Wife is a pharmacist who knows more about vaccines, vaccinology and pharmacology than doctors I have quizzed. She "trained" me. Even before the first doses were shipped, she told me things that will probably happen with this experiment and she has been dead on accurate. I actually LEFT my general practitioner because he told me that the Covid shots were FDA approved and was adamant. I asked him to tell me how the "covid vaccination" works and he told me that it was a weak virus like the flu shot. THIS F**KER DID NOT KNOW THAT IT WAS MAN MADE nRNA PROGRAMMING spliced into a strand of RNA and encased in a nanolipid container. I was like, "What in the hell?" And I told him why I was transferring.

Wife says that we are DONE with the vaccines. The lies coming out of the FDA - soon you will not be able to trust injections to NOT use mRNA programming to accomplish a hopeful and theoretical task in order to save money and shortcut what used to be known as an actual vaccine.


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It's a great pity you mentioned polio because it's a fraud, much like covid but it's based on toxic poisoning. Look up Forrest mareadys' book moth in the iron lung.

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Maybe this will turn into a great natural experiment. We’ve tried vaxxing kids for everything under the sun for decades and it doesn’t appear to have improved general health outcomes (obviously there are myriad other factors at play). What happens when we stop?

When you read children’s literature from the past two centuries, measles is sometimes mentioned in passing. And usually it’s not a big deal. My own sisters had measles as kids. NBD. They also had beter sanitation etc. than our parents’ generation.

We just interviewed opa and oma for history class and I gotta say hearing about their post war living conditions really brought home the difference between the 50s and the 60s in a big way. More convincing than any graph.

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In Aus it's the same. You catch them in the lie and they breeze on, like the wind made a noise - did it? we didn't notice...

Arkmedic has done great work catching them out


And I've caught a few myself


But am a little despairing at the moment as it seems no one but the 10% gives a shit.

I am at the point where I'm thinking perhaps the only way to make anyone other than us care (and therefore, gain critical mass for something to be done about it) is to make it our personal mission, all of us, to persuade 1-2 people to join Team Reality. Turn the 10% into 30%.

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Really, with treatment with Vitamin A if necessary, measles is no big deal, and possibly beneficial for every child to get.

And the story around polio and the vaccines for it is just as bad as the covid vaccine debacle. Public health - apart from things like advocating for the improvement of living conditions, encouraging good nutrition (which they are terrible at), and promoting breastfeeding - is less than useless. It's harmful and keeps people from their best health.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

florida's kids just got healthier. hopefully the governor and surgeon general commission a study to look at the health of florida's children as vaccination rates dropped within in florida and versus the rest of the country.

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What you don't yet get is that all vaccines are snake oil. Immune competence does not arrive via trojan horse needle past our 4-level chess barriers. See my Immunology 101.1. https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/immunology-1011

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“…every case of measles and polio these kids catch, that’s gonna be on you…”

Ahem. Hasn’t it become obvious that all of the childhood vaccines on the schedule, which like the COVID injections, have never been tested with a proper control group for safety and efficacy, very likely do more harm than good? The pediatricians, along with the rest of the medical establishment who enthusiastically took part in this whole evil charade, have lost credibility. Certainly, trust. On this topic the lay public is now better informed than the medical professionals who have unquestioningly acted as big pharmacy shills all these years.

Why is it not obvious to you too, dear cat?

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All ‘vaccines’ are fakery. Why is it that no real studies from the controlled regulators in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry are done amongst the children that does stay out of inoculation with poison?

Paul Thomas is a brave doctor since many years and he has done that. His patients are healthy and thriving. His payback is losing his medical license as so many other health professionals that says no to governmental narratives.

While you are at it, check out Larry Palevsky, an astonishing paediatrician. There are many others that use critical thinking and that does not have vested interest in Pharma.

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What changed? Why should I believe they were *ever* telling the truth. Lies and fraud have been the stock and trade of these organizations and their corporate backers since always. They’ve lied so much about vaccines that Congress gave them a special law saying it was okay to do so.

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It won't be long before the next psy-op.

I see the future: "a kid in alabama is super sick with measles because he missed the vax" or similar

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Oh man one of the best you've written so far and you've written some doozies so that's saying something.

I'm 75 years old and in fine health and I've changed every doctor I've had during this "pandemic" My internist had a screaming fight with me and told me I was gonna die if I didn't get the shots...such bullshit. And as soon as I saw the censorship of doctors that cared and the risks they took to get the word out about treatments...that was it for me.

Just tell me the truth...that's all I ask for anyone in my circle (small that that may be)!

Without people like you I would've gone crazy but you always made me feel I was O.K. and I'll never forget that!


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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

Excellent articles--including the re-post.

Public health officials have lied. People died and are still dying. We are right to question it. It is terrifying how little reaction there has been.

Profit-driven Pharma has long had legal protection from their own product. What do you think happens in a lovely capitalist society when a manufacturer can make 113 Billion (with a B) or more, in one year, with no liability for their own product? Or when their client-base is forced? Do you think quality goes up and they're suddenly in it for the well-being of mankind? Remember the law protects them from responsibility--and really insists that they gain maximum profit for shareholders. So, if they weren't dishonest murderers someone else would have to be hired who is.

That is the corner we've painted ourselves into.

Parents are right to question this pseudo-vaccine, along with every other lesser lie they've been fed in the last 100 years. These are the lies that suppress simple solutions or prevent illnesses in the first place.

Cut & drug medicine is actually best for about 10% of really important problems. Granted. The rest of their work is creating problems and then insisting, "Wow, it is lucky we were here..."

We've been chemically dumbed down and "altered" to the point where it is amazing anyone has the intellect or energy to complain. Truly. Yet somehow the human spirit shines through and we can stop this trainwreck.

If parents are rethinking the ritual of handing their kids over to a whitecoat to have some man-made invention jabbed under their skin, that is a huge relief. Finally.

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The premise that we are born defective and require the injection of diseases and toxins in order to acquire or maintain good health is ludicrous and defies all common sense and logic. It is the terrain, both inner and outer that determines our good or bad health.

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If I thought they’d really read it, I’d print this and send it out with my Christmas Cards! You have eloquently written a rant with the right amount of snark with a dose of real truths to call out their dumb fuckery! Thank you for your gift of calling out bullshit in the best way possible!

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I'm also there. "Turtles all the way down" will hopefully be one of my Christmas presents

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