"We're all geniuses now"?! Not even close! What an ass! He was stupid then, and he is still stupid. But we can forgive stupid. What we can't forgive is tyranny. He was a tyrant then, and his is still a tryrant. We don't forgive him.

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Thank You. He was, is and remains a criminally corrupt WEF-stooge.

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Sep 13, 2023
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A very nice sales pitch. Coincidentally, I am personally involved in using stone age methods to survive. The only problem I have with that, is my being stuck in a country that is so brainwashed that nobody cares about food security. Please visit my fundraiser, as I am unable to purchase this book at the moment, but would certainly do so when back in the states. And yes, I have greenhouse designs that provide true perma cultivation. So, if You can, please help us to get back home: http://spot.fund/tvjg4cp

And I do like Art Rude. :)

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Absolutely a tyrant. And a smug-ass one at that. Fast forward to “mistakes were made” after kids cut off their body parts. Fk him all the way to hell.

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We can forgive stupid, but ONLY when the stupid suffer commensurate consequences. I'll forgive Newsom and the worst like him when they're on the gallows. After a fair trial, of course.

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You can forgive stupid, but you can't fix it.

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Right next to 'safe and effective'

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Excellent post.

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He is irrelevant and will always be. A nobody.

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That scum may well be our next president. It's looking more and more likely every day.

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Gato is back, in-depth and brilliant! Makes me feel hopeful. And thankful.

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Me thinks Gato and many who are reading Newsom's apologies are making an assumption that his idea of mistakes made are the same as the ones we, his critics identify. If one has been following the words of the "mistakes were made" class, they've been telling each other that they should've locked down earlier and harder at the beginning. And they let it get out of control by waiting too long to implement mask mandates, lockdowns, business and school closures. The lesson they've learned is to go straight into tyranny at the first sign of any uptick in disease.

That's what the WHO's new Chief Scientist, Jerermy Farrar and Chief Behavioral Scientist, Susan Mitchie criticized the UK's pandemic response over. That's what the new CDC Director, Mandy Krauthamer Cohen has said. That's what nearly every single high-ranking public health official has said. That's the mistake *they* mean was made.

We have our own cognitive biases in wanting to believe the truth that we know is so patently obvious that those in power will finally learn and apply what we know is "the science." But they don't share our understanding of truth. They know theirs. And they're doubling down. Again, hiding in the ambiguity of the words in their 'apologies.' Knowing you'll believe what you want to believe as they prepare to do the opposite of what you believe they will. Without specifics of the mistakes they are 'owning up to' accompanied by specific lessons forswearing imposing the harms we know they imposed, it's all just happy horsesh!t to me.

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This is a hugely important point. Thanks for making it. Words have meanings, sometimes multiple meanings. Ergo the word, “mistakes” must be clearly defined. What exactly are the mistakes you made, and what, exactly, would you do differently? Be specific and objective. How would we measure, exactly, the effectiveness of what you’d do differently? These are basic questions for a journalist with critical thinking skills. A competent journalist (as opposed to an apologist) should be asking them routinely. A competent elected representative should have thought through these basic questions and be prepared to answer them directly. Instead, they hide in the fuzzy interpretation of words. Speaking in horoscope tongue - where every listener can supply their own meaning. They truly are a brood of vipers.

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Word salads...

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Words are crucial. We must not only insist on using the right words ("liberals" are actually "fascists"), but we must define those terms. Great point on "mistakes."

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So he’s saying “don’t worry, we know now to implement tyranny waaaay sooner!” ?

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Quite so and therefore actions such as continuing to push the toxic covid jabs (one of the greatest mistakes) reveal the true level of repentance. There is none and they're is no realisation or acceptance that they inflicted massive harms on society. They haven't revised their attitudes and will likely act with exactly the same hubris at the next crisis challenge, even if they are the ones fabricating it (the net zero climate crisis).

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Australia and New Zealand prove them wrong, but that won't matter.

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All people need to pay attention to are his current actions. He is ready to sign a bill allowing the state to take children away from their parents. Lying s*ck of sh*t

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And I would beg to know where those children go after having been rescued from their parents?

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Into a home that will validate their mental illness, of course. Or to a home that wants money from the state to abuse the child.

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My fear is of something far worse.

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Businesses used government coronabucks for their "bizarre fetishistic placement of plexiglass everywhere" instead of using it to improve their ventilation systems, which actually could have improved indoor conditions.

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Plexiglass is visible to the public, HVAC system improvements are not. Plexiglass was implemented to show that they cared or trying to get business from the panicked.

I flew quite a bit during the pandemic. Mostly on Alaska. Alaska advertised that they improved their air handling and installed UV in their air filtering system. In the past, I would often get sick after flying- some version of a cold or flu. During the pandemic when I flew Alaska, I did not get sick afterwards. If I flew another airline- United or Delta, I got sick. I never got covid tho.

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In a make-believe-world virtue signals trump real virtue.

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Gov. Whitmer of Michigan alternately claimed "we're still learning about this virus" and "we know what works" almost like a toggle switch, depending on what suited her purpose in the moment.

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What on earth was her purpose in forbidding the sale/purchase of vegetable seeds in Spring 2020?

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Power. Because she could. She's quite a sick person.

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People might congregate in stores if they were allowed to buy "non-essential" items.

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But see, the virus is active while we walk to our restaurant table, and when we are standing around, but not when we are sitting and eating with friends.

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In France it evolved to be active only from 6pm to 6am, then further evolved to be active only from 9pm to 4pm... but it did depended in which area of France it lived. It also was active in street markets where masks were required, but not in the rest of the street. Barriers were put up as demarcation, so the virus didn’t get confused and be active/non-active in the wrong place. Then President Macronavirus noticed it really wasn’t spreading far and wide enough, so he loaded CoVid patients into ‘special’ TGV trains and sped them from Paris area to hospitals in rural areas. That did it! No more some areas with minimum restrictions, now every citoyen could suffer equally.

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Effing right, el gato. And yes, I am enraged.

In the accent of Borat, “Mistakes were made … NOT.”

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

• Reading by Dr. Tess Lawrie: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a

And I just want to give a special shoutout to the Bakersfield doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi for their April 22, 2020, press conference, which was the first example of sanity I witnessed during the initial mass hysteria and for many months to come:


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I recall watching the Erickson/Massihi video way back in April 2020.

I had already decided to remain unvaxxed.

Thanks for the link!

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So glad you caught that at the time and were smart enough to see what was coming down the (s)pike, Indrek.

I remember being elated while watching that and feeling so reassured that someone was finally speaking the truth. I thought, “Now people will come to their senses when this gets out and others start adding their voices.” HA.

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Funny, I thought the same thing, that people would watch it, and get a new/true perspective.


Most quintuple Covidians will simply continue on with new boosters, even though they've actually had a bout with Covid.

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no one knows me here and would have no reason to believe me but not many here would be surprised. An old old friend whose very well off is on the southern Cali board of a charity. A charity that happens to be the same one Gavin Newsom is lead on in NorCal. My buddy is VP of SoCal and the President of SoCal is Newsoms friend. During the PLANdemic the President of the Socal chapter while talking with my buddy her VP sent Newsom text messages about how he's ruining CA with his plandemic approach. He texted back, you think I'm in control of this? You think this is what I want? About 10 minutes later when they pulled up the texts to show a few others the texts had been magically erased. These people are absolutely puppets to the men/women behind the curtain. THe country has been taken over but the facade remains.

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I think our Premier in Victoria was handled - physically. He magically fell down stairs and was out of camera for 3 months early but came back a full-blown tyrant with the longest lockdowns on earth!

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I believe you. As Dr. Yeadon has mentioned on many occasions: the uniformity of initial response, followed by the mad rush to "vaccinate" every human being possible, suggests worldwide collusion. This theory makes the most sense to me.

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The problem with this is he had the same horrible ideas before he became governor. Unless he is being controlled by some algorithm or due to the fact that he had a rich father and inherited being "controlled" it's a bit far fetched an idea.

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I'm not sure i was clear or you understand what I'm saying. These people are all puppets. They are put up jobs, they are paper, they control nothing and they read a script. He is a POS, I am not sticking up for him, I'm just telling you the whole country is rigged and has been for decades. You don't not take over the strongest country in the world by mistake. It's planned and they've been working on this for decades, it's not a mistake.

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I am sure you are right. One of the things that got to me was when Hancock, Witty, Boris and the rest spoke such garbage early on with complete confidence. It was not normal behaviour. I pray that they get their rewards. It seems madness that we ended up with Obama, now Sunak and Khan. They are no different to Zelensky putting on a show. There are lots of people who think the dementia addled Biden is the real one. I wonder if someone could invent a gullibility meter? That would be a great predictor of behaviour ooops mustn't give them ideas!

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A gullibility meter!!!! That is an amazing idea!!!

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We know they are bumhugs, but I just don't see Gavin Newsom as being that introspective so as to have an idea that wasn't fed to him via a teleprompter. even as a personal aside to someone on a text.

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I don't know what you mean. It's not that complicated. He has friends/aquaintances, he's still a human. And when these friends/aquaintnces call him out, he reacts, it's that simple. I also have a good buddy who is a FULL DEMOCRAT who I knew went to HS with him. I asked him when Gavin was running would he vote for him too. He told me he couldn't. Why? Because he was to date the most horrible person he ever had met up until that point, he said that.

Gavin is a POS scum who does anything and everything he wants, he's a king Narcissist. AND if you know abotu Narcissists, you know they care about THEIR image, it's about him. Accuse him and he'll deflect and explain he can never be wrong.

Am I missing something?

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It isn't that complicated. You related that a high official of SoCal was texting Newsom that he was ruining CA with his Covid policies. You said that Newsom's text responses which were then magically erased said the following:

"you think I'm in control of this? You think this is what I want?"

I just don't see this as Newsom's response based on what I know about him. I agree that he is a puppet and a narcissist as well. I don't see him responding this way because I don't think "what he wants" ever enters into it. He does what the polls and his handlers tell him to do.

As for my reading comprehension level. Since I am an augmented chimp speaking to you via a Speak n Spell, I am at around a third grade level. Jimmy want banana. Jimmy hungry big big.

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I'm not reading this. I've had everyone else understand and agree. I can't waste my time with you. Good luck figuring it out.

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So he was basically texting "Help, I'm being held hostage in an iPhone factory!?"

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Even if he is a puppet, he shows his smug-a$$ weakne$$ Every. Single. Day. He is right up there with Turdo on the hate spectrum.

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I'm not sure about you are Gleasons reading comprehension. Did I say I like him or am I sticking up for him? How are you missing the point??? HE IS A PUPPET, LIKE THEM ALL.

IS this clear to you and Gleason or are you guys still lost? Need a map?

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I comprehend fully. I was adding in, not disagreeing. Chill.

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Thank you!

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"About 10 minutes later when they pulled up the texts to show a few others the texts had been magically erased. "

Whoa, so I can send you a text and then delete it off your phone from my phone? Didn't know that was possible.

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YEP. That was one of the first things he said. "They obviously have technology that can erase HIS text messages when he says things he shouldn't. And they monitor it in real time"

That's what he said exactly.

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don’t know you, but I believe you. As I age out of this life, I hope it is all explained in the hereafter, and I am dead before shit hits the fan.

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I hear you. I have kids. So there's that.

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Same here.

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Sorry, I miss read the reply. No kids, just freaking dogs. Comprehension is crap these days. Don’t know if it is age, vaccine or all the above.

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We have a generation now of social media addicts who think the only reason anyone would be opposed to censorship is that they want to spread hate speech (like biological sex is real, variances in IQ exist, and some cultures are incompatible).

It will never dawn on them on their own that censorship prevents you from hearing dissident voices. "We’re experts in hindsight. We’re all geniuses now.” No, asshole, I never claimed to be a genius. People like me had legit questions that were buried by people like you.

Now you should answer not just for your stance, but for your know-nothing authoritarianism. This isn't even about pandemic policy. It's about living in a functioning republic.

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Really, we need leaders in our lives? No thanks.

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What we need is more cats in our lives. Maybe a President cat, cats in the House and Senate, cats in the Pentagon, and so on.

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Any Cat would do much better than any WEF-puppet.

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I'm all in - as long as it doesn't include Chairman Meow :)

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or meäus schwab

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What about Jimmy Catter?

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don't try and pin that one on us...

no way that was a real cat.

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Like Larry the Downing Street Cat? Absolutely.

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Actually, electing broomsticks to public office means you won't be able to find a broom to sweep the dirt out.

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Yes the narrative should not be permitted to stand. Politicians, experts and media are aligned that it must stand. Society for the most part remains compliant. Where is the road to sanity

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I don’t see any road available. The macabre circus side of me wishes all the shots matched the “efficacy” of the batches creating the most side-effects: then more people will wake up. Alas, it seems enough saline/attenuated/ineffective shots were sprinkled into the population, creating a false safety profile

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Newsom: “I think all of us in terms of our collective wisdom, we’ve evolved. We didn’t know what we didn’t know. We’re experts in hindsight. We’re all geniuses now.”

Florida: Our Surgeon General came from California. He apparently evolved a bit sooner.

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And had he not left California, he'd have lost his medical licenses because he dared to question all of the stuff that we "now know" was wrong.....

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Speak for yourself, Gov. Others of us can look back at our personal 2020 stances without need for apology.

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Gavin Newsom...there is an old Adam Carolla episode where Adam grills Newsom about check cashing places, and you can tell the guy is a light weight intellectually. He is sound bites, charisma, and there is nada underneath. He tried to pass off all the woke stuff even then, the mental gymnastics of inclusivity and diversity was something he just could not grasp.

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Just a small addition. The 2019 WHO pandemic flu recommendations say "Not under any circumstances:" do mass contact tracing, border closures, restrictions on internal travel (and more. Because they have little effect, and do harm. People do need to stop pretending it was a learning issue. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/329438/9789241516839-eng.pdf?ua=1

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Exactly!! As I said previously... They knew... everyone knew!

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Especially the last picture gives it away. The plexiglass lowers the threshold of understanding what either customer or cashier are saying. They need to speak louder. With louder speaking - proven - more saliva is ejected. More saliva ejected - more saliva droplets on customer items' packages. If there would have been anything real deadly, it would have made contact with the customer at packing his/her things into bags, or when debagging those items at home.

The injections were the goal and newsom was knewsome when he did what he did as a good WEF-boy. Any of the WEF-'leaders' are imbecilic cretins only interested in their own advance and interests. They are the rotten fruits that need to be thrown on the compost heap of history.

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And forget the fact that it wasn't spread via saliva anyhow. The big droplet/little droplet/aerosolization debate of 2020 was ridiculous.

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Yes, IF it would be something that could easily be transmitted via droplets, plexiglass would increase (probably due to a false sense of security) the spraying of the goods.

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Every time I would see people interact through the plexiglass, they would inevitably just move around it to hear each better, defeating the entire purpose of it in the first place.

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Some of the ludicrous measures served so blatantly obvious only the profit motive, that abiding by them revealed a degree of helplessness and obedience not even experienced during hardcore totalitarian regimes. In those, the oppressed knew exactly what was going on.

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It also reduces airflow, thus making sure those aerosols stay put for the next customer.

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California like most liberal states polled heavily for punishing the unvaccinated in January 2022. Quarantine them, remove their children, fire them etc. Newsom is not a leader he is a follower.

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