight from what I've heard.
I'm totally "neutral" on this subject though.
Curious. Is it white people flooding the cities again?
"… in their wishes for collective culture …"
*Collective* culture? Really? I thought we gatofans were supposed to be anti-collectivist.
I was not referencing the deranged totalitarian ideology of collectivism, I was trying to point out that the 'working & middle classes' are of one view — a very well established view, the "common sense" view — that is consistent and clear, yet constantly disregarded and denigrated, despite this group of voters ...actually being the majority!!
Working middle class "common sense " Yes! Elitists- not so much.
This view is not "common sense" to me, and I'm surprised that a principled libertarian like Gato is going along with it:
C'mon it's happy hour.
I get what both of you guys are saying.
Both points are valid. We don't live in philosophical silos.
You started without me?!!!! C'mon man!
Martha’s Vineyard - it’s just a case of sour grapes.
There will be every varietal of whining.
Bah boom, tish!
Well played Sir, well played.
Oh, no. I *LIKE* schadenfreude. Particularly with a side of irony, and served up with a nice cool glass of hypocrisy.
How sad. They specifically ordered telescopic philanthropy. At a distance! They don't want to actually ... SEE the poors. No wonder they're demanding to speak to the manager.
It's just so hard to get good help these days. The cleaners and gardeners are not supposed to arrive in such a disorderly manner!
They should arrive in uniform, having been already trained not to speak to Mrs Boss Lady or look at her directly. Why are these unruly brown folks arriving with no uniforms, and why are they walking the streets like they are real people and not our "staff"?!
Very upsetting.
Absolutely, it's just so wrong!
You are on fire today!!!
It's a funny thing, I work part time as a park keeper. The cartel guys from Puebla and Zacatecas driving around in their $80k trucks carrying rolls of Franklins that could choke a horse (trust me, I have seen them) always get a big kick out of seeing a middle aged white woman marching around with a leaf blower. Kills them every time. That's America for you!
The illegals are getting a lesson in our caste systems. The Boston Brahmans ship them from Martha’s Vineyard to cape cod, then the middle class will ship them from cape cod to southie.
Southie is gentrified now. Bus them out to the slums of Lawrence, Lowell, or New Bedford.
I'm on Nantucket right now. We are deploying along the ridges and readying the Navy. Against the MV'ers that is - not immigrants. There's nothing a Natucketer despises more than Anyone from the Vineyard.
You know you're on Nantucket when you stare down your nose in contempt at the nouveau riche across the sound.
Complete this sentence: "There once was a man from Nantucket..."
Battle stations !
As a Floridian, I am so proud of DeSantis that I have a Cheshire Cat grin that's running all the way up to my bald spot!!!
My respect for him grows daily. I sincerely hope that he and Trump can reach some sort of détente, if not alliance, rather than rip each other's eyes out competing with one another.
Me too.
If that doesnt happen then the chaos and lawlessness will probably continue.
I may throw in the towel if the American people go for this crap again. Serious. Life's short.
Trump and his funder, Peter Thiel are withholding funding for several of Trump’s endorsees in state races and they are suffering. Trump supposedly controls $99m. Why is Trump holding onto this money? His own run? His defense fund? I am not totally familiar with finance laws so I don’t know. Does Trump perceive a personal benefit by having Ds control all for another two years? Is that at the expense of the country?
Lots of very good questions.
I personally want to know what's going on inside of DeSantis's head.
He's too clever to give that away yet.
My personal opinion is that the country is shot if the democrats win in 24'.
I can't believe I'm saying that, but I believe it to be true.
I agree completely. If the abject destruction and corruption of the past 20 months with Dems 100% in charge of the wrecking ball and if enough Americans don't rise en masse up to solidly svote them out now and then again in 2024, then there really is no hope, we've gone beyond the point of no return.
Here's the deal though; there are people that recognize this and still will vote for anyone but Trump.
That's how it's lost. Splitting the vote.
The raid on Lago guaranteed two things:
1. Trump would run again
2. People would forget about the covid nonsense and how destructive the dems policies were.
The gloves gotta come off. The dems are crafty.
If Trump runs he better have figured out how to outsmart them.
I hope we make it to 2024. What will happen is if a Republican wins, they will take office at the beginning of a worldwide depression. This can’t keep up any longer, the middle class and poor will be wiped out by Joe Biden and his band of miscreants and malcontents.
I think you're right. Depression is definitely on the menu. Long time coming. Maybe that prevents a totalitarian reset? Maybe could go both ways.
You probably know it took Reagan 3 years to pull us out of a deep recession. His polls sucked all way into the middle of 83'. He then went on to win 49 states in 84'
And if it's a total financial collapse, which is in the realm of possibility, then maybe none of this matters. Maybe we'll just be wondering where we get our food? If that happens look for the likes of Stalins and Mao's across the world. And lots of wars...maybe the BIG ONE?
Hard for me to say the same. It's absolutely a political ploy by a probably sociopath.
Why sociopath?
Only kinda people running for office these days, sadly.
I always enjoy your comments.
I don't always agree though. That's fine.
What is your alternative?
Just curious.
Abstention. Politics is a show put on for the benefit of those actually in power.
Our time is better spent on what we can actually affect. For me personally, that’s been my work. Everyone’s answer will be different.
But your answer will be better than whatever one the red or blue tribes feed you.
Holy Moley! El Gato You gonna blow a 50 amp fuse if you keep this up. This could be the title for the new Bond film: From Florida with Love.😎
Thousands of Brazilian migrants cook their dinner and fold their laundry. 50 Venezuelans show up and everyone loses their minds.
Nice work!
Welp, the bleeding hearts at Martha's Vineyard -- bleeding borscht, my grandmother would have said -- have already begun deporting their busloads of migrants elsewhere. We knew this would happen, didn't we?
Now, that’s change you can believe in.
Just don't dare ask for any spare change.
This is the best imo!
tucker carlson's take is also worth a look
Haha, thanks for that, I just went and looked it up. God bless Tucker, that man is funny!
Yes, he was in good form, for sure. It was refreshing - shared delicious hilarity, albeit a little grim and tight-lipped, and a sense of enormous vindication. Three cheers for the two guvs, showing their cojones and fighting back. I can imagine them having a couple of attaboy phone calls or texts This looks to me like a turning point.
God,I'm having so much fun today! Thanks DeSantis and Abbott!
Having lived in the "cradle of liberty" for nearly 30 years and managing (somehow) to deal with the insufferable sanctimony of the majority of its residents, I laughed out loud when I heard 𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 where these planes landed "in Massachusetts". A couple people mentioned this to us yesterday, saying "Did ya hear about...landing in 'Massachusetts'?" And I said..."Not 'Massachusetts.' 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒂'𝒔 𝑽𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅!"
Now we know DeSantis has to know there's a big difference between just landing somewhere in "Massachusetts" with its many airports vs. landing at the one airport in 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒂'𝒔 𝑽𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅...As my better half said, "That's a huge, "Phu kk you, Massachusetts," from DeSantis, which is true and which just warms the cockles of my heart. ❤️❤️❤️ Couldn't happen to a "nicer" bunch.
I thought diversity was our strength!