Problem is, they are talking about vaccine passports and endless vaccinations in order to be employed, move about freely, and receive medical care.
NY and California are eliminating gas vehicles in a decade.
Autos manufactured after 2025 will have a "kill switch" to stop them dead in their tracks.
Despite absolutely no evidence to support the claim, the government claims that "white supremacism/nationalism" is the biggest threat we face. (Funny how that happens to be the middle class which will be crushed in globalization.)
We just had two very, very sketchy elections. The party that prevailed was all on board with vaccines, after denigrating them when Orange man was in charge.
--If money is the driving force, why care if anyone rolls up their sleeve for some mRNA? The check cleared into Pfizer and Moderna's bank accounts, why the rush to vaccinate everyone? Especially with something that, a few months into the rollout, proved to be mildly effective at best.
--Why, not only hide side effects, but viciously attack and deplatform anyone who brought them out into the light of day?
--When have you ever seen the media (controlled by just a few corporations) speak with one voice, and governments (controlled by those same corporations) worldwide move in such lockstep, chucking aside pandemic plans to implement the agenda?
(I am thinking of adding a tinfoil suit to go along with my tinfoil chapeau...)
i think you're a bit orthogonal to the issue here.
have there been conspiracies? yes. clearly. we can argue about size, scope, intent, etc, but clearly there are LOTS of folks with some pretty ugly plans and covid made many of them step far more clearly into the light that they likely wanted to.
and a lot of people noticed them. almost no one knew the WEF pre 2019. almost no one realized that gates and china run the WHO and use it to pimp for business interests.
but now they do and consciousness of this is pervading the center.
and the cockroaches want the kitchen light turned off again.
the goal now is to once more disappear.
so how do they do this?
they do it by making their critics look like kooks and nutters and the best way to do that is to gin up 20 histrionic crazy new conspiracies and link them to the real conspiracies and use it to get those who are seeking to expose you to overplay their hands, get sucked into confirmation bias, and make fools of themselves so you can rugpull them and destroy their credibility.
they also do it by linking ideas like "criticizing the WEF" to ideas like "cheerios have little radios in them that big cereal uses to track you!" so that the the middle who is just starting to see these ideas and conspiracies as real will say "oh, this is just crazy people."
my point is not at all that we should let up on chasing down many of the very real sinister plans out there. this is important and we need to stay at it.
it's that we need to be very careful how we do it because it's easy to get jiujitsued into landing in a pratfall or getting lumped in with actual kooks.
and this tends to happen when you get overconfident from winning and more people are willing to spread what you say.
if we would be the side of truth, rationality, and fact, we need to focus there and not get dragged into making foot faults that make us look bad.
if one is not careful, your own team can often harm you more than the opposition.
Thank you for succinctly expressing thought that I haven’t been able to fully conceptualize and organize. What you are saying reminds me of that supposed picture of Schwab on the beach. Many thought it was actually him. It was passed around by people on our team. I think people get so desperate to be right or supported that we jump at something for some credibility. Human nature? Or just a reaction to have been degraded and insulted by society in general?
You offer wise words. We now need to debunk the baloney intended to discredit critical thinkers once again. This is wearing me out.
Yes, it is tiring to constantly question EVERYTHING. But it is the 'new normal', and the price we are paying for not questioning anything for too long.
well, yes, to an extent. But, for instance, reading EVERY ingredient label on foods for ingredients now called out as harmful, vs chucking the cheapest brand into the cart. I shop for my elderly mom who has a host of allergies and it takes forever. Doing a search for a quote to read the entire thing vs the soundbite in order to understand the context. Our brans are wired to take short cuts to conserve energy - how many have driven home and totally forgot they needed to stop at the store on the way home? Or walked into a room and forgotten why you went in there? A state of constant vigilance is not our default setting. If we have to ponder every single decision it becomes easy to become overwhelmed.
Well, I dunno. I've been reading labels on everything since I was old enough to buy stuff for myself. I've been thinking carefully about medical advice and the concept of "safe" likewise.
Yes, 5GW- or 5th Generation Warfare, for those not familiar with the acronym. Thing about 5GW is that it doesn't require (for the most part) the usual military hardware. Which means we can also, if we want to, engage in dishing it out to the globalist enemy as an offensive move - rather than always being on the receiving end,having to try to find the weaponized stories and ensure we don't over react to them. Don't be afraid to turn the tables on them. We're probably better at meme warfare than most of them are....
Once upon a time, we said things like "the truth matters." Now? I'm not so sure. People are lining up for injections that do nothing but hurt them and our elections are fraudulent.
I remember the supposed Schwab on the beach photo. I think there could have been another purpose to it-- to humiliate Schwab. Not to say "this IS Schwab" but to say "this could be Schwab." And a lot of people believed that it COULD have been him. Which would indeed be humiliating to him.
As for a lot of these other issues that seem to be "conspiracy outliers" are they really bad things if they are Spoken Of? For example.... the Latin meaning of Balenciega. Is that real? Maybe that's an OK discussion to have with a normie. Do you think that real? You don't even have to say something like "yeah, I think the fashion industry is embroiled in Satanism and child pornography." Just ask if they think it's real or not.
Finally... will the powers that be ever "allow" us to be right? Will they publicly accept any of our ideas and embrace them as the truth?
Since we're now on vaxx 4 or 5-- I lost count-- my guess is no. So why are we even concerned about what others think? Even if we are right 1000x a day, we will still be denigrated and treated like nut jobs. Maybe it's time to consider saying the truth out in the open, and not caring what others think. They will either consider it or not. And if we get caught in something bad simply say "I was wrong."
Maybe Part 1 of cryptographic examinations of the names of fashion houses is to find out why they've got those names to begin with, and if you believe, say, in time-traveling malign appellational events.
Your “Schwab photo on beach” comment makes me want a whole list of examples where we in the health freedom movement have been wrong. It would teach us not to repost or share, and would perhaps humble us into being more careful with our credibility.
I recently shared the Australian birth decline chart with a normie friend. When I later read (in the Died Suddenly review) it was incomplete data, I messaged her and told her so. I’m hoping it bolstered my credibility with her.
I consider myself a critical thinker. There are radical righties and radical lefties. They are trying to make those who think like a JFK democrat look bonkers. I count myself thankful that I, only recently (past 3 years) learned about Q, an underground war, underground tunnels to traffic pizza children etc. I just know what is right in my heart and pray that people see the truth. You are right...just be still, take it in and think. Lizard people? OMG. If I did not personally know 14 people who have been damaged by mR N A, I would not believe any of this BS. I know what I know. I don't swing from any vine that isn't connected to anything. Thanks for this today. You are ameowzing.
Even in my small town there was1 article of a sting that was successful getting a pedophile ring. Just a small little clip on the third page of a local newspaper insinuating it was a part of the child trafficking ongoing problem. Other than that we don’t hear anything about it. I wish the parents would get together and put news out on it themselves.
You'd be surprised how often that was the other parent after a messy divorce, thinking they were protecting the children from the 'bad' parent. And prolly right as often as not.
I know a women who was kidnapped by her mom's family away from her dad's after the divorce. Later she was kidnapped back. It was a very traumatic childhood. But yeah, it isn't the same as being kidnapped by sex traffickers.
i understand, but this all feels like gatekeeping. the argument that shit is getting crazy and people are believing doesnt seem, to me, a reason to try and police discourse (internally or externally).
let people spew hyperbolic bullshit. let people believe it.
after the last few years, i really want to know who latches on to the dumb ideas and won't let go.
Because people are judged by the company they keep, and people won't wake up unless they pay attention to evidence that is counter-narrative. It the evidence is tainted with crazy conspiracy theories, they will discount it all.
this argument that individuals should shepherd 'the company they keep' seem wrong based on its premises.
i dont think i should police the speech of others because they are on 'my side'. and if those who hold opposing views remain closed to any contrary evidence, do i WANT such lemmings, heck, can they even be reasoned with?
i am not going to get a shot to protect the health of other people. i am not going to shout down 'conspiracy theories' because it might make us look bad?
the covidiots are mingling with fascists and pedophiles. their inability to intro/retrospect makes them unviable in my opinion. i dont think we should give much thought to those that shriek hysterically about qanon under every rock.
Maybe the key thing is to keep our focus on discovering what's true. To not get distracted and make the side we are on more important than knowing the truth. If some get derailed by crazy ideas, we stay on track and if they are open, point them back to searching for what's true.
Yep...we judge others by the company they keep. If they go to a house that hosts parties with a bowl on the counter, then it is pretty hard to NOT lump them into that crowd. Trust your gut.
Will people discount all "crazy conspiracy theories" because they are "crazy conspiracy theories" or because these "theories" aren't coming from the correct side of the political table?
I am welcome and open to being corrected on any of my own misunderstandings. I don't care which side the crazies are on. Want to hear a crazy one from the pro-pharma corporate media? Cardiovascular disease/heart attacks are caused by shaking duvets, coffee, dancing, climate change and the time change.
"when the internet goes down (Putin! Russia!) and gets started up again under the guidance of the Truth Ministry"
A transition we can undoubtedly expect to occur prior to the 2024 election. The legacy media has long since discontinued the pretense of publishing the "news" of the day, choosing instead to reinvent themselves as purely purveyors of propaganda.
You forgot the whore-mongering, powder-snorty guy who's definitely worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a year because he's such a nifty businessman (unlike his dad, who's had to get by with just two hands in the public coffers). And whose laptop definitely held nothing of interest to anyone else.... no sir.
This is an excellent essay, and a good cautionary exercise for all of us.
I would add one point. To avoid falling into traps, it is essential that we stay focused on figuring out the "positive" reality. It is not enough to disbelieve the liars and oppose them, because then we are vulnerable to a kind of treacherous negative confirmation bias that can make fools of us. What we need is a theory of our own, which we revisit frequently, that we sculpt to match the evidence, and which we refer back to every time someone on any side makes a claim. If the claim contradicts that internal theory that we are operating on, we need to look at it critically, and either modify our theory to account for it, or reject the claim.
This is how to keep our balance to avoid being juijitsued, and it is a fundamental tactical plan for fighting this war.
How could the NY Post have done it any better in revealing the Biden laptop story? That story was true and rational, and based on facts. It was immediately dubbed a conspiracy theory based on "hacked info" that the censors knew wasn't hacked but didn't care. Maybe if the Post did a "Stew" story on the laptop, it would have made it through the censors as bunk. But it would have had many more eyes on the bunk.
Exactly. I mean, ffs, we were called 'conspiracy theorists' for stating the exact fucking truth - these are Experimental injections, there will vaccine passports (before they came out), they will push boosters, the vaccines don't work, etc.
Don't even try to be careful, imo. Get the truth out there, again and again. Yeah, don't post obvious nonsense, but don't be afraid to be wrong. Cuz it don't make a diff - they'll call you conspiracy theorist MORE often if you're right.
Conspiracy Factualists. Personally seeing the shitshow and people I know and love becoming ill or dying after injections, it is a no-brainer for me. The more they push something on me the more likely I am to dig in my heels and tell them to foxtrot off...even if I could get a big juicy cheeseburger in exchange for the literal essence of who I am. Not a fair trade, I am a thinkin'.
I just like to tell people that they lied to "us" and people still get covid after being shot and boosted and they die too. I think there is a special hole in people's brains, drilled by the government and filled by the government.
The bit that impresses me most about the laptop thing was that there were 50 state agents who thought that there was no downside to joining a pile-in on something that was likely, in the fullness of time, to be shown to be factual. What were they thinking, or was there just so much money involved that they didn't care how things turned out?
"it's that we need to be very careful how we do it because it's easy to get jiujitsued into landing in a pratfall or getting lumped in with actual kooks."
Sure, but just take a page from their rule book.
Forget about it and so will everyone else in 2 days.
So, yeah, Stewies little shitshow separated the tin-foils from the pearl clutchers a bit further, but...
Yes people are desperate for the truth.....I mean half the population can’t even handle the truth. Those that do are saying ok, let’s do this, let’s learn who we are and where we come from so future generations don’t have to.
But what about the real elephant in the room........HOW TO CHOSE AN HONEST AUTHOR! I think Clif High is pretty good, just giving the facts, kind of take this as you like. He puts things more matter-of-factly so it is easier to absorb.
What to do with people that won’t watch Gates Ted talks on climate change, or go look at agenda 21-31. It’s pretty clear to me what they are doing, or want to accomplish. Finding out the way they are doing it is rather upsetting because people we love are dying.
Ok so what do we do? Be critical thinkers? Know things get twisted if they don’t come from the source. So what’s the bottom line here....they do want to depopulate but we don’t know why, they lie constantly, but we don’t know why.
Agree, there is no one source that is the complete picture. There never has been and never will be. We have to train ourselves to look at everything from multiple viewpoints and angles, and yet still realize that we will not get the whole picture. Even before 2020, I used to say life is like a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box to go by. We can manage to get some pieces put together, but seeing the whole picture is a lot of work.
While I am guilty of being all over the place in terms of issues I follow, my actions primarily focus on local. It's where the average person CAN have impact. Can't do squat about the WEF or the Biden administration, but can support good school board candidates and the like. And a great way to connect with like minded people - we are stronger together!
And let's not forget, when WE do it, it circles the globe a hundred times in a minute. When the Left does it, it gets crickets and affects no one and nothing. We have to be our own best "fact-checkers" to retain and protect our own credibility, because it really is Us vs. The World, IMO.
I get so tired of disclaimers. Suffice to say that I comprehend all you said. However, when it comes right down to it, no matter how much we wish it were not so, the majority of people base their decisions on emotion and very little on factual input. This is what drives the propaganda from the other side. No matter how much we dislike it, if we don't sway emotions, then our facts will fail to persuade enough to make a difference. Even if a metric truckload of people die in ways directly related to the clotshots, people will not suddenly come to our side of the argument based on facts and figures. They will come to our side because reality will have scared the shizznit out of them.
All of that to say, the Stew Peters video is having an effect where my facts and figures appeal got nowhere. People that took the shot, even after I presented ample evidence and argument to avoid it, watched "Died Suddenly" and are now questioning things. The misused video clips and unsupported snippets meant nothing to them.
This is spot on and it's a massive coordinated psyop. I just wrote about the role of "fact" checkers and how they pen articles debunking something that could actually be real as automatically conspiracy, and they do so with virtually zero evidence or research other than a catchy, viral headline. The goal is to get the so-called debunked conspiracy header at the top of the search by partnering with Google, Facebook that's all anyone sees effectively putting the conspiracy to bed before anyone can actually research it themselves.
How did it all get carried away? Conspiracies are often low order explanations for issues/phenomena that are just beyond the range of most folks. I call this 'disqualifying narratives' -- so they are only viral if turned into stories. And then they are used to sort in-group/out-groups.
I’ve never heard the Cheerios have little radios in them conspiracy theory (and I’ve been up on conspiracies and the conspiracy theories for decades), but as a mother who did give her children Cheerios years ago as littles, I do know that Cheerios did contain magnetic metallic particles. Hence, the reason I stopped feeding my kids Cheerios. In fact, so did many flake type cereals. How do I know this? Because I checked it myself with magnets, as did other mothers I know. Dismiss it if you want, but I do know it was real.
Very fine iron filings are added to pretty much every processed food item that states it is iron-fortified. The iron reacts with stomach acid during digestion and gets absorbed. Insufficient iron can lead to health problems, especially for menstruating women.
The flip side is that too much iron is also problematic, so make sure to store the chewable, candy-like vitamins safely out of the reach of little ones.
I still have vivid memories of my high school chemistry class where we were all asked to bring in dry food items labeled as iron-fortified. We ground them up, added water to make a slurry and stirred clean, plastic-coated magnets in it. Every single one came out covered in fine filings. Ended up as a professional chemist thanks to that teacher =)
Lol me too! But mine was because my dad died when I was 11 from exposure to CCH4 in new laundry cleaning machine technology. Carbon tetra chloride is deadly for the liver. They ban it the next year after that.
Look up Mr. Kellog and why cereal was made.....that’s a duzer.
If you really want to go down a wild rabbit hole, look up the site vigilant citizen. They have years of photos of one eye photos. That means something. But yet... people ignore it.
Brief explanation here, taken from Vigilant Citizen:
The early and persistent messaging across all platforms from every possible source was a scale of propaganda that we’ve never seen before. I mean they rolled out Big Bird and Elmo for goodness sake! There was someone/group/agency behind that messaging for it to be so quickly and completely coordinated starting with, “We’re all in this together”.
I think its all a conspiracy by the flat earthers who came up with locking everyone down for a few weeks to flatten the curve. Afterwards all the cats started pushing things over the edge.
They had 10 years to learn from the mistakes from the swine flu scamdemic 2009. Mark van Ranst gave the who is who of the future pandemic elite, in a 2019 talk in Bil Gates funded Chatam House in England, his experience as the Belgian flu commissioner back then. It's a Rona classic. His sarcasm is sickening.
There were multiple PR firms involved in this along with Big Tech, Media, the FBI, CIA and so on. The coordinated attack on information is MASSIVE. Tentacles everywhere.
I’ve been saying this since about Day 1. This is not about money (money is likely a small side perk). This is about power and ideology. The goal is not to make pfizer, moderna and fauci billions of dollars, that’s just a side effect. The goal is to use pharma to accomplish something the elites find desirable. It appears that that something revolves around either harming/killing millions of people in order to reduce the population to help ostensibly with “climate change”, or furthering the authoritarian cause of enslaving the masses, step by step. Money does not explain what is going on. There are no lizard people... but there may as well be.
Ok, fine, so let’s cut to the chase, quiet the noise, and simplify things. History is not accidental; it is conspiratorial. It’s just a fact - people conspire to do things to other people to gain advantage. Always has been and always will be the way history is made, on a macro and micro level. And I am just talking about criminal and harmful activity here.
It can all be so overwhelming when you start to peel the onion back. So much is truly a deception. But if I had to pay attention to just one conspiracy, the one that makes me sleep with one eye open to both near and far events, is The Mark of the Beast, of Revelation 13. Everybody should read at least that chapter a dozen times to let it sink in.
And the conspiracy there, in a nutshell, is a worldwide economic control system, that will effect every single person on Earth, with no where to hide and no where to run. You take The Mark or reject it at your will, and accept the consequences for your choice: permanent disqualification (damnation) if you accept; physical death, but potentially resurrection if you reject it.
And we can all see this electronic economic control grid being erected around us day by day. Cell phone towers in even the most remote locations. Cameras, scanners, RFID readers, RFID chips in everything, biometric authentication, etc, etc, etc.
It’s the only conspiracy that matters because it is the end game. Are you ready?
I agree with your comment. It's eerie to see this play out in real life.
I have accepted that my life will not play out as expected, since these evil people are conspiring to bring about a horrific future, but we don't know that this is the Big Show. This could be their first charge at it, which will be defeated, so we must resist it and warn others about it.
Yeah but there's a long leap from that to flerfism (colloquial for flat earth-ism). Which I'm 80% sure it's CIA supported, to have plenty material for mis-association. Village idiots have used that stupid strawman against my arguments before.
Zij zijn de enige soorten die zo geëvolueerd zijn naar de aarde dat ze niets van mensen te leren hadden en ons daarom niet nodig hadden, maar zijn hier om ons te dienen. ZE KOMEN UIT ORION, de grote SPIRITUELE CONSTELLATIE, daarom is hun TRILLING van de 5e DIMENSIE en is hun ENERGIE zo PUUR. Ze zijn zelfs erg onafhankelijk en hebben de eigenaardigheid om de huizen en de energie van de planeet in een hoge frequentie van verlichting te houden.
Het spinnen van een kat is als de OM MANTRA voor mensen, een GENEZENDE FREQUENTIE die in staat is om:
TRANSFER afmetingen,
DETECTEER ziekten,
HEAL het elektromagnetische veld,
SEAL breekt in de aura en
BIEDEN bescherming in de etherische rijken.
De katachtigen VERSPREID
There are a lot of conspiracy material that you cannot prove wrong, but you cannot prove it right either, so leave that stuff for tongue in cheek uses (even if you believe them). Good examples are ancient astronaut theorizing, extradimensional reptilians, etc. Of course patently absurd stuff like flat earth theory has to be dropped. Plausible but not evident stuff, like lost ancient civilizations, treat them with healthy skepticism and humility. Really inconvenient but self-evident stuff like, erhm, what Kanye has been talking about, strategically avoid.
Intellectual discourse has deteriorated to the point that debate is based less on verifiable evidence and more on the manipulation of the publics biases and sentiments. The pandemic managers have been open about their use of psychological tools (aka propaganda) to sway public opinion, because it is proven to work. Critique of data and evidence appears to have been thrown out the window in favor of "truthiness". As a physician who has been in practice for over 30 years, I have heard my scientifically grounded opinions, right or wrong, dismissed and denigrated again and again when I've advised people that the vaccines aren't safe or effective and the lockdown measures and masking useless. I present these ideas to people non-authoritatively -- just as a matter of representing what the best scientific research data in my opinion suggests. Yet woke people "know" that I'm full of it because "why would the government do that if it were dangerous/ineffective?" Our credibility in data has been eroded so that people believe what they shouldn't and dismiss what they should be evaluating critically. I don't even claim to be correct in my assessments. I can't even get woke people to pay attention, so certain are they that they are right and I am wrong. How do you debate with a Flat Earther?
i think the intensity of this has come from segmentation drive balkanization.
we now have whole media spheres competing for attention by serving conformation bias. they don't report "news" they support narratives. and this has broken us into mutually incomprehensible tribes that have not only their own opinions, but their own facts. each is so wedded to its own precepts and conjured reality that the idea that there could be any other seems absurd. disagree and you are stupid, evil, whatever, but you are not "one of us."
it's a really nasty outcome and one that's going to be difficult to bridge.
A very wise teacher of mine casually stated 2018 when Trump said , "we have alternative facts" that this is the beginning of a New Age, a paradigm shift, the Age of Alternative Facts, where we cannot agree on fundamental truths. I didn't really get the importance of his remarks back then. Now is see his wisdom.
Paraphrasing Feynman, there is no such thing as "facts". All we can do is make observations, which only have meaning within some hypothesis or theory that tries to make sense of those observations.
The problem here is not that there are different sets of facts, but rather that the observations are so limited (deliberately?) that many hypotheses fit them.
Mine too, smoking too much for too long. Most of the woke crowd want ‘government’ to take care of everything for work or responsibility for anyone else...... just work on their artwork.
I don’t debate anymore. My strategy is simply to ask them to show me the data. It seems to end many pointless conversations. Sadly, they don’t ask for my data. I know the word “data” is a trigger for sone people, chalk it up to my background.
I don’t debate either, especially not with data. I am trying to focus on first principles now. Is bodily autonomy important? Yes or no? Is diversity important? yes or no? Is tolerance important? yes or no? You can’t have your cake and eat it too. 🎂
You don’t debate with them, they don’t care if they are right. They care nothing of others. They don’t know how. They have been being whoever their parents wanted them to be most of their lives, they haven’t a clue who they really are. They fall into the first group that will have them.
It is nice to hear from a doctor that can discern right from wrong though, who looks up the truth and is not afraid to say it. Thank you!
Mark, thank you for pointing out the “why would the government…” That’s been a standard talking point that I cannot fully know or answer when I have had these discussions with a friend. Same person does not believe hospitals would falsely claim noncovid patients as covid.
I remember explaining to my husband tgat we were being ruled by strawmen.
He's had more training in logic than I have, but he hadn't considered that terms like "anti-vaxxer", "pro-vaxxer", "science" etc had become strawmen, in that they were non-specific and had come to include many aspects that, in total, applied to no one.
Not all anti-vaxxers are Trump supporters, or stupid, or knuckle dragging. Not all science is unbiased..
It's curious how the MSM attacks Trump voters as unthinking followers of whatever he says, and then attacks them for questioning the vaccine that their Dear Leader pushed so hard.
The people who are willing to go to bat for dangerous possibilities are also the ones willing to consider lizard people, a lot of the time. How much has Alex Jones been *right* about? Sounds like a lot. It has felt to me for 46 years like thoughtful, reasonable people saying, “I don’t know, these dots connect, and these organizations and agencies are just laundered versions of the ones we KNOW did these things,” just get silenced or maligned.
I was thoughtful, careful, and *right*, in early 2020. The people who thought I was crazy then *still* think I’m crazy, and aren’t interested in the facts. Meanwhile, the folks who think Trump is a secret multiverse mastermind and every contrail is a chemtrail knew it, too. Had everyone listened to them, we’d be a lot better off.
the hard part with loose cannons like jones are that despite often being wildly miscalibrated and wrong, they are sometimes right.
he's kind of the human embodiment of discrediting adjacency.
he's been so flagrantly wrong and so stunningly uncareful and uncritical in his takes, that when he gets one right, it's still not trustworthy. and people adopt biases in response.
how many people, if they heard X for the first time from alex jones would immediately presume that X was crazy just because of the speaker?
A lot. The underdog has to be impeccable, but it’s what Raymond Chandler called “The Sherlock Holmes Problem;” it’s a near-impossible combination of traits. The curiosity, intelligence, research capacity, and discernment to dig into all this stuff, the charisma and connections to expose it, the fortitude (and finances) to withstand the assaults; everyone was joking when Musk was an hour late to the data dump last night that Musk didn’t kill himself and had anyone seen Hillary? It’s an open secret. And yet, nothing will ever happen, and “serious” people will always say you’re crazy if you believe it.
I don’t make decisions based on strategy; I make them based on principles. I’m just not a clever enough Machiavellian. So I don’t advocate doing something crazy because it “works.” And I admire people who are principled, even when it’s not cool. Nonetheless, that doesn’t seem to be what wins the day in terms of retaining the freedoms our overlords and their Karen acolytes have abrogated, and continue to abrogate, with glee.
I think what you’re really saying is those that manage the manipulation of PR are mainly psychopaths and sociopaths and we here are mostly not.
What I’ve found most disturbing is how University ethics has been abused so what is now considered ethical is whatever the PTB want them to be.
Like rationalising why you murdered your neighbour is ethical because they made too much noise after 10 pm or they let their dogs bark outside before dawn.
Ethics depts (like demonic Fauci wife) claim it’s ethical to mandatorily Vee everyone. Never mind our investment portfolios.
Yeah, what do you do with that? And I have extremely high trait openness. I can tolerate and explore almost any idea, and until I do that fully, as if I believed it, I don’t feel I can honorably argue with it. I have to know the steelman position inside and out. I have difficulty eliminating anything completely.
Yes, that is true from a practical perspective. But I mean, existentially. I have the tools. I know what to do in dark times. But I also know that it doesn’t mean the light is ever realized on this material plane, and I won’t pretend that’s not discouraging.
I'm not a Jones fan but it is suspect how the powers that be are going after him for something he said, not did. He just declared bankruptcy as is set to own a billion dollars in restitution because of something he SAID which should be protected under the 1st amendment whether you like what he said or not. For someone who is so often wrong why would the big boys give a rip what Alex Jones says? They are out to ruin him. It makes you wonder if Jones is over the target more often than people think.
I can only surmise he is being as a warning to free speakers to show how rhey will bury anyone in legal system, using our infinite gov. resources to make you suffer. It is tale for us all to ponder.
Yes, the 'line that shall not be crossed' is a moving target these days. And then the #36 from the Twitter files tweet string - the 'first amendment isn't absolute'. Well yes, there are limits to what you can say, the old 'yelling fire in a movie theater' example. But last I checked, gov directing private enterprise as to what must be censored is NOT supposed to be included in such limits.
Examples of courts riddled with injustice. Frozen Trucker bank accts; Jones lack of defense; release of criminals; treasonous US open border; Censorship of both speech and clinical trial faux data, gov. promoting protection from ourselves and their Orwellian doublespeak . these are concerning for future of persons who have rejected a majoritys medicated paradigm. Soon to be announced an ESG limit on our lifespans like the concept of the entertaining movie "in time"?
In Canuckistan, online alt right news forums have been popping up. They are growing, and that is encouraging, especially in a nation where the Liberal government hands out taxpayer dollars to msm outlets.
One of the older alt right news forums can get the story right, but on too many occasions hasn’t done its homework, jumps to conclusions, and assumes the worst of a situation. They are, of course, to be admired for being out there and often taking the blows from the government and msm, but the upshot for some (many?) readers/viewers is that with the problem of occasional sensationalism all stories are then regarded with a gimlet eye. In short, some viewers lose trust. Those who have pointed this out receive no reply from the news forum. It is frustrating; one thinks: surely they know this; why do they refuse to put a check on their sensationalism?
Yes we are all skirting around the issue of are they trying to depopulate--- maybe the only thing we can do is show them the way to Gates Ted talk, his interviews, Agenda 21-31 etc. just the basics. Hell ....we don’t need anything else.
It is also quite clear that consciousness of the whole means something. The butterfly effect is everywhere. The magnetic and dielectric equations are obviously how the universe works. ...we saw the way hate speech kills plants in the Japanese experiments about “water”. Sound is much more important than we ever thought. We don’t understand it fully but I do feel hate speech hurts the sender as much as the receiver and is counter productive.
They don’t want us knowing how everything works so I think we need to continue in that direction and ignore the distractions. There is Avery interesting YouTube from Divergent with old pictures of fireplaces with anodes in them and a chimney that had a pipe to the sky with some kind of energy collectors !?! Very interesting. The electrics cars back then went 5000 miles on a battery before the age of gas and oil started. We have a lot to learn before the age of robots takes over. They just don’t need us anymore basically.
Honestly, I probably shouldn’t be commenting because I have not fully read it but I just wanted to say that I find it disheartening all of the shit that died suddenly has been getting and hopefully I’m going to just look like an idiot after I finish reading your always wonderful work.
But to any of us (who’ve seen much longer and well-documented pieces on each of the concepts rapidly introduced to create a narrative for the film which km sure is tons..) does it not make a decent broad spectrum primer?
I think that is exactly what they were trying to do because what I keep hearing from my family is “that makes no sense “which is true if you don’t have a scaffolding for the fact that some people are truly obsessed with population numbers... and... influencing them ahem.
Sterility vaccines are a real thing made by the World “Health” organization.
And I agree that perhaps it was too much in too short of a film but without the “introduction to evil 101 abridged” at the beginning, and trying to rapidly show how pervasive it is and how it’s also very often just said in plain sight, the film would kind of make no sense because then the question to be beg would be are they saying they’re doing this on purpose??? that’s crazy!
We’re by the time they get to the numbers it’s not nearly as crazy as it would otherwise be.
Their work is kind of fast and furious. There were a few technical issues, and I believe the basketball player mentioned was in the original trailer and it was never in the movie and has since been removed from the trailer.
Ultimately, if you can only ask for one hour of someone’s time, and they have any kind of research integrity, there are many overarching questions that if investigated will yield bountiful, rabbit holes for people to go into .
Regardless of how the stew peters is and all of the inviting and what not, it’s just not getting through to people and humanity is really overdue a pivotal shift and if it’s a apparently liking documentary, so be it .
Am I wrong in my hope and estimation that anyone who would actually bother to look (because many no matter what you put in front of them will not) and who is still blue pilled to high hell might put on their detective camp three years late?
I mean, :Dertainly hope so. That’s the only dog I have in this race.  It breaks my heart. Just the other day I was trying to gently coax my godmother into considering not getting a fifth shot. And her instantaneous reply was oh well I “can’t because I have to wait four months because I just had Covid” and then Kinda gently build on that and ask right but I mean anymore shots you just got Covid. Surely you’re good no? How many vaccines do you remember as a kid having to get every six months? Did the doctors tell you that this was not a vaccine?
And the fact that the phone was not hung up, and she did genuinely engage after a little bit and even played devils advocate, I almost fell out of my chair . That I was not yelled at as, which is par for course with much of the family was already a good start but hell, even if someone thinks they’re going to be watching a comedy film and ends up slightly red pilled is net good.
Anyone who would discredit an entire body of work based on a few errors is someone who actually believes fact checking websites without checking their financial sponsors etc. Malone pissed off a lot of people off when he wrote that hissy fit subs that complained about essentially uneducated people, speculating, and asking questions he found to be offensive. When a glaring issue that Covid has brought up to many people is a certain class or group of people having total dominion over facts and narrative. The irony of him essentially saying trust the expert after what we’ve all just gone through it’s pretty funny..

Children’s health defence hosted the filmmakers and they got to say there piece and I think they were genuinely upset and they certainly believe and what they are doing even if the clot is a hoax, let’s say. Ultimately they were appealing to emotion and as captivating a manner as they could, and maybe that’s the way to go because facts sure as hell are they wrong armaments for far too many people. Hahaha.
I do truly do adore your work by the way I am sorry for the rumbling rant I guess my jimmies are rustled from seeing all of the criticism and infighting amongst my Covid heroes
That being said, I’m very curious to find out what will ultimately come of the seemingly our dynamics between doctor Ardis , Hirschman , Mike adams and SPN. And to see if Malone will have the humility to just drop his awful lawsuit. It reeks of “ the Alex Jones ‘precedent’ ”.
Sure Plandemic and the ideal approach that they also had Human capital and talents that cannot be expected of every single endeavour.
Pfizer cannot even label their product properly, and the governments apparently don’t know their own laws so let’s be kind haha has as video series that also has some outlandish context for why and how. Basically worldwide financial ponzi scheme coverup and assert control. they imply abortion leftovers used in beyond beef production due to proximity to abort-clin ics..but overall it provided me some context for how and why that made sense.
I tried to get my "locked for hate speech" account unlocked yesterday. Within 1 hour I was denied in a reply that didn't address the core -- or any -- of my argument. Just a generic auto-refusal that could apply to any "fill in the blank" wrong-speech.
I expect that such issues from peons are "addressed" strictly by ai & that is still in effect.
So to twitterers who still tweet, be aware that if you call a tyrant who has incarcerated an entire population of millions, forced them to take toxic experimental jabs, brutally policed by what appears to be foreigners, a "nazi bitch", you will be cancelled until you "take it back". 🙄
Twitter is a time sink & this all plays out like a big kabuki.
Nothing will be done. The courts -- up to & including the USSC -- saw to that in 2020.
They are all on the take, grabbing as much as they can while the titanic sinks. We peons are locked in steerage & will go down. Eos. 🤷
We're still waiting on the general "amnesty". Musk doesn't have to be a perfect person to make Twitter a good platform. It's possble for a person to believe in both transhumanism and free speech. He could simultaneously make society a better place for having Free Twitter and a worse place for having augmented humans.
It remains to be seen whether this is a limited hangout or will be followed by serious (criminal) info release. So far it still protects the pols &, per Jeff Childers, doesn't provide cause for legal action.
The tease/trailer lead ups from intent to purchase on kook a lot like kabuki. 🤷
Get on Gettr. I won't do Twitter because I don't trust Musk. Musk is all in on the transhumanist movement with his push for putting digital chips in people's brains (and this is NOT conspiracy anymore, ha).
What better way to cull gobs of personal information for your own transhumanist movement than to get as many people as possible revealing everything about themselves including their deepest thoughts on Twitter?
No thank you. Twitter was a time sink & I was happy to be locked out. I already spend too much time in substack, but at least it's mostly intelligent discourse here!
I only tried to re-open my account as a test. Musk failed my test 🙂
Hate speech hurts you more than the receiver. I know how you to swallow that false pride, be the better person and say you are sorry, or else guess what, they win!!!
No idea what you are talking about. Just because twitter ai calls something "hate speech" does not make it so.
And my post was solely about a test to see whether or not the old system is still in place. A number of people have noted that the there has been little of the promised amnesty.
I noted that it appeared to be an automated ai response. Iow, it doesn't matter that they fired the "moderator team."
In my case, they don't "win." Amnesty or no amnesty, I have no intention of returning to twitter. Huge waste of time.
The TikTok consumers and endless blue screen scrollers, sadly, don't have the wisdom and discernment to navigate this. COVID damaged critical thinking and morality. As predictable as the Replication party is consistently shooting itself in the foot, the deceitful progressives are really good at subversion. There's a high probability the people on the right side of history here will be drown out by those who can manipulate people with just enough knowledge and a whole lotta bs to be dangerous. Misassociation and miscalibration are perfect descriptions. Our education system has certainly created a large swath of incurious and uncritical thinkers. I hope and pray your warnings are heeded and we can avoid the greatest fumble of a wonderful opportunity to save lives and restore sanity to the world.
Me too, but I consider the source before the information. I automatically an skeptical of anything from corporate media or big tech, at least in political or controversial subjects. They do report some true facts, but I'm alert to bias and what's not being reported. I don't seek information from them, but rely mostly on sources that are reasonably trustworthy (e.g. Epoch Times, Covid&Coffee)
Coffee & Covid good. But even Epoch Times can inadvertently feature deep state plants who intermix facts with made up, easily debunked pseudo-science that ends up making us look like idiots & hurting our cause.
Yeah, good point. I intentionally said "reasonably reliable" because no source is perfect.
I consider ET to be what the mainstream media would look like if they weren't corrupt, captured narrative peddlers. Sometimes I find their articles to be incomplete, underresearched or otherwise questionable. But on the whole they give the anti-narrative side good representation and don't intentionally push MSM misinformation. Sometimes a little slips through though.
I can live with that and consider them well worth the subscription.
Mis-association works the other way, too. It can make false theories seem true by linking true facts with them. Let's take the example of evolution. We can all see with our eyes that living things adapt to their environment, as in viruses mutating to take advantage of vaccine-induced immunity, or Arctic animals having white fur, or people whose racial origin is in the tropics having darker skin. By mis-association, these facts are used to make people swallow the truly ridiculous idea that beneficial mutations could have evolved proto-mammals into elephants, voles, humans, etc etc, when the timeframe for that to have occurred is limited (about 200 million years, they say) and the number of possible mutations to mammalian DNA is to all intents and purposes limitless. They also sneak the unproven theory of abiogenesis in there as a "fact."
I suspect creationism isn't awfully popular around here, but my point is that it's worth examining the things you "know" to be true, and asking yourself if they could be reptiles-in-the-White-House level absurdities, dressed up as fact by their mis-association with observable realities.
“Beneficial mutations “ ?? I think that is a wrong interpretation of evolution theory. Random mutations that end up over time increasing reproductive success in a given context. ‘Beneficial’ is a human value. If god created all this in seven *days* then……. To me he is one mean son of a bitch for letting it devolve to its current psycho political condition.
What if God created the world and gave humans free will? Isn’t it possible that the reason the world has devolved into its current psycho political condition is due to humans making bad decisions and the consequences of those decisions playing out rather than it being all God’s fault?
Hmmmmm. So then there should be legacy ‘ guidance’ at least..? Ten Commandments, bible, Koran ,Torah etc….. perhaps even the US constitution as a base for the republic? I don’t perceive *him* around other than in the form of what I myself perceive as the natural universe. Loyalty to and worship of a belief are not evidence. Time seems to be constant and space seems to be emergent. God may have been there in the beginning to start time……… and that would be a long time before the start of the human part of history. It’s a fantastic mystery and I’m ok with that. Would be nice to know but then where to from there?
I agree. The media has been instrumental in creating a massive schism in our society. And it has used all the tools of psychological manipulation that those skilled in this are able to marshal to their advantage. Above and beyond the balkanization via exploitation of confirmation bias lies the issue that people have lost the openness to critically evaluate data, even knowing "you shouldn't believe everything you read in the newspapers." Maybe they never had it. Maybe the woke are just too terrified to look at the horrors of the data, and have to look away. How can we learn to live with one another when constructive dialogue about matters of huge import has been rendered an impossibility? I have no answer. Thank you for your reply!
Read "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" by Mattias Desmet and you will understand why 30% of the population is simply unable to accept truth, because they have so fully bought into the lies that they cannot look at anything that might burst their "bubble". (Unfortunately, I have a son and DIL who fall into this category - the book was both eye-opening and heartbreaking to me!)
But the point is, there IS a large group out there (more than 50% of the population) who KNOW that something is "off" but they are either too busy, too lazy, or too timid to search out the information for themselves. Our job, as the 10-20% who are doing the hard work of actually sifting through all of the information, is to reach them! That is why we have to do the research, weed out the craziest of ideas, and just keep presenting FACTS, no matter how "conspiratorial" they may seem, because there are people who are looking for answers! And little by little, the numbers are shifting, as more and more people seek to be informed!
Seems the only way to get blue pillers in my life to watch anything is if they feel there’s an obvious and easy rebuttal available to them. Otherwise they go straight to the blank stare. What a conundrum.
This is why, when I discuss getting or not getting the vaccine, I stick to what I DO know about, which is I spent nearly four decades as a data technician in preclinical pharmaceutical research, so I know what kind of testing is supposed to be done and how long it is supposed to take these things to get approved. The fact that these "vaccines" were rushed to market, that they are a new technology (mRNA), that the preclinical testing seems to be spotty at best and nonexistent at worse, that was enough for me to say no, I don't want anything to do with this. Because of confidentiality issues I cannot go into details but just let me say that if these so-called vaccines had been developed using normal timelines, MPI Research as one of the top independent preclinical contract research facilities would have been right in there working on them for their clients. LONG before "Operation Warp Speed"! Yet I do not recall ever hearing about or seeing anything related to mRNA and mRNA vaccines before I left in 2017 and I believe I was in a position to know.
Bottom line, I do not know about or care about graphene particles, people dropping dead all of a sudden due to unknown causes, fertility issues, and the like. What I do know is that I know several people who have been vaccinated, and the worst that seems to have happened to them is that they ended up getting Covid after all, some several times. Are these "vaccines" dangerous? I do not know. I do know that they don't seem to be doing the job that they were advertised as doing, which in my book is a waste of time and money, and seeing I have a pretty robust immune system I'd like to keep it that way. As far as anything else goes, my father used to have a saying, "Don't talk loose"; and being a science teacher himself was very big on all of us children being able to distinguish real science from nonsense AND to be able to back up what we said with solid evidence.
My brother and his wife were some of the first people to get vaccinated. My sister and her husband were as well. I decided to take the "wait and see" approach. We went to dinner in April 2021 and they were already pressuring me on why I was waiting to get vaccinated. I just said that I wanted to wait since it was experimental. My brother said, "don't believe what you hear about microchips being in the vaccine." He then told me, "I took it and I'm fine." Thankfully they all seem to be ok, but the propaganda was already in full force early on. They all assumed I was believing crazy conspiracy theories. I was just being cautious.
I was also being cautious in the beginning. And then something about the push for absolutely everyone to get this shot, including offering lotteries and free donuts and free burgers and who knows what else as incentives , and then also the shaming of people being “selfish” and “uncaring” if they took a wait and see approach, were all red flags for me.
Good Article - Thank you - a friend of mine and I where discussing this and came to roughly the same conclusions. I am writing a long article on conspiracy theories on another substack - article should be out in six months. Their is just so much to unpack.
Problem is, they are talking about vaccine passports and endless vaccinations in order to be employed, move about freely, and receive medical care.
NY and California are eliminating gas vehicles in a decade.
Autos manufactured after 2025 will have a "kill switch" to stop them dead in their tracks.
Despite absolutely no evidence to support the claim, the government claims that "white supremacism/nationalism" is the biggest threat we face. (Funny how that happens to be the middle class which will be crushed in globalization.)
We just had two very, very sketchy elections. The party that prevailed was all on board with vaccines, after denigrating them when Orange man was in charge.
(So many more...gotta to work.)
All of that points to a move towards a nascent Biomedical Security State. Dr. Kheriaty was head of Medical Ethics at U Cal Irvine Health.
Questions, el gato, if you stalk this thread:
--If money is the driving force, why care if anyone rolls up their sleeve for some mRNA? The check cleared into Pfizer and Moderna's bank accounts, why the rush to vaccinate everyone? Especially with something that, a few months into the rollout, proved to be mildly effective at best.
--Why, not only hide side effects, but viciously attack and deplatform anyone who brought them out into the light of day?
--When have you ever seen the media (controlled by just a few corporations) speak with one voice, and governments (controlled by those same corporations) worldwide move in such lockstep, chucking aside pandemic plans to implement the agenda?
(I am thinking of adding a tinfoil suit to go along with my tinfoil chapeau...)
i think you're a bit orthogonal to the issue here.
have there been conspiracies? yes. clearly. we can argue about size, scope, intent, etc, but clearly there are LOTS of folks with some pretty ugly plans and covid made many of them step far more clearly into the light that they likely wanted to.
and a lot of people noticed them. almost no one knew the WEF pre 2019. almost no one realized that gates and china run the WHO and use it to pimp for business interests.
but now they do and consciousness of this is pervading the center.
and the cockroaches want the kitchen light turned off again.
the goal now is to once more disappear.
so how do they do this?
they do it by making their critics look like kooks and nutters and the best way to do that is to gin up 20 histrionic crazy new conspiracies and link them to the real conspiracies and use it to get those who are seeking to expose you to overplay their hands, get sucked into confirmation bias, and make fools of themselves so you can rugpull them and destroy their credibility.
they also do it by linking ideas like "criticizing the WEF" to ideas like "cheerios have little radios in them that big cereal uses to track you!" so that the the middle who is just starting to see these ideas and conspiracies as real will say "oh, this is just crazy people."
my point is not at all that we should let up on chasing down many of the very real sinister plans out there. this is important and we need to stay at it.
it's that we need to be very careful how we do it because it's easy to get jiujitsued into landing in a pratfall or getting lumped in with actual kooks.
and this tends to happen when you get overconfident from winning and more people are willing to spread what you say.
if we would be the side of truth, rationality, and fact, we need to focus there and not get dragged into making foot faults that make us look bad.
if one is not careful, your own team can often harm you more than the opposition.
Thank you for succinctly expressing thought that I haven’t been able to fully conceptualize and organize. What you are saying reminds me of that supposed picture of Schwab on the beach. Many thought it was actually him. It was passed around by people on our team. I think people get so desperate to be right or supported that we jump at something for some credibility. Human nature? Or just a reaction to have been degraded and insulted by society in general?
You offer wise words. We now need to debunk the baloney intended to discredit critical thinkers once again. This is wearing me out.
: )
Yes, it is tiring to constantly question EVERYTHING. But it is the 'new normal', and the price we are paying for not questioning anything for too long.
i thought questioning everything was supposed to be the default?
isnt blind acceptance how we got here?
well, yes, to an extent. But, for instance, reading EVERY ingredient label on foods for ingredients now called out as harmful, vs chucking the cheapest brand into the cart. I shop for my elderly mom who has a host of allergies and it takes forever. Doing a search for a quote to read the entire thing vs the soundbite in order to understand the context. Our brans are wired to take short cuts to conserve energy - how many have driven home and totally forgot they needed to stop at the store on the way home? Or walked into a room and forgotten why you went in there? A state of constant vigilance is not our default setting. If we have to ponder every single decision it becomes easy to become overwhelmed.
Well, I dunno. I've been reading labels on everything since I was old enough to buy stuff for myself. I've been thinking carefully about medical advice and the concept of "safe" likewise.
It's the Fog of War
And the first casualty of war is Truth.
Wisdom you speak
Yes, 5GW- or 5th Generation Warfare, for those not familiar with the acronym. Thing about 5GW is that it doesn't require (for the most part) the usual military hardware. Which means we can also, if we want to, engage in dishing it out to the globalist enemy as an offensive move - rather than always being on the receiving end,having to try to find the weaponized stories and ensure we don't over react to them. Don't be afraid to turn the tables on them. We're probably better at meme warfare than most of them are....
We definitely have super memers here!
It's the Fog of Everything!
I think people are desperate for the truth to spill out. I have never wanted to be more wrong than I did in early 2021. Alas...
4 minute trailer FYI:
Heart attack gun from the 70's used what?..... venom!
Still using it. Ardis took flack for being over the target.
Once upon a time, we said things like "the truth matters." Now? I'm not so sure. People are lining up for injections that do nothing but hurt them and our elections are fraudulent.
I remember the supposed Schwab on the beach photo. I think there could have been another purpose to it-- to humiliate Schwab. Not to say "this IS Schwab" but to say "this could be Schwab." And a lot of people believed that it COULD have been him. Which would indeed be humiliating to him.
As for a lot of these other issues that seem to be "conspiracy outliers" are they really bad things if they are Spoken Of? For example.... the Latin meaning of Balenciega. Is that real? Maybe that's an OK discussion to have with a normie. Do you think that real? You don't even have to say something like "yeah, I think the fashion industry is embroiled in Satanism and child pornography." Just ask if they think it's real or not.
Finally... will the powers that be ever "allow" us to be right? Will they publicly accept any of our ideas and embrace them as the truth?
Since we're now on vaxx 4 or 5-- I lost count-- my guess is no. So why are we even concerned about what others think? Even if we are right 1000x a day, we will still be denigrated and treated like nut jobs. Maybe it's time to consider saying the truth out in the open, and not caring what others think. They will either consider it or not. And if we get caught in something bad simply say "I was wrong."
Maybe Part 1 of cryptographic examinations of the names of fashion houses is to find out why they've got those names to begin with, and if you believe, say, in time-traveling malign appellational events.
Your “Schwab photo on beach” comment makes me want a whole list of examples where we in the health freedom movement have been wrong. It would teach us not to repost or share, and would perhaps humble us into being more careful with our credibility.
I recently shared the Australian birth decline chart with a normie friend. When I later read (in the Died Suddenly review) it was incomplete data, I messaged her and told her so. I’m hoping it bolstered my credibility with her.
Exactly...this is very important..
Maybe it's not such a great idea to use expressions like "our team."
Team Reality. That's a good team, one I'm proud to be rooting for.
This includes calling out the crazy on any side. I attempt to do that in my own small way.
You got any membership criteria, any exclusionary views?
Thanks for the heads-up, Annie: you're a gent!
So, I may be an actual kook, but for the record, which are the crazy theories? The cockroaches really don't appear to care that the lights are on.
I consider myself a critical thinker. There are radical righties and radical lefties. They are trying to make those who think like a JFK democrat look bonkers. I count myself thankful that I, only recently (past 3 years) learned about Q, an underground war, underground tunnels to traffic pizza children etc. I just know what is right in my heart and pray that people see the truth. You are right...just be still, take it in and think. Lizard people? OMG. If I did not personally know 14 people who have been damaged by mR N A, I would not believe any of this BS. I know what I know. I don't swing from any vine that isn't connected to anything. Thanks for this today. You are ameowzing.
Even in my small town there was1 article of a sting that was successful getting a pedophile ring. Just a small little clip on the third page of a local newspaper insinuating it was a part of the child trafficking ongoing problem. Other than that we don’t hear anything about it. I wish the parents would get together and put news out on it themselves.
I've never forgotten the Missing on milk cartons, very upsetting.
You'd be surprised how often that was the other parent after a messy divorce, thinking they were protecting the children from the 'bad' parent. And prolly right as often as not.
I know a women who was kidnapped by her mom's family away from her dad's after the divorce. Later she was kidnapped back. It was a very traumatic childhood. But yeah, it isn't the same as being kidnapped by sex traffickers.
But was that done for altruistic reasons, or to warm you up to the idea that digital tracking is a really good idea?
i understand, but this all feels like gatekeeping. the argument that shit is getting crazy and people are believing doesnt seem, to me, a reason to try and police discourse (internally or externally).
let people spew hyperbolic bullshit. let people believe it.
after the last few years, i really want to know who latches on to the dumb ideas and won't let go.
Because people are judged by the company they keep, and people won't wake up unless they pay attention to evidence that is counter-narrative. It the evidence is tainted with crazy conspiracy theories, they will discount it all.
then that is on them?
this argument that individuals should shepherd 'the company they keep' seem wrong based on its premises.
i dont think i should police the speech of others because they are on 'my side'. and if those who hold opposing views remain closed to any contrary evidence, do i WANT such lemmings, heck, can they even be reasoned with?
i am not going to get a shot to protect the health of other people. i am not going to shout down 'conspiracy theories' because it might make us look bad?
the covidiots are mingling with fascists and pedophiles. their inability to intro/retrospect makes them unviable in my opinion. i dont think we should give much thought to those that shriek hysterically about qanon under every rock.
Maybe the key thing is to keep our focus on discovering what's true. To not get distracted and make the side we are on more important than knowing the truth. If some get derailed by crazy ideas, we stay on track and if they are open, point them back to searching for what's true.
Yep...we judge others by the company they keep. If they go to a house that hosts parties with a bowl on the counter, then it is pretty hard to NOT lump them into that crowd. Trust your gut.
Will people discount all "crazy conspiracy theories" because they are "crazy conspiracy theories" or because these "theories" aren't coming from the correct side of the political table?
I am welcome and open to being corrected on any of my own misunderstandings. I don't care which side the crazies are on. Want to hear a crazy one from the pro-pharma corporate media? Cardiovascular disease/heart attacks are caused by shaking duvets, coffee, dancing, climate change and the time change.
A woman's injured her aorta during sex:
or the latest: being told by an anti-vaxxer that the jabs are dangerous. Anything but the "safe and effective" jab is responsible.
A good start would be to count those still wearing masks everywhere they go. They must be wondering how the rest of us are still here.
Agreed, but do they even need "lizard man" goofiness from our team to smear us?
Lying has served them very well to date. Too many people still view corporate media as the arbiter of truth, and unthinkingly accept what's presented.
Ivermectin--horse paste
Hydroxchloroquine--fish tank cleaner
Citizens meandering around the Capitol--insurrectionists
Patriotic Americans--white nationalists
God help us if/when the internet goes down (Putin! Russia!) and gets started up again under the guidance of the Truth Ministry.
"when the internet goes down (Putin! Russia!) and gets started up again under the guidance of the Truth Ministry"
A transition we can undoubtedly expect to occur prior to the 2024 election. The legacy media has long since discontinued the pretense of publishing the "news" of the day, choosing instead to reinvent themselves as purely purveyors of propaganda.
It has been astonishing to behold. Truly frightening. I've watched this movie before. It has a bad ending.
We need to keep punching, Andy.
You forgot the whore-mongering, powder-snorty guy who's definitely worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a year because he's such a nifty businessman (unlike his dad, who's had to get by with just two hands in the public coffers). And whose laptop definitely held nothing of interest to anyone else.... no sir.
This is an excellent essay, and a good cautionary exercise for all of us.
I would add one point. To avoid falling into traps, it is essential that we stay focused on figuring out the "positive" reality. It is not enough to disbelieve the liars and oppose them, because then we are vulnerable to a kind of treacherous negative confirmation bias that can make fools of us. What we need is a theory of our own, which we revisit frequently, that we sculpt to match the evidence, and which we refer back to every time someone on any side makes a claim. If the claim contradicts that internal theory that we are operating on, we need to look at it critically, and either modify our theory to account for it, or reject the claim.
This is how to keep our balance to avoid being juijitsued, and it is a fundamental tactical plan for fighting this war.
How could the NY Post have done it any better in revealing the Biden laptop story? That story was true and rational, and based on facts. It was immediately dubbed a conspiracy theory based on "hacked info" that the censors knew wasn't hacked but didn't care. Maybe if the Post did a "Stew" story on the laptop, it would have made it through the censors as bunk. But it would have had many more eyes on the bunk.
Exactly. I mean, ffs, we were called 'conspiracy theorists' for stating the exact fucking truth - these are Experimental injections, there will vaccine passports (before they came out), they will push boosters, the vaccines don't work, etc.
Don't even try to be careful, imo. Get the truth out there, again and again. Yeah, don't post obvious nonsense, but don't be afraid to be wrong. Cuz it don't make a diff - they'll call you conspiracy theorist MORE often if you're right.
See this:
Yup. When you start catching flak, it means, well you know: you're "over the target."
Well put.
Conspiracy Factualists. Personally seeing the shitshow and people I know and love becoming ill or dying after injections, it is a no-brainer for me. The more they push something on me the more likely I am to dig in my heels and tell them to foxtrot off...even if I could get a big juicy cheeseburger in exchange for the literal essence of who I am. Not a fair trade, I am a thinkin'.
I just like to tell people that they lied to "us" and people still get covid after being shot and boosted and they die too. I think there is a special hole in people's brains, drilled by the government and filled by the government.
The bit that impresses me most about the laptop thing was that there were 50 state agents who thought that there was no downside to joining a pile-in on something that was likely, in the fullness of time, to be shown to be factual. What were they thinking, or was there just so much money involved that they didn't care how things turned out?
"it's that we need to be very careful how we do it because it's easy to get jiujitsued into landing in a pratfall or getting lumped in with actual kooks."
Sure, but just take a page from their rule book.
Forget about it and so will everyone else in 2 days.
So, yeah, Stewies little shitshow separated the tin-foils from the pearl clutchers a bit further, but...
what's gonna stick?
The images of those fucking clots, that's what.
Yes people are desperate for the truth.....I mean half the population can’t even handle the truth. Those that do are saying ok, let’s do this, let’s learn who we are and where we come from so future generations don’t have to.
But what about the real elephant in the room........HOW TO CHOSE AN HONEST AUTHOR! I think Clif High is pretty good, just giving the facts, kind of take this as you like. He puts things more matter-of-factly so it is easier to absorb.
What to do with people that won’t watch Gates Ted talks on climate change, or go look at agenda 21-31. It’s pretty clear to me what they are doing, or want to accomplish. Finding out the way they are doing it is rather upsetting because people we love are dying.
Ok so what do we do? Be critical thinkers? Know things get twisted if they don’t come from the source. So what’s the bottom line here....they do want to depopulate but we don’t know why, they lie constantly, but we don’t know why.
Agree, there is no one source that is the complete picture. There never has been and never will be. We have to train ourselves to look at everything from multiple viewpoints and angles, and yet still realize that we will not get the whole picture. Even before 2020, I used to say life is like a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box to go by. We can manage to get some pieces put together, but seeing the whole picture is a lot of work.
While I am guilty of being all over the place in terms of issues I follow, my actions primarily focus on local. It's where the average person CAN have impact. Can't do squat about the WEF or the Biden administration, but can support good school board candidates and the like. And a great way to connect with like minded people - we are stronger together!
Thumbs up for Clif High. :)
He's friends with Max Igan, who does a good job of covering what's happening in Australia in New Zealand.
And let's not forget, when WE do it, it circles the globe a hundred times in a minute. When the Left does it, it gets crickets and affects no one and nothing. We have to be our own best "fact-checkers" to retain and protect our own credibility, because it really is Us vs. The World, IMO.
I get so tired of disclaimers. Suffice to say that I comprehend all you said. However, when it comes right down to it, no matter how much we wish it were not so, the majority of people base their decisions on emotion and very little on factual input. This is what drives the propaganda from the other side. No matter how much we dislike it, if we don't sway emotions, then our facts will fail to persuade enough to make a difference. Even if a metric truckload of people die in ways directly related to the clotshots, people will not suddenly come to our side of the argument based on facts and figures. They will come to our side because reality will have scared the shizznit out of them.
All of that to say, the Stew Peters video is having an effect where my facts and figures appeal got nowhere. People that took the shot, even after I presented ample evidence and argument to avoid it, watched "Died Suddenly" and are now questioning things. The misused video clips and unsupported snippets meant nothing to them.
also this!
You're on the scent, Mrhounddog!
This Stew Peters vid is spot on as well. "We have the receipts."
... and they're in there.
More brilliance.
This is spot on and it's a massive coordinated psyop. I just wrote about the role of "fact" checkers and how they pen articles debunking something that could actually be real as automatically conspiracy, and they do so with virtually zero evidence or research other than a catchy, viral headline. The goal is to get the so-called debunked conspiracy header at the top of the search by partnering with Google, Facebook that's all anyone sees effectively putting the conspiracy to bed before anyone can actually research it themselves.
How did it all get carried away? Conspiracies are often low order explanations for issues/phenomena that are just beyond the range of most folks. I call this 'disqualifying narratives' -- so they are only viral if turned into stories. And then they are used to sort in-group/out-groups.
I’ve never heard the Cheerios have little radios in them conspiracy theory (and I’ve been up on conspiracies and the conspiracy theories for decades), but as a mother who did give her children Cheerios years ago as littles, I do know that Cheerios did contain magnetic metallic particles. Hence, the reason I stopped feeding my kids Cheerios. In fact, so did many flake type cereals. How do I know this? Because I checked it myself with magnets, as did other mothers I know. Dismiss it if you want, but I do know it was real.
Very fine iron filings are added to pretty much every processed food item that states it is iron-fortified. The iron reacts with stomach acid during digestion and gets absorbed. Insufficient iron can lead to health problems, especially for menstruating women.
The flip side is that too much iron is also problematic, so make sure to store the chewable, candy-like vitamins safely out of the reach of little ones.
I still have vivid memories of my high school chemistry class where we were all asked to bring in dry food items labeled as iron-fortified. We ground them up, added water to make a slurry and stirred clean, plastic-coated magnets in it. Every single one came out covered in fine filings. Ended up as a professional chemist thanks to that teacher =)
Lol me too! But mine was because my dad died when I was 11 from exposure to CCH4 in new laundry cleaning machine technology. Carbon tetra chloride is deadly for the liver. They ban it the next year after that.
Look up Mr. Kellog and why cereal was made.....that’s a duzer.
So, the baal-enci-aga is a covert operation ?
Yeah, I don't know how "covert" it is.
If you really want to go down a wild rabbit hole, look up the site vigilant citizen. They have years of photos of one eye photos. That means something. But yet... people ignore it.
Brief explanation here, taken from Vigilant Citizen:
The early and persistent messaging across all platforms from every possible source was a scale of propaganda that we’ve never seen before. I mean they rolled out Big Bird and Elmo for goodness sake! There was someone/group/agency behind that messaging for it to be so quickly and completely coordinated starting with, “We’re all in this together”.
yes. they war gamed it all out right beforehand. they hired behavioral economists to design it.
it was in some respects emergent, but there was also a large plan behind it.
i don't think this is in any real doubt. that was not my point. the point is what they will do to find a way to hide themselves again.
read the comment to doc above.
I think its all a conspiracy by the flat earthers who came up with locking everyone down for a few weeks to flatten the curve. Afterwards all the cats started pushing things over the edge.
swabbie knows too much.
dispatch a team.
oh, crap, did i just post that?
oh oh! you let the cat out of the bag
reported for hate speech.
Lol 😂
Ya, they forgot an important word: "We're all in ON this together."
The organizational structure starts with WEF young leaders program and fans out across the globe into local government.
Take back local government. Unindoctrinated leaders will not blindly follow the dictates.
I did not misinformation this conspiracy theory. Change my mind.
They had 10 years to learn from the mistakes from the swine flu scamdemic 2009. Mark van Ranst gave the who is who of the future pandemic elite, in a 2019 talk in Bil Gates funded Chatam House in England, his experience as the Belgian flu commissioner back then. It's a Rona classic. His sarcasm is sickening.
There were multiple PR firms involved in this along with Big Tech, Media, the FBI, CIA and so on. The coordinated attack on information is MASSIVE. Tentacles everywhere.
9/11 was pratice: 'united we stand....'
for the empire.
I’ve been saying this since about Day 1. This is not about money (money is likely a small side perk). This is about power and ideology. The goal is not to make pfizer, moderna and fauci billions of dollars, that’s just a side effect. The goal is to use pharma to accomplish something the elites find desirable. It appears that that something revolves around either harming/killing millions of people in order to reduce the population to help ostensibly with “climate change”, or furthering the authoritarian cause of enslaving the masses, step by step. Money does not explain what is going on. There are no lizard people... but there may as well be.
I think goal is Societal population controlled similar to cattle ranching.
Human farming.
I am in total agreement with you.
Yes prepare your self. We are in a boat with zombies.
Ok, fine, so let’s cut to the chase, quiet the noise, and simplify things. History is not accidental; it is conspiratorial. It’s just a fact - people conspire to do things to other people to gain advantage. Always has been and always will be the way history is made, on a macro and micro level. And I am just talking about criminal and harmful activity here.
It can all be so overwhelming when you start to peel the onion back. So much is truly a deception. But if I had to pay attention to just one conspiracy, the one that makes me sleep with one eye open to both near and far events, is The Mark of the Beast, of Revelation 13. Everybody should read at least that chapter a dozen times to let it sink in.
And the conspiracy there, in a nutshell, is a worldwide economic control system, that will effect every single person on Earth, with no where to hide and no where to run. You take The Mark or reject it at your will, and accept the consequences for your choice: permanent disqualification (damnation) if you accept; physical death, but potentially resurrection if you reject it.
And we can all see this electronic economic control grid being erected around us day by day. Cell phone towers in even the most remote locations. Cameras, scanners, RFID readers, RFID chips in everything, biometric authentication, etc, etc, etc.
It’s the only conspiracy that matters because it is the end game. Are you ready?
I agree with your comment. It's eerie to see this play out in real life.
I have accepted that my life will not play out as expected, since these evil people are conspiring to bring about a horrific future, but we don't know that this is the Big Show. This could be their first charge at it, which will be defeated, so we must resist it and warn others about it.
If something doesn't change, I'm afraid this may be our future....
will not all vehicles now be in need of a 'dead-man switch' as a result of SADS?
is the 'kill switch' to stop the vehicle or the occupants?
See, the government really does care for us!
Yeah but there's a long leap from that to flerfism (colloquial for flat earth-ism). Which I'm 80% sure it's CIA supported, to have plenty material for mis-association. Village idiots have used that stupid strawman against my arguments before.
I think I'm broken now.
I look forward to reading what a cat thinks, who am I to say there are no lizard people?
people really underestimate the therapeutic value of cats.
Or squirrels. Watching the squirrels frolic in the snow, and fight over the coconuts I hang in the trees for the wee birds is very soothing.
Also, watching a squirrel eat prawn and shrimp-leftovers from the compost is oddly entertaining.
cats also enjoy this.
possibly for different reasons.
We will be fighting with the feral cats for those squirrels unless the impending food scarcity is psychop.
Is that like a porkchop? All this talk of food shortage has me daydreaming.
Squirrels - them's good eating.
Don’t even get me started in squirrels. Building nests, stealing food from strollers, leaping. Just stop now.
Came across this and thought of you. 🐈⬛
Zij zijn de enige soorten die zo geëvolueerd zijn naar de aarde dat ze niets van mensen te leren hadden en ons daarom niet nodig hadden, maar zijn hier om ons te dienen. ZE KOMEN UIT ORION, de grote SPIRITUELE CONSTELLATIE, daarom is hun TRILLING van de 5e DIMENSIE en is hun ENERGIE zo PUUR. Ze zijn zelfs erg onafhankelijk en hebben de eigenaardigheid om de huizen en de energie van de planeet in een hoge frequentie van verlichting te houden.
Het spinnen van een kat is als de OM MANTRA voor mensen, een GENEZENDE FREQUENTIE die in staat is om:
TRANSFER afmetingen,
DETECTEER ziekten,
HEAL het elektromagnetische veld,
SEAL breekt in de aura en
BIEDEN bescherming in de etherische rijken.
De katachtigen VERSPREID
.......but also the Mestophelean nature of felines.....just sayin.....this is why we need vigilance
A thousand thanks for the extraordinarily droll comment.
Opportunities for laughter are kinda thin on the ground lately, so a "like" isn't a sufficient gesture of appreciation.
There are a lot of conspiracy material that you cannot prove wrong, but you cannot prove it right either, so leave that stuff for tongue in cheek uses (even if you believe them). Good examples are ancient astronaut theorizing, extradimensional reptilians, etc. Of course patently absurd stuff like flat earth theory has to be dropped. Plausible but not evident stuff, like lost ancient civilizations, treat them with healthy skepticism and humility. Really inconvenient but self-evident stuff like, erhm, what Kanye has been talking about, strategically avoid.
Intellectual discourse has deteriorated to the point that debate is based less on verifiable evidence and more on the manipulation of the publics biases and sentiments. The pandemic managers have been open about their use of psychological tools (aka propaganda) to sway public opinion, because it is proven to work. Critique of data and evidence appears to have been thrown out the window in favor of "truthiness". As a physician who has been in practice for over 30 years, I have heard my scientifically grounded opinions, right or wrong, dismissed and denigrated again and again when I've advised people that the vaccines aren't safe or effective and the lockdown measures and masking useless. I present these ideas to people non-authoritatively -- just as a matter of representing what the best scientific research data in my opinion suggests. Yet woke people "know" that I'm full of it because "why would the government do that if it were dangerous/ineffective?" Our credibility in data has been eroded so that people believe what they shouldn't and dismiss what they should be evaluating critically. I don't even claim to be correct in my assessments. I can't even get woke people to pay attention, so certain are they that they are right and I am wrong. How do you debate with a Flat Earther?
i think the intensity of this has come from segmentation drive balkanization.
we now have whole media spheres competing for attention by serving conformation bias. they don't report "news" they support narratives. and this has broken us into mutually incomprehensible tribes that have not only their own opinions, but their own facts. each is so wedded to its own precepts and conjured reality that the idea that there could be any other seems absurd. disagree and you are stupid, evil, whatever, but you are not "one of us."
it's a really nasty outcome and one that's going to be difficult to bridge.
A very wise teacher of mine casually stated 2018 when Trump said , "we have alternative facts" that this is the beginning of a New Age, a paradigm shift, the Age of Alternative Facts, where we cannot agree on fundamental truths. I didn't really get the importance of his remarks back then. Now is see his wisdom.
That may be one disinformation problem, but when obvious illnesses and deaths are occurring all around us.....these are not alternative facts.
Paraphrasing Feynman, there is no such thing as "facts". All we can do is make observations, which only have meaning within some hypothesis or theory that tries to make sense of those observations.
The problem here is not that there are different sets of facts, but rather that the observations are so limited (deliberately?) that many hypotheses fit them.
That's how Twitter works now, No "Intellectual discourse", just my side and your side.
For better or worse (mostly the latter), this sort of thing has been going on for a long time. As Buffalo Springfield sang in 1967:
"What a field day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and a-carrying signs
Mostly say, 'Hooray for our side'..."
I guess Neil Young declared which side he was on. Blows my mind.
Mine too, smoking too much for too long. Most of the woke crowd want ‘government’ to take care of everything for work or responsibility for anyone else...... just work on their artwork.
We don't need him around anyhow.....
must've drunk the wrong koolaid!
Might be dementia, he's nearing 80.
I don’t debate anymore. My strategy is simply to ask them to show me the data. It seems to end many pointless conversations. Sadly, they don’t ask for my data. I know the word “data” is a trigger for sone people, chalk it up to my background.
I don’t debate either, especially not with data. I am trying to focus on first principles now. Is bodily autonomy important? Yes or no? Is diversity important? yes or no? Is tolerance important? yes or no? You can’t have your cake and eat it too. 🎂
Debate is heresy.
I disagree. Do you dispute it?
"Taking a contrary position isn't just saying 'no it isn't'!"
"Yes it is."
"No it isn't!"
Well played, that man.
You don’t debate with them, they don’t care if they are right. They care nothing of others. They don’t know how. They have been being whoever their parents wanted them to be most of their lives, they haven’t a clue who they really are. They fall into the first group that will have them.
It is nice to hear from a doctor that can discern right from wrong though, who looks up the truth and is not afraid to say it. Thank you!
Mark, thank you for pointing out the “why would the government…” That’s been a standard talking point that I cannot fully know or answer when I have had these discussions with a friend. Same person does not believe hospitals would falsely claim noncovid patients as covid.
Also Mark Brody. Get them to buy a cloth mask at the very least.
I remember explaining to my husband tgat we were being ruled by strawmen.
He's had more training in logic than I have, but he hadn't considered that terms like "anti-vaxxer", "pro-vaxxer", "science" etc had become strawmen, in that they were non-specific and had come to include many aspects that, in total, applied to no one.
Not all anti-vaxxers are Trump supporters, or stupid, or knuckle dragging. Not all science is unbiased..
I did my MSc in psychology decades ago when you still needed 2 A’s and a B to get on uni psych courses (in Redbrick and Russel Group UK).
But now I see published, peer reviewed articles that suggested-
Brexit voters are low IQ, unable to apply probability, watch reality tv, read the sun, and are racists.
Climate deniers have been ‘proven’ to also be the same.
As are Vee sceptics.
Concl - you can conclude whatever you want given enough time to fudge results.
And we find the same in ‘real science’ too.
It's curious how the MSM attacks Trump voters as unthinking followers of whatever he says, and then attacks them for questioning the vaccine that their Dear Leader pushed so hard.
Exactly. Anyone nothing makes sense
The people who are willing to go to bat for dangerous possibilities are also the ones willing to consider lizard people, a lot of the time. How much has Alex Jones been *right* about? Sounds like a lot. It has felt to me for 46 years like thoughtful, reasonable people saying, “I don’t know, these dots connect, and these organizations and agencies are just laundered versions of the ones we KNOW did these things,” just get silenced or maligned.
I was thoughtful, careful, and *right*, in early 2020. The people who thought I was crazy then *still* think I’m crazy, and aren’t interested in the facts. Meanwhile, the folks who think Trump is a secret multiverse mastermind and every contrail is a chemtrail knew it, too. Had everyone listened to them, we’d be a lot better off.
the hard part with loose cannons like jones are that despite often being wildly miscalibrated and wrong, they are sometimes right.
he's kind of the human embodiment of discrediting adjacency.
he's been so flagrantly wrong and so stunningly uncareful and uncritical in his takes, that when he gets one right, it's still not trustworthy. and people adopt biases in response.
how many people, if they heard X for the first time from alex jones would immediately presume that X was crazy just because of the speaker?
A lot. The underdog has to be impeccable, but it’s what Raymond Chandler called “The Sherlock Holmes Problem;” it’s a near-impossible combination of traits. The curiosity, intelligence, research capacity, and discernment to dig into all this stuff, the charisma and connections to expose it, the fortitude (and finances) to withstand the assaults; everyone was joking when Musk was an hour late to the data dump last night that Musk didn’t kill himself and had anyone seen Hillary? It’s an open secret. And yet, nothing will ever happen, and “serious” people will always say you’re crazy if you believe it.
I don’t make decisions based on strategy; I make them based on principles. I’m just not a clever enough Machiavellian. So I don’t advocate doing something crazy because it “works.” And I admire people who are principled, even when it’s not cool. Nonetheless, that doesn’t seem to be what wins the day in terms of retaining the freedoms our overlords and their Karen acolytes have abrogated, and continue to abrogate, with glee.
I think what you’re really saying is those that manage the manipulation of PR are mainly psychopaths and sociopaths and we here are mostly not.
What I’ve found most disturbing is how University ethics has been abused so what is now considered ethical is whatever the PTB want them to be.
Like rationalising why you murdered your neighbour is ethical because they made too much noise after 10 pm or they let their dogs bark outside before dawn.
Ethics depts (like demonic Fauci wife) claim it’s ethical to mandatorily Vee everyone. Never mind our investment portfolios.
Yeah, what do you do with that? And I have extremely high trait openness. I can tolerate and explore almost any idea, and until I do that fully, as if I believed it, I don’t feel I can honorably argue with it. I have to know the steelman position inside and out. I have difficulty eliminating anything completely.
I feel the same way. Snake Venom? I don't feel like I should dismiss that without fully reading up on it. But who has the time?
It means you answer truthfully from the evidence you’ve researched.
Aka a scientific approach
I’ve been following the tidbits on Mal-one. Wow.
I trust no one who is pushed into the limelight. And question motivations.
Most on substack (commenters and writers) are here as they’re searching for evidence, and hard truths.
What do you do with it? You are blessed to see the world as it really is.
Yes, that is true from a practical perspective. But I mean, existentially. I have the tools. I know what to do in dark times. But I also know that it doesn’t mean the light is ever realized on this material plane, and I won’t pretend that’s not discouraging.
I'm not a Jones fan but it is suspect how the powers that be are going after him for something he said, not did. He just declared bankruptcy as is set to own a billion dollars in restitution because of something he SAID which should be protected under the 1st amendment whether you like what he said or not. For someone who is so often wrong why would the big boys give a rip what Alex Jones says? They are out to ruin him. It makes you wonder if Jones is over the target more often than people think.
I can only surmise he is being as a warning to free speakers to show how rhey will bury anyone in legal system, using our infinite gov. resources to make you suffer. It is tale for us all to ponder.
Yes, this is definitely part of it. It's a message to everyone else not to fall out of line.
Yes, the 'line that shall not be crossed' is a moving target these days. And then the #36 from the Twitter files tweet string - the 'first amendment isn't absolute'. Well yes, there are limits to what you can say, the old 'yelling fire in a movie theater' example. But last I checked, gov directing private enterprise as to what must be censored is NOT supposed to be included in such limits.
He obviously is. We need to be going after the perpetrator’s ....they have no proof for their actions.
Examples of courts riddled with injustice. Frozen Trucker bank accts; Jones lack of defense; release of criminals; treasonous US open border; Censorship of both speech and clinical trial faux data, gov. promoting protection from ourselves and their Orwellian doublespeak . these are concerning for future of persons who have rejected a majoritys medicated paradigm. Soon to be announced an ESG limit on our lifespans like the concept of the entertaining movie "in time"?
We need to get the false regimes out of the way.
In Canuckistan, online alt right news forums have been popping up. They are growing, and that is encouraging, especially in a nation where the Liberal government hands out taxpayer dollars to msm outlets.
One of the older alt right news forums can get the story right, but on too many occasions hasn’t done its homework, jumps to conclusions, and assumes the worst of a situation. They are, of course, to be admired for being out there and often taking the blows from the government and msm, but the upshot for some (many?) readers/viewers is that with the problem of occasional sensationalism all stories are then regarded with a gimlet eye. In short, some viewers lose trust. Those who have pointed this out receive no reply from the news forum. It is frustrating; one thinks: surely they know this; why do they refuse to put a check on their sensationalism?
Yes we are all skirting around the issue of are they trying to depopulate--- maybe the only thing we can do is show them the way to Gates Ted talk, his interviews, Agenda 21-31 etc. just the basics. Hell ....we don’t need anything else.
It is also quite clear that consciousness of the whole means something. The butterfly effect is everywhere. The magnetic and dielectric equations are obviously how the universe works. ...we saw the way hate speech kills plants in the Japanese experiments about “water”. Sound is much more important than we ever thought. We don’t understand it fully but I do feel hate speech hurts the sender as much as the receiver and is counter productive.
They don’t want us knowing how everything works so I think we need to continue in that direction and ignore the distractions. There is Avery interesting YouTube from Divergent with old pictures of fireplaces with anodes in them and a chimney that had a pipe to the sky with some kind of energy collectors !?! Very interesting. The electrics cars back then went 5000 miles on a battery before the age of gas and oil started. We have a lot to learn before the age of robots takes over. They just don’t need us anymore basically.
Honestly, I probably shouldn’t be commenting because I have not fully read it but I just wanted to say that I find it disheartening all of the shit that died suddenly has been getting and hopefully I’m going to just look like an idiot after I finish reading your always wonderful work.
But to any of us (who’ve seen much longer and well-documented pieces on each of the concepts rapidly introduced to create a narrative for the film which km sure is tons..) does it not make a decent broad spectrum primer?
I think that is exactly what they were trying to do because what I keep hearing from my family is “that makes no sense “which is true if you don’t have a scaffolding for the fact that some people are truly obsessed with population numbers... and... influencing them ahem.
Sterility vaccines are a real thing made by the World “Health” organization.
And I agree that perhaps it was too much in too short of a film but without the “introduction to evil 101 abridged” at the beginning, and trying to rapidly show how pervasive it is and how it’s also very often just said in plain sight, the film would kind of make no sense because then the question to be beg would be are they saying they’re doing this on purpose??? that’s crazy!
We’re by the time they get to the numbers it’s not nearly as crazy as it would otherwise be.
Their work is kind of fast and furious. There were a few technical issues, and I believe the basketball player mentioned was in the original trailer and it was never in the movie and has since been removed from the trailer.
Ultimately, if you can only ask for one hour of someone’s time, and they have any kind of research integrity, there are many overarching questions that if investigated will yield bountiful, rabbit holes for people to go into .
Regardless of how the stew peters is and all of the inviting and what not, it’s just not getting through to people and humanity is really overdue a pivotal shift and if it’s a apparently liking documentary, so be it .
Am I wrong in my hope and estimation that anyone who would actually bother to look (because many no matter what you put in front of them will not) and who is still blue pilled to high hell might put on their detective camp three years late?
I mean, :Dertainly hope so. That’s the only dog I have in this race.  It breaks my heart. Just the other day I was trying to gently coax my godmother into considering not getting a fifth shot. And her instantaneous reply was oh well I “can’t because I have to wait four months because I just had Covid” and then Kinda gently build on that and ask right but I mean anymore shots you just got Covid. Surely you’re good no? How many vaccines do you remember as a kid having to get every six months? Did the doctors tell you that this was not a vaccine?
And the fact that the phone was not hung up, and she did genuinely engage after a little bit and even played devils advocate, I almost fell out of my chair . That I was not yelled at as, which is par for course with much of the family was already a good start but hell, even if someone thinks they’re going to be watching a comedy film and ends up slightly red pilled is net good.
Anyone who would discredit an entire body of work based on a few errors is someone who actually believes fact checking websites without checking their financial sponsors etc. Malone pissed off a lot of people off when he wrote that hissy fit subs that complained about essentially uneducated people, speculating, and asking questions he found to be offensive. When a glaring issue that Covid has brought up to many people is a certain class or group of people having total dominion over facts and narrative. The irony of him essentially saying trust the expert after what we’ve all just gone through it’s pretty funny..

Children’s health defence hosted the filmmakers and they got to say there piece and I think they were genuinely upset and they certainly believe and what they are doing even if the clot is a hoax, let’s say. Ultimately they were appealing to emotion and as captivating a manner as they could, and maybe that’s the way to go because facts sure as hell are they wrong armaments for far too many people. Hahaha.
I do truly do adore your work by the way I am sorry for the rumbling rant I guess my jimmies are rustled from seeing all of the criticism and infighting amongst my Covid heroes
That being said, I’m very curious to find out what will ultimately come of the seemingly our dynamics between doctor Ardis , Hirschman , Mike adams and SPN. And to see if Malone will have the humility to just drop his awful lawsuit. It reeks of “ the Alex Jones ‘precedent’ ”.
Sure Plandemic and the ideal approach that they also had Human capital and talents that cannot be expected of every single endeavour.
Pfizer cannot even label their product properly, and the governments apparently don’t know their own laws so let’s be kind haha has as video series that also has some outlandish context for why and how. Basically worldwide financial ponzi scheme coverup and assert control. they imply abortion leftovers used in beyond beef production due to proximity to abort-clin ics..but overall it provided me some context for how and why that made sense.
"amnesty next week" -Elon
"there was no amnesty" -reality narrator
I tried to get my "locked for hate speech" account unlocked yesterday. Within 1 hour I was denied in a reply that didn't address the core -- or any -- of my argument. Just a generic auto-refusal that could apply to any "fill in the blank" wrong-speech.
I expect that such issues from peons are "addressed" strictly by ai & that is still in effect.
So to twitterers who still tweet, be aware that if you call a tyrant who has incarcerated an entire population of millions, forced them to take toxic experimental jabs, brutally policed by what appears to be foreigners, a "nazi bitch", you will be cancelled until you "take it back". 🙄
Twitter is a time sink & this all plays out like a big kabuki.
Nothing will be done. The courts -- up to & including the USSC -- saw to that in 2020.
They are all on the take, grabbing as much as they can while the titanic sinks. We peons are locked in steerage & will go down. Eos. 🤷
We're still waiting on the general "amnesty". Musk doesn't have to be a perfect person to make Twitter a good platform. It's possble for a person to believe in both transhumanism and free speech. He could simultaneously make society a better place for having Free Twitter and a worse place for having augmented humans.
It remains to be seen whether this is a limited hangout or will be followed by serious (criminal) info release. So far it still protects the pols &, per Jeff Childers, doesn't provide cause for legal action.
The tease/trailer lead ups from intent to purchase on kook a lot like kabuki. 🤷
Get on Gettr. I won't do Twitter because I don't trust Musk. Musk is all in on the transhumanist movement with his push for putting digital chips in people's brains (and this is NOT conspiracy anymore, ha).
What better way to cull gobs of personal information for your own transhumanist movement than to get as many people as possible revealing everything about themselves including their deepest thoughts on Twitter?
No thank you. Twitter was a time sink & I was happy to be locked out. I already spend too much time in substack, but at least it's mostly intelligent discourse here!
I only tried to re-open my account as a test. Musk failed my test 🙂
I deleted all of my social media including Facebook 5 years ago. Just do Gettr and Substack now and I am a much happier person.
Hate speech hurts you more than the receiver. I know how you to swallow that false pride, be the better person and say you are sorry, or else guess what, they win!!!
No idea what you are talking about. Just because twitter ai calls something "hate speech" does not make it so.
And my post was solely about a test to see whether or not the old system is still in place. A number of people have noted that the there has been little of the promised amnesty.
I noted that it appeared to be an automated ai response. Iow, it doesn't matter that they fired the "moderator team."
In my case, they don't "win." Amnesty or no amnesty, I have no intention of returning to twitter. Huge waste of time.
The TikTok consumers and endless blue screen scrollers, sadly, don't have the wisdom and discernment to navigate this. COVID damaged critical thinking and morality. As predictable as the Replication party is consistently shooting itself in the foot, the deceitful progressives are really good at subversion. There's a high probability the people on the right side of history here will be drown out by those who can manipulate people with just enough knowledge and a whole lotta bs to be dangerous. Misassociation and miscalibration are perfect descriptions. Our education system has certainly created a large swath of incurious and uncritical thinkers. I hope and pray your warnings are heeded and we can avoid the greatest fumble of a wonderful opportunity to save lives and restore sanity to the world.
Call me lazy, but I simply no longer trust *any* "information" I read, hear about, see, etc.
Me too, but I consider the source before the information. I automatically an skeptical of anything from corporate media or big tech, at least in political or controversial subjects. They do report some true facts, but I'm alert to bias and what's not being reported. I don't seek information from them, but rely mostly on sources that are reasonably trustworthy (e.g. Epoch Times, Covid&Coffee)
Coffee & Covid good. But even Epoch Times can inadvertently feature deep state plants who intermix facts with made up, easily debunked pseudo-science that ends up making us look like idiots & hurting our cause.
Yeah, good point. I intentionally said "reasonably reliable" because no source is perfect.
I consider ET to be what the mainstream media would look like if they weren't corrupt, captured narrative peddlers. Sometimes I find their articles to be incomplete, underresearched or otherwise questionable. But on the whole they give the anti-narrative side good representation and don't intentionally push MSM misinformation. Sometimes a little slips through though.
I can live with that and consider them well worth the subscription.
Mis-association works the other way, too. It can make false theories seem true by linking true facts with them. Let's take the example of evolution. We can all see with our eyes that living things adapt to their environment, as in viruses mutating to take advantage of vaccine-induced immunity, or Arctic animals having white fur, or people whose racial origin is in the tropics having darker skin. By mis-association, these facts are used to make people swallow the truly ridiculous idea that beneficial mutations could have evolved proto-mammals into elephants, voles, humans, etc etc, when the timeframe for that to have occurred is limited (about 200 million years, they say) and the number of possible mutations to mammalian DNA is to all intents and purposes limitless. They also sneak the unproven theory of abiogenesis in there as a "fact."
I suspect creationism isn't awfully popular around here, but my point is that it's worth examining the things you "know" to be true, and asking yourself if they could be reptiles-in-the-White-House level absurdities, dressed up as fact by their mis-association with observable realities.
Creationism is popular with me, at least. Good points!
“Beneficial mutations “ ?? I think that is a wrong interpretation of evolution theory. Random mutations that end up over time increasing reproductive success in a given context. ‘Beneficial’ is a human value. If god created all this in seven *days* then……. To me he is one mean son of a bitch for letting it devolve to its current psycho political condition.
What if God created the world and gave humans free will? Isn’t it possible that the reason the world has devolved into its current psycho political condition is due to humans making bad decisions and the consequences of those decisions playing out rather than it being all God’s fault?
Hmmmmm. So then there should be legacy ‘ guidance’ at least..? Ten Commandments, bible, Koran ,Torah etc….. perhaps even the US constitution as a base for the republic? I don’t perceive *him* around other than in the form of what I myself perceive as the natural universe. Loyalty to and worship of a belief are not evidence. Time seems to be constant and space seems to be emergent. God may have been there in the beginning to start time……… and that would be a long time before the start of the human part of history. It’s a fantastic mystery and I’m ok with that. Would be nice to know but then where to from there?
Eh, he obviously meant beneficial relative to a given context.
Critics of evolution do, indeed, understand the theory. It's just that it falls apart at several very fundamental places.
I agree. The media has been instrumental in creating a massive schism in our society. And it has used all the tools of psychological manipulation that those skilled in this are able to marshal to their advantage. Above and beyond the balkanization via exploitation of confirmation bias lies the issue that people have lost the openness to critically evaluate data, even knowing "you shouldn't believe everything you read in the newspapers." Maybe they never had it. Maybe the woke are just too terrified to look at the horrors of the data, and have to look away. How can we learn to live with one another when constructive dialogue about matters of huge import has been rendered an impossibility? I have no answer. Thank you for your reply!
Read "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" by Mattias Desmet and you will understand why 30% of the population is simply unable to accept truth, because they have so fully bought into the lies that they cannot look at anything that might burst their "bubble". (Unfortunately, I have a son and DIL who fall into this category - the book was both eye-opening and heartbreaking to me!)
But the point is, there IS a large group out there (more than 50% of the population) who KNOW that something is "off" but they are either too busy, too lazy, or too timid to search out the information for themselves. Our job, as the 10-20% who are doing the hard work of actually sifting through all of the information, is to reach them! That is why we have to do the research, weed out the craziest of ideas, and just keep presenting FACTS, no matter how "conspiratorial" they may seem, because there are people who are looking for answers! And little by little, the numbers are shifting, as more and more people seek to be informed!
Seems the only way to get blue pillers in my life to watch anything is if they feel there’s an obvious and easy rebuttal available to them. Otherwise they go straight to the blank stare. What a conundrum.
i have a few memes on conspiracy theorists this week (and in previous posts)
This is why, when I discuss getting or not getting the vaccine, I stick to what I DO know about, which is I spent nearly four decades as a data technician in preclinical pharmaceutical research, so I know what kind of testing is supposed to be done and how long it is supposed to take these things to get approved. The fact that these "vaccines" were rushed to market, that they are a new technology (mRNA), that the preclinical testing seems to be spotty at best and nonexistent at worse, that was enough for me to say no, I don't want anything to do with this. Because of confidentiality issues I cannot go into details but just let me say that if these so-called vaccines had been developed using normal timelines, MPI Research as one of the top independent preclinical contract research facilities would have been right in there working on them for their clients. LONG before "Operation Warp Speed"! Yet I do not recall ever hearing about or seeing anything related to mRNA and mRNA vaccines before I left in 2017 and I believe I was in a position to know.
Bottom line, I do not know about or care about graphene particles, people dropping dead all of a sudden due to unknown causes, fertility issues, and the like. What I do know is that I know several people who have been vaccinated, and the worst that seems to have happened to them is that they ended up getting Covid after all, some several times. Are these "vaccines" dangerous? I do not know. I do know that they don't seem to be doing the job that they were advertised as doing, which in my book is a waste of time and money, and seeing I have a pretty robust immune system I'd like to keep it that way. As far as anything else goes, my father used to have a saying, "Don't talk loose"; and being a science teacher himself was very big on all of us children being able to distinguish real science from nonsense AND to be able to back up what we said with solid evidence.
❤️❤️❤️❤️! Excellent.
My brother and his wife were some of the first people to get vaccinated. My sister and her husband were as well. I decided to take the "wait and see" approach. We went to dinner in April 2021 and they were already pressuring me on why I was waiting to get vaccinated. I just said that I wanted to wait since it was experimental. My brother said, "don't believe what you hear about microchips being in the vaccine." He then told me, "I took it and I'm fine." Thankfully they all seem to be ok, but the propaganda was already in full force early on. They all assumed I was believing crazy conspiracy theories. I was just being cautious.
I was also being cautious in the beginning. And then something about the push for absolutely everyone to get this shot, including offering lotteries and free donuts and free burgers and who knows what else as incentives , and then also the shaming of people being “selfish” and “uncaring” if they took a wait and see approach, were all red flags for me.
Good Article - Thank you - a friend of mine and I where discussing this and came to roughly the same conclusions. I am writing a long article on conspiracy theories on another substack - article should be out in six months. Their is just so much to unpack.
I’ve been following Soros’ global interference now since January 2019. And his OS, and so called ‘demo(n)cracy NGOs STILL surprise me.
Good luck. Once you start following the money you eventually conclude that those in the public sphere are all grifters.