When I was a kid growing up in rural North Carolina, we had a saying, "If you let them ride, they will want to drive." That is where we are. Masking kids is not the problem. Accepting that masking had *any* value for *anyone* is the problem. That was the beginning of the end. Masking children is the natural and frankly, unavoidable, outcome of accepting the premise that masks had any value at all, ever.

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"there is a special circle of hell reserved for those who provide faux-moralizing pretexts to harm children."

Or goddamned puppies.


You might actually be the bad guy in the story if...

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when you can get a cat siding with the dogs, the humans are way, way out of line.

cruelty to animals is a warming sign on psychopathy.

just sayin...

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That Australian story just sickened me. What kind of people could even do that? I can't even read the whole story without crying, sitting here with my beloved rescue pit terrier, Daphne.

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I'm not a violent person, but if I was in a position where my superior told me to shoot a bunch of innocent dogs, I think I would turn and shoot my superior. Really.

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If you're Aussie NATO, why stop at dogs? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-16/video-shows-afghan-man-shot-at-close-range-by-australian-sas/12028512

"Aus SAS "soldier"shoots unarmed Afghan civilian"

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two kinds of people in this world: those who see masking little children as okay, and those who see it as abuse.

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one might ague that only the latter category are actually humans...

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It’s Child abuse plain and simple and I'm not putting up with it any longer.

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(A theory) Faces serve individualism. This is an atheist collectivist uprising. Masks hold a deep philosophical appeal to the collectivist, demonstrating subordination of the self for the good of the whole. Although symbolic for the adult, it might be an effective tool to ward off the individualists urges of the very young. If they're collectivists, they'll discover the virtue of masking. If they're individualists, they deserve to be uncomfortable.

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Get your children out of .gov schools. Homeschool. Read John Taylor Gatto

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better still, let's get the government out of the schools and move to free, unfettered voucher systems.

education is not too important to be left to the private sector, it's too important NOT to be.

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I grew up in Orange Co., Calif, where the hometown paper, the Santa Ana Register consistently used to opine against government schools. Seemed A little crazy then, but now I agree it makes sense.

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Karen, it has taken a significant amount of time to wake me up too - like the proverbial frog in the cooking pot.

Schools were just beginning to crater when I was in them back in the late-50's early-60's. For most of that period, we had our problems, but we still had discipline, prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance -- and we ALWAYS stood for the National Anthem and the American Flag! Oh, and the duck and cover practice runs.

This particular frog took it's time waking up and I'm sorry for that.

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Check out this TEDx talk by Dr. Pauline Dixon discussing how low-cost local private schools in India outperform government schools in pretty much every metric.


Government "education" is a scam and a national disgrace.

A quick look at https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/ demonstrates unequivocally that whatever government schools are doing, it does not involve actually educating children.

Imagine expecting anything else from a cadre of unionized government employees posing as teachers, sporting degrees from the least rigorous academic programs and thoroughly marinated in socialism and woke nonsense.

Is it any wonder that after several generations being subjected to state-worshiping indoctrination that we have vast herds of tax cattle that have succumbed to perhaps the greatest mass hysteria in history, and are willing to enthusiastically comply with any arbitrary edict from on high, regardless of how absurd and destructive?

If we are able to win the battle that now faces us, the government "education" disaster should be next on the list.

"When school children start paying union dues, that's when I'll start representing the interests of school children."

~ Albert Shanker, United Federation of Teachers founder and president

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Amen to both of you - TexBat works well as a quick solution, but el Gato Malo's solution needs to be the permanent one!

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The mask insanity is a distraction from their plans for the jabs.

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When they have no shame in torturing children there is no turning back, no mistaking any of it for differences in views of scientific understanding. It is pure evil. At similar points all the most monstrous, soulless evil-doers in history stopped even trying to rationalize their evil. They simply put the pedal to the metal for all out destruction.

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I haven't read the Hippocratic oath in a long, long time and probably remember it incorrectly, but doesn't have a phrase something like: "first, do no harm" in the administration of medical assistance? When can we start jailing these folk?

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Not so long as the monsters control the jailers. We are living Lord of the Flies, King if Hearts and Mad Max all rolled into one. They laugh and dare you to do something about it.

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Good point, Mellis. I rather enjoyed the Mad Max movies, but I hated the "Lord of the Flies" book - it was NOT pleasant. Unfortunately, it is now one of the best analogies.

Thanks ... I think.

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This article is galling! All this talk about how masks help kids with ‘self- control and self- regulation’. These are the people telling kids it’s okay for them to change their gender based on how they feel. Considering the seriousness of the topic and the gravity of the consequences, the worst thing about this essay is the tone. It’s so formulaic and dopey, like the writer is delighted by their own insights. It sounds like my fifth grader writing their opinion piece about why they should have more recess.

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Pains me every time I take my 3 yo to soccer and see masked kids running around because of the PARENT. The fear is real in the PNW and just like a toddler it cannot be reasoned with.

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I live in Canada and have a four year old who requires to be masked at school. Where can I find reasonable evidence that this is harmful? I can't believe they are doing this in Canada. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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Unfortunately, there are many people buying the “masks are actually good for kids” argument. The comments on the Times article claim that parents who don’t want masks are the irrational ones without any support for their argument. We in an upside down world.

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Wyatt, yes we are. Romans 1 (depraved/deranged minds) and Isaiah 5:20 (calling good evil and evil good). We need to invite God back into our schools, courts, hospitals and, if it were possible, back into our government.

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Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. - John Knox

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Well, I agree up to a point. Render unto Caesar that which is Caeser's is also valid, up to the point that it goes against God's Word. At that point, you and good ol' John Knox have my full vote!

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I really wish Substack would allow quick edits.

I'd like to add: nearly all of this current nonsense definitely goes against God's Word!

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This same madness would shoot a kennel filled with innocent dogs (Australia) thinking it would be preventing covid. Exact same madness!

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Paul Melzer - are you serious? Australia has gone that far? This isn't rabies and those dogs are probably as innocent, protective and loving as Old Yeller.

Australia needs all our prayers. Well, so do a LOT of parts of this ol' world.

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Thanks, Paul ... I think. I used to volunteer at the animal shelter and in helping rescue dogs, cats, goats, rabbits. This insanity hurts.

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wish I could edit my comments on Substack. I assume and HOPE you're speaking metaphorically as in they "would," not that they "have."

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did, according to various news sources. my point is the same madness that shuts the eyes of some to the abuse of children can blind them to other atrocities in the name of the "collective good," however the hell they define that.

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*would shoot a kennel full of…

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I notice that all the immigrant moms here in DE where I live are all masked up, and so are all their kids when they go out. Including my ESL students. Even the ones who recovered from COVID and then got vaccinated. They all want to fit in, to be inoffensive, and they TOTALLY understand that the masks are about compliance and virtue signalling, not health.

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Also in IL an state senator is filing an ethics complaint against Pritzker for threatening to pull a doc’s license for talking about optional masks at a school board meeting. https://www.thecentersquare.com/illinois/regulatory-agency-drops-investigation-into-school-board-members-position-on-masks-in-schools/article_6036d7b0-01f1-11ec-85cd-93a14767f48c.html

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Believing that a cloth mask will stop Covid is like thinking your undies will stop a fart.

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the story left many things out......actually leaving your child with a pedophile can help them learn, in some marxist bizzaro world...

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