Spot on—except the last one. People suffering from mass formation don’t wonder. That requires curiosity, independence, and critical thinking faculties.

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Agreed. I am living with one. He hasn't even come across the term. That's how well he has insulated himself from any dissenting thought. When/If we emerge from this, and assuming the relationship has not survived, I will be setting up a post-awakening dating substack to interview prospective replacements/upgrades. He is on notice. Done with being a doormat and andropausal punching bag. I have serious skills and attributes. Least of which is a functioning mind. Start honing your CVs.

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*lol* 💪💄🧠

The Journey

by Mary Oliver

One day you finally knew

what you had to do, and began,

though the voices around you

kept shouting

their bad advice—

though the whole house

began to tremble

and you felt the old tug

at your ankles.

"Mend my life!"

each voice cried.

But you didn't stop.

You knew what you had to do,

though the wind pried

with its stiff fingers

at the very foundations,

though their melancholy

was terrible.

It was already late

enough, and a wild night,

and the road full of fallen

branches and stones.

But little by little,

as you left their voices behind,

the stars began to burn

through the sheets of clouds,

and there was a new voice

which you slowly

recognized as your own,

that kept you company

as you strode deeper and deeper

into the world,

determined to do

the only thing you could do—

determined to save

the only life you could save.

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Ah, melancholy. Yes. Not sipped since my earnest days of youth. Time to revisit those bittersweet waters.

A beautiful piece. Thank you.

Failing a replacement, I may opt for a coven.

Or a mountain top.

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Covens sound more fun.

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I know! My garden is brimming with herbs and have been brushing up on my incantations....🐈‍⬛🌕

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Recently seen Texas bumper sticker: If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need in life.

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Oh Ann, so sorry you are having to put up with this. I suggest you start working on moving on TODAY, right now. There are plenty of brilliant eligible partners out there, and they are looking for you as well!

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Thanks, Rosemary. 🤗 I suspect I'm not alone with this phenomenon. I am in an alert holding pattern. It remains to be seen if this is a remediable anomaly or an irredeemable deal-breaker. I have much invested. In particular, children - now all but grown. But am allowing the tiniest chinks of a possibility for a different narrative.

If it comes to it, any future suitors will be required to duel. At dawn.

I have standards.

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I hear you. I appear to be getting somewhere slowly. Bits and pieces. It sucks.

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My condolences, but for the best. I'm living in a country with 38 million of your partner. No escape here but living under an overpass or a mask in the swimming pool.

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You have believed the MSM and political lies. There are small groups of resistance, you just have to look for us. Read Brian Peckford's columns on Wordpress, follow Action4Canada, Rebel News. Agree that it is a Karentopia, but possibly there will be an awakening in the spring. We don't have a viable opposition now, the Americans at least have some alternative with the Republicans, although the same masters pull on the puppets' strings.

There may be as many as 3 million who are aware.

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Rebel News! Whoop!

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I watch the goings on in Canada with horror. Can't believe what is happening there. My own situation pales in comparison. At least South Africa isn't releasing the dogs on the wider populace yet. Hopefully not ever. I truly hope for your collective deliverance. Soon.

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Germany is pretty bad too.

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As another Canadian still trapped in Canada I concur.

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Best heed the telephone 'warning' in the movie Black Christmas, ' GET OUT, GET OUT NOW, HE'S IN THE HOUSE, HE'S IN THE HOUSE, GET OUT'!!

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Or amytiville horror where priest is told, "Get out!" 🤣

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My question is what happens when these people wake up?

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I don’t know yet but I can tell you it was some sober thoughts when my spouse realized this Covid thing ain’t defeated with shots or masks. Spouse now at least makes fun of folks wearing masks in car, forest or walking dogs. Progress.

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I think it’s hubris to think we can defeat it. Though viruses tend to mutate into less virulent forms though more contagious, unless the vaccines teach them to be more virulent.

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"These people" may not survive long enough to wake up --


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Some are. And they are angry they did everything right. How that anger is channeled, who knows?

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You need to read Cold Comfort Farm, if you haven't yet! My favourite phrase, possibly of all time, is "there's something nasty in the woodshed". 😂

Ah, I laugh now, but I do still hope that sanity and enlightenment will prevail. We'll see.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

Right on sister. By CV's do you mean curriculum vitaes? I sure hope so. Oops double post, my phones fault : (

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Yep! Is there some other meaning? I trust it's not insalubrious! 😂😂😂

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Nah. Courvoisier in (relative) moderation is high on my salubrious scale.

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What a fascinating thread!! Lots of serious skills in here w Margaret Anna, Ann, Rose, Dana, Kitten...😎😎

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Nothing like a bit of in extremis to get the old feather quill dipping in sizzling gall and tangy blood, Marty! I have been mulling the idea that this whole totalitarian technocratic aberration that has slunk into our world might possibly be awakening an opposing dark and elemental earthy female force....

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Lol! Well, that's a fine start to my Sunday morning reads. You DO have serious skills, clearly. You really really do!

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I find comfort in gallows humour and suspect my Substack tribe does, too! 😉 Especially all the gato a-cat-olytes....

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Love this! Do not settle!

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👏👏❤️👏👏 I just can’t like this enough!! Go Ann!

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We have a wonderful phrase here in Africa - "You strike the woman, you strike the rock." I'm channelling my inner rock, Mary. 😂

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My husband took a while to turn away from the BS. He's been unwilling to hear my tirades but has been respectful and supportive of my right to be unjabbed.

Now, I think he's going unmasked in stores despite our unelected Gov's mandate.

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They wonder. just not how we do. Like why you are full of so much "hate". Or why you are so selfish. Or why you would endanger your kids by not doing the right thing. Like most things across the dimensional divide those things all exist but it is the perspective that is altered. Typically, an inversion.

Part of the danger of identifying the hivemind is that normal people will often attribute all matters of deficiencies to the swarming cultists.

It makes sense given that daily observation of their odd behavior or their constant droning of their mantras can easily be confused for a myriad of mental deficiencies. E.g., the meme "Covid is not a virus it's an IQ test" feels right but is dangerously off the mark. The cultists did not suddenly become stupid.

The mass formation lens has emerged as a valuable tool for people to understand how their formerly "normal" friends and family seemed to suddenly occupy an entirely different reality.

As well as to further understand how such a worldview is generated in the first place; how it might evolve over time; and how futile it is to address it head-on with facts.

But we should guard against letting the explanatory power of MF swell beyond its domain to become its own kind of magical thinking in how we assess the situation and other people's thinking, motivation, emotional state, capabilities and power to affect our lives etc.

Like many things that the covid response has thrust into the light (and darkness), their emergence is also a matter of perspective for the new observer. These are not new patterns nor perspectives. While you are spot on vis a vis the deficiency of curiosity, the lack of independent thought, and critical thinking in general, these are not components of mass formation. They are the casualties of Progress; the over arching social-political culture that has largely already won the war on truth and normalcy.

When Orange Man Bad showed up nobody was accusing anti-Trump people of being cultists, or lacking in critical-thinking, or curiosity.

Anti-Trump were the smart ones. The Ivy league/NYT/NPR well-informed high-status Citizens. The champions of "Our Democracy".

Yet the anti-Trump cult persists to this day. "Russian collusion". Impeachments. OMB's list of "lies" and "fact checks" tallied daily by the media. The all-in media and tech apparatus working 24/7 to propagate an anti-reality and censor, cancel, and marginalize half of the Nation. The whole "Insurrection" mythology rages on.

It will be a great tragedy, but not unexpected, if the massive toll of Covid awakens so many but not so far as to allow them to see the truth, but rather to be folded into the convenient escape pods like MF.

The useful idiots of history are "useful" to the cause, after all. And their idiocy is not a function of being stupid but rather in their failure to see how the cause will consume everything in the end - including them. And often them first. Cultist, hive minded, anti-reality people are not dumb; they are dangerous. And I know dangerous.

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Yeah; for the last one he would be confident that such a thing as mass formation doesn't exist. Except maybe among bad people in history like all those grainy black and white people on TV raising their arms in roman salutes.

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Funny story- my European relatives came to Florida for a few weeks in December. Started off wearing masks religiously. By the end of the trips masks were forgotten until they had to fly. Seems freedom can be contagious.

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“Monkey see, monkey do.”

The story of the last two years.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

My euro family was happy to ditch masks and only wear cloth in stores (we are in crazy land after all). Which was a lot better than their country where they want vax passes even for stores etc

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Call it mass psychosis, mass hysteria, a moral panic, or something else… What’s clear is that the fear many people have felt is all out of proportion to their underlying risk.

Many people have been essentially divorced from reality over the last two years. That’s undeniable.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

Agreed, but there is some type of emotional, baseline reward that accompanies the fear. It's something more than "i am safe", it's more akin to "i am loved", "i am accepted". It's like they are a congregation, a flock. I think most of these people have never felt that before. I think they like it. The more I think about it, yes, there are masks, songs, priests, rituals, sacraments, even that "I am saved, hallelujah!" moment when they get that first jab. After that, it's addictive, the second jab and the third are dopamine rushes more than an attempt at good health.

The "Covid Congregation", that's who they are.

Sorry to keep adding, but a thought just occurred to me, and explains something I didn't understand. When Omicron hit, and all these double and triple vaxxed began to test positive, you could see their faith was shaken, you could see it and feel it. But then, a new divine mantra popped up and it was everywhere, socials, tv, MSM, print: "I am so thankful the vaccine kept me from getting sick when I got covid".

Problem solved, faith restored.

I'll shut up now.

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Most folks I know don’t worry too much about the disease but preach the do it for the frail folks or some BS. And I’m like… it doesn’t stop transmission so give it up already.

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I just today heard that. Triple vaxxed. Mild Covid. How do you know it wouldn’t have been mild anyway?

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It is a connection, I agree. When I see someone else without a mask I make eye contact and smile. Hello, awakened individual.

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How appropriate that it's the Overly Attached Girlfriend who's proselytizing the death jab.

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No actually I appreciated your rant. It’s a lot of the things I’m thinking too. That for every time a few start waking up , the Faucists start a new lie that’s so appealing to everyone’s psyche of “Ive got to be safe..... safety and comfort.... safe and effective” that they take the SAME cool ade they drank before. It calms them down “oh whoo (sigh) I did the right thing again, pat me on the back, oh good, they talked me down off the cliff.... oh wow, now I’m safe....” and never realize it’s the same lie, the same cool aid, that didn’t work before.

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A second thought too, a relative of mine described a PhD friends reaction to getting the jab. He told my relative he “just felt like he was doing the right thing for other people” and beamed when he said it like he just really did some great good for mankind.

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It's all so stupid. After the first two weeks, it was obvious that people were not dropping dead in the streets - unlike that fake picture out of China. If this had been the Black Plague 2.0, then the food supply would have been people's main concern as half the farmers and truck drivers would have dropped dead. Do you really think your local supermarket is still gonna have food in the middle of a plague?

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The divorce may have happened two years ago but the abusive marriage with reality was on the rocks for a long time.

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Yes, part of me envies those who remain blissfully ignorant of the storm. Perhaps that is a better position going toward the inevitable.

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I was genuinely trying to sink into what it would feel like to be in the Covid trance while on my drive home from work this morning. I don’t think it feels good to believe bullshit. Our bodies know the truth even if our programmed minds refuse to see it. No way does that raging incongruence manifest in delight or beauty. Ick.

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Short of total amnesia, what has been seen cannot be unseen. As they say, carpe diem.

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When I started to see things for what they are back in about March 2020, I couldn't un-see it. So many things have become increasingly and blatantly obvious, it's really hard to fathom that so many still cannot see it. Willfully blind, head in the sand, whatever it is.

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It isn’t simply a partner issue it is friends and family. Once they have been injected they are lost. It is like a death sentence if they now admit they could be wrong. It is easier for them to ignore you and any new facts.

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That perfectly describes my situation with vaccinated family members. No longer interested in any debate and keep repeating " we just want to move on". End of discussion. It's beyond frustrating.

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Good advice and I stopped arguing a long time ago. There isn't really any point. That's why I hang out on various substacks for feedback and healthy debate.

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What has been done to us In dividing our families in some ways is worse then genocide.

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I just read the link you sent me. I have tried to give and or suggest the various supplements you listed, all of which I take. They are not interested. End of story.

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My 3 siblings all rushed to get the vaccines as soon as they could and of course thought me a fool to not get one. All big lefties, I might add, and most are obsessively anti- Big Orange. But my brother's grandkids led to a sort of awakening, and now that group of my family is anti-vaxxing the twins (age 6).

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They used to say politics makes strange bedfellows. It’s really really strange to remember it was the left that used to rage about “regulatory capture” and big pharma. My bro mentioned this and I hope I mention it with his ok. He’s more left, I’m more right but thank God we two meet on this subject.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

People deep in the throes of mass formation rarely, if ever, admit it. The sad part is that these people aren't typically in "psychosis" or "psychotic". Totalitarian regimes of the past show us that they are often normal, everyday people living everyday lives but were swept by a wave pushed by opportunistic leaders with sinister intent. Anyone living with the conditions posited by Dr. Mattias Desmet - lack of social connection, lack of meaning making, free-floating anxiety and anger (and these describe many Americans) - is vulnerable to mass formation.

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Don't they say that mentally ill people don't know they are mentally ill?

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No, that's not true with everyone diagnosed with a mental illness.

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Hmmm....well, it will be interesting to see who snaps out of their delusions and who doesn't. Hopefully a great many will.

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Miss quoting here

They won’t believe there are concentration camps until they are led into one.

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And by that time, they will willingly submit themselves to be placed into one.

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They don't go to the camps. Most Germans didn't imagine what they were like and did their best to ignore the fact camps existed. If there are camps, WE are the ones who will be at risk of ending up there

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Keep the cartoons coming but "mass formation psychosis" is mostly just a slur. There is a binarization of views on the pandemic - pro/anti vax - anti/pro early treatment - because questioning "the narrative" of the government requires that a person believe some very dark things about our government, the media and our society. In my view there are some very dark things going on. But that is a bridge too far for many/most people.

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Life has taught us that you cannot trust institutions bc they hold their survival and well being above individual liberty. Lois Lerner's IRS, Penn St, Michigan St., the Catholic Church, etc. Mistrust is enough to question, and when they hide things...

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We are in a fallen world but I think especially the mega-largeness of some of these institutions is causing problems.

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

It is not just a slur. When I try to speak to educated people and they are unwilling to even consider or debate truth?

I am a Christian. Gods bigger than them. He is bigger than me. By far. I say that to say I am willing to even have my beliefs about God challenged. I am not a cult nor in a cult. All those amongst my Christian acquaintances enjoy lively debate about God, makes us feel alive to talk about our Joy, our Friend Jesus. They are welcome to debate us, it does not bother us. I say this to show the great comparison to what I write below. The evidence of evil.

But as to the jabs, the masks, the whole culture of covid19, it is very cult like on the other side, an unwillingness to even consider the data. I had a close friend, an MD not even want to discuss it, two other friends with engineering degrees and who I consider highly intelligent cut me off. My coworkers tell me that the PCR test being proven often false positive to be only “according to me” as one said and obviously didn’t listen when I replied it was also according to its own creator, Dr Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for PCR. He himself stated very clearly it was not reliable.

(This paragraph was edited and some words deleted due to my apology to Peter for previously thinking him naive or a troll, my bad).

Evil exists. When men do not submit power to God and try to take it for themselves they are susceptible and come under the power of evil. Many in government, media, finance, tech, pharma have done so. They want money and power. Some also want sex (that was also recently shown in the Epstein/Maxwell stuff). Evil.

They have deliberately, consistently and in a coordinated, very thoughtful way have censored truth and illogically denigrated those that bring forth truth. YouTube and Twitter and Meta (Facebook) and many others are banning comments directly anti vaccine , even simple comments that simply bring forth completely factual questions, concerns and statistical data. and cancelling those sharing their scientific reasons for being so inclined. Early treatment MDs, like Pierre Kory, MD and Paul Marik MD and Brian Tyson ,Md and Teresa Lawrie, Phd and many others, are being told their vast amounts of expertise and research and vast numbers (millions) of people who have taken cheap and truly effective early treatment mean nothing. Just look at a good man like Peter McCullough, MD or Succharit Bhakdi, Md, read their Wikipedia entries and compare it to the rational amazingly intelligent men that I know they are. Type their names into Google. See the media and tech vilification that defies all logic AND defies decency. And government ignores these men, ignores them (except for s small few like Rand Paul and Ron Johnson and a few others).

Steve Kirsch is willing to pay big bucks to those willing to publicly debate. So far no takers. I find that telling. If they are right and if they are righteous, not evil, what do they have to fear?

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I am as offended/horrified as you at the government's pandemic policies and disinformation. But ... in my view it is important not to demonize/denigrate those you disagree with. I think the "mass formation psychosis" is mostly just a reaction to the slur of "conspiracy theorist" that is used against those who question the authorities. Neither "mass formation psychosis" nor "conspiracy theorist" accomplishes much.

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I must apologize to you by the way. I reread your original comment and realize I read it wrong the first time. Please forgive me. My general comments were still heartfelt but I see you were describing naive people, not being one yourself. Or a troll. Sincerely, Laura j

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I suspected - so no problem.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

Just signed up, recommended by a mutual friend from Steve Kirsch newsletter.

You have me at Act 1!

(Thanks for the tip Laura j! Say, this is some great anti-vax-mandate stuff, but do you happen to know of a Substack where they like cats too? The one that rules our house with an iron claw is asking…) 🙂

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I am convinced that many people ran out and got vaccinated because they were (understandably) afraid. Some of them are now telling themselves that they “did the right thing” for the good of society. If and when the vaccine injuries become more frequent, I think many will become even more intolerant and really come after the unvaxed. ie, ‘why should those people be ok while we did the right thing’ and got vaccinated’. I can picture the potential rage of a Karen getting much worse and being contagious……..just a thought….

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It's easy to make a mistake. It's much harder to admit you made a mistake.

(For most people. On the other hand if you know the people around you understand how easy mistakes are to make, it's much easier to admit to them.)

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That’s already happening. Polls do not necessarily reflect reality but I saw a recent poll showing 40 to 50 percent of Democrats polled wanted us unvaxxed fined, put in camps, quarantined, etc etc .

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Ann nailed it- key feature of MFP- insulating from opposing views. I've noticed, if I bring up any facts, reasoning, they get angry or flee 🙄

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Wokesters are seeing their world crumbling. Biden turned out to be a total disaster, the vaccine side effects are a bit difficult to ignore when one or more of people they know are suffering or even are already dead. Hard to ScIeNcE their way out of that!

On top of all that, their ah-so-progressive-and-all-inclusive blue cities are turning into weird violent dystopians where violent ETHNIC street gangs do whatever they want. They also roam more and more into their expensive enclaves. They thought they were safe because of their virtue signalling. No more, Shaquana and her 4th husband want some of your loot, for repatriations of course!

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Name & Shame - Companies Discriminating Against Their Unvaccinated Employees

Time to boycott


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For those who haven't seen interviews of Mattias Desmet, I recommend the following two. Jerm Warfare is run by Jeremy (I don't know his last name), a very talented and charming political cartoonist from South Africa who, like the bad cat, was an early dissident voice. He's had many incredible interviews with dissidents from all over the globe.




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end of 2019 CNBC promoted new program ‘the news with Shepard smith’ as ‘the truth’... had the opposite effect on me... assumed from the start it would be pure propaganda.

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Smith is the worst “newscaster” ever. He can barely get through a line without stumbling. Looking at his face now (which I don’t do anymore) evokes the same response in me as looking at Brandon’s face.

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Similar to when I saw Eric Topol join substack. I suspected before I went to his substack, but had no idea who he was. Just a voice for the other side.

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Injected, not injected, have been infected, not infected.....simply scared.

The best article I have read because it not only discusses the real problem with the spike protein in your body, it goes on and gives scientific sound advice on a solution to stop the damage.


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Interesting article. Thanks for the link 😉.

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