those of you with a physics bent likely recall “maxwell’s demon,” a 19th century thought experiment about violating the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
well, today it would seem that we have moved on to "maxwell's demonizing"
a thought experiment about blaming the people who caught you lying for your loss of credibility.

alas, this seems to be becoming an all too common refrain in public health these days.
but, just as léon brillouin slayed maxwell’s demon in 1950 by “demonstrating that the decrease in entropy resulting from the demon’s actions would be exceeded by the increase in entropy in choosing between the fast and slow molecules,” so too can we disprove this new claim in violation of nature:
no scott, it was you and yours that did this by lying, pushing bad drugs as panacea, adopting obsessive focus on pseudoscientific and outright superstitious disease avoidance modalities, and turning public health into a hyper partisan pander-fest that then failed, caught fire, fell over, and sank into the fetid swamps from which this impulse seemingly sprung.
then you all gave one another awards for being swell folks.
but you were never going to fool society for long and many of us were standing on our chairs screaming and warning you about it. but the narrative and the mission were all. and public health did not listen. and now you have plowed seas of salt into fields once fertile with societal faith and you have destroyed the institutions you captained.
and frankly, you earned it.
congrats tough guy. you have done more to harm childhood vaccinations than any humans in history. every case of measles and polio these kids catch, that’s gonna be on you not the folks who pointed out what liars you were.
public health runs on public trust.
and you broke trust.
it’s bad enough to be so totally, utterly, unapologetically wrong.
but to then twist history and lie about it blatantly?
that’s how you lose all community confidence.
seriously, who’s going to listen to people like that?
it was obvious that this was all a political sham from the jump.
i’m going to repost an old bad cattitude from aug 2021 that i happened to come across today here because it seems apropos and because this was the sort of blatantly non-scientific tribe based policy promulgation that destroyed credence in public health:
(begin old post)
politicizing medical choices and seeking to turn them into moral absolutes and imperatives is as immoral as it is counterproductive.
the simple fact is this: 99% of the people screaming “follow the science” are really just regurgitating a political talking point for tactical and tribal advantage.
repeat after me: the occupant of the white house has no effect on vaccine efficacy.
watching the very same people who we’re howling “FAKE VAXX!” and “FRAUD” before the election now try to vilify anyone who will not accept the very vaccines they said you’d have to be insane to take and morally grandstand about how you need to get injected or you’re an evil anti-vaxxer hell bent on killing kids and grandmas and destroying america carries less than no moral weight.
it’s a moral inversion and the elevation of the tactical above the honest.
it’s a near perfect shibboleth for being a total fraud and a political hatchet man (or woman. or whatever. i flat out cannot keep track of purported genders these days.)
it’s also a very clear statement about just how stupid and malleable they think you are. the base assumption is that you have the memory of a goldfish. (or possibly that rancid durian is not as bad as it sounds?)
they were making up facts and engaging in hysterical, baseless claims then and they are still doing it now. there is no data here, no science, nor even any real opinion.
it’s just agenda: naked and blatant with no attempt to hide it.
vaccines are a legitimate and complex topic of discussion and this grotesque, disingenuous assault on them followed by fawning partisan populist jab pushing has no place in the public health sphere.
note that there was never any data and never any discussion of risk reward.
these people are part of the problem and their enlistment into the cult of dictatorial public health mandate and moral opprobrium has done nothing but set back trust in public health in the US even further than the fauci flip flops and follies already had. let’s not forget that this was the man telling everyone to go on a cruise in march of 2020, that masks did not stop spread, and that the virus could not possibly be a lab escape despite having funded just this research at just the lab in question.
public health runs on public trust. but how could anyone trust people like this who lie and flip positions at whim, without basis, and solely for political advantage and them lie about lying and then about lying about lying?
these are the actions of a propogandist and a authoritarian apologist, not a moralist or a scientist/health-worker.
then they sputter in indignation that no one will believe a word they say?
it’s a self fulfilling prophesy: debase public health and public discourse to the point of being completely untrustworthy and replace it with hectoring harridans and tactical totalitarians then lament the lack of public faith and use it as a pretext to drive mandates.
“if you won’t trust the people who keep lying to you, we’re going to need to force you.”
(said no just or ethical human. ever.)
this is what is now passing for public health in american government and for health discourse in america’s public square.
there is nothing productive here. dishonesty and manipulation is not a sound basis for medical practice, much less mandate.
it’s time to stop digging this hole. it’s going to be hard enough to climb out of as it is.
tune these people out. the best interest they have at heart is not yours and never was.
thanks to melissa tate from whom i borrowed some of these images.
(end old post)
it was public health that turned honest medicine into hectoring morality play subsumed by partisan politics and turned these people loose with their wild and misguided messages. it amplified and encouraged this and demanded we abandon the core idea that medicine is everywhere and always a cost benefit analysis while screeching about largely illusory benefits and ignoring very real harm.
this is why no one trusts you anymore and everything you have ever said is now seen skeptically.
quit trying to pass the buck and own it.
Wife is a pharmacist who knows more about vaccines, vaccinology and pharmacology than doctors I have quizzed. She "trained" me. Even before the first doses were shipped, she told me things that will probably happen with this experiment and she has been dead on accurate. I actually LEFT my general practitioner because he told me that the Covid shots were FDA approved and was adamant. I asked him to tell me how the "covid vaccination" works and he told me that it was a weak virus like the flu shot. THIS F**KER DID NOT KNOW THAT IT WAS MAN MADE nRNA PROGRAMMING spliced into a strand of RNA and encased in a nanolipid container. I was like, "What in the hell?" And I told him why I was transferring.
Wife says that we are DONE with the vaccines. The lies coming out of the FDA - soon you will not be able to trust injections to NOT use mRNA programming to accomplish a hopeful and theoretical task in order to save money and shortcut what used to be known as an actual vaccine.
It's a great pity you mentioned polio because it's a fraud, much like covid but it's based on toxic poisoning. Look up Forrest mareadys' book moth in the iron lung.