"The same people who think it's oppressive to require a valid ID to vote in an election once every couple of years, want you to prove you've been vaccinated to be able to buy food every week."

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The same people who lecture you about guns and the environment at awards shows flew there in private planes with armed security. Hey, this is fun!

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The same people who wanted Brett Kavanaugh denied a Supreme Court seat based on 30 year old accusations that not a single person could corroborate have no problem with voting for Biden despite him being subject to a similar accusation, except in his case with multiple contemporaneous corroborating witnesses. Or with Andrew Cuomo remaining Governor despite multiple credible claims of harassment.

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The same people who want to abolish the filibuster used the filibuster 300+ times in the last year of Trump’s presidency.

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the same people want you to hate your country and yourself.... let that sink in. it goes with how lenin, mao and hitler sold hatred on the institutions to subvert them....

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Fantastic, and telling observation. On-point!

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There you go, thinking that consistent, logic-based thinking, is a good thing! What if the mRNA gene therapies contain GMOs? I wonder if that rumor would change people's minds? I bet not.

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Technically, there are genetically modified strands of mRNA in those lipid nanoparticles, so close enough. ;)

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Indeed. In fact, the strands of mRNA qualify as "chemicals from a factory" just as much as any GMO!

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last time I was looking into golden rice, it looked pretty murky territory actually.

I don't think there's any completely safe GMO myself.

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i think you're going to struggle on serious scientific backing on that. most of the opposition to golden rice is pseudoscience and scaremongering.

it's FDA approved. covid vaccines are not. (just eua'd)


granted, that's not proof, but it does create a troubling dichotomy from the "trust the FDA, the vaccines are safe" crowd.

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can't be bothered going back over that territory, but FDA approved doesn't fill me with any confidence either

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placing little faith in them in all circumstances is a consistent position.

claiming a prerogative to mandate based on their EUA while seeking to ban that which they approved is not.

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Find all of this ironic and tragic given that patriots and conservatives, often referred to as deplorables by the liberal elites that spoon feed us this nonsense, are often referred to as less educated than the hoi poi. It all comes back to power and control

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The same people who mock 2A people for thinking they can defend themselves from their government using AR-15s but who say the Jan 6th idiocy was an ‘Insurrection’ that threatened to overthrow the US government.

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Both conclusions spring from the same desire: to not die.

People believe they are very scientific when they believe each person is but a bubbling cauldron of chemicals that will stop bubbling some day... and there is nothing after the bubbling ends.

Thus the pursuit of not stopping bubbling, becomes their highest good. Their god is the prolongation of bubbling.

They figure they can bubble longer if they avoid eating GMOs, so they scrupulously check the food labels at Trader Joe's. They figure they can bubble longer if they avoid dying of Covid... so they maneuver into the shortest possible line to get an experimental mRNA injection because their high priests, the most rational cauldrons of all, the Scientists, have been telling them there is no other way to not die of Covid.

They have been told they were drowning and now they've been thrown a life-preserver named "VACCINE" when all along they could have just stood up in the knee-deep water. VitaminDHCQVitaminCBudenosideIvermectinEtcEtc. We're shouting at them from the edge of this knee-deep pool, and they can't hear us.

The propaganda worked because people are religious whether they recognize it or not. True religion inoculates you against false religions.

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I'm not a fan of frankenfood, but the hypocrisy of the progressive left is hard to fathom.

They will only eat organic non-GMO unprocessed food but want to mandate experimental, synthetic, very-definitely GMO'ed and processed injections for all of us?

Too much soy maybe?

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their lame model based science is used to kill the economy in the name of 'science' aka climate change wit the most recondite set of assumptions to scare you like co2 were a gmo tomato....

smart beyond themselves, easily mislead and fearful seem to be the target audience

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Thumbs up!

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That rice helps impoverished people in third world countries, so of course they would object. Virtue signaling is more important than helping people or doing what’s right for the world.

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And Soylent Green stands closer, with the woke adjective and all.

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