What they would do is write the laws with exemptions for companies with high ESG scores... all the same big corps that were never locked down. Play ball, you get a deal. Don't follow our dictates, we siphon you to bankruptcy.

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they're already beginning a similar scheme as this with access to debt/capital markets

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Correct except for one word. “Beginning”. This is up and running. Want to know why companies are going woke? Now you know.

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fair enough. Undoubtedly, it will "progress" continually, until its an absolute stranglehold. Private capital will enjoy higher returns, which I'm sure isn't an accident.

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Yes it will and is. International accounting and legal firms are already marketing personal ESG score enhancement services.

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This is exactly why big companies don’t give a shit about their customers anymore. The tail wags the dog or the dog doesn’t get fed. We are being coerced to accept new behavioral rules whether we like it or not. It’s the Chinese social credit scoring system applied to capitalist countries.

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ESG scoring interestingly enough was designed by BlackRock.

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What we really have is a socialist government (US) nearly 100 years old that has run out of promises (mainly pensions and the like) and money. The government is starved for cash because it continues to grow without limits and with no accounting for the dollars it sucks in and spends.

The number of degenerates sucking on the government teat, and I do not mean the citizens getting benefits, but the workers and their henchmen who are all raking in dough for practically doing nothing is ever increasing.

You could triple the government's income and they still would need deficit spending to survive.

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

Yep create more drains, like worldwide administrations to maintain technocrats theater jobs.mandatory disguised reduce lifespans to reduce debt caused by aging, next absorb properties without inheritants....reminds me of

property repossessions of governments driven by "principles" of equity and intentionally induced class strife. Gov is not a route for happy lives..

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<sarc> Don’t worry, they’re also busy making new policies designed to make sure that more people die...like this “gem”: https://gazette.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-bailing-out-colorado-s-killers/article_4ad8a634-1601-11ee-963f-33ff33338ea5.html

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As one gives, so one receives.

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Reading about this wretchedness I'm reminded of something that Chris MacInstosh often says: "Capital goes where it's treated the best."

If the US really does this, capital will flee. Where will it go? Asia somewhere? Dubai? Who knows, but it will find a place that it is not the west.

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Maybe that is part of the plan for the take down of the country. Bidenomics don't ya know.

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Put the "head office" on a server in orbit outside national jurisdictions, with the planet-side office as a branch office only.

Surely, the Musk and pals are thinking about that kind of stuff.

(Ain't no lawyer, so don't use this as anything Ex Cathedra on the subject.)

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In your dreams. Learn about FATCA/FBAR and CBT.

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That's the very reason why they invented the "deemed repatriation tax". A lot of capital owned by Americans was kept abroad to avoid paying taxes (think Apple who borrowed in the US to pay out dividends while the profits were accumulated abroad).

They are really good at creating a problem and then another to solve the first one...

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The real problem is the 16th amendment. There is no way to reconcile it with property rights to begin with. Taxation is theft, period. And we've seen what that stolen wealth has funded over the last three years in particular: mRNA shots, a war in Ukraine (including funds, material and technical support), a massively pumped-up IRS agency, bailouts of favored banks, unlimited currency creation and borrowing with future taxation as the value basis, bloated DoD budgets, massively bloated government bureaucrat salaries and pensions, government psyop advertising campaigns, ad nauseum/etc. There is no justification for taxation in a free (civilized) society. Government funding must be voluntary as a check on power. That thin edge of the wedge of which you speak in the horror of enslavement (subjugation is fueled by political power) is only possible when the government first gains economic power - taxation.

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Have a good book recommendation on the history of this one!

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Please read "A National Party No More" by Zell Miller, which tells about his exodus from the Democratic party in 2004. He goes into great detail on both the 16th and 17th Amendments and explains why the combination of both of them began the 100 year decline of our Republic!!

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Taxation is Robbery by Frank Chodorov; free ebook now via Mises, I think. Also by the same author is The Income Tax: Root of All Evil. Both were written is the 50’s I believe.

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I’ll read it. Spill please.

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How about "scorched earth policy" by Stalin vs. Nazis, 1941

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Don't worry, gatito. The GOP will surely put a stop to this... Won't they?

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If you mean Gato's Our Pal, he is trying. If you mean the uni-party, abandon all hope ye who enter here.

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I want some of whatever you're drinking.

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Yes! hmmm... How about a "Contract With America"? Say- Newt- can you get us one like last time? Thanks, bud.

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"what founders or entrepreneurial ecosystems will be able to survive this? hell, what corner store in a rising neighborhood could?"

None. And that's by design. We have stop thinking that we're dealing with stupid/misguided people, and understand that the "fundamental" change some politician was banging on about over a decade is well underway.

Redistribution of wealth, an official class of enemies, loss of private property rights, a spirit of collectivism (We're all in this together to fight covid/climate change!)...it's happening now, just as it happened in Europe over a century ago.

Add to that some really sketchy elections and purposeful demoralization campaigns (Your son is actually your daughter. Affirm "them", bigot!) and, well, buckle up...it's going to be a very interesting decade.

Resist. Nonvioletly (greetings, federales!). You have nothing to lose if this goes down.

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If this happens, might be time for another 1776-style event.

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Yes! Finally standing up to KIng George III who was nearly bankrupt fighting wars 'all over'.

Notice the parallels?



"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and institute new Government."

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Isn't that when the One World Government steps in to save the day?

Fascismo for the win? Ya know- the plasma physics of fascism can be modelled according to Don Scott. Can't be long now.

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Idiocracy may rise, but not for long

"BS will get you to the top, but it won't let you stay"

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Haha. Sorry I just posted something similar before I got to your comment.

Lol your damn straight!

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I just cannot buy enough guns and ammo. I hope they don’t appreciate in value.

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Oh, by that time there will be the best secondary market ever for firearms.

Probably best investment ever next to unvaccinated gametes.

Back up the truck and load it up imo.

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

Don't forget to load up on tools, parts and how-to books re: all things weapons.

Have a look at some of the stuff the polish resistance produced during WW2 - it's that easy to make fully automatic weapons, and in close quarters you use the same technique as in a public restroom when the lights are out:

Spray and pray.

(Heck, the poles even made mortars out of old bicycle parts!)

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I've never handled a gun in my life but I love books and movies describing this sort of cunningness.

Not that we should get any more suspicious of motives than we already are, but perhaps there was something nefarious indeed in the elimination of trade schools. I can't imagine this generation capable of that kind of resourcefulness. These kids want it all done with 3D printers.

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"I've never handled a gun in my life" -- buy one and you'll understand why so many people do. First of all, shooting sports is a diverse and challenging not to mention extremely enjoyable pastime. Then when you realize that you are preparing to take care of yourself and your loved ones in the event that there is nobody else there to do it for you (basically, most of the time), you will develop an new-found sense of independence and security that you will get no other way.

As tough as it is SCA, you can even do this in NYC.

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I'm in a place now where I have full 2nd Amendment rights and I am more grateful than you can imagine to be here.

I'm sure I've written before where you were likely to have read it how I felt reading the passage in one of the Jack Reacher books about him preparing to engage in a target-shooting contest with the owner of the range. I was mesmerized. For the first time I understood the beauty of the skill.

I myself, a person likely to cut herself badly when slicing a loaf of crusty bread or to bang into a doorframe wide enough to accommodate three of her, should not be allowed to touch anything that can kill or maim those beyond my arm's reach. My most compelling reason for not having learned to drive is not wanting to be responsible for the behavior of a machine that can kill.

Would I love to have a pet Equalizer I can take down from the pantry as needed? Ah, we dream. For now I must hope my neighbors have the gifts I don't, though unfortunately perhaps I live in an extremely liberal district in an otherwise more common-sense state.

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First of all congrats on getting out of the maze!

I would encourage you to visit a local range for an introductory session. They will provide everything -- firearm, ammo, knowledgeable instructor -- for a reasonable cost.

You can learn -- and should challenge yourself -- to handle a firearm safely. Cutting your finger slicing bread or banging into a doorframe results from distraction. You will learn concentration, discipline and skill with a firearm, and you will internalize those skills over time (they call it 'muscle memory') and become a safe shooter. Even kids a few years old can begin to master the necessary skills, starting first with safety. So can you!

Happy shooting!

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The French Resistance during WW2 gets all the accolades, but, when the allies were surrounding Germany and plans for a German underground army were being formulated, the Germans chose the Polish Resistance (AK) as their model. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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Insane. Yet perhaps they are seeding their own demise. If gains not realized can be taxed, what becomes the point of using their monetary sytem at all? It all becomes funny money completely disconnected from real world problems: a simulacra of a simulacra

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SCOTUS has repeatedly held that Congress has almost unlimited jurisdiction when it comes to taxation. (This was how Roberts justified Obamacare.) We will see how this case goes but I am not holding my breath.

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If the SCOTUS rules this constitutional, America as a free, capitalist nation is done. Over. Kaput.

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Ve shall never tax ze bugs!

Final straw imo:

Yankee Doodle Doomsday.

Break out your barrel pianos and barrel organs...and all your other "barrels".

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Oh no, me Lord Cattitude, it’s much, much, much, much worse than you’ve just described, sir. If you and your other loyal cats haven’t yet seen this discussion between James Corbett and Jacob Nordangard, you must, please. Jacob’s English isn’t the best, but please be patient and watch the entire clip. There’s a plan via the IMF, Central/World Banks & Federal Reserve to use the Central Digital Currencies they intend to impose on every person, worldwide, to expand on a whole host of new taxes & tracking methods on every dime you spend, and I have yet to hear one politician of either side of Satan’s ass (Republican or Democrat) mention or object to it—as if they or the mainstream media talking-heads don’t get what’s happening yet, just like the FBI, CIA or FTC are oblivious, too.


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Italy has high taxes. Their black market economy is estimated to be equivalent to their official GDP. And as a Cubano once told me, “the black market is just THE place to go.” I’d like to see the black market a CDBC creates. It’s gravitational pull will likely exceed the singularity at the center of our galaxy.

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Jesus, T. You know, that singularity is most likely a supermassive black hole—with a mass equal to ten billion Suns. Just guessing, of course. But if CBDC’s do create that kind of “criminal” mass, no doubt it will consume the entire solar system with it, which is what these monsters have planned, I’m afraid. In the Corbett link discussion, they talk about “their” plans to not only take over the planet, but all space beyond our solar system, and they’re correct. The immense greed of these ultra-rich money junkies is the kind of mental disorder requiring a whole new school of psychology to study it, but still, nobody will really ever be able to fully comprehend it, not even with the most advanced quantum computers. I’ve tried, and I only suffer migraine-induced strokes every time.😵

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"The Galactic Center is an intense radio source known as Sagittarius A*, a supermassive black hole of 4.100 (± 0.034) million solar masses."


BTW, [they] are losing. It is only a matter of time. 2024, 2026 at the latest.

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Thanks, Bill. Great stuff. I’ve an infinity for competent engineers, with an attachment to Ft. Leonard Wood’s best (a couple decades ago), but in constant conflict because it’s seldom put to good use; peaceful purpose/preventing war; bullets shooting just bullets, for instance.

The problem is that “they” are not losing fast enough to make me comfortable, especially considering the amount of stolen knowledge and speed of the evaluation of quantum science/computers [they] have put to use against fledgling democracies—with the help of ignorant bought leadership & scientists keeping the majority (poor to middle income-class) just shy of real freedom.

I do love everything space science and those who care to study and understand it. So do you have an opinion to share—because I’m unsure I get the general consensus of most physicists; their definition of “solar masses.” Are you comfortable with giving your estimate of the number of medium-sized stars (sun-sized) that would fill it? In my head, my estimate is never very appreciated by the most educated physicists, so I’m always assuming perhaps I’m hopelessly lost, or it’s because they can’t truly wrap their heads around it, or maybe they’re limited to compartmentalized boxes within one segment of rules in current debate of quantum physics. Since I was a child, my mind has been 90% preoccupied with dark matter and black hole theories. I’m hopelessly trapped to it, and yes, it maddening…but like I said, I Love physics, engineering and space science (problem solving), perhaps to a dangerous deficit of valuable time for other pursuits that would make my life more interesting.😵‍💫

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I am not sure I understand what you mean by "estimate of the number of medium-sized stars (sun-sized) that would fill it." Fill what?

'Solar mass' is a standardized unit of mass roughly equal to the mass of our sun. From Wikipedia: "The solar mass is a standard unit of mass in astronomy, equal to approximately 2×10³⁰ kg."


If by "fill it" you are referring to the black hole at the center of the galaxy, nobody really knows what goes on inside of a black hole. By definition, the event horizon is the limit of observability; what happens inside that radius is unknowable at least based on present physics. The average density of a black hole, using the event horizon as its radius, actually decreases with increasing mass. Logic would say though that the density at the center of the black hole (the singularity) would be extremely high, and probably greater as the mass increases. But we cannot know this for sure.

Couple interesting sites:



This last one calculates the mean density of a black hole using the event-horizon-as-radius method. (Apologies if you already know all this; hopefully someone else will come upon the discussion and find it interesting 😎 )

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Like I said, idiocracy - either side of Satan's ass (Republican or Democrat or NWO) - doesn't last long.

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The point is to help protect those capitalist ventures already succesfully embedded inside the state, nothing else.

Competition is a sin, you know?

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Perhaps we should be using quotes around "capitalist". The only enterprises that seem to thrive in this economy are those that are integrated with regulatory agencies - and governments. Seems to me there's a word for that... Starts with an "f". What was it now?

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I think the barn door was welded open with civil forfeiture. From the time I first learned of it I've been wondering where all the patriotic conservatives who love our freedoms so much have been on that issue.

So this 2017 law was passed under Donald Trump, wasn't it? The Hero of the Nation? The guy who was making America great? Funny how he wasn't trumpeting this grand legislative achievement at all his rallies. No pride in his work? Or he didn't know about it?

And where was Rand Paul when all this was being crafted? Someone help me understand what I'm missing here.

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Yup and Paul Ryan told us that it was the donors that demanded that republicans pass the tax bill or they would never see another donation from them. And guess who wrote the damn thing? The donors. It’s why republicans kept pausing it and running into the back room to get it updated. Democrats like to blame the republicans for it, but since it was passed so quickly both sides had to work together to fix the mistakes. There are 2 parties in Congress, but they serve the same donors.

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Screaming, of course!


UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff,


AN ARTICLE of hazardous substance CONSISTING OF 50,000 cardboard BOXES more or less, each containing one pair OF CLACKER BALLS


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Squeezing blood from a turnip.

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why not

they printed $8 trillion greenbacks bc of the virus, and......

they are going to cut your electricity bc of a religion about co2!

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