Are you suggesting that we all would be exposed eventually no matter what we did and that if we had just protected the vulnerable and treated the infected we would be through this BS already????? NATURAL IMMUNITY was the solution all along!!!!!! Who knew????

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Can we get this printed on an armada of blimps to be flown over every capital city in what used to be the advanced economies? I am so fed up of the rank stupidity (or if it is deliberate malfeasance) the insult to my intelligence. Keep up the good work.

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Malfeasance may be too mild of a word...

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Crime. Murder.

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Still too mild.

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The corporate mass media is the Enemy of the People and a Threat to Humanity.

It must be broken up, nationalized, and put on a tight leash.

We the People should be able to elect the editor of the New York Times / CNN / MSNBC, etc.

These are not "private companies." They are public utilities and they specialize in propaganda. Accordingly we the people should control them, not nebulous boards of directors who can be - and have been - co-opted by nefarious elements of the Corporate State.

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Or we could just not buy their papers, subscribe to their channels or let them into our lives at all. The NYT has no special right to exist as a business - no business has. It thrives or dies by providing a service or product in a quality that its customers will pay for. I haven’t read a main stream newspaper for 5 years now and stopped watching TV decades ago. I withdrew as a member of their circle of customers and now pay for subscriptions to individuals whose content I enjoy. I don’t need the State to control newspapers - Pravda, China Daily News and orhers should tell you where that ends. We are the only arbiters of what we allow inside our heads and hearts.

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LOL, the State already controls the media in the U.S.

Think the "real" State. i.e., the Deep State. The Corporate State. Whatever you want to call it. The back-scratchers who all watch out for each other. Do you really think that an honest person will ever be selected to be on the board of the New York Times Corporation or any of the other media corporations? Do you not think that Anderson Cooper and likely hundreds of other journalists, editors, and media executives are compromised or controlled by the deep state?

The censorship and slanted news coverage in the U.S. mainstream media would make China Daily blush. How could nationalization be worse? If Biden were in control at least it would be harder to hide the fact that the media is a corrupt wing of the government. And perhaps people would then vote to get a new leader of the government & the news media.

But the libertarian fiction that these media conglomerates are somehow "private" or independent of the system is one of the big reasons we're in the sorry state we're in. If libertarian market forces worked in the mass media market, then gato malo's column would have been picked up by the New York Times or Washington Post and a hundred similar journalists would be picked up by CNN / MSBNC / etc. But they don't because the media is purposely controlled and it will remain that way unless we the people demand control over these propaganda outlets.

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But the libertarian fiction that these media conglomerates are somehow "private" or independent of the system is one of the big reasons we're in the sorry state we're in.


Pretty sure the libertarians are the ones yelling from the rooftops that the media has been compromised.

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Okay, but they are gonna do anything about it? Besides "cancelling their subscription" to NYTimes / CNN / cable.

Because I'm pretty sure that's not gonna work, LOL. About 0.001% of Americans understand the problem and are willing to "cancel their subscription." CNN may have declining ratings but somehow they remain in business - airport contracts, anyone? Pfizer willing to advertise there even though viewership is down? I'm sure the free market will clean up the media any day now...

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We're going to keep yelling from the rooftops that the media is compromised and can't be trusted. The lesson is slowly sinking in.

Handing the media directly to the government is the worst idea in a sea of terrible ideas.

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Exactly! Let the market take care of it. We have the power if we just use it. I don't want the state controlling ANYTHING. Haven't we had enough of that? The state literally controls a lot of people's bodies now through said people willingly giving them up (take your shot and put on your diaper and we'll give you a doggie treat). Do we really want them controlling every single part of our very existence? NO NO NO. Thanks for your comment. :)

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A shock collar in a yard surrounded by an electrified fence.

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Let’s get it trending #armadaofblimps 😂

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The latter.

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Maybe they don’t want Delta and other more virulent strains to be replaced by a strain with mild symptoms. That wouldn’t be good for lockdowns and green pass plans, so explains the reason for the panic.

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“ primary symptoms appear to be lethargy”. I’m pretty sure I’ve had this for 21 months…

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Based on this symptom alone, I think we've all had COVID.

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Ha thank you for confirming ! Same here ! My favorite pastime of late is lazy on the sofa with the dog

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I have a very serious lap kitty these days 😻

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Aww, I miss those days!

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Lots of facts in this article. Just one problem...Facts are irrelevant in the New Normal. Even if this strain has a CFR of 0.0001% we will be counting the cases and we will surrender more freedoms.

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Even one death is too many...no child left behind...or something caring like that.

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Yup, you got it.

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"“we should panic in case it turns out we need to panic” is simply not a basis for public health." You obviously lack the right attitude to leverage public fear!!

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Run, RUN! Omicron is coming!

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No running allowed, say frantic "health experts!" If we all run, we'll be in better shape. If we're in better shape, we'll be even less likely to get sick. If we don't get sick, it will be even harder to pretend there's an emergency.

For the love of international tyranny, no one run.

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OmiCRON?!? 😥

Thanks! I thought they said OmiGOD!!! I was worried!

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Once again, thanks for the clarity. Comports with everything we used to know. If your analysis is correct I hope it becomes glaringly obvious and soon.

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So I've been right all along in pointing out the suspicious fact that all the reports on the new "variant" have spoken only about "cases," without any references to illness or death. "Must be that almost no one is getting seriously ill from the omicron variant," I kept saying. Turns out I was right again. Maybe I'll change my name officially to Cassandra.

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At least the test center here in GA told us this summer, that the CASE number meant the number of tests performed. So a child starting school who tested positive, and had to redo 5 times, and did not have the illness, was 5 cases. That is when I finally realized the whole set up. Cases have no meaning at all. I only watch for hospitalized and deaths now. And even that is not really a criterium, because they still test with something that is not a test, cannot diagnose a sickness and is 95 % wrong !

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That's a very sneaky, nasty way to scare people. They've also played with the definition of what a case is. Pre-coronavirus, a case was when an infected person was seriously ill (they were hospitalized, for example, although I suppose hospitalization wasn't a requirement to be a case). Everyone else who was infected was just an infection. (Hence the difference between infection fatality rate and case fatality rate.) With 2020, they simply lumped everyone together, so the asymptomatic person (a.k,a. not sick) was part of the same numbers as the person clinging to life on a ventilator in hospital.

CNN with its "case" counts on screen and governments that put billboards up with the number of cases were flat out lying. Most of the "cases" were just infections.

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Indeed. or false tests ! if you have no working test, how can you determine a case? If you go by symptoms, like any doctor should do, I wonder how many people would have been really sick? We don't even know for sure how many infections, let go sick. or died, from the disease itself. I read for some places that they guessed only about 6% died from the sickness.

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Exactly! I realized this quite awhile ago when I saw that they refused to make a distinction in "cases" vs. illness or for that matter, there was never a clear definition of what "cases" meant. They wanted the word cases to remain vague and imply to low information people that "cases" = deathly sick with covid. So many people bought into this deception, as they intended.

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Can we just call it for what it really is? The moronic variant (rearranging the letters in omicron). That should be enough to irritate the blue tyrants.

By the way, interesting paper on persistence of spike post vax:

https://doctors4covidethics.org/long-term-persistence-of-the-sars-cov-2-spike-protein-evidence-and-implications/ (moronic vaccines too)

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Excellent site, as well as article. Thank you.

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"While some specific claims made by this paper can be debated, the very long-lasting

persistence of the spike protein in the body is convincingly demonstrated. Whether

it is the mRNA encoding the spike protein that persists or rather the spike protein

itself remains to be determined. Nevertheless, as long as the spike protein appears

on either exosomes or apoptotic vesicles, it must be present on cell membranes; and

as long as it is found there, the immune system will attack those cells.

Protracted inflammation and impaired organ function have been reported both

with the virus infection itself [7] and after vaccination [8]. While inflammation may

arise from autoimmunity downstream of intense acute tissue damage, the longterm

persistence of spike protein after vaccination offers another straightforward

explanation, and it supports the notion that the vaccines will give rise to lingering

and slowly progressing inflammatory disease.

We must also note that the spike protein persists for at least twice as long as the

participants of Pfizer’s farcical and fraudulent [9, 10] ‘clinical trials’ were observed,

on average, after the second vaccination [11]. It follows that the reports on side

effects which occurred in those trials cannot possibly be complete."

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Interesting that each "news" article has taken to explaining where the term came from, as if they don't want any chance it could be confused as xi or moronic.

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You win the best of the day, Moronic

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I didn't invent it, but I'm certainly going to exploit as everyone else should. Mockery is one of the best tools against tyranny.

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"I didn't invent sin but I'm trying to perfect it!" -- Bumper Sticker ca. 1980

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"Immunity from the vaccination is still likely to protect you from severe disease."

Ah, the Ministry of Truth hard at work even in a "don't worry" article. No natural immunity will save you, not even from the wimpy little Moronic variant.

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Immunity from the vaccination is still likely to protect you from severe disease, as long as you weren't at risk of severe disease to begin with.

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Completely missed the point of my statement. Take ten boosters and call me in the morning.

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Actually, it looks like I completely missed the point of yours. Mea culpa.

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Next they'll be telling us getting vaccinated will make inflation go down.... They'll sell bullshit as long as buyers line up for it!

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I predict the new variant (or maybe the next one) will be widely accepted as the cause of skyrocketing pericarditis and heart attack deaths.

The vaccine genocide in progress will be pinned on some other, barely logical, target. (Not wearing masks, perhaps?)

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I think some politician or "expert" of some sort already said that. And I think some people bought it too, as you said.

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Link me if you see it again. Someone owes me a fiver.

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We just had an "expert" on the radio here saying that it is extremely rare for a variant to escape vaccine derived immunity.

Yep that was back in the day when vaccines created multiple antigens, not today when we have only one antigen which just happens to be where all the viral mutations are. Who would have guessed.

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You need to understand that this was from the time before the definition of the word "vaccine" was changed. At that time, vaccines were real, and prevented the transmission and contraction of contagious illnesses.

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Yeah, it's alarming how many "experts" use the argument, "But this is a VACCINE, and vaccines don't do that!"

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You are so right. Redefining words for dubious ends. Another example might be a high school diploma. A century ago, obtaining one meant a young person had a pretty well-rounded education, the equal of a standard BA degree today, according to some people. Starting about the 1960s, brilliant people in "Education" got the idea that if standards were lowered, more of these magical Diplomas could be handed out to the previously unqualified, and somehow -- that part was never really explained too clearly -- these newly minted graduates would magically obtain the skills needed to compete in the working world.

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If those stupid politicians and careerist scientist don't stop with their stupid meddling, I am afraid that in the end only Africa will be populated.

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That may be what they want ... for starters. But they're working on southern Africa as well.

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Africa is a basket case. If support from the outside world were ever significantly cut for any reason, they would have a die-off that would make Europe's Dark Ages look like a picnic in comparison.

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So ironic, that just a week or so ago, “experts” were “baffled” in regards to cases in Africa. Or should say “lamenting”?

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this panic with be rinsed and re run until 'they' get what they want politically!

biden is in trouble with soaring inflation, the energy part totally on his green mold in dept of energy.

biden is in trouble bc all that panic incentive money for staying home is mostly spent and that amazing gdp growth with no one working (<62% labor aprticipation, no one working so no one laid off is not a good thing) gdp growth is done!!

a new covid panic is excuse for all the failures of the team that stole the 2020 election.

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Fortunately, the interventions have almost no ability to stop spread. If it does break through vaccination, we can only hope that it produces durable immunity.

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The only humans still clinging to this ruse are the soft, retired, amply monied Boomers who believe everything on their teevee and woke cultists who live in the blue check metros. Everyone else is out.

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I'm a boomer. My husband and I, and another couple we know, are the only ones among friends and family who haven't joined the covid cult. Every member of a retirement forum I frequented is in the cult. They believe every word they hear from their TV and will happily get booster after booster.

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Omicron = Moronic

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